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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1988)
Page 6 The Battalion Wednesday, October 19,1988 Battalion Board examines possibility Classifieds 0 f limiting prison furloughs WENDY’S NOW HIRING Enthusiastic workers needed. Part-time, flexible hours, all positions. Two locations: 202 S.W. Parkway, College Station 693-4951. 3216 S. Texas Ave. Bryan 775-0183. ^Appl^etweefT3&5prr^3ti^ij Safeway Stores Inc. has immediate temporary hostess po sitions for new Safeway Grand Open ing. Must be personable & neat in appear ance. Pay rate $4-5hr. depending on expe rience. Temporary two week positions, flexible hours. Interview & apply at Safeway lo cated at corner of Hwy 21 and Texas Ave. Wednesday Oct 19, 6:30-8:30:p.m. E- O-E M/F/H/V 35tio/i9 Retail chain in Post Oak Mall opening two new stores. Now hiring 12-15 p/t employees. Also interested in two asst. mgr. or mgr. trainee positions-Need at least lyr. retail experience for all positions. Call Kimberly 764- 8726 or come by Benetton. 38t 10/24 Part time Job. 20-30 hours measuring carpet in homes, taking care of warehouse and misc. duties. Transporta tion needed. Call forappt. 822-6619. 36ll0/21 FREE SPRING BREAK VACATION IN CANCUN! Become a college Tours Representative on your cam pus & get a free trip to cancun. It's easy & we’ll provide everything you need. Absolutely nothing to buy. 1-800- 727-0005 for information. 36tl0/20 -Airline Jobs-Flight Attendants, all other occupations. (409)828-3434 ext. A-21. 35t 10/20 Full and Part-time positions available. Apply in person at College Station, Long John Silvers. 37tl0/24 TACO CABANA is now hiring shift managers and as sistant managers. Send Resume To: 701 Texas Ave. South 77840 or call 693-1904 or 1 (405)321-7150. 33t 10/25 • FOR RENT TANGLEWOOD SOUTH APTS. All utilities paid, 1,2,& 3 Bdrms. 2 pools, exercise room, party room, & 2 laundry rooms. Shuttle bus. Pre-listing for spring semester 1/2month rent off in Dec. 411 Harvey Rd. College Station, Texas. 38(11/21 All Bills Paid! •2 Bedroom 1V2 Bath • On Shuttle • Tennis • Pool • On-site Maintenance • Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas Near Campus ' Luxury 1 -2 Bedroom Units • Pool • Laundry ► Shuttle • On-site Security ► 24-Hr. Maintenance ► Shopping Nearby Rent starts at $273 SEVILLA 1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd. 693-2108 i94tfn Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4t . • SERVICES $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 HAY FEVER STUDY Wanted: Individuals with nasal congestion/ blockage/runny nose to participate in a 5-7 day study (no blood drawn). $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 26(10/31 TYPING—WORD PROCESSING—REASONABLE RATES—BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. 764-2931 33t 12/07 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181tfn HUNTSVILLE (AP) — A recommen dation to remove murderers, rapists and drug dealers from the list of felons who can be furloughed could force the early parole of some dangerous criminals, a state legislator said. Charles Terrell of Dallas, prison board chairman, said Monday that a subcom mittee of the Texas Board of Corrections is expected to recommend later this month that the board disallow furloughs to anyone convicted of murder, drug dealing or rape. The furlough program allows qualify ing inmates weeklong unsupervised vis its to their families. State Rep. Allen Hightower, D-Hunt- sville, said any move to restrict the fur lough program would not only destroy the prison system’s most effective man agement tool but also would be against federal court orders governing prison re form. It also could force the early parole of even more dangerous criminals, High tower, chairman of the House Correc tions Committee, said. TYPING/WRITING SERVICE by professional. Desk top publishing, graphics. Cindy 696-9622 37tl0/24 Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, reliable. Word Processor. 7days a week. 776-4013. 27tl2/07 • FOR LEASE Sublease IBdrm./Bth Bryan Apartment. $175./mo.,close to campus. Shuttle. 823-5735. 35tl0/20 • ANNOUNCEMENT Pre-Vet Society meeting Wednesday, Oct. 19 Rm. 230 UTA, 7:30p.m. Topic: MCAT preparation. Yearbook picture will also be taken. 38tl0/19 • NOTICE WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G & S studies, inc. (close to campus) SKIN INFECTION STUDY G&S studies, inc. is participatingin a study on acute skin you have one of the following con ditions call G&S studies. Eligible- volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected burns * infected boils * infected cuts * infected insect bites * infected scrapes ("road rash") G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 Hurry! Available space for A&M skiers is Filling fast, on Sunchase Tours’ Seventh Annual January Collegiate Winter Ski. Breaks to Steamboat, Vail. Winter Park and Keystone. Colorado. Trips include lodging, lifts, parties and picnics for five, six or seven days from only $156! Round trip flights and group charter bus trans portation available. Call toll free. 1-800-321-5911 for more information and reservations TODAY! 2H10/24 DEFENSIVE DRIVING, GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 693-1322. 909 S.W.Parkway. 26t 12/09 • PERSONALS ADOPTION A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOUR BABY Happy, financially secure, educated couple will give newborn love and life’s best opportunities. Expenses paid. Legal. Call collect Lynn and Martin (212)362-6884. 