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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1988)
Page 10 The Battalion Friday, October 14,1988 Battalion Classifieds Republican Senate hopeful, — unhappy with Bentsen’s plo • SERVICES Safeway Stores Inc. has immediate temporary hostess po sitions for new Safeway Grand Open ing. Must be personable & neat in appear ance. Pay rate $4-5hr. depending on expe rience. Temporary two week positions, flexible hours. Interview & apply at Safeway lo cated at corner of Hwy 21 and Texas Ave. Wednesday Oct 19, 6:30-8:30:p.m. E- O-E M/F/H/V 35110/19 TUTORING PhD develops learning/test-taking skills-aids in term-paper research sub jects: English composition & rhetoric, ESL, History, Government, German. CALL: 776-5276 (Answering machine) 09110/14 Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, reliable. Word Processor. 7daysa week. 776-4013. 27t 12/07 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181tfn Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 26tl0/31 WENDY’S NOW HIRING Enthusiastic workers needed. Part-time, flexible hours, all positions. Two locations: 202 S.W. Parkway, College Station 693-4951. 3216 S. Texas Ave. Bryan 775-0183. | ^^^Apjpl^etweei^&5prrL ( 33tiaM£ THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE is taking applications for immedi ate route openings. Pay is based on per paper rate & gas allowance is provided. The route requires working 3 hours per day. Earn $500-$700. per month. If interested call: Julian at 693-2323 or James at 693-7815 for an appt. # FOR RENT wm Near Campus Luxury 1-2 Bedroom Units Pool • Laundry Shuttle • On-site Security ' 24-Hr. Maintenance > Shopping Nearby Rent starts at $273 SEVILLA 1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd. 693-2108 i? Ail Bills Paid! •2 Bedroom 1 Vfe Bath • On Shuttle • Tennis • Pool • On-site Maintenance • Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tt Fourplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, extra storage, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgrnt. 846-4384. 5tfn Duplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, Fireplace, ceiling fan, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn 2 Bdrm. Studio, ceiling fan, appliances, pool, shuttle. S360.-385.693-1723. Ihfn 2BDRM, 1 bath all appliances, ceiling fan, trees. $370- 395 a month. 693-1723. 17ttfn • SERVICES $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 HAY FEVER STUDY Wanted: Individuals with nasal congestion/ blockage/runny nose to participate in a 5-7 day study (no blood drawn). $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 28ttfn $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging oi back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. Call Pauli Research International | ^ 776-6236 l$200 $ 200 $ 2 00 $200 TYPING—WORD PROCESSING—REASON ABLE RATES—BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. 764-2931 33t 12/07 NIGHT LEG CRAMPS G & S studies is participating in a nation wide study on a medication recommended for night leg cramps. If you experience any one of the following symptoms on a regular basis call G & S. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. * restless legs * rigid muscles * muscle spasms * weary achy legs * cramped toe * Charley horse G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 ..... -Airline Jobs-Flight Attendants, all other occupations. (409)828-3434 ext. A-21. 35t 10/20 TACO CABANA is now hiring shift managers and as sistant managers. Send Resume To: 701 Texas Ave. South 77840 or call 693-1904 or 1 -(405)321-7150. 33tl0/25 OVERSEAS JOBS»»»Summer, year-round. Europe. South America.Australia, Asia. Alt fields. $900-$2000. monthly. Sightseeing. Free information-Write IJC, P.O. Box 52-TX04, Corona Del Mar, California 92625. 2900/18 House work vacuuming, dusting, mopping, change l>eds. $5hr. 822-0592. Mrs. Hill 31t 10/14 Assemblers. Earn money assembling musical Teddy Bears. Materials supplied. Write: J0-E1 Enterprises, P.O. Box. 2203, Kissimmee. Florida. 32742-220314tl0/14 Delivery Drivers. Unlimited income. Flexible hours. Own car. License & insurance. Apply in person. 2406D, Texas Ave. 23t9/30 SKIN INFECTION STUDY G&S studies, inc. is participatingin a study on acute skin infections. If you have one of the following con ditions call G&S studies. Eligible- volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected burns * infected boils * infected cuts * infected insect bites * infected scrapes ("road rash") G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 AUSTIN (AP) — U.S. