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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1988)
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Not valid in combination with any other Pizza Hut* offer. 5- mtnute guarantee applies 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM to our two selections on orders of 5 or less per table. Or 3 or less per carryout customer. °1983 Phan Hut. Inc. your degree soon you turn it into Tear off and mail in or call 1-800-345-4564 to receive your own copy of the A1CPA Uniform CPA Examination absolutely free. We'll also send you information about Lambers CPA Review. You'll have now let Lambers a career. Year of graduation CPA R E V / E W 809 Turnpike Street, North Andover, M A 01845 Page 4/The Battalion/Monday, February 29, 1988 A&M searches for firm to carry staff insurance What’s U mm By Todd Riemenschneider Staff Writer The Texas A&M University Sys tem Employee Benefits Advisory Committee heard reports Friday on the Tax Saver Plan and on bids for what company will carry the insur ance for A&M staff and employees. SEBAC also heard reports on the Tax Saver Plan implemented Jan. 1. The Tax Saver Plan is being imple mented in two phases. Phase one allows employees to pay their insurance premiums on a be fore-tax basis, instead of an after-tax basis, said Steve Hassel, associate di rector for the systems office of em ployee benefits. Phase two deals with spending ac counts and will be implemented Sept. 1, Hassel said. A spending account allows em ployees the opportunity to select the amount of money taken out of their paychecks each pay period for un reimbursed health expenses and de pendent daycare. This is also done oh a before-tax basis. Proposals have been sent out for bids in two phases. Phase one is a general services administration which is like a claims processing sys tem. A claims processing system is simi lar to what an insurance company does when it reimburses its clients. The other phase is a communica tions phase. This plan will aid in let ting employees know how the system works. Proposals will be received through next Friday. The decision on tne new insurance carrier should be made by the end of March, and then participating employees will be noti fied of the details, Hassel said. The group also heard proposals about the status of bids from insur ance carriers. Larry Wilson, director of the sys tems office of employee benefits, said they are trying to narrow the number of insurance carriers to a smaller number. “We hope to narrow the field to a more manageable number, perhaps six or seven companies,” he said. The goal of the committee is to have the new rates for the faculty and staff before summer. Wilson said there will be new rates, but they will not automatically go up. “Since we are in an inflationary time, they will probably go up, but we do not know how much,” he said. “We will be able to announce those new rates by the first part of May, before the faculty leaves for the summer,” Wilson said. Wilson also said the annual enroll ment period will be June 6 throi gh July 15. During this time faculty and staff will be able to review and change their plans if they wish. Monday INTRAMURALS: Entries open for badminton singles, innertube water polo, jol singles and volleyball triples in 159 Read. For registration informationconlatl P.J. Miller at 845-7826. AM A MARKETING SOCIETY: will have a representative from Piedmont Airlinei speak at 7 p.m. in 150 Blocker. ACCOUNTING SOCIETY: Electronic Data Systems will discuss hi-techcareefs at 7 p.m. at the College Station Hilton. AGGIE PARTNERS FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS: will have a short meetirc about the Special Olympics at 7 p.m. in 267 G. Rolhe White. BRAZOS COUNTY RAPE CRISIS CENTER: will have its 16th training class bfr ginning tonight for volunteers to become phone or escort advocates or Friend! of the Family advocates. For more information call Linda Castoria at 776-7273. Tuesday Teen-ager recovers after abducted, beaten FORT WORTH (AP) — A teen age girl kidnapped from a pizza par lor parking lot was severely beaten with stones and tree limbs during the nearly 24 hours she was missing, police say. Ashley Dozier was in stable condi tion at Fort Worth Children’s Hospi tal Sunday. She suffered multiple cuts, including scalp wounds and ex posure. A 16-year-old youth was be ing held Sunday at a juvenile deten tion center in connection with the abduction. The 13-year-old girl was discov ered about 7 p.m. Saturday in a cul vert in Fort Worth. Ashley was in the parking lot of a Fort Worth pizza parlor with two friends Friday night. The two boys, ages 12 and 13, told police a man pulled up and accused them of damaging his car. He then pushed them into his car and told them he was a plainclothes police of ficer and was taking them to the ju venile detention center, the boys said. FACULTY FRIENDS: will present the Faculty Forum "The Mystery of Life’s On- gin" at noon in 110 Civil Engineering. Dr. Walter Bradley will speak. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS: Steve Anderson will speak andofficeri will be elected at 7 p.m. in 105 B Zachry. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will have a concert by Jerry Goebeli Christian singer-guitarist, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rudder Auditorium. PRE-MED/PRE-DENT SOCIETY: Representatives from the University of Tenai Southwestern Medical School in Dallas will speak at 5 p.m. in 203 Harrington DATA PROCESSING MANAGMENT ASSOCIATION: Electronic DataSyste will present information on careers in data processing at 7 p.m. at the Claylor Williams Alumni Center. POLITICAL SCIENCE 356: Republican sheriff's candidates will debate at 4 p.n in 207 Harrington. PHYSICAL THERAPY CLUB: A representative from the U.S. Army willspeaka: 7 p.m. in 164 Read. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN: Representatives from theDute and Gephardt campaigns will speak at 8:30 p m. in 704 Rudder AMERICAN PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY CONTROL SOCIETY: Pictures for the Aggieland will be taken at 6:40 p.m. in the Zachry lobby. Bobby Elkins if Arthur Anderson will then present "CIM is Finally Here." BAPTIST STUDENT UNION: will have a hullabuloo fellowship with MarkJohv son, an A&M baseball coach, speaking at 7 p.m. at the Baptist Student Ceniei AGGIES FOR JACK KEMP: will meet at 7 p.m in 402 Rudder. AMERICAN AGRONOMY SOCIETY: will meet at 7:15 p.m. in 103 Soil and Croc: Sciences TEXAS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m in30t I Rudder. NATIONAL RESIDENCE HALL HONORARY: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in Rudder. CEIPHED VARIABLE: AggieCon workers will meet at 7:30 p.m. in206MSC AGGIE ALLEMANDERS: will have square dance lessons at 7:30 p.m.anc; club dance at 8:45 p.m. in the Pavilion. WRITING OUTREACH: will discuss “How to Write a Persuasive Essay'al63C p.m. in 131 Blocker. PHI ETA SIGMA: will meet at 7 p.m. in 501 Rudder. TAU KAPPA ALPHA: will have an information session for interested soplc- mores at 7 p.m. in 410 Rudder. SPANISH CLUB: will meet at 8 p.m. at the Flying Tomato. BRYAN HOMETOWN CLUB: will discuss The Big Event at 7 p.m. in 502Ru1 der. ALVIN HOMETOWN CLUB: will meet to collect dues and discuss upcomw events at 7 p.m. at the Flying Tomato. SILVER TAPS: There will be a Silver Taps ceremony at 10:30 p.m. inlrontd the Academic Building. PRE-LAW SOCIETY: will discuss LSAT preparation at 8:30 p.m. in301 Rudd? INTRAMURALS: will have a sports club meeting at 7 p.m. in 167 Read.Tate tennis doubles entries close. WATER SKI TEAM: will meet in Rudder Tower at 8:30 p.m. r Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDom no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publisl the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What's Up is a Battalion service that lists non-prolit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served basis There is no guarantee an entry will run. II you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. Th peopl Texas seat belt usage drops By Lisabeth Rabun Reporter A recent project conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute showed that seat belt use in Texas has declined each year since the mandatory shoulder restraint law went into effect in 1985, project di rector Katy Womack said. “The survey recorded obser vations of 3,000 vehicles at 12 differ ent intexsections in each of the 18 cities studied throughout the state over a one-week period of time,” Womack said. Annual reports show that before the law went into effect in December 1985, the seat belt usage rate in Texas was 15 percent. In 1986, the rate increased to 66 percent. The following year the rate decreased to 58.6 percent and the 1988 report showed a 55.7 percent rate of usage. “It’s hard to tell if it will continue to decline or if it will level out,” Wo mack said, “but a decrease was ex pected the first year after the law passed.” The decline is similar to what other states have experienced after passing seat belt laws, but comparati vely, Texas remains above average, she said. A report from the National High way Traffic Safety Administration confirms the average use in the other states to he 45 percent, Wo mack said. Percentage of Texas Seatbelt Users 80 n / 70 - / 60 - / c 50 - / <D if 40- / O CL 30 - / 20 - / 10 - / 0 - 66 % 58.6 % 55.7% 1 985 1986 1987 Year 1 988 Delta Airlines goes to trial over crash Graphic by Susan C. Akin Texas had such a large increase the first year the law went into effect that it has easily remained above the national average, Womack stated. dents to administer the tests and that they become employees of TTI for a week. “We seem to be using seat belts about 10 percent more than the rest of the states,” she said. The Human Factors Division of TTI was responsible for the survey. Womack said she uses A&M stu- The Human Factors division also does studies concerning the drunken-driving laws, the speed limit laws and traffic safety evalua tions. The human factors engi neering looks at the way the vehicle Fits an individual. FORT WORTH (AP)-Delia Air Lines and federal attorneii go to court Tuesday over who is legally responsible in Delta's di sastrous crash at Dallas-Fori Worth International Airport. Federal Judge David 0. Beb Jr. will determine whether ike government must payapariof $91.2 million in claims that Del ta’s insurers have paid so far in connection with the 1985crash. Belew, in that decision,,also will determine the extent of the air line’s liability in the crash of Delta Flight 191 on Aug. 2,1985,which killed 137 people and injured25. Justice Department attornev Kathlynn Faddy, who will rep resent the government in tht trial, predicted that whatever Be lew decides, the case will heap pealed. Flight 191, from Fort Lauder dale, Fla., to Los Angeles with) stopover at Dallas-Fort Worth crashed at 6:06 p.m. while at tempting to land during a severe thunderstorm that developed during the last minutes of the plane’s approach. The airline claims thatairtraf- lie controllers and weather fore casters had evidence of a low-alti tude thunderstorm in the landing path of the flight but failed to J warn the jetliner’s crew. lercn larre ural aid I ation “Tl Feat: aid. Ca at the _ petiti- fcotnn He °I Mack Y>- ”, Pm ^ ti/st Surf's ZIjj of CaCtfornio/ Dockweiler Station, P.O. Box 18A506, Los Angeles, CA. 90007 Please send ’T-Shirts @ $12.00 each or 3 shirts for $32.00. Add $1.25 for postage and handling. Name College Address City State Zip Phone ( ) All T-shirts are white with colored designs. For a complete panphlet of shirt designs, send $1.00 to the above address. Allow’ 3-4 weeks for delivery. SURF'S UP CF CALIFOFNIA AT A&M NEARLY EVERYBODY (36,000 active, affluent Aggies) 7 Reads The Battalion ® tC <*ed