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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1987)
Page 6/The Battalion/Monday, December 7,1987 Battalion Classifieds • FOR RENT Duplexes For Lease Southwest Pkwy. (Lawyer St. & Trinity PI.) 2 Bdrm, 1 Va Bath, Garage, Fen. bk. yd., Stove, Refrig., Dishwasher, Cen. heat & air. Deposit $200., Rent $350./mo. Phone after 7pm. Mon-Sat All day Sun. 693-5177 ask for Bill Looking for a quiet place to live? Townshire Manor Apts. 401 Lake-Bryan 822-7178 or 268-8620 Professionally managed by On-Line Property Managers. Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tf • NOTICE Luxury 4-plex Apartments. Available for Dec. or Jan. move in. Call WYNDHAM 846-4384. $350./mo. 68t 12/11 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, $410./mo. Normandy Square Apts, in Northgate. 764-7314. 46tfn A Luxury Fourplex, 2-1 !4i, appliances, washer/dryer, ct. heat/air, $325./mo. 303 Manuel Dr. 696-0551, 696- 0632. 46tfn One bedroom, quiet, wooded, convenient area. Half month free. 846-6473 evenings. 65tl2/4 3-2 Apt. in Tanglewood. $485./mo. All Bills Paid. 693- 7401. 65tl2/8 Sublease Treehouse Village Apt. Skip the waiting list. $300.696-4392. 67tl2/10 Walk to A&M (Northgate). 2 Br/1 Bath, $250-285./mo. Call 776-2300, wkends 1-279-2967. 67tl/21 Pre-leasing 3 BR/2 BA Duplex near Hilton. 846- 2471/776-6856 63t/indef. Rooms for Rent. Call Mrs. Thomas 696-1072.63t/12/l 1 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C Sc Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn • ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate Wanted: Furnished, two bedroom, iVfe bath townhome. 846-9579. $187.50/mo. 66tl2/9 Roommate Wanted. 2 bedroom, iVfc bath. $165./mo. Phone 696-1312 after 1pm. 66tl2/ll Searching for a new roomate 3-2 House $125. a month 823-0340 after 5p.m. 63t/12/ll Need male/female roommate(s) for spring. 2-1 $100./mo. + utilities. Shuttle bus route. Call 696-7889. 67tl2/ll ♦ PERSONALS Looking For Guy Who Returned Lost ECON203 Note book With Turtle. 764-9738. 68tl2/l 1 # TRAVEL LAST CALL FOR SKIERS: Additional space added on Sunchase ToursvSixth Annual Collegiate Winter Ski Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Breckenridge or Winter Park from only $154 including five or seven nights lodging, lifts, picnics, parties and /aces. Over 4,000 participating so far! Call toll free for full color bro chure and reservations 1-800-321-5911 TODAY! 68U/20 Spring Break '88 trips available now! Your choice: South Padre Island; North Padre/Mustang Island; Gal veston Island, Texas. Daytona Beach; Fort Walton Beach; Miami Beach; Orlando/Disney World, Florida. Hilton Head, South Carolina or sking at Steamboat, Colorado. All the most wanted destinations at discount prices. Call toll free for complete Sunchase Tours Sev enth Annual Spring Break Bash color brochure and reservations today. 1-800-321-5911 63tl2/ll til SFORJ SMJ? ; , t f . \ Hij •Allbrick3/2,$42,500. to&ifl »Why rent? Payments under * $500. •New paint and carpet, r ... Wood deck. UmWf Call John Clark 268-7829. RvvVIKK B-CS Realty Across from Hilton 53111/12 1982 Ford Granada. 4 door, low mileage. Family car, extremely well cared for. $3750. 845-5803, 778-1235. 49tl2/8 Aggie Throw Quilts. Taking Limited Orders For Christmas Delivery. $43.95. 779-3550, 696-2038. 62tl2/10 MUST SELL! New apt. size washer/dryer. CHEAP! Graduating 846-5967. 67U2/10 ROUND TRIP AIRLINE TICKET. HOUSTON TO ST. LOUIS. LEAVE 12/23, BACK 12/31. $50. BOB K., 845-6424. 67tl2/5 Honda Aero 125 Scooter. Asking $600. Call Andy at 693-7683. 67U2/10 R.T. Continental plane ticket. Houston/L.A.X. Dec. 19- 30tli. $240. Rhonda 825-7213/845-4468. 67tl2/8 1976 Datsun Truck $500. 8383 price firm. Good condition. Call 696- 66tl2/9 COMPUTER'S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER! EBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Itfn TAKE OVER 5 ACRES. NO DOWN. $49./mo. Beauti- ful trees. GREAT HUNTING. Owner: (818) 363- 7906. 65tl2/9 ♦ WANTED Stanford University Professor and wife. Happily mar ried for many years. Anxious to adopt newborn infant. Personal meeting welcome. Lawful and proper preg nancy related expenses paid. Couple approved by Cali fornia adoption authorities in advance of placement. State supervised adoption procedures. Please call col lect Terri and Michael Payer (415) 328-8723. 68tl2/l 1 ACUTE DIARRHEA STUDY Persons with acute, uncom plicated diarrhea needed to evaluate medication being considered for over-the- counter sale. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHES We would like to treat your tension headache with Tyle nol or Advil and pay you $40. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 pO $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 WANTED: Individuals with fre quent aches & pains (arthritis, burcitis, joint pain, headaches, long term sports injuries) who reg ularly take over-the-counter pain medication to participate in an at home study. $40 incentive for those chosen to participate. Please call: Pauli Research International 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 • HELP WANTED Research Interviewers Leading Research Firm needs Interviewers to conduct interviews in respondents’ homes on health related research projects. Previous experience helpful but not nec essary. Car required. Paid training 20-25 hours/week minimum including evening and weekend work. Flexible hours begin ning December 1987 thru June 1988. $5.40/hour plus 200/mile. Call Ms. Holmes MON-WED between 10:30 & 3:30 ESI. 800-937-8281 ext 2053 Westat, Inc. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H/V 62t11/25 SEMESTER BREAK WORK Earn $500 to $1,000 between se mesters in your hometwon, Dallas- Ft. Worth, Houston, Austin, Waco, San Antonio. Flexible hours. Full or part time. All majors considered. Ex cellent work reference. Apply: T.M.S. Enterprises Rudder Tower: Mon., Dec. 7, Rm 507 Tues., Dec. 8, Rm 704 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm ONLY La Quinta Inn, 607 Texas Ave. Mon., Tues., Dec. 7,8.8pm only (No Phone Calls) 67ti2/8 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Carer Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Ba hamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: 206-736-0775 Ext. 466H 19tfn • SERVICES WORD PROCESSING. FAST, RELIABLE, REA SONABLE. DISSERTATIONS, THESIS, REPORTS, RESUMES. BONNIE 776-0350/845-9553. 66U2/7 Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. Guaranteed error free, from $1.35/page. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 42tl2/9 Typing, Word Processing. Reasonable rates. Call Ber tha 696-3785. 52tl2/9 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. ' 67U2/10 DEFENSIVE DRIVING TICKET DISMISSAL, IN SURANCE DISCOUNT. CLASSES EVERY WEEK!! 693-1322. 24tl2/16 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. FAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 51tl2/l 1 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 49tl2/8 SHORT ON CASH??? Sell your BOOKS at University Book Store Northgate & Culpepper Plaza SCHULMAN THEATRES 2.50 ADMISSION 1. Any Show Before 3 PM 2. Tuesday - All Seats 3. Mon-Wed - Local Students With Current ID s 4. Thur - KORA "Over 30 Mite" "DENOTES DOLBY STEREO MANOR EAST 3 Manor East Mall 823-8300 TEEM W01F TOO pa at THREE MB & A BABY pa si C9DERB1A a 7:1» BABY BOON pa PLAZA 3 . 226 Southwest Pkwy 693- 2457 [ ‘FATAL ATTRACTION r | PLANES, TRAINS A AUTOMOBILES r m ‘HELLO AGAIN pq m SCHULMAN 6 * 2U02 E. 29th 775-2463 i UKE FATHER UKE SON Pats £9 ftUNCESS SHOE pa-i$ ffl $ DOLLAR DAYS $ STAKEOUT r m CAN’T BUY ME LOVE 77 m THE PICK UP ARTIST pq m THE LOST BOYS r m Convictions for DWI bring probation for most people VKflSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. .FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS. ETC. LASER QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn By Jamie Russell Staff Writer A drunk student leaves a local nightclub in College Station, know ing the chance he is taking with the law. He gets arrested for a DWI — driving while intoxicated. It is a humiliating experience. He is thrown in jail with what he per ceives as “real” criminals — thieves, robbers, people who assault others and drug dealers. This person, a typical DWI offender, does not see himself as a criminal. But now he is. Dan Beto, chief probation officer for Brazos County, said the typical DWI offender is white, male and about 25 years old. A misdemeanor is a minor offense that can be punished only by fines or jail, as opposed to a felony, which can be punished by imprisonment. There are 2,401 people on adult legal probation in Brazos County. Of those, 1,359 are misdemeanor cases, of which 20 percent are stu dents. Of those students, 75 percent were put on probation for DWIs. A DWI, even the first, is a serious offense. County Judge Claude Davis said. It is a conviction that goes on a person’s record and is permanent. Davis calculates he sent 91 people to jail, mainly for DWIs, for the months of July, August and Septem ber. All judges try to listen to each in dividual case before sentencing, Da vis said. “We must not only be fair, we must treat people equally,” Davis said. For example, one student driving intoxicated may have a car accident and kill someone. He will be dealt with more se verely than someone with no pre vious record who was pulled over for a DWI that did not result in an acci dent. Each offender’s circumstance is considered before the judge sen tences the person. This process re sults in a different sentence for each offender. Since 1979, offenders placed on felony probation or probation for a DWI have been required to perform a certain number of hours of com munity service for a non-profit or tax-supported organization, Beto said. “Community service is not exclu sive of any category though,” Beto said. “It is up to the judge in each ca se.” According to the Brazos County Adult Probation Department’s 1986 annual report, 12,200 hours of com munity service were performed for 31 different organizations by more than 200 