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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1988)
Wednesday, October 5, 1988/The Battalion/Page 3 Yell leader suffers injury fter A&M football game no Yell leader Steve Keathly hurt on Kyle Field after the football game. By Holly Becka Staff Writer Head Yell Leader Steve Keathley, |who suffered a separated shoulder fter Texas A&M’s football game laturday, is in good condition at P. Beutel Health Center after sur- ;ery Monday at St. Joseph Hospital in Bryan. Keathley was injured Saturday when freshmen members of the Corps of Cadets tackled him after A&M’s win over Texas Tech Univer ity. After a win by the Aggie football earn, freshmen cadets celebrate by n S a “ i tinning onto Kyle Field to capture he ci he yell leaders and carry them to ceotn he Fish Pond. After the yell leaders Teat at ire thrown into the fountain, a yell j iev Ij. iractice is held. Keathley said, “I was tackled and is I fell I twisted my shoulder. My houlder hit first, the Astroturf y rlv ala iroupsi real da mnaii. echno- plituft thei gle. ips; t so: ere art ho esl is ot lives, ns that; Jth dhi 'here# Pop If sJM lUSicpt be hearl- rhef e yea adi ; tlieti ) rod' 1 ffere mil)' is, l)» e ifil ; nw :s. As sten ic" : k,an ijnore /u# i! w. if grabbed it and all the fish piled on. I could feel something wrong.” Keathley was taken to the health center after Saturday’s post-game yell practice, where he remained for the night. “It (the shoulder) was sore,” he said. “I thought I had bruised it. Af ter the yells, my shoulder wasn’t giv ing me full motion and I was in a lot of pain. I was turning white doing those yells.” During surgery Monday docters repaired torn ligaments and put a pin into Keathley’s left shoulder. The senior speech communications major was then readmitted to the Beutel Health Center. Keathley said the pin will be taken out when his shoulder heals, which should be within eight weeks. “In four or five weeks. I’ll put on a uniform and do a little of the yel ling,” he said. “Until then, I’ll be out on the field in civilian clothes and a Photo by Jay Jaimer sling. As far as going through the motions of yells, I won’t be able to do that for four weeks. But my goal is to be able to yell at the Texas game.” Keathley said he thinks there won’t be any change in the post game traditon. “It’s a fun tradition and it can be as safe as we make it as long as we don’t try to get too radical,” he said. “We also can exert some controls as upperclassmen,” he continued. “We’ll tell the freshmen the main thing is to not get hurt. The fact that I ended up with this is enough to make everyone calm down. But the mere fact that something happened to me shouldn’t wipe out the whole tradition. The injury was an accident so let’s not dwell on it.” Retired Maj. Gen. Thomas A. Darling, Corps Commandant, said the discontinuation of the 112-year tradition is not being considered. AGGIE VOTER ’88 Attention Aggies!!! Voter Registration Contest in Progress $1000 first place cash prize All organizations, fraternities, so rorities, corp outfits, non-reg dorms eligible. Call 764-1725 for details. Sign up now and win CASH PRIZES!!! Aggies sign up and vote in Brazos County! Voting is a duty, Voting is a right, Voting is a priviledge. paid for by Aggie Voter ’88 a non-partisan University Sanction Student Organization Did You Forget To pick up your 1987 (Fall ’86, Spring ’87) Aggie- land? You can still pick up your copy by coming to the English Annex between 8:30 and 4:30. Bring your I.D. The 1988 (Fall ’87, Spring ’88) Aggieland will be available in October. Look for announcements in The Battalion. ZBT ZETA BETA TAU FRATERNITY ZETA BETA TAU Texas A&M University's Newest Fraternity offers you: iv 4 *New Fraternity Images *The Chance to Make Your Own Decisions * Choosing your own group of friends * A chance to lead * Honor *85 Chapters & 90 Years of Tradition *New Opportunities Attend the General Interest Meeting - Thursday Oct. 6th @ MSC Room 027 (in the Basement) 6-9 p.m. All Are Welcome! For More Information, Contact Ron Pardo, Nat.'l Expansion Consultant, at 696-1158 Finally, A Good Antique Auction Presented by Plain Street Antiques 109 North Main, Bryan, Texas 77803 This is an outstanding offering of quality antiques & collectables Featuring: Oak Victorian Hall Tree-Louis XV Full Size Bed English Satinwood Wardrobe-Box of Costume Jewelry 2 Door Oak Ice Box-Oak Pie Safe Great Majestic Cook Stove! Outstanding! 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