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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1988)
Friday, October 14,1988 The Battalion Page? saidi' neiefe ay experience ew regulations )eaten igtorcksi le bs! u vofa eriBii eta aftniflfi'i; lomplaic ■ew Wih ifficull; i vithsos ^ellorsaii CORPUS CHRISTL (AP) —Over- shing has endangered the red snap- er population, said fishery experts ivocating tough regulations similar ) those already imposed to help the leaguered redfish. The red snapper situation partic- arly threatens the party-boat indus- y, operators say. Sport anglers also ice the prospect of coping with tight istrictions on catches of the popular leffish. “The red snapper is probably in as id a shape as the red drum (redfish) as,” Jerry Clark, director of the oastal Fisheries Division of the fTexas Parks and Wildlife Commis- pn, told the Corpus Christi Caller- mes. Federal proposals for red snapper are being formulated for presentation public hearings early in 1989. Studies by the National Marine sheries Service led to regulations at drastically cut the number of idfish caught by commercial and creational fishermen. No redfish may be taken from fed- al waters of the Gulf of Mexico, sumer is! id some Gulf states have severely first sell :rs ;et,"Mel! : anypriti the new l? : will M es are one 1 ghtened sport limits. Texas lowered limit to three fish per day, while lorida has indefinitely closed the ason on redfish. Among proposals set forth by the lulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, an arm of NMFS, is a daily creational bag limit of three red for.” ^ lapper. ue heists lodhe* 11 Christi® i sacrili? prefers» reality ^ u to tei*' s chii 0 ® zithwli' coonM: The proposals also cover varieties of snapper, as well as amberjack, grouper, jewfish and black sea bass. The Gulf Council will meet in De cember to finalize its proposals, said Terrance Leary, council biologist. These are the council’s proposals, subject to change: — A minimum size of 12 inches for red, yellowtail, mutton, gray, Lane and Vermillion snapper. — A recreational bag limit of 10 snapper, with no more than three red snapper among the 10, and five grouper. The bag limit also applies to fish caught incidentally in shrimp trawls. — Minimum fork length of 28 inches and bag limit of three amber- jack. — Minimum size of 20 inches on red, yellowfin, Nassau, black and gag grouper. — Minimum size of 36 inches for jewfish. — Sale of undersize fish would be prohibited. — Long lines inside 50 fathoms would be banned for reef fish (not sharks, tuna or swordfish). — Anyone fishing under the com mercial quota would not be restricted by bag limits but would be required to have a permit. Permits would be is sued only to those who prove 50 per cent or more of their income is de rived from commercial fishing. Bank leader blames feds for Texas fall FORT WORTH (AP) —Federal bank regulators have been unfair and insensi tive in treatment of Texas financial insti tutions, said the president of MCorp, which has asked the government for aid in raising capital. Texas political leaders also should have addressed problems facing the banking industry sooner to preserve the banking franchises in Texas, John Cater said Wednesday. “This may sound like crying over spilled milk, and I don’t like to sound that way — but there may be a lack of sensitivity in Washington, relative to the problems of Texas, that is almost unique,” Cater said. “When they had the problems in the Midwest, in the Rust Belt, a lot of spe cial legislation was enacted (involving) import duties and trade quotas, ” he said during a meeting with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s editorial board. ‘ ‘The same was true in the Northwest when they had problems in the timber and paper products industry, and in the Northeast with textiles and shoes,” he said. MCorp has asked the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to provide about $1 bil lion in assistance, analysts said, to help finance part of a planned recapitalization that would include raising about $300 million in fresh capital from investors. “When it happened to Texas — either the politicians are afraid to touch it, or we are so unpopular,” he said. “Maybe they think we’re getting what we de serve. Maybe it’s been a pipe dream all along that somebody in Washington would view the problems we have as something worthy of attention. ’ ’ Randolph's K-Bob Saturday Bucket of Beers $6 00 11-5 pm 6 bottles domestic beer 809 University Dr E. next to the Hilton 846-7467 Sunday When the Dining Hall is Closed.. Fajita Plate $4 95 flour tortillas filled with beef or chicken & served on a plate with refried beans, Mexican rice and hot sauce • Hamburgers • Fajitas < • Chicken • Steaks • • Seafood • Sandwiches ARE YOU A HUNK? Do you know a Hunk? Do you want to meet a Hunk? mesm '■ ff you are, or if you do, don’t miss the November 2, 1988 publication of Thumbs Up: “Hunk Hunt” for Aggie Men! I you’re one of those lucky Aggie girls who knows a hunk, encourage him to enter! Or, if you’re an Aggie man and you think you should be included in this pin-up issue, submit a full length photo with your name, major and telephone number printed on the back to: “Hunk Hunt”, c/o The Eagle, P.0. Box 3000, Bryan, Tx. 77805; or apply in person to Eagle Advertising. Photos must be received by October 19,1988. National Collegiate IT Alcohol Awareness Week OCTOBER 17 - 21, 1988 Promoting Responsible Decision-Making Regarding tbe Use of Alcobolic Beverages. iiiiiw graiOTLi ©if mmr® Monday, October 17 MOCKTAIL BARS 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Selected locations on campus Tuesday, October 18 D.W.I. ACCIDENT DISPLAY 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Rudder Fountain SOCIAL CHAIR CARNIVAL 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Memorial Student Center ANATOMY OF A PARTY 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Rudder Theater Thursday, October 20 CDPE OPEN HOUSE 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 222 Beutel Health Center HALL-Y-WOOD SQUARES 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Spence Hall (South Area) NIGHT AT GRAFFITI 8:00 pm - close Graffiti - South College Ave. Friday, October 21 FRIDAY NIGHT OUT 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm Reed Building (East Kyle Field) Wednesday, October 19 MOCK D.W.I. TRIAL 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm 108 Harrington Sponsored By: TAMU ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK COMMITTEE KKYS 105 FM Radio Center for Drug Prevention and Education