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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1988)
Page 6 The Battalion Monday, October 17,1988 Battalion Classifieds |^fBaj»WANTOD| * SERVICES * TRAVEL WENDY’S NOW HIRING Enthusiastic workers needed. Part-time, flexible hours, all positions. Two locations: 202 S.W. Parkway, College Station 693-4951. 3216 S. Texas Ave. Bryan 775-0183. ^^^^pp^^betweer^&Spnr^ao^ THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE is taking applications for immedi ate route openings. Pay is based on per paper rate & gas allowance is provided. The route requires working 3 hours per day. Earn $500-$700. per month. If interested call: Julian at 693-2323 or James at 693-7815 for an appt. Safeway Stores Inc. has immediate temporary hostess po sitions for new Safeway Grand Open ing. Must be personable & neat in appear ance. Pay rate $4-5hr. depending on expe rience. Temporary two week positions, flexible hours. Interview & apply at Safeway lo cated at corner of Hwy 21 and Texas Ave. Wednesday Oct 19, 6:30-8:30:p.m. E- O-E M/F/H/V 35tio/i9 Part time Job. 20-30 hours measuring carpet in homes, taking care of warehouse and misc. duties. Transporta tion needed. Call for appt. 822-6619. 36tl0/21 TACO CABANA is now hiring shift managers and as sistant managers. Send Resume To: 701 Texas Ave. South 77840 or call 693-1904 or 1 -(405)321-7150. 33t 10/25 ♦ FOR RENT mmmi All Bills Paid! •2 Bedroom 11/2 Bath ► On Shuttle • Tennis • Pool ► On-site Maintenance ► Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas Near Campus Luxury 1-2 Bedroom Units Pool • Laundry 1 Shuttle • On-site Security '24-Hr. Maintenance Shopping Nearby Rent starts at $273 SEVILLA 1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd. 693-2108 15 Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tfr 2 Bdrm. Studio, ceiling fan, appliances, pool, shuttle. $360.-385.693-1723. lltfn 2BDRM, 1 bath all appliances, ceiling fan, trees. $370- 395 a month. 693-1723. 17ttfn Fourplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, extra storage, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn Duplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath. Fireplace, ceiling fan, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn SERVICES $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. Call Pauli Research International . 776-6236 $200 $200 $200 $200 WORD 1’ROC.LSSIXG-Papers, resumes, theises, dis sertations. Rush services. Call Becky. 822-2118. 16t9/19 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181tfn Experienced librarian will do library research for you. -all 2T Call 272-3348. Cal’s Body Shop-We do it right the first time! 823- 2610. 32ttfn TYPING—WORD PROCESSING—REASONABLE RATES—BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. 764-2931 3302/07 m $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 HAY FEVER STUDY TEXAS COLLEGIATE SKI BREAK. In Steamboat. Deluxe ski in/ski out accommodations, lift tickets, six different parties, and many activities -please compare this trip to any-information. Call 693-7526. 28tl0/18 Wanted: Individuals with nasal congestion/ blockage/runny nose to participate in a 5-7 day study (no blood drawn). $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, reliable. Word Processor. 7daysa week. 776-4013. 27t 12/07 • NOTICE WIN MILLIONS IN THE ^ ^ xJT vj^ FLORIDA LOTTERY Write for more Information ^ ^ ^ ^ ct ^ ^ ^ ^ BIG TIME ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 320313 Tampa, Florida 33679 FREE SPRING BREAK VACATION IN CANCUN! Become a college Tours Representative on your cam pus 8c get a free trip to cancun. It’s easy 8c we’ll provide everything you need. Absolutely nothing to buy. 1-800- 727-0005 for information. 36tl0/20 WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G & S studies, inc. -Airline Jobs-Flight Attendants, all other occupations. (409)828-3434 ext. A-21. 35t 10/20 OVERSEAS JOBS»»»Summer, year-round. Europe, South America.Australia, Asia. All fields. $900-$2000. monthly. Sightseeing. Free information-Write IJC, P.O. Box 52-TX04, Corona Del Mar, California 92625. 29tl0/18 NIGHT LEG CRAMPS G & S studies is participating in a nation wide study on a medication recommended for night leg cramps. If you experience any one of the following symptoms on a regular basis call G & S. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. ’ restless legs * rigid muscles ' muscle spasms ’ weary achy legs ' cramped toe * Charley horse G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 SKIN INFECTION STUDY G&S studies, inc. is participatingin a study on acute skin infections. If you have one of the following con ditions call G&S studies. Eligible- volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected burns * infected boils * infected cuts * infected insect bites * infected scrapes ("road rash”) G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 Hurry! Available space for A&M skiers is filling fast, on Sunchase Tours’ Seventh Annual January Collegiate Winter Ski. Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Winter Park and Keystone, Colorado. Trips include lodging, lifts, parties and picnics for five, six or seven days from only $156! Round trip flights and group charter bus trans portation available. Call toll free. 1-800-321-5911 for more information and reservations TODAY! 2U10/24 FOR SALE NEED A HOUSEPLANT? We have many varieties-3types of palms, 3 sizes of ficus, dwarf schefflera, giant ivy, century plant, airplane plant, dracaena, and more-prices start at $6. Call 846-8908 Aggie Special-6ft. braided ficus $15. 30110/10 ’84 Honda Aero 125. Red, 2,300 mi. Excellent condi tion, new battery. $675. 822-5090. 36tl0/21 'Space-Gear’-Anti-gravity motor can be built for ap- " 00. or les: proximately $1,000. or less. Set of plans costs $295. To order, call (512)937-7837, or write 1 10 Riviera Corpus Christi, TX. 78418. 36tl0/17 Government Homes from $1. 'U Repair’. Also tax de linquent property. (805)644-9533 ext.380 for informa tion. 36U0/17 • PERSONALS «£! ADOPTION A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOUR BABY Happy, financially secure, educated couple will give newborn love and life’s best opportunities. Expenses paid. Legal. Call collect Lynn and Martin (212)362-6884. 36t 10/28 DERRICK JONES I LOVE YOU! ZAN 36110/17 If you are pregnant and unable to keep your baby, please consider, adoption: Happily married couple seeks baby to share our hearts and home. Will provide every opportunity for happy, healthy life. Confiden tial, legal, expenses paid. Call collect (213)543-4942. 32t 10/25 • FOR LEASE Sublease IBdrm./Bth. Bryan Apartment. $175./mo..close to campus. Shuttle. 823-5735. 35tl0/20 DEFENSIVE DRIVING, GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 693-1322. 909 S.W. Parkway. 26t 12/09 701 University Dr. E. Suite 402 Perms $22 50 Linda, Donna, Sandra with coupon and A&M I.D. Open Mon.-Sat 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Mastercard Visa Expires Oct. 31, 1988 J bati atK the agai line. £ Photo by Jay Jam? Anyone else? Thirty-two members of various student organizations cram into a cubicle in the Student Programs Office for the first AIJ-SPO Cube Stuff on Friday. ‘Eight Men Out’ proves one of year’s best movie: By Shane Hall Staff Writer In 1919, the Cincinnati Reds beat the Chicago White Sox five games to three in the World Series. Shortly after the Se ries ended, eight White Sox players were accused of rigging the outcome of the Series in exchange for money from gam blers. The players were barred from pro fessional baseball. This incident became known as the I “Black Sox scandal.” Director John Sayles dramatizes the scandal in his latest film, “Eight Men Out.” The movie, one of the year’s best, ex amines the story behind the incident and studies the players’ motives in throwing the Series. The film seems to conclude that money and revenge were the reasons. The film’s ending, which shows Jack- son and Weaver six years later, is espe cially disturbing. Jackson is a bush league player and Weaver is in the stands watching his former teammate play. He overhears two fans refer to him. Jackson, and the other barred players as “bums." their careers by a scandal theyw even involved in. Sheen, in a mine: is also memorable as Hap Felsd Cusack and Sweeney both are out standing in their roles, giving convincing performances as two men cheated out of Director Sayles appears infronidi camera as well as behind il.lnika he plays sportswriter RingLardr The baseball action is filmed and the costuming isetcep “Eight Men Out,” in short, is ip slam classic. 