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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1988)
Wednesday, August 31, 1988/The Battalion/Page 13 Undercover officers accost 4 drug traffickers in El Paso EL PASO (AP) — Four men, in cluding an uncle of reputed Mexican drug lord Gilberto Ontiveros Lu cero, are in custody af ter delivering almost 20 pounds of cocaine to un dercover police, federal officials said. The men are believed to have been working for Ontiveros, who is under indictment on drug-traffick ing charges in the United States and has a bounty on his head, said Phil Jordan, special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administra tion’s Dallas office. Ontiveros’ “organization is alive Panhandle finally gets public shows AMARILLO (AP) —Texas Panhandle residents, the largest population in the country un served by public television, now have access to it with the signing Monday of Public Broadcasting Service affiliate KACV-TV. The station, located on the Amarillo College campus, kicked off its programming at 6:15 a.m. with a weather report, called “AM Weather,” said Joyce Herring, di rector of broadcasting. Sixteen to 18 hours of public television programming will be broadcast daily from the station, which serves the northern por tion of the Texas Panhandle and is the 319th public television asso ciation member, program direc tor Wendell Jones said. KACV-TV will serve about 329,000 people within a 74-mile radius of Amarillo, he said. “The activation is especially im portant since the Texas Panhan dle is the largest unserved pop ulation area in the United States without public television,” Jones said. Programming will include per forming arts shows, science and technology series and national and financial news programs. and well, and intelligence sources tell us he is responsible for much of the cocaine distribution in the Southwest,” Jordan said Mbndav. “These arrests are just another store in the never-ending saga of this man.” The arrests Friday in Ed Paso cul minated a three-month investigation in which undercover agents nego tiated to buy 50 kilograms, or 110 pounds, of cocaine for $750,000 from people believed to be asso ciated with Ontiveros. The four men delivered 9 ki lograms, or 19.8 pounds, “because they said an airplane shipment failed to arrive on time,” Jordan said.“No money changed hands.” The arrests were made in two ho- els in east E'.l Paso. Iordan said. SHERMAN (AP) — Suspended Orange County Sherif f James Wade asked a former Vidor resident to kill a key witness in the FBI investigation of Wade’s department, the resident has testified. Bobby Lee Rogers, 31, said in tes timony that began Monday that Wade in January “asked me if I would get Donnie (Flowers) out of jail and kill him.” Prosecutors have identified Rog ers and Flowers, 27, as two of three unindicted co-conspirators with Wade. The sheriff was indicted on May 2 on 10 federal charges including con spiracy to make and sell illegal drugs and embezzlement from Orange County’s drug investigation fund. Wade was removed from of fice as sheriff on July 1 1 under a judge’s or der. Sheriff Newton Johnson, Wade’s replacement, testified Monday he was present with Wade when he told the U.S. attorney he was going to pose as a crooked sheriff to catch drug dealers. A defense attorney told the jury Wade was pretending to be a “dirty sherif f’ to catch drug “kingpins.” Those arrested were identified as David Lopez Diaz, 24, of Ed Paso; Is mael Alfredo Terrazas Torres. 