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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1988)
ClNEPLEX ODEON AND PUTT THEATRES OST OAK THREE >00 Ilarvey Road CINEMA THREE 315 College Ave. c °St$li Jndii ; 'ns,rai ^ckerRi °lk art li'ums | Bone a -II as lei »ging s in Ijj sHokq style. T; un rot onky-ti me Co on Aitj ■style ny ok"). Sunday Special! Call us when the dining halls are closed. 12” 1 item pizza $4. 95 ! or 16” 1 item pizza $6. 95 ! No coupon necessary. Prices do not include tax. Limited Delivery Area 260-9020 4407 S. Texas 693-2335 1504 Holleman SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE Contact Lenses Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) loos^vioo pr. *-STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES pr. *-STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES pr. *-STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR LIMITED TIME OFFER SALE ENDS SEPT. 9, 1988 SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES Call 696-3754 For Appointment CD > r- m CD > r~ m CD > r - m CD > r- m CD > W CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. < DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY * Eye exam & care kit not included 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 ! v”* 1 block South of Texas & University A m SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE ' TTT'’ r ^T r, .TT7|F?^^' r rT r ' r, "'M t, ' '' • •• '..•'.•..j ' > f - ^ j v', <! BATTALION CLASSIFIED PULLS! Call 845-2611 Thursday, September 9, 1988/The Battalion/Page 5 What’s Up Friday UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: will have a Bible study at 6 p.m. at A&M Pres byterian Church. TAMU PISTOL TEAM: will have team tryouts at 7 p.m. in the basement of the Military Sciences Building. COSGA: applications are due by noon in 221 Pavilion. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will have an introductory meeting for in ternational students at 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s student center. TAMECT: will have a new members meeting at 7 p.m. in the A.P. Beutel Health Center cafeteria. STUDY ABROAD OFFICE: will have information about exchange programs and the Denmark International program from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. in 251 Bizzell Hall West. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING HONOR SOCIETY: will have a smoker and pool party for active and prospective members at 7 p.m. in the Arbor Square party room. HILLEL JEWISH UNIVERSITY CENTER: will have a Sabbath service at 8 p.m. at the Hillel Building followed by a pool party. TAMU BADMINTON CLUB: will meet and practice at 7 p.m. in 351 G. Rollie White. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: will have its weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 108 Harrington. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in Rudder Tower. Check the monitor screen for the room number. Saturday INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM: will have a “pot-luck” picnic at 5 p.m. at Hensel Park. Hot dogs and drinks will be provided. HILLEL JEWISH UNIVERSITY CENTER: will have a Rosh Ha shanah service at 8 p.m. at the Hillel Building. TAMU MOO DUK KWAN TAE KWON DO: will have a signup for new members and a workout at noon in 255 G. Rollie White. TAMU SPORTS CAR CLUB: will have an autocross-driving skills event at noon at Kleberg parking lot 71. VIETNAMESE AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will have a party at 8 p.m. at the University Lutheran Chapel at 315 College Main. Sunday MULTICULTURAL SERVICES CENTER: will have a minority freshmen orienta tion reunion picnic from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. at Hensel Park Area 3. WESLEY FOUNDATION/METHODIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP: will have an ice cream social at 6 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation. TAMU SPORTS CAR CLUB: will have an autocross-driving skills event at 9 a.m. at Kleberg parking lot 71. Monday AGGIE GOP: will have a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 701 Rudder. WILEY LECTURE SERIES: applications are due in the Student Programs Of fice. HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT CENTER: will have Rosh Hashanah services at 10 a.m. and a Jewish new year reception at 6 p.m. at the Rabbi’s house. PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNI: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 305 Rudder. BLACK GRADUATE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: will have a welcome recep tion for incoming black graduate students at 6 p.m. in 206 MSC. PHI ETA SIGMA: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 302 Rudder. TAMU JAZZ BAND: will have a rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. in the Commons west piano room. A piano player is needed. PHYSICAL THERAPY CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 164 Read. INTRAMURALS: entries open for horseshoe singles and billiard doubles at 8 a.m. in 159 Read. PLACEMENT CENTER: will have an orientation session for all December, May and August graduates at 10 a.m. in 504 Rudder through Friday. THE AGGIELAND: Freshmen and sophomores may take their yearbook pho tos from Sept. 12 to Sept. 23 at Yearbook Associates behind Campus Photo at Northgate. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publish the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What's Up is a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. Customs takes auto because of cheap pipes HOUSTON (AP) — A woman whose car was seized at the border by the U.S. Customs Service because agents found two 50-cent pipes from Mexico inside her vehicle says the agency carried their “Zero Toler ance” program just too far this time. A U.S. Customs Service spokes man in Houston confirmed that no drugs were found on the woman or in the car, but said the car was seized because the “paraphernalia” had been discovered. Teresa Miller’s car was seized Sunday afternoon at the U.S. port of entry at Progreso after she and her friend, Valerie Cantrall, returned from Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. Pro greso is between Brownsville and McAllen. Miller, who lives in suburban Houston, said Wednesday that Can- trail bought the pipes in Mexico where the two had gone on a shop ping trip. “It’s appalling,” Miller said, 27, a clerical worker at a Pasadena law of fice. “I’m an American citizen, and I should have rights. First off, they (the pipes) were not even mine.” Cantrell, 23, who also does clerical work at the law office, said the onyx pipes were among “several knick- knacks” that she purchased during the one-day trip to the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Cantrell said neither she or Miller use drugs and she planned to give the pipes to a girlfriend, who collects pipes along with her egg collection and a lot of other things. The seizure stems from the ad ministration’s Zero Tolerance policy that is designed to curtail the de mand for drugs, spokesman Charles Conroy said. Conroy said the seizure was based on federal laws that prohibit the im portation of paraphernalia and aid ing unlawful importation. “I told them they couldn’t do it (seize the car),” Miller said. “I said, ‘I have my legal rights.’ They (a Cus toms officer) told me, no, I didn’t, I had no rights at that time.” One officer asked the women if they had any onyx products before officers saw the pipes, Cantrell said. She said she offered to give the pipes to them. “The whole point is that we did not have any drugs,” Cantrell said. “We had no pot or nothing. I do not smoke and neither does my friend, so they had no reason.” Cantrell said the officer told them to take everything out of it (the car) that they wanted, because they prob ably wouldn’t see it again. The seizure is being appealed. ^ The women said they were told that the car, on which Miller still owes $5,800, would be put up for auction in Laredo if the appeal is turned down. Miller, who is married and has no children, said she contacted U.S. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen’s office and other congressional representatives for help. Chris Peacock, a spokesman for Bentsen in Washington, D.C., said the matter is being looked into. He added that about five complaints had been received in the last month about seizures along the Texas bor der. A total of 474 vehicles have been seized through June in the Customs Service’s southwest region, com prised of Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico, since the Zero Tol erance policy went into effect on March 21, Conroy said. The women have also asked for help from the American Civil Liber ties Union. “I think it’s probably the most ri diculous case I’ve heard about under this so-called Zero Tolerance pro gram, which is essentially the Rea gan administration’s way of trying to look like they’re being tough on drugs without really doing anything about the drug traffic,” ACLU attor ney Bruce Griffiths of Houston said. “This is the first time I’ve heard of one (case) where somebody was not possessing any drug at all,” Griffiths said. 6th Annual Texas Biathlon at Southwood valley Pool Saturday Sept. 10,8 a.m. 1000 yd. swim lOKrur For More Information Call: 764-3787 764-3773 Ken Martin’s Steakhouse Welcome Back Special Chicken Fried Steak $2. 50 All day Sunday, Sept. 11 & 18 776-7500 3231 E. 29th semester V w * year Brazos Refrigerator 846-8611 Free Delivery with cold drinks from your large (4.2) dorm refrigerator Rent Now! KEEP CLINICS Our New College Station location offers Birth Control Counseling Women’s Services Female doctors on duty Student 10% discount with ID Mon.-Sat. 10-9 Sunday 12:30-5:30 Post Oak Village • 900-3B Harvey Rd. • 693-0901 AM/PM Clinics DOOR POSTERS, TAPESTRIES NOW OPEN! 100s of posters to choose from Decorate Your Dorm or Apartment 693-0202 7. Brighten your dorm, apartment, or of fice space with a beautiful tropical house plant from THE COTTAGE GARDEN 20% OFF ANY PURCHASE (offer expires 9-15-88) Goitcufve, QaAxl&tt 307 Villa Maria Bryan, Texas 77801 409-779-3791 PIZZA (•FACTORY-) Call 76-GUMBY All coupons honored except for 2 for 1 The Deal 12” one-item pizza & drink $5.25 plus tax Expires 9-30-88 The Works 16” six-item pizza $9.50 plus tax Expires 9-30-88 mmiM 4004 Harvey Rd. College Station, Tx. RESTAURANT 308 N. Main Bryan, Texas Couswa. Tuesday thru Thursday Jose's 5:00-9:45 Zarape 5:00-8:45 2 for 1 Special Buy one dinner and get the second dinner of equal or less value FREE Not good with any other spcdal or coupon Please present coupon when ordering AS gnHed meat*, ftgiutt, S<»food whI A&ohol not metuJed - . j* *. *%.* '**• • '.Tuesday-Sunday ’ *. *•.« 11:00 a.m.-9:45 p.m.*,. . * * . * ''Closed Monday . J* * * t .. Jose s ‘ - - - j m • ) use: -> • • % + toiiiiiiiiSMiiimoMiiii