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen’s dual run for re-election and the vice presidency is as wrong-headed as trying to ride two horses at once, says the Republican who hopes to take Bent sen’s Senate seat. “Any Texan can tell you a man who tries to ride two horses usually ends up flat on his backside,’’ Beau Boulter, an Amarillo congressman, said. “It’s just flat-dab wrong to run for two offices at one time and ask to be elected to both,” Boulter said. “There’s no question that in America, nobody should be allowed to run for two offices like that.” But the powerful incumbent’s sup porters are ready with a horse analogy of their own. Ed Martin, Texas Democratic Party executive director, dismissed Boulter’s argument, taking a dig at the Senate hopeful and GOP presidential candidate George Bush. “The Republicans are just afraid that Bentsen can win both races, while nei ther Bush nor Boulter can ride one horse without falling off the saddle,” he said. Because Bentsen was chosen as Mi chael Dukakis’ running mate after win ning the March 8 primary election, the Democrats could not have replaced him on the Senate ballot under state law. Martin noted. “The fact is, it (the dual run) is per fectly legal,” Martin said. “The law is being followed with extraordinary de tail.” WIN MILLIONS IN THE m d' ct x d> vj) Cp FLORIDA LOTTERY Write for more Information $ ct ^ ^ Cp vj) Cp vj> vj> vp BIG TIME ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 320313 Tampa, Florida 33679 WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G&S studies, inc. (close to campus) PROFESSORS Cash Paid For DESK COPIES Call 268-4218 M-F 8:00-Noon for confidential Appt. After hours leave message NEED A HOUSEPLANT? We have many varieties-3types of palms, 3 sizes of ficus, dwarf schefflera, giant ivy, century plant, airplane plant, dracaena, and more-prices start at $6. Call 846-8908 Aggie Special-6ft. braided ficus $15. 30110/10 • PERSONALS Adoption-Happily married, just yearning for the chance to be a mom & dad. Please call Trudy & Art collect after 5:00p.m. at (215)677-3582. )5t9/l6 • TRAVEL • FOR LEASE Bentsen’s dual candidacy is legal un der a 1959 state law that allowed Lyndon Johnson to run for re-election and for vice president. Previously, U.S. House Speaker John Nance Garner of Texas in 1932 ran for re-election and as Franklin Roosevelt’s running mate. The ballot form at the time allowed that race. If, like his predecessors, Bentsen wins both races and resigns his congressional seat, a special election will be needed to replace him. Boulter said such an elec tion could cost $ 10 million. But Bentsen’s race is different. Fed eral law now forbids spending privately raised funds for presidential campaigns and limits what such campaigns can spend — to $46 million this year. Those restrictions don’t apply to Sen ate campaigns, and Bentsen so far has raised $6.5 million for his Senate race. Boulter campaign spokesman Joe Flem ing estimated the challenger has raised more than $1 million. Federal election laws have not been tested in relationship to the so-called Lyndon Law. Workers for Bentsen say the campaigns are careful to comply with requirements. “The campaigns are separate,” said Missy Mandell, communications direc tor for the Dukakis-Bentsen campaign in Texas. “We have totally separate of fices, totally separate press organiza tions, scheduling organizations.” The two campaign offices are in dif- •ferent buildings in Austin, and Bentsen Senate campaign spokesman Jack De- Vore said complying with the law hasn’t been difficult. Attorneys and accountants reviewed the campaign operation to en sure it would be legal in all respects, he said. “I think you have to be more cautious of the appearance than anything else,” DeVore said. Mark Sanders, spokesman for Bush’s presidential campaign in Texas, said, “The real impact of this dual candidacy from our perspective is that the Demo cratic ticket is going to outspend George Bush in this state by two or three to one.” Although Boulter and other Republi cans complained to the Federal Elections Commission about the situation, the commission and federal courts declined to act. DeVore cited a Boulter fund-raisil letter saying that voters “canhelpijl Texas for Bush and Boulter, and Msl Lloyd Bentsen” by contributiiK k| Boulter’s Senate campaign. “He’s being two-faced in tell press that this is something Bentsen«j:| do, and then telling potential coni,I tors it’s something he can do,”DeV®| said. Boulter said Bentsen’s the one v two faces — a conservative Senile fjs| and a more liberal vice presidential ok “On the one hand, there hastaiil Lloyd Bentsen who has tried loalicf himself in Texas with supporterso(R:< | aid Reagan and George Bush. And, :l the other hand, there is the Lloyd Be: | sen who is using money raised f Senate campaign to try to defeatGeEi| Bush in Texas,” he said. Political forum highlights race for high court Republicans hire Yeager as speaker FORT WORTH (AP) — The Republi can presidential campaign