36tio/28 m FOR SALE Room & bath, util, pd., 1 block to campus, private en trance. S170/mo. 764-7363-or 693-5286. 38tl0/25 Fourplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, extra storage, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn Terrell said if the corrections board approves the recommendation limiting the types of inmates who can be fur loughed, it would cut down by 25 per cent the number who are allowed to visit their families. Hightower said such a move could end up creating even more capacity problems for TDC, which already is unable to han dle the number of convicts sentenced to its facilities. The state prison system is under fed eral court order to limit population to 95 percent of capacity. Inmates who are on furlough are not counted in the daily bed space, High tower said. passes to inmates who have reached trusty status. Terrell, however, said he doesn’t be lieve that crowding problems will be in tensified by a more-restrictive furlough program. Terrell ordered a freeze on furloughs to convicted killers after learning that about 5,000 felons, including 517 con victed of murder or voluntary man slaughter, have been furloughed inIm | since 1987. No murderers have committed »| crime while furloughed and no have been furloughed, but Terrell aids I just doesn’t like the perception of pH f ing passes to those types of criminals Hightower said Texas' programistis I most successful in the United Stalest cause less than 1 percent of inmatesi»| mit crimes while on furlough. TDC has used the furlough program as a way of controlling bed space and any great restriction on the program would result in more crowding in the prison system, the nation’s third-largest, he said. Hightower questioned whether it is wiser to grant early parole to higher-risk convicts or grant five- to seven-day Gay rights group calls policy unfair, discriminatory Library christens computer system If you are pregnant and unable to keep your baby, please consider adoption: Happily married couple seeks baby to share our hearts and home. Will provide every opportunity for happy, healthy life. Confiden tial, legal, expenses paid. Call collect (213)543-4942. 32t 10/25 1985 Red Nissan 300ZX Turbo, T-tops, like new. Brett. 764-0682. 38tl0/25 Duplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, fireplace, ceiling fan, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn ® SERVICES $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging 01 back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. Call Pauli Research International $200 776-6236 $ 200 $200 $200 ESSAYS & REPORTS 16^78 to choose from—all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD KSKSm 800-351-0222 in Calif. (213)477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Essays & Reports 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN. Los Angeles, CA 90025 Custom research also available—all levels DALLAS (AP) - group has filed a By Sherri Roberts Staff Writer Alis doesn’t live in the Sterling C. Evans Library anymore. Alis, the computer information system previously used by the library, was re placed by NOTIS — the New Online Texas A&M Information System. In a ceremony inaugurating the new system yesterday afternoon, Irene Hoad- ley, director of the library, said that No- tis will allow the user to search for books not only by author and title, but also by subject heading and key words. A committee of A&M faculty recom mended the purchase of NOTIS to the Board of Regents in May 1987 after viewing several library automation sys terns. So far, $600,000 has been spent on the system, said Candace Benefiel, public information officer for the library. More money will be spent on NOTIS, she said, as it continues to grow and expand. The addition of NOTIS to the library comes at a time when many have crit icized the quality of services the library offers. Currently, the new system is available only at terminals throughout the library, Hoadley said, but remote access to NO TIS will be available later this semester. The remote-access function will allow users with personal computers and mod ems to use NOTIS from their apart ments, dormitory rooms or other loca tions. The NOTIS database now includes re cords for books and journal titles in the Evans Library. Records representing government documents and microform collections eventually will be added, Hoadley said. A&M President William Mobley said that inadequate state funding was a factor accounting for the library’s low ranking in terms of quality. Mobley spoke to the state House of Representative’s education committee yesterday about the critical need for li brary funding in a university as large as Texas A&M. In addition to increased state funding. Mobley said a reorganization of Univer sity fund allocations and escalated fund raising efforts were necessary to upgrade the library’s quality. - A Texas gay rights complaint with the State Board of Insurance over an insur ance company’s directive, which re quired people living in certain neighbor hoods to take the AIDS blood test. The Dallas Times Hem Id reported Tuesday that Midland National Life In surance Co. requires AIDS screening only in certain metropolitan areas. The newspaper said that in recent newsletters, the company told its agents to check its list of ZIP codes before writ ing policies for more than $100,(XX) in Texas, California, Rorida and New Jer sey — states with high numbers of AIDS cases. The areas include Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston in Texas; Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego in California; Miami in Florida; and the Newark area of New Jersey. Many insurers test all applicants for large policies and deny coverage to car riers of the fatal virus. Tom Doyal, an attorney for the Texas Human Rights Foundation, said Texas regulations allow AIDS testing on a non- discriminatory basis, but this is believed to be the First time a company has re quired blood tests only in selected geo graphical areas. The foundation defends the legal rights of homosexuals. Doyal said he filed a complaint last month against Midland National Life with the State Board of Insurance in Texas. Glen Maxey. executive director of the Lesbian-Gay Rights Lobby, said the company’s practice sets a “dangerous precedent.’’ Maxey said he fears other insurers might use ZIP codes to target spe-ci areas that are known to have signifies | homosexual populations. Officials at Midland National lit! headquarters in Sioux Falls, clined several requests for intern the l imes Herald said. The director of the company’s tl uional oft i .ml) illas '•aid the pra::;.-. intended to cultivate business in ral areas where AIDS might be lessor| lent. The alternative is to “penalizeerevI body” by imposing statewide tes:.;| Bill Read said. He said most of the company’s ae®! arc in small towns. The company, a subsidiai) ofSasI mons Enterprises Inc. of Dallas,ksi| nual sales of about $200 million. Rex Shannon, chairman andchiefiiI ccutive officer for Fidelity Unionliil Dallas, said the practice of Midland I tional Life is probably "a departuretssl the norm.’’ Shannon said insurers must lest !!| AIDS because, at age 35, foreu:::| carriers of the virus arc 40 times n likely to die than other people, He said paying the life im claims of AIDS patients canthr farm’s ability to cover its others holders. An industry survey in 1985foun(ia nearly half of the policy holders* died of AIDS had bought their i w ithan the past two years, i many of the policy holders knew or suspected they had fccted with the deadly disease. Sorry, pasteup people, this is! squeeze out of it ... So space ile diosc! , indicated heed Smuggler launders money at exchange housf BROWNSVILLE (AP) — Account ledgers seized by federal agents show a convicted drug smuggler de posited nearly $1.3 million in one month last year to be laundered through a Rio Grande Valley money ex change house, according to testimony Tuesday in the federal trial of Antonio Franco. Franco is accused in a 25-count indictment charging that he and Oscar Alvarez-Ortiz, owner of Oscar’s Money Exchange in McAllen, smuggled drugs through the Rio Grande Valley from Mexico and laundered millions of dollars in drug profits through the money exchange house, known along the border as a “casa de cambio. ” Franco and Alvarez also are charged with conspir acy and possession with the intent to distribute cocaine and marijuana, failure to file currency transactions and money laundering. The indictment accuses them of onperating a contin uing criminal enterprise and a racketeer-influenced corrupt organization during 1987 through those alleged activities. Also named in the indictment is suspected drug smuggler Ricardo Garza, who remains a fugitive. Franco also was indicted in Rockford, Ill., on drug charges, was since convicted and is serving a 35-year prison sentence. Texas Department of Public Safety narcotics investi gator Joe Garza testified Tuesday that he and other of ficers discovered ledgers during a June 24, 1987, search of the exchange house indicating Franco made a 1979 Camaro loaded low mileage. $2500 O.B.O. Must sell. Archie 260-2875 37tl0/24 BelLJitLJi Car FM Digital Cassette Auto Reverse. ‘Sharp’, New $90. 696-0464 or 845-3759. 37t 10/24 Eureka Timberline 2-person tent. $45. Call 845-7201. Ask for Charlie. 37tl0/20 '84 Honda Aero 125. Red, 2,300 mi. Excellent condi tion, new battery. $675. 822-5090. 36t 10/21 Texas A&SV! University Center for Drug Prevention end Education in celebration of National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week. Reach 60,000 readers per day The Battalion THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 2:00 P.M. TO 4:00 P.M. RM. 222 A.P. BEUTEL HEALTH CENTER BETTER GRADES! PHD develops learning/test-tak ing skills-aids in term-paper research subjects: English composition 8c rhetoric, ESL, History, Government, German. Call: 776-5276 38t 10/28 It's free and it's distributed on and off campus Cal’s Body Shop-We do it right the first time! 823- 2610. 32ttfn 845-2697 * Refreshments will be served. For more information call 645-02 60. Marines \Ve f re locking Sjt a few good men and women. Capt. Mahany ’77 846-9036/1 Notes-N-Quotes 846-2255 112 Nagle St. FREE PARKING single deposit of $1.299,100 that monCiV. > also showed numerous other deposits madedurinsSiP: 1 preceding four months of up to $979,660 each. Franco’s deposits at Oscar’s Money Excfcl amounted to between $5 million and S6 million I tween February 1987 and June 1987, the ledsersci| cate. Currency transaction reports required by fa)enl-'| were filed on none of the deposits. Garza testified an employee at the exchange tel told him Alvarez kept two sets of books on F* [ account, attributing the deposits, withdrawalsaisl-| ances to Franco in one set and labeling the o!herte| Pemex, the Mexican government’s oil monopoi) troleos Mexicanos. LET US HELP YOG MAKE THIS A GREAT SEMESTER Study Guides BANA 217, BOTIN 101 Lecture Notes Cliff Notes Scantrons/Bluebooks Professor Course Packets Binding Copying Laser Printing Resume Packets Club Printing Discounts Colored, Bond, IV’xlTF