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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1988)
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To get into college, it takes intelligence, talent and ambition. We can help with the rest...financing. If you want change in your life, come talk to our loan officers...we want to make getting a student loan easy: •Fast turnaround time on loan processing-10 days •Open door lender •Eight locations in Texas •Loan kept in Texas IRST* EU/VrSIK & TRUST ^ 1716 Briarcrest Dr. P.O. Drawer 1033 Bryan, Texas 77805 Member FDIC Serving Brazos Country for over 75 years (409) 268-7575 Lobby Hours: M-Th 9-3 Fri. 9-6 Drive-In Lanes M-F 8-6 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urination, burning, stinging, or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 HEARTBURN STUDY Wanted: Individuals with frequently occurring heartburn to participate in a 4-week study using currently available medication. $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME STUDY Wanted: Symptomatic patients with physician diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome to participate in a short study. $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 THE LION IN WINTER By James Goldman "... a work of intelligence!" — The New York Times Few since Shakespeare have had Goldman's marvelous gift for truly comic repartee. An evening of drama and dining presented by MSC Summer Dinner Theatre and The Aggie Players. Aug. 4,5,6 Dinner begins at 6:30 Rm.201 MSC For more information and ticket prices, call the MSC Box Office at 845-1234. Dinner reservations must be made 24 hrs. in advance. Page 6/The Battalion/Wednesday, August 3, 1988 Warped 'M BLOCKEP. n so sick OF STARING AT THIS BLAhIK PAGE, BERNICE. by Scott McCullar Experiment challenges law of gravii — 6£E, thanks. i JWL Students view medical field DALLAS (AP) — Sir Isaac ton’s 300-year-old law of gnt being challenged by an expei; indicating the force of attract# tween two objects is a little sin than Newton predicted. T he strength might be atiij to another, yet unstudied nature, said the team of sen that included investigatorsfr« l rriversity of Texas at Dallas. Confirmation of the lii “could dramatically impact® sc ience” by leading to recaki of the masses of the planeti ; e. By Velia Velez Reporter Fourteen minority college stu dents interested in the medical field received a dose of the world of medi cine this summer. The students were participants in the Bridge to Medicine Program, which provides orientation, encour agement and support to minority and disadvantaged students inter ested in a medical career. Filomeno G. Maldonado, director of the Health Career Opportunities Program, said the Bridge to Medi cine Program is designed to aid stu dents in making the transition to medical school. “We are trying to facilitate stu dents’ entry into medical school by familiarizing them with all aspects of the admission process and by pro viding classes that allow them to bet ter their knowledge in certain cour ses,” Maldonado said. Courses are offered in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, reading and writing. Texas A&M faculty members teach the courses. The students participate in ses sions to review medical college ad mission tests and learn test-taking skills. They also are introduced to professors and medical students. The program was established in 1986 and is funded by the Depart ment of Health and Human Re sources. Fifteen students per year are accepted through an application process based on an overall grade- point ratio of 3.0 or greater and completion of at least 60 credit hours including courses in biology, chemistry, physics and organic chemistry. Housing, meals, class materials and resources are provided for the students. The six-week program ended July 22. Maldonado credits the program as one of the reasons for the increase of minority students applying to medical school. “Although there has been only a small increase, it is a significant in crease,” he said. “I think the increase is a direct result of programs of this type being conducted.” More than 70 percent of the stu dents participating in the program have entered into medical school or health professions. Building purchase bilks health group HOUSTON (AP) — Harris Coun ty’s mental health authority, under fire for buying a building for $1.2 million more than it had been sold for earlier the same day, paid $420,000 more for the building than its own appraisal showed it to be worth. Richard H. Basden, president of Parkway Realty Research, which did the appraisal, said he was “puzzled at how they could have bought it (the buidling) for $3.3 million,” since he had appraised it at $2.88 million. The county Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority also plans to spend another $500,000 to remodel the office building into an outpatient clinic for adult mental health clients. The questionable transaction in volved the president of a company whose dealings prompted the re cently disclosed investigation by the district attorney’s office. Investigators revealed last week they were probing the purchase of the $3.3 million office building. In vestigators allege John P. Chambers and his brother, Dunbar Chambers Jr., defrauded their business part ners by buying the property from them for $2.1 million March 29 