has pulled out heavy artillery, in the form of retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Chuck Yeager, to accuse liberal Democrats of mounting an attack on jobs in the Texas defense in dustry. But Yeager has worked for the past six years as a consultant to Northrop Corp. of California, a competitor of General Dynamics Corp. The Fort Worth Division of General Dynamics is one of the largest defense employers in the state, with 27,000 workers. Yeager, in a television advertisement airing this week in Texas, notes 300,000 Texas jobs are related to the defense in dustry. He warns that those jobs could be put at risk by Democrats who advocate cuts in defense spending. Yeager, a World War II fighter ace and the first man to break the sound bar rier, was hired by the GOP to warn Tex ans that “liberal Democrats” will take jobs away from the state’s defense indus try. A Northrop spokesman told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in Thursday’s edi tions that Yeager was hired in 1982 as a test pilot and consultant on the F-20 Ti- gershark, a Northrop fighter that com peted against the Fort Worth-built F-16 for both foreign and U.S. government sales. The newspaper reported that Yeager also appeared with the F-20 in advertise ments in trade publications. Yeager now works as a consultant to Northrop on the Advanced Tactical Fighter, a $40 billion next-generation Air Force fighter program in the compe tition phase, a Northrop spokesman said. Northrop and McDonnell Douglas are teamed up against a team composed of General Dynamics, Lockheed and Boe ing. Yeager was asked to appear in the ad after committee strategists determined that defense and defense industry jobs would be major issues in the presidential campaign. Republican National Com mittee spokesman Kathryn Murray said. Murray said she didn’t know that Yeager was a consultant to Northrop but said that it doesn’t matter. “The point of the ad is that General Yeager has first-hand knowledge of what it takes to have a strong defense and he believes the policies of the Republicans are more in sync with making that hap pen,” she said. “He speaks from the heart about the defense of the nation.” HOUSTON (AP) — Thirteen candidates vying for six available scats on the Texas Supreme Court prepared to face each other Thursday night in a forum at the University of Houston. The candidates — six Repubicans, six Democrats and a Libertarian — were scheduled to answers questions by Uni versity of Houston law professor Richard Alderman and KPRC-TV anchorman Ron Stone. The races for the nine-member court are heated because they pit plaintiff s at torneys against attorneys for corporate interests and the medical community — with both sides contributing heavily. The contests also have drawn national attention because of adverse publicity over Texas’ system of allowing unlim ited contributions to judicial candidates. Alderman said it may take a constitu tional amendment to change how Texans select jurists. “In the meantime, six of the nine members on the court arc running for election this year, and Texas faces the possibility of a totally revamped supreme court,” he said. “This forum should help voters decide who will fill these posi tions.” Those scheduled to participate include Tom Phillips, seeking to become the first Republican to be elected chief justice, and Democrat Ted Z. Robertson. Phillips was appointed chief justice by Gov. Bill Clements when former Chief Justice John Hill resigned to work on ju dicial reform. In the Place 1 seat. Republican Paul Murphy, a judge from the 14th Court of Appeals in Houston, faces Democrat Lloyd Doggett, a former state from Austin. In Place 2, Democrat incumte Kilgarlin faces Republican Nol Hecht, a judge on the 5th Court peals in Dallas. Competing for the Place 3 sea Democratic incumbent Raul Gomal the only Hispanic in Texas to Mitt tion to a statewide post; R( Charles Ben Howell, a membei 5th Court of Appeals; and Calvin W. Scholz. Place 4 candidates are Republ cumbent Barbara Culver and Jack Hightower of Austin, af( senator and congressman from Venn Vying for Place 5 are Repubfe cumbent Eugene Cook and Karl Bayer, an Austin personal: lawyer. Like Phillips, Culver and Cool were appointed by Clements The contest between Phillips and ertson has become a showcase for peting interests in the courtroom Phillips has drawn muchoftiisi cial support from medical andi interests, while Robertson is badr.J many personal injury lawyers. Phillips and Robicrtson also! posed on the method of selectingjoi Phillips said he favors a chanKti the current system of partisan els to some sort of merit selection. Robertson is a proponent of tbeo process. According to financial disc statements for the past three i Phillips posted the biggest gainforll candidates with $564,552, despiltl posing a $5,000 limit on individmlt| tributions. DEFENSIVE DRIVING, GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 693-1322. 