37. of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; Juan Ariel Moran Michel, 29, of Juarez; and David Guillermo Sarti Tinoco, 54, of Juarez. “All through the undercover op eration, the man (Sarti Tinoco) kept claiming to be Ontiveros’ uncle, Ray Sepulveda, El Paso’s DEA resident agent in charge, said Monday . All four were charged with con spiracy to possess more than 5 ki lograms of cocaine and possession with intent to distribute cocaine, Jor dan said. The suspects were being held in El Paso County’s jail pending a bail hearing Wednesday before U.S. Magistrate Philip Cole. Ontiveros was arrested on drug charges in Juarez in April 1986. The trial, in its third week, was moved on a change of venue from Beaumont to Grayson County be cause of publicity. Rogers, who said he sold cocaine and marijuana, testified about how Flowers recruited him in 1986 to sell methamphetamine, a stimulant also known as “speed.” In a federal witness protection program, Flowers has testified he was involved with Wade in an opera tion to make and sell methampheta mine. Rogers testified Flowers told him he didn’t have to worry about legal penalties with selling drugs “because lie had protection from the Boss.” Rogers claimed he learned later “the Boss” was Wade. Rogers said Wade “showed me his badge and said with this he could do anything. He was God.” He told the jury Wade gave him several pounds of marijuana numer ous times. Amounts would vary from about 4 pounds to about 10 pounds at a time. In return, he gave Wade money from drug sales, Rogers testif ied. Citizen: Sheriff asked for FBI witness murder RUSH Theta Chi Fraternity PARTY DATE & TIME Th© BOyS Night Out To Be Announced Wed., Aug. 31 8:00 p.m. “Beat The Hell Outta LS.U.”* Eastgateuve Fri. , Sept. 2 8:00 p.m. Skeet ShOOt Ptarmigan Club Sun. , Sept. 4 3:00 p.m. Sunrise Breakfast LosNonenos Mon, ,, Sept. 5 7:00 a.m Smoker To Be Announced lues, ., Sept. 6 8:00 p.m Oat© Party Sun Dance Thurs . Sept. 8 8:00 p.m, * Indicates Open Parties For More Information: Steve 696-8049/T rae 696-1842 SIGMA NU “Nu Sensation” Date: Thurs., Sept.1 Time 9:01 p.m. Place: Elks Lodge “Do What It Snakes” Date: Sat., Sept. 3 Time: 4 p.m. til Place: Zephyr Fall Rush ’88 “Side Out” Vollyball & Food Date: Sun., Sept. 4 Time: Noon Place: Central Park “I’ll Buy That For a Dollar” * Date: Wed., Sept. 7 Time: 9:01 p.m. Place: Sigma Nu House Invite Only “Nu’s In Paradise” Date: Thurs., Sept. 8 Time: 9:01 p.m. Place: Sigma Nu House “Touch of Class” Date Party Date: Sat., Sept. 10 Time: TBA Place: TBA “It’s A Nu Sensation” For Rush Information 693-9629 Sigma Nu House FTTLIFE 1388 FALL EXERCISE CLASSES * FRESH START * SECOND WEND * SWEAT SHOP * SOPER CIRCUIT * HYDRQFTT * PACESETTER * TRIM TIME A LOW—IMPACT BEGINNING AEROBICS CLASS A MODERATE PACED AEROBICS CLASS AN ADVANCED PACED AEROBICS CLASS AN INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED CLASS COMBINING AEROBICS AND STRENGTH STATIONS AN INDOOR AQUATIC LOW-INTENSITY AEROBICS CLASS A BEGINNING WALK-TOG CLASS A HIGHLY STRUCTURED EXERCISE WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM INCLUDING FULL FITNESS TESTING ;o ENROLL NOW ! ! I CLASSES START SEPT. 5 - DEC. 9 CALL 845-3997 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION DIRECTED AND SUPERVISED BY THE APPLIED EXERCISE SCIENCE LABORATORY DEPT. OF HEALTH & MYSICAL EDUCATION TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SCOTT&WHITE CLINIC, COLLEGE 1600 University Drive East STATION Audiology Richard L. Riess, Ph D. Cardiology Dr. J. James Rohack Dermatology Dr. David D. Barton Family Medicine Dr. Art Caylor Dr. William R. Kiser Dr. Walter J. Linder Dr. Richard A. Smith Dr. Kathy A. Stienstra Dr. Robert Wiprud General Surgery Dr. Frank R. Arko Dr. Dirk L. Boysen Internal Medicine Dr. Valerie Chatham Dr. Alton Graham Dr. David Hackethom Dr. Michael R Schlabach Ob stetrics/Gynecology Dr. James R. Meyer Dr. William L. Rayburn Dr. Charles W. Sanders Occupational Medicine Dr. Walter J. Linder OpbtHalmology Dr. Mark R. Coffman Orthopedic Surgery Dr. Robert F. Flines Otolaryngology Dr. Michael J. Miller Pediatrics Dr. Dayne M. Foster Dr. Mark Sicilio Plastic Surgery Dr. William M. Cocke, Jr. Psychiatry Dr. Steven Kirk Strawn Psychology Dr. Jack L. Bodden Radiology Dr. Luis Canales Urology Dr. Michael R. Hermans Health Education Sally Scaggs, RD Call 268-3322 For Appointment R1 t A.