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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1988)
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Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract Infection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 |]°“ IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME STUDY $100 Wanted: Symptomatic patients with physician diagnosed $100 Irritable Bowel Syndrome to participate in a short study. $100 $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Are you suffering from a $40 $2o° TENSION HEADACHE?? wS ^40 Call To see if you qualify for a medication survey. $40 finan- f^Q $40 cial incentive for those chosen to participate $ 4 o $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 SORE THROAT STUDY Wanted: Individuals ages 18-70 with sore throat pain to par- 54Q ticipate in a 90 minute study to compare currently available $4Q over-the- counter pain relief medication. $40 incentive to $40 t hose chosen to participate. $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 |*°° ASTHMA STUDY $ S Z $400 Individuals who have regular asthma to participate in $400 $400 an asthma study. $400 incentive for those chosen to § 400 $400 oarticioate $400 $400 pamcipaie. $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-0400 Page6 The Battalion Thursday, November 3,1988 County finds Warped by Scott McCi death of 4 due to heroin HOUSTON (AP) — Four people who died last week after injecting what was at first thought to be tainted cocaine actu ally died of heroin overdose, Harris County Medical Examiner Dr. Joe Ja- chimczyk said Wednesday. Authorities originally thought the four victims died as a result of cocaine laced with boric acid, a substance often used in roach poison. “We did not find any evidence at all of boric acid in the (hospital) admission samples,” Jachimczyk said at an af ternoon news conference. “Nor did we find any evidence of boric acid in four post-mortem samples. ” Lt. Joe Gamino with the Houston Po lice homicide division said the investiga tion into someone possibly tampering with the drugs was all but closed. “We have no evidence to support that this was intentional,” Gamino said. All four victims had needle track marks on both arms when admitted to Ben Taub Hospital as well as enlarged hearts and signs of chronic drug use be cause of the deterioration of the victims’ lungs, liver and spleen, Jachimczyk said. “They were poor risks to begin with,” he said. William Edgar Small Jr., 45; Steve Wilson Ridley, 37; Johnny Lee Johnson, 38; and Edith Renee Harris, 40, died at the hospital within an 18-hour period on LET'S SEE, X NEED 50/'IE BRA HP OF ASPlKltf FOR W HEAPACHE... BOV. THAT'S THE ONE I’D RECOttME/m. Oct. 17-18. A fifth victim, Winthrop Bossett, 42, was released from the hospital Monday night. Police have said the four close friends died after “speedballing” heroin and co caine the weekend before their deaths. Bossett was not with the four victims when they allegedly injected the drug, police said. Jachimczyk said the victims died of heroin, but that traces of cocaine also were found in the victims. Whether the two drugs were taken together is un known. The cocaine residue found in the bod ies was not lethal by itself, but mixed with heroin it was like “dynamite,” the medical examiner said. “It may have been a highly concen trated dosage” of heroin, but “we don’t have any concrete evidence that that’s what happened,” he added. Autopsies also revealed traces of qui nine, a harmless chemical extract com monly used to treat malaria and often used to cut heroin and cocaine. Council discusses actions of lawyers in nuclear plan The follow to the partment fror day. MISDEMEA • Eight b packs were si tions around that books fre been sold at student whon tify. • The Har fice recovere reported stole • A studei a moped in t The moped h • A studei stole a checl fice box afte lock. She s checks had v. • A studei stole the licei cycle. • Someon of the Grant bouty Geosc: • Someor side Bernie’s • A stude stole his clot dry room. • A stude stole three g' which was le AUSTIN (AP) — Nagging questions involving lawyers hired by the city of Austin to argue its lawsuit over the South Texas Nuclear Project are getting the at tention of City Council members this week. Council member Max Nofziger, said, “Let’s just say we have some concerns and we want to get them on the table and get them resolved.” The lawsuit was filed by Austin in 1983 against Houston Lighting & Power Co., managing partner of the nuclear power plant near Bay City. The suit has taken center stage since the collapse last month of a deal that would have gotten Austin out of the mul tibillion dollar project. The suit, which charges that HL&P