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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1988)
Page 6/The BattalionTuesday, February 2, 1988 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 ROCK & ROLL and MOVIE POSTER SALE ALL THE LATEST POSTERS Roll and Roll: U2 Pink Floyd The Cure New Order REM other British bands Mon.-Thurs, Feb. 1-4, 9:30-5:30 Friday, Feb. 5, 9:30-4:00 MSC Hallway C STREET by JON CALDARr urn got ft Dumv FOR OffULLL UILD. um cor m m mimLLY ftu/m mat top mo you ^ mom. sigh m DUST BLftNOm m-up Ih swrmM utth tw smm to on ft/fii-npomm O MSC Political Forum "What in the hell is going on? I thought we were winning this war?" Walter Cronkite, after hearing of the Tet Offensive, January 30, 1968 Vietnam Today Dr. Terry Anderson A Lecture and Slide Presentation February 3*7 :'30 Rudder Theater dir Waldo by Kevin Thom BOX .3ORLY . IS MAD ABOUT SOMETHING!/OH, HE'S JUST HOT USED TO THE EQUAL RIGHTS WOMEN HAVE NOWADAYS' HE'S GOING TO THE BARBER SHOP FOR SOME "MALE BONblNG." Warped by Scott McCulli OUR FIRST 5T0P IN THE. WRPD TOUR IS WITH MERRITT JENNINGS, WRPD'5 NEW5AMCH0R. HE ALSO HAPPENS TO BE N\1 SHV SOT FRIEND. HEY, HANDSOME, HOW YOUT A KISS? OH, COME ON, IT3 OA/LV THE NEWS. SAY, CAMERA TEXAS’ OLDEST AND PROUDEST WARGAMING CONVENTION FEBRUARY 5, 6, & 7 th 1988 ONE, GET A SHOT OF CAMERA TWOS TELE PROMPTER FOR AWHILE. FEATURING A FREE TALK BY SPECIAL GUEST: LARRY BOND CO-AUTHOR OF RED STORM RISING AND DESIGNER OF HARPOON Few physicians use right to advertise for patients (Feb. 6 at 2:00 pm in room 601 Rudder) For more information call: (409) 845-1515 or register in Room 206 MSC after 3:00 Friday By Marcena Fadal Rcfxartcr . T « In 1982, the Supreme Court ruled that the American Medical Associa tion must allow its members the right to advertise, but physicians still are reluctant to market their serv ices, Dr. Stephen McDaniel, asso ciate professor of marketing at Texas A&M, said. McDaniel did a study to see to what extent physicians would adver tise. He randomly selected 75 newspa pers from across the United States and checked them for physician ad vertisements. “I looked through each one of the newspapers at two different times,” McDaniel said. “I looked through every page, ev ery part of the paper to see if I could find any kind of physician adverti sing,” he said. Contrary to McDaniel’s expecta tions, he found less than one adver tisement per paper. “There has been a lot of history of American Medical Association and medical doctors having an anti-ad vertising attitude,” McDaniel said. “One reason is that advertising has been viewed as being unprofes sional,” he said. A common belie! among physi cians is that a good doctor should not have to advertise his services, he said. “Another reason is that physicians believe if they advertise, they will have to raise their prices,” McDaniel said. “Studies have shown that not only does advertising create a better product, but it also reduces prices,” he said. But reduced prices may end up meaning reduced quality, McDaniel said. “You do have a market of who want the lowest healthcare can receive,” he said. “Maybe the quality isn't be as good,” he explained." be sort of a mass approach wi of waiting in line. You may be venienced, but the price is low" However, specialty advertising! the form of pens, pads of papetij balloons imprinted with the phi cian’s name, is a common area off vertising doctors employ w luctance, he said. Advertising will not save product that is not already McDaniel said. He said the effec ts of advert® were summed up best by Bill B bach, who founded BBDO, a I advertising agency. “Advertising will only.jhakes# product fail faster,” McDaihJ quoted Bernbach as saying. Bush dismisses hopefuls as ‘creatures of Congress (AP) — Vice President George Bush said Monday that he was better qualified for the White House than rivals he dismissed as “creatures of Congress,” and Democrat Bruce Babbitt criticized six-term Rep. Rich ard Gephardt as a “lifelong Wash ington insider” trying to run against the establishment. In the paper chase, Bush and Sen. Bob Dole each picked up $6.3 mil lion during the last quarter of 1987 — more than many of the candidates collected all year. Meanwhile, another contender for the Republican nomination, Pat Robertson, accused the Bush cam paign of Watergate-style dirty tricks in the wake of the Michigan conven tion. The former television evangel ist’s supporters cried foul after Bush captured a lion’s share of Michigan’s delegates over the weekend. “The things that are being said, the anti-Christian bashing that going on by the Bush forces, such things as calling evangelicals cockroaches, as calling evangelicals fascists and Na zis, putting out literature with Mr. Bush’s picture on it saying ‘keep these fundamentalists out of the party,’ Robertson told a news con ference in Washington. “There’s been some really raw stuff going on and I thought we were past that after Watergate,” he said. Bush slammed members of Con gress, his main target obviously Dole, during a speech in New Hampshire. “Six of the 13 people running for president are creatures of Con gress," Bush said. “I’ve run an essential government agency. I made more decisions^ ning the Central Intelligtfj Agency ... in a week than 1 d four years as a congressman I 1 exas,” Bush said. He said me^, of Congress lack leadership^ 1 ] quoting an old line, “It’s hardw® up to a leader who has hisearw 1 ] ground.” Bush’s count was off by one 1 the COP candidates, Dole and-'j York Rep. Jack Kemp are curt members of Congress and Pe |fi Pont is a former House member the Democrats, Cepharc, Sen. Paul Simon, TennesseeSenJ bert Core Jr. are sitting:nienuk and Cary Hart is a former sen#] Earlier in the day. thevice|) rC dent appeared on NBC’s "T ,)l show and was questioned $ about his role in the Iran-Contnj fair. for County Commissioner Precinct3 the l Pol. Adv. pd. for by Bob Tountas, Treas. Ande diff < J’ 96 6, he |f e levei | ,n 1987, an d to si