909 S.W.Parkway. 26U2/09 Hurry! Available space for A&M skiers is filling fast, on Sunchase Tours’ Seventh Annual January Collegiate Winter Ski. Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Winter Park and Keystone, Colorado. Trips include lodging, lifts, parties and picnics for five, six or seven days from only $156! Round trip flights and group charter bus trans portation available. Call toll free. 1-800-321-5911 for more information and reservations TODAY! 21110/24 * FOR SALE San Antonio mayor denies talk concerning end to his marriage NISSAN 300ZX, TURBO, '86, MAROON, LEATHER, AM/EM STEREO, CASSETTE, 4 SPK., T-TOP, DIGITAL INST. PANEL, LOW MILEAGE, EXCELLENT CONDI PION, 696-4358 31110/14 SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Mayor Henry Cisneros says he and his wife, Mary Alice, are having marital prob lems, but denies that they are seeking an end to their 19-year marriage. The 41-year-old mayor, who last month said he would not be seeking a fifth mayoral term, said he wanted to re spond to months-long rumors that his marriage was nearing an end. “I am not being hypocritical,” the mayor said in a telephone interview Wednesday from Philadelphia, where he was giving a lecture. “I am not saying I am perfect. “I am not saying 1 have a perfect mar riage. I am not saying I want to run for governor or president. I am not doing any of that. I am saying I am taking my self out of public life so I can work these things out,” he said. Earlier this week, a Houston radio sta tion reported that Mrs. Cisneros would file for divorce next month, but the may or’s office denied the story. Cisneros told reporters that the rumors have created a strain for his family, which includes two daughters, Teresa and Mercedes, and toddler, John Paul Anthony, who was bom with a congeni tal heart defect. Cisneros said he hoped the public would give him some time to work out some personal problems. He said he ig nores the rumors. “I ignore them because they are abso lutely not true,” he said. “I am comfort able with what I have done as mayor, what I can continue doing for eight months, and 1 am comfortable with who I am as a person. I am not the person that these mmors make me out to be.” Mrs. Cisneros denied rumors that she owned a gun and had shot at the mayor. “I love Henry too much.” she said. “We have a family with a lot of needs. ” Last year, the mayor, among the top Hispanic elected officials in the country who was interviewed as possible Demo cratic vice presklennal candidal; j 1984, said he would notbesed®| statewide office in 1990. He has said the medical prol his son and the future educational si of his two daughters have forcedt| give up public service. “If it were not for John P might have taken a very differeni J tion both in the public and p! fronts and the fact is that his sitnaWj mains at the core of the obligalk® J have,” he said. Asked Wednesday if hewouldt*!] ting a divorce if it were not forb-j the mayor responded, “idol that.” •Mcttf ADOPTION. Lullabies, laughter, 8c a big brother’s hand to hold. We are experienced parents seeking to adopt a newborn baby. If pregnant 8c considering adoption, please call collect. Andy or Carole. (919)490- 7995 or our adoption advisor (802)325-3520. 33tl0/14 If you are pregnant and unable to keep your baby, please consider adoption: Happily married couple seeks baby to share our hearts and home. Will provide every opportunity for happy, healthy life. Confiden tial, legal, expenses paid. Call collect (2 13)543-4942. 32t 10/25 IJLXAS C.OI l l l.lATF SKI BREAK. In Steamboat. Deluxe ski in ski out accommodations, lift tickets, six different parties, and man) activities -please compare this trip to any-information. Call 693-7526. 28t 10/18 Cal's Body Shop-VVo do it right tlie firsi mno! 823- Sublease JBdrm./Bth. Bryan Apartment. 26)0. 32ttfn S175./mo..close to campus. Shuttle. 823-5735. 35tl0/20 WANT MORE THAN A DESK JOB? Looking for an exciting and challenging career where each day is different? Many Air Force people have such a career as Pilots and Navigators. Maybe you conjoin them. Find out if you qualify. Contact your Air Force recruiter today. Call TSGT BROADUS 409-696-2612 COLLECT SOSK£& ^ r •§• CHUNKING/!! 5r RESTAURANT ^ $4 75 CHINESE RESTAURANT ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH BUFFET per person Sun. Evenings BUFFET 5.00-8:00 DINNER SPECIALS 50 Chosen from our most popular items. Served w/soup, rice, & egg roll $4 $2 | feir 95 Daily Lunch Specials Different Special Each Day We serve beer 8c wine 1673 Briarcrest Drive At Ardan Crossing A cross from Steak 8c Ale 774-1157 Open 7 Days a Week Lunch 11-2 Dinner 5-10