misled Austin into joining the project and also mismanaged it, would be the most expensive and complicated legal case the city has ever faced, if it goes to trial, officials said. City officials said they have an excel lent case to present, and council mem bers said they wanted to be certain the city is in a position to put forward its best case if the trial begins as scheduled early next year in Dallas. The council began asking questions about the lawyers at a closed session last week. Closed sessions on the case also were scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, with a meeting with lawyers on Thursday. One concern expressed bysomtJj cil members is whether lead John Hill, a former chief justice: Texas Supreme Court, willbeabk: vote full time to the case. Hill week, ”1 assure you 1 will meetillj obligations to Austin.” Questions about Hill’s avallar # the city arose recently amid newH Hill has been representing Fuiir:. Jaworski, a Houston law firmandet! fendant in a conflict of interest In® brought by Mitsubishi Aircraft le tional Inc. That suit also is schedukfl trial early next year. Fulbright & Jaworski, whichals resents the city in its HL&P lawsiii is the target of City Council < Opponent disputes residence of man running for constable Council member Robert Bait' “It is fair to say that I have someiE ness with Fulbright right now." Constable Albert Sid Kerby said, “I never would have filed to run if I weren’t legal.” But a judge will hold a hearing Thurs day to determine if Kerby is a legal resi dent of Precinct 4 in Grayson County, which borders Oklahoma in North Cen tral Texas. Grayson County Judge Paul Lee will determine whether Kerby is qualified to seek re-election Tuesday against Repub lican Larry Wilkins of Van Alstyne. is outside Precinct 4, but his wife said he lives in Van Alstyne, which falls inside the precinct boundaries. At dispute is Kerby’s place of resi dence. The Sherman telephone directory indi cates that Kerby lives in Sherman, which Kerby said he owns a home in Sher man, but lives in a mobile home in Van Alstyne. He said his wife lives in his Sherman home and he moved back to Sherman for a while, but moved to a tra iler in Gunter in July and has since moved to Van Alstyne. Gunter also is in Precinct 4. Kerby told the Sherman Democrat Tuesday he goes home to Sherman some nights because his wife doesn’t like com ing home to an empty house. “I check in with her twice a week,” he added. “Nobody can tell you how much to stay at home at night. ” Wilkins complained to the County At torney-elect Bob Jarvis that Kerby did not live in the precinct. Fulbright (S^aworski has te; fire from Bamstone and others wkil claimed that the giant Houston fim: have had a conflict in representing tin when the city acquired the Sm Building last year and also represet | brokerage firm hired by the seller. Fulbright & Jaworski offi have denied any conflict. Jarvis said he has determined that Kerby lives in Gunter or Sherman. Kerby would be qualified to run for the post if he lives in either Van Alstyne or Gunter, he said. Kerby plans to present evidence from county records that he lives in Gunter. Hill said he worked on the Fulbnf Jaworski case during a time whem peared the city might settle its suit HL&P. Another lawyer in the fir rently is handling the Full# Jaworski case, he said. The biggest inability of m mique perspei ic value of lit Kevin Stubl ter for Strateg: tistory of Eur< He says tha ioviet republi from that of p imericans ter “The Sovie share Europe’ “Withou with beii If Lee determines that Kerby lives out side of Precinct 4, the issue would go to a state district court. “I am disappointed that the set 1 appears to be dead, but 1 am ret a valid r< keep my commitment to givel’"” cent of my time to the city of/ Hill said. TIae Association of Former Students m ■s didn’t experii while those e' lues of the res The Renaii centuries that and a revival 16th century trine and led t “Words lik tations for Sc viet Union, r built-in cultu Researchir the Center, v Extension Se try that want Fall Senior 4- Induction Banquet Wednesday & Thursday, November 9 & I ©, 1988 6:80 p.m. MSC room SSI LAREDO :ial has beei $400 bribe f ing as Mexic ion. Immigrati ice agents m at a Laredo 6100 bills to All December graduates are invited to attend. Complimentary tickets will be available as long as they last, November 1-3 in the lobby of the Clayton W. Williams, dr. Alumni Center This is your invitation to attend the formal induction of Class of ’88 graduates. TICKETS c;i\t:a t oa first come—first served basis Student I.D. Required to Piek-up Ticket If convic years in pris' Gary Ren INS office went down f “It tells body dirty, Renick s: vorker in i vhich inclu Pus Christi with bribery