1 terb; swei find: gam R seve tone T kill: A way ovei Rob coul lost time In the movie, the players are angry with the team’s tightwad owner, Charles Comiskey (Clifton James), who doesn’t pay them a decent wage. As a bonus for winning the pennant, Comiskey gives each player a bottle of flat champagne. What’s more, the big-business nature of baseball, combined with the players’ poor salaries, made the incident one that was bound to happen sooner or later. Response high for local study of contraceptive By Laurie Tomasini Reporter Two players, first baseman Chick Gandil (Michael Rooker) and shortstop Swede Risberg (Don Harvey), make the contacts with the gamblers. From there, the ball starts rolling as the two conspira tors recruit players one by one, begin ning with Hap Felsch (Charlie Sheen), the hard-drinking outfielder. The team’s straight-laced pitcher Ed die Cicotte (David Strathaim) wants nothing to do with the conspirators until Comiskey fails to keep a promise to pay him a bonus. Many other players went along with the plan because of Cicotte’s involvement. As the Series begins, the gamblers are trampling over one another to get in on the stakes. Soon there is so much cash tied up in bets that gamblers and players alike get cheated out of their money. Two White Sox players, however, get cheated out of a lot more than money. “Shoeless” Joe Jackson (D.B. Sweeney) and Buck Weaver (John Cusack) are shown as involved in talks with the con spirators, but never are seen accepting a cent.Both men played exceptionally throughout the Series. Jackson, famous for the “Say it ain’t so, Joe” phrase, was legendary on the diamond, but illiterate and unaware of what his teammates were up to. Weaver, the third baseman, tried to appeal his case after being banished with the others, but was rejected. Response to the ad for an oral contra ceptive study has been good, Dr. Claude Goswick said. Goswick, medical director for G&S Studies Inc., said that so many women have responded to the ad in The Battal ion that the research study group is screening calls to quickly eliminate any women who are not qualified for the study. “Some women call to find out the na ture of the study and decide not to partic ipate,” Goswick said. “That is their pre rogative. “The qualifications are not strict,” he said. “The women should be 18 or older and have a need to use the contraceptive. They must also have a normal menstrual cycle.” Goswick said that women who already take birth control pills must stop taking them before the beginning of the study. “We prefer women who have not pre viously used birth control pills, however, if they have they must have been off the pill for two months before they are al lowed to do the study,” he said. G&S needs at least 157 women for the study, Goswick said. He said G&S is conducting a double blind study in which Estrostep (the medi cation being tested) and Loestrin (a pill already on the market) are compared. “It is a scientifically controlled study,” Goswick said. “Neither the doctor nor the patient knows which pill is taken un til the end of the study. This ensures the test results will be honest and unbiased.” The testing will take place over a six- month period. The women participating in the study will receive a six-month supply of either Estrostep or Loestrin dunng the £ and an additional six-month stipe; Loestrin and $120 if they compls study. Also included are compteif cal, blood work, pelvic exams pregnancy test, urine analysis smear. “Our primary concern is stm tolerance the women have forihess “The qualifications u not strict. The woM should be 18 or older® have a need to useli contraceptive.” Dr. Claude Goswd Medical direcl G&S Studies 1# Goswick said. “This medicationtr brand new approach but an ext®9 what has been used before. “Estrostep is a low-dose fon© where the estrogen is released iail by-step fashion,” he said."' main difference between Estraslii Loestrin, because Loestrin cause: r tinual release of estrogen.” Estrostep is made by Parke-Di ! pharmaceutical company inNewfe “Parke-Davis will take for any complications as was taken properlyGoswict “However, we do not anticip# problems arising.” At the end of the study, eacli ,: will be asked to evaluate the mdi she took. The MSC Jordan Institute for International Awareness presents ’•Margaret ‘Thatcher, r The ‘Woman and the ToCitician by guest lecturer Sir ‘Fergus FContgornery Senior JAdvisor to Margaret‘Thatcher Member of TarCiament Serving on the Moose of Commons Services Committee The public is invited Tuesday, October 18, 1988 8:00-9:30 P.M. =====m= Room = 6p 1 Rudder Tower DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS TICKET DISMISSAL—INSURANCE DlSCOlf Oct. 18, 19 (6-10 p.m.) Oct. 29 (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. & 1:3O-5:30pi 845-161 ■§■ AM/PM Clinics I CLINICS Our New College Station location offers Birth Control Counseling Women’s Services Female doctors on duty 693 Student 10% discount with ID