and then selling it to the county the same day at a $ 1.2 million profit. An appraisal obtained by the au thority to the purchase valued the building and land at $2.9 million. State District Judge Mary Bacon found there was probably cause to believe theft had occurred. Air Conditioning Specialists 111 Royal Bryan across S. College from Tom’s BBQ 846-5344 Auto Service This Ad is Good for $5 OFF 7 any Service or Repair Not valid with any other coupon or discount expires 8-31-88 SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE LU < CO Contact Lenses CO > LU < CO LU Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) *7^0° m co > pr. *-STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES < CO LU < CO LU $ 99°o $99°o $59°° pr. *-STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES CO > m pr. *-STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR CO > < CO LIMITED TIME OFFER SALE ENDS SEPT. 9, 1988 SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES m co > < CO Call 696-3754 For Appointment y CHARLES C. SCHR0EPPEL, O.D., P.C. < DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY CO LU * Eye exam & care kit not included 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University m SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE stars, as well as the universe! and estimated age, the scinii® Monday The Personal and group counseling, coping and interviewing techniques are offered to prepare and encour age students to stay in medical school once they are accepted. “Courses are offered on coping techniques to prepare the students for the stress and demands both aca demically and professionally of med ical school,” Maldonado said. The program has had a positive effect on the students’ decision to continue their education, he said. Two students who attended last summer’s program will begin ( lasses at A&M ’s medical program this year. experiment is proballi most precise ineasuremem made of the strength of theE gra\ ity, the scientists said. Scientists from five instils spent two months analyzing els in gravitational forces me* ® down a mile-deep borehole. Results indicate the new about 50 times weaker than|i and that the force enhances® over a short range, providing attraction. II it withstands further an the finding would overthrowii | verse square law, which sair force acting on a body decrease gets farther from the cenit I, Karth: II a body is twice as fan | the gravitational force will fourth as great. Bulgarian airliner disaster kills 23 VIFNNA, Austria (AP) — A Balkan Bulgarian airlines jet crashed shortly after taking off from Sofia on Tuesday, killing 23 people and injuring 14, the offi cial Bulgarian news agency said. Bulgarian airport officials reached by telephone from Vienna confirmed the crash, but refused to give details. The Yak-40, a Soviet-built plane with three engines, crashed at 5:29 p.m. (10:29 a.m. EDIi the start of a 280-mile schedui flight from the Bulgariancafi to Varna on the BlackSeacoasi The plane carried 33 passe gers and four crew members news agency said. It did noi whether any foreigners * aboard. It said 14 people werehospa ized “for emergency treatnr 1 he rest were killed inthecni Secretary sees secret Soviet bombe KUBINKA AIR FORCE BASE, U.S.S.R. (AP) — U.S. De fense Secretary Frank Carlucci boarded the Kremlin's new secret bomber and watched war games on tours Tuesday of two bases that had been off-limits to West- - The visits to Kubinka, includ ing the bomber NATO calls the Blackjack, and to an army artil lery division were unprecedented for an American official, Carlucci said later, but did not ptrsia him that the Soviets had ira moves from an offensive to fensive military posture. “We, for example, have no change in force structure^ have we seen any change in resources going into the Soij military establishment,"hesiil a news conference in Moscow During his visit to the air Carlucci spent about 10 min: iti the cockpit of the long-ni Blackjack bomber. Iranian president says peace ‘doubt! NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — President Ali Khamenei of Iran said Tuesday his government won’t agree to the direct peace negotiations Iraq demands and an end to the 8-year-old war ap- pears “extremely doubtful.” A spokesman for Javier I de Cuellar said the U.N. tl tary-general would not declail cease-fire unilaterally, whicl appeared previously to be hnj tention. Iraq said it wouldi cept the “fait accompli” of a a lateral declaration. FACULTY!! Are your class notes ready for fall? Let us furnish your students with copies of your preferred studyr als. Fast turnaround-Econonical rates. Convenient. Plenty of Pai across campus on Texas Ave. Call Mike or Gaylen 693-2679 40 COPY CENTER 707 Texas Ave Bldg. A-110 University DrtV « Jw T.A.M.U. V) S)707T|i»‘|I • Bkk!*'. , 3 ii Binding •Transparencies • Biueline Paper A WOMAN’S PLACE IS IN THE FIELD... or in any number of exciting, challenging careers in the Corps. JOB OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLEi Today’s opportunities are greater then ever for a Woman Mai Officer. A woman’s work is never dull in the Corps. Giveusaca§| 846-9036 v<V conviser-miller <v & epa “GET THE CONVISER CONFIDENCE" • Course Materials Include 5 Textbooks • 3 Month Format • Payment Plan Available/Major Credit Cards' • Exam Techniques Clinic 76% PASS RATE Call Battalion Classified 845-!