probationers. The esti mated dollar value of the work per formed has been calculated at $54,293. Davis said he has given 41 people probation in the last three months with an average of 61 hours of com munity service pier person. The Brazos County Adult Legal Probation Department monitors of fenders after they have been sen tenced. A person on probation in Brazos County has to report to his desig nated probation officer once a month and pay $40 each visit. Beto, who has been with the Bra zos County Adult Legal Probation Department since September 1979, said probation works. “I wouldn’t be in it if I didn’t think it worked,” he said. Davis agrees, saying that most people never come through probation a second time. There are two main purposes of adult probation, Beto said. COUSNELORS - Boys camp in Berkshire Mts., West. Mass. Good sal., room & bd., travel allowance, beauti ful modern facility, must love children & be able to teach one of the following: Tennis, W.S.I., Sailing, Wa- terski, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, LaCrosse, Wood, A&C, Rocketry, Photography, Archery, Pioneering, Ropes, Piano, Drama. Call or write: Camp Winadu, 5 Glen La., Mamaroneck, NY 10543. (914) 381-5983. 64U2/2 COUNSELORS - Girls camp in Maine. Good sal., room 8c bd., travel allowance, beautiful modern facility, must love children 8c be able to teach one of the following: Tennis, W.S.I., Sailing, Waterski, Softball, Basketball, Soccer, LaCrosse, A&C, Photography, Horseback, Dance, Piano, Drama, Ropes, Camp Craft, Gymnastics. Call or write: Camp Vega, Box 1771, Duxbury, Mass. 02332. (617) 934-6536. 64t 12/2 C Programmer, full-time. Assembler, expert systmes, and knowledge of Naval Warfare helpful. 1805 Briar Oaks, Suite B, Bryan, Tx 77802. 62tl2/10 Now hiring cashiers part-time mornings & afternoons. Farm Patch Produce Market. Call and ask for Lisa. 779-7209. 66tl2/l 1 Graduate students needed for notetaking for spring se mester. Must type & be dependable. Excellent oppor tunity for T.A.'s. Please call 846-2255 or come by 112 Nagle for interview. 67tl2/l 1 Regular Part-Time: Need dependable persons to work 3-4 hours daily, late afternoons in dispatching office. Figure transport trailer loadings for food manufactur ing plant. Contact Mr. Bonn Weatherford 778-6600. 67tl2/10 Babysitters Needed Jan. 4 1:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Week days. Infant and two children after school, nonsmoker- ,reliable transportation 690-0146. Leave message.67tl2/ll i?. IMPORTED BEER SPECIAL , Wednesday 7-closing YESTERDAYS 18 Imported Beers on Special 4>^ 4k> 4^ 4* ►o- ^ 4^ 4>>~> 4>^4>* w ^ A ^ 1 I % & 1 i 1 i & A i & i & l 7 ffE A ^<4 I sSr X f t I “The stated goal of all criminal justice agencies is to provide public protection and aid in the rehabilita tion of the offender,” Beto said. But there are students who con tinually violate probation, and some say they feel probation does not work. “It was a joke,” Tim Lubbert, a ju nior building construction major, said. “It was the biggest waste of time. All 1 did was send in my money each month. 1 hardly saw my proba tion officer.” Lubbert was on probation for DWI in 1985. He was pulled over for speeding in Anahuac on his way home to Beaumont and was charged with DWI. His probation officer was in Anahuac so he never saw him, Lubbert said. He just mailed his monthly probation fee in, he said. “All they want is your money,” Lubbert said. Probation departments differ across Texas and whether or not the punishment is effective is up to the individual probationer, Beto said. A first-time DWI offender in Bra zos County with no prior record can expect to spend $1,700 in fines, costs and probation fees. Probation fees drugs on the body and help deter mine whether a particular abuser has control over his drug usage. Ac tion will be taken accordingly in handling a chemical-abusing proba tioner. The probationer participates in ten urine analyses during a 16- week period. Parchman, one of the directonof ESP, said the probationer is told what days the tests will be given. She said if a test is positive, it means the probationer has a problem, because he knew when the test was going to be given and did not care. “(If this happens) they obviously have no conscious control over their use,” she said. An offender is referred to ESP through pre-scntencing done by the probation department. Cases that are pre-sentenced are felony cases, misdemeanor DWI cases and misde meanor cases as judges direct. Pre-sentence investigation reports offer the courts an understanding of the world the offender lives in, Parchman said. “It gives us an idea of any prob lems a person may have, and we make recommendations according ly,” she said. The probation department con tracts services such as professional substance abuse counselors and psy chiatrists to assure that probationen with specific problems receive proper treatment. These services are necessary because of the number of serious substance-abuse problems. There are all kinds of metham- phetamine labs, