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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1988)
STRAIGHT PARTY VOTE Republican Party (R) Democratic Party (D) Libertarian Party (L) New Alliance Party (NA) PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT George Bush/Dan Quayle (RO Michael S. Dukakis/Lloyd Bensen (D) Ron Paul/Andre Marrou (L) Lenora B. Fulani/Rafael Mendez (NA) UNITED STATES SENATOR Beau Boulter (R) Lloyd Bentsen (D) Jeff Daiell (L) UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVES Joe Barton (R) N. P. ‘Pat’ Kendrick (D) RAILROAD COMMISSIONER Ed Emmett (R) James E. (Jim) Nugent (D) Richard Draheim (L) Reynaldo Lozano Jr. (NA) RAILROAD COMMISSIONER, unexpired term Kent R. Hance (R) Clint Hackney (D) CHIEF JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, unexpire tm. Tom Phillips (R) Ted Z. Robertson (D) JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, place 1 Paul Murphy (R) Lloyd Doggett (D) JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, place 2 Nathan Hecht (R) Bill Kilgarlin (D) JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, place 3 Charles Ben Howell (R) Raul A. Gonzalez (D) Calvin W. Scholz (L) JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, place 4, unexp. term Barbara G. Culver (R) Jack Hightower (D) Education rates high for Dukakis Dukakis says that “no issue, no concern, no institution means more to me than educa tion.” He claims “the time has come for a national partnership for educational excel lence” in which the president “becomes this nation’s number one advocate for educatio nal opportunity, good teaching and good schools for all our children.” Dukakis opposes tuition tax credits. In Massachusetts, Dukakis line-item ve toed a “choose-a-school” plan proposed by Democratic State Senate President William Bulger, a pilot program that would allow in ner-city students in Boston to voluntarily at tend superior schools in the suburbs. Dukakis proposes the creation of a Na tional Teaching Standards Board that would be composed of representatives of the teach ing establishment and would set nationwide standards for teachers. Dukakis opposes prayer in school. “We’ve learned that we can’t improve America’s schools by slashing resources or lecturing teachers or putting religion back in the classroom,” he says. In 1978, Gov. Dukakis vetoed a bill re quiring teachers to start the school day with the Pledge of Allegiance. Both the Massa chusetts House and Senate overrode his veto and the law was duly enacted. Information from Voter’s Guide ’88, which was prepared by the American Free dom Coalition. JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, place 5, unexp. term Eugene A. Cook (R) Karl Bayer (D) PRESIDING JUDGE, COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS David A. Berchelmann Jr. (R) Mike McCormick (D) DISTRICT JUDGE, 272nd judicial dis trict John Delaney (D) DISTRICT ATTORNEY, 85th judicial district Bill Turner (D) COUNTY ATTORNEY SHERIFF Ronnie Miller (R) COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR Gerald ‘Buddy’ Winn (D) COUNTY COMMISSIONER, precinct 1 Gary Norton (R) Bill J. Cooley (D) COUNTY COMMISSIONER, precinct 3 Randy Sims (R) W.F. ‘Bubba’ Moore (D) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, precinct 4, placet David Home (R) B.H. Dewey Jr. (D) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, precinct 7, place 1 George Boyett (R) Jim Locke (D) CONSTABLE, precinct 1 Raymond H. Day (D) CONSTABLE, precinct 2 J. R. Burkhalter (D) CONSTABLE, precinct 3 Derik Matejka (D) CONSTABLE, precinct 4 Louis Garcia Jr. (D) CONSTABLE, precinct 5 Frankie Nemec (D) CONSTABLE, precinct 7 Winfred Pittman (R) JUDGE, CRT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS, placel Charles F. (Chuck) Campbell (D) Egon Tausch (L) JUDGE, CRT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS, place 2 Tom Rickhoff (R) Chuck Miller (D) Carol Caul (L) MEMBER, ST BOARD OF EDUCATION, dist. 10 Dorothy Chandler (R) Will Davis (D) Honey Sue Lanham (L) STATE REPRESENTATIVE, dist. 14 Richard A. Smith (R) CHIEF JUSTICE, 10th court of appeals dist. Wesley (Wes) Peyton (R) Bob L. Thomas (D) JUSTICE, 1st court of appeals dist., place 1 Carol H. Lane (R) Michol O’Connor (D) JUSTICE, 1st court of appeals dist., place 2 Lee Duggan Jr. (D) JUSTICE, 1st court of appeals dist., place 3 Sam Bass (R) Elaine Brady (D) JUSTICE, 1st court of appeals dist., place 4 M. B. ‘Murry’ Cohen (D) JUSTICE, 1st court of appeals dist., place 5 JonN. Hughes (R) Ben G. Levy (D) JUSTICE, 1st crt of appeals dist., place 6 unexpired term RichardStephanow (R) Margaret G. Mirabal (D) JUSTICE, 14th court of appeals dist., place 1 Sam Robertson (D) JUSTICE, 14th court of appeals dist., place 2 Terry Proctor (R) Ross Sears (D) JUSTICE, 14th court of appeals dist., place 3 Bill Cannon (D) JUSTICE, 14th court of appeals dist., place 4 Joe L. Draughn (D) JUSTICE, 14th court of appeals dist., place 5 Jon Hughes (R) George Ellis (D) PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS No. 1 “The constitutional ammendment and/or clarificaion providing that federal reimbu- resement of state highway dedicated funds are themselves dedicated for the purpose of acquiring rights-of-way and constructing, maintaining and policing public roadways.” No. 2 “The constitutional amendment establishing an economic stabilization fund in t he state treasury to be used to offset unforeseen shortfalls in revenue.” No. 3 “The constitutional amendment to provide for the investment of the permanent universtiy fund, the permanent school fund and public employee retirement systems in the Texas growth fund created by the amendment, which will directly create, re tain, and expand job opportunity and eco nomic growth in Texas.” BRAZOS COUNTY PROPOSITION “Legalizing pari-mutuel wagering on horse races in Brazos County.” Brazos County polling places The following is a list of the Brazos Coutny polling places for Tuesday’s general election. The polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Precinct: • 1. Millican Community Center • 2. Wellborn Community Center • 3. SPJST Hall, Smetana • 4. Carver School • 5. New Bethlehem Church • 6. Edge Community Center • 7. Steep Hollow Community Center • 8. South Knoll Elementary School • 9. College Station Community Center • 10. Public Works Warehouse (behind C.S. Police Station) • 11. Crockett Elementary School • 12. Sul Ross Elementary School • 13. Henderson Elementary School • 14. Ben Milam Elementary School • 15. Fannin Elementary School • 16. Brazos County Courthouse Annex • 17. Travis Elementary School • 18. Bryan Central Fire Station • 19. Arena Hall • 20. Texas A&M Memorial Student Cen ter • 21. Hensel Apartments Special Building • 22. Army Reserve Center, Carson Street • 23. Brazos Center • 24. College Hills Elementary School • 25. George Williams Tabernacle • 26. Brazos Center • 27. Bright Light Baptist Church • 28. Peach Creek Community Center • 29. Brushy Community Center • 30. Fellowship Hall West Building, Ta bor Road • 31. A&M Consolidated High School • 32. College Station Fire Station No. 2, FM 2818 • 33. College Station Lincoln Center • 34. College Station Central Fire Station • 35. A&M Presbyterian Church • 36. First Freewill Baptist Chruch • 37. College Heights Assembly of God Church • 38. Castle Heights Baptist Church • 39. Southwood Athletic Complex • 40. Aldersgate Methodist Church Bush expresses opinions about education George Bush says, “I want to be known as the ‘Education President.’ ” He wants the federal government to increase spending for education by at least $600 million, mostly in the form of block grants to go to the states. He believes this is more effective than run ning federal programs, that the states are better able to experiment and to innovate. The vice president proposes the creation of a “College Savings Bond” to help fami lies save for college. Parents will earn inter est tax-free if these funds are used for col lege. Bush says the federal government should “provide greater choice” in education. “Tui tion tax credits (for parents who pay private school tuition) are one way to achieve that,” he said. Bush supports merit pay and proposes that it be administered by local officials using funds from an existing federal program. As a Texas congressman in the 1970s, Bush co-sponsored the “Prayer in School” Amendment. He said, “I favor voluntary prayer in school as an extension of our com mitment to teaching values.” Bush supports saying the Pledge of Alle giance in public school classrooms. “Should public school teachers be required to lead our children in the Pledge of Allegiance? My opponent says no, but I say yes,” he said. Information from Voter’s Guide ’88, which was prepared by the American Free dom Coalition. VEMBER1