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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1988)
Thursday, March 24, 1988/The Battalion/Page 3 State and Local }s Navy band plays country hits in spite of technical problems By Shane Hall Reviewer Country music fans at Texas A&M were treated to a show of their favorite country hits Wednesday as mntry Empire, the U.S. Navy’s Review ' p co untry and western band, per- f firmed a one-hour show at Rudder amen ti Fountain. ’’ nol JiH With the cloudy weather and [ Breat of rain, it was not the best day , in the world for an outdoor concert. 111 But as they say in the entertainment ~ carop business, the show must go on. lOMtlfl And go on it did, but not without — raQi, a lair share of troubles. The first few »rjca|J son g s show, which began Biortly after 1 1 a.m., were plagued b' problems with the sound. Feed- iliswin btickand distortion were apparent as nuusth tl 16 band performed their set of top- MD country radio f avorites. Bass gui- ’ Brist Terry Matthews seemed most ^Bfected by the sound trouble, his Bass licks sounding heavily distorted ai some points in the show. .|B By the time the band began its lll'lBersion of “Love’s Been a Little Bit iwi^Hard On Me," most of the sound 1 Boubles seemed ironed out for the pBnie being. Their version of the iriy silt' J u ' ce Newton hit was one of the high ■ Joints of the show. Vocalist Mary Al- He Ames gave a good pertormance e 1 Ol the song as did her husband, Bud 264-2' Imes, who is the band leader and Jad guitarist. After finishing the song, guitarist tmes announced that the band Bould be taking a short break. It Beems the band was disturbing a nearby meeting. I The show resumed at noon, with ■he band covering George Strait’s ■Foolhearted Memory.” I All of the band members are tal- ■nted musicians, as they demon- Itiated throughout the show. Bud ■mes and rhythm guitarist Dave Photo by Mike C. Mulvey Bud and Mary Alice Ames perform country and western songs at Rudder Fountain Wednesday af ternoon. The husband and wife team are part of the Navy band Country Empire. The band had to pack up after about an hour of playing because it started raining. Nielsen are both talented guitar players, while the rhythm section of drummer Duncan Hudson and bas sist Matthews provide a good beat. Keyboardist Janet Shultz adds to the group’s sound with her playing while the husband and wife team of Bud and Mary Alice Ames handles the vocals with skill. Unfortunately, like the first set, the second was plagued by sound problems. “Gone Too Far” was espe cially bad as crackles and pops in the P.A. system rang forth almost as clearly as the band’s music. “First Time Caller,” another Juice Newton tune, turned out rather well, though. Mary Alice Ames gave her best vocal performance of the show, accompanied well by the band. About 12:30 p.m., the rain ar rived. “We’re gonna stop now before we get electrocuted,” Bud an nounced to the audience, which in creased in numbers during the show. The band members promptly be gan breaking down their equipment, ending a somewhat enjoyable, but rather problematic performance that frankly should have been planned a little better. With the weather the way it was, one would think someone within the University system would have had the sense to move the show somewhere inside. Country Empire is a band of tal ented musicians, but the members really should add to their song rep ertoire. The addition of some origi nal material or perhaps some lesser- known cover tunes would certainly add some interest to the current top- 40 country format the band uses. Police suspended for alleged beating of three suspects SPRING VALLEY (AP) — An undisclosed number of Spring Valley officers have been sus pended pending the outcome of an investigation into the alleged beating of three burglary sus pects, a department spokesman said Wednesday. Spring Valley dispatcher L.G. Daniels said she could provide no more information about the probe. Houston FBI spokesman Johnnie Joyce would neither con firm nor deny the federal agency was taking part in the investiga tion. The alleged beatings took place after three 20-year-old men were arrested early Sunday fol lowing a break-in at a Spring Val ley antique store near Houston. The three were identified as Kenny Johnson of the Jasper area and Kelly Hebert and Ricky Bouillion, both of Winnie. Johnson told investigators he and Hebert used a rock to break into the store to steal a table. The officers heard an alarm and en tered through a window, Johnson said. Johnson said one officer ap proached him and asked him where Hebert was hiding. John son said he put his hands above his head and asked not to be shot. He said the officer slapped him on the left side of the face, and then when he said he would not cause trouble, the officer struck him on the other side of the face. The other officer handcuffed him from behind, borrowed an other set of handcuffs from a sec ond officer and used the second set as a grip while the first officer slapped, kicked and kneed him in the back, face and stomach, he said. Johnson claims one officer turned his back while the first of ficer and another officer beat him until Hebert was discovered hid ing in the building. He says he was placed in a patrol car, but could hear the officers beating Hebert. After kicking a window out ol the car, Johnson said, he fled, still handcuffed, to a motel where he hid from helicopters and police while he telephoned his father, who is a jailer at the Jasper County Jail. Johnson said a relative took him to Lumberton and then to Jasper where he was hospitalized. Hebert and Bouillion, contacted by telephone late Tuesday, said they were slapped and kicked by the same officer after their arrest. Hebert said the officer slapped and punched him inside the store, and was interrupted when the owner arrived, and he was then taken to the Spring Valley police department. Both Hebert and Bouillion said they were placed in separate rooms at the police station and the officer beat and choked them when he questioned them, repeat edly saying they were lying. Correction A Wednesday Battalion article in correctly stated that the Texas Agri cultural Experiment Station is a co sponsor of the North American Wa terfowl Plan. The North American Waterfowl Plan is not an A&M-based project; it is ajoint venture between the United States and Canada. The Battalion ar ticle concerned the research by R. Douglas Slack, a professor of wildlife and fisheries science at Texas A&M. Slack’s research project concerns snow geese and is not directly re lated to the North American Water- fowl Plan. oth noil dicuifi le arpii uasebaii: roth - ry, yo«| lacks ii stoM \ IMS' I plavini res foil; collep 'some j oes - all of | eria- uoritfS “tcent I ke ttif I ks and k i ended seven' ngtltfl . issue rouple et die >hi GRAND OPENING SPECIALS FRI.-SUN. MARCH 25, 26 & 27 6 PACK OF COKE 12 OZ. CANS FREE 8 oz. Cup of Maxwell House Coffee & Shipley Ba 9 Donuts °f Popcorn March 25-27, 1988 GIANT TRUCKLOAD COKE SALE 6 PACK OF COKE (ALL FLAVORS) onlyuQ^ - Valid March 21-27. 1988 I2 OZ. CANS (20 6-PACK LIMIT with FILL UP) (Additional Purchase or purchase ju.thout till up • $1 19) ★ Come and see the Exxon Tiger & Clown ★ FREE Balloons and Lollipops ★ FREE Popcorn/Coffee & Donuts ★ FREE Newspaper FRI. & SAT. ONLY 3 Hot Dogs And Coke 99° March 25-27, 1988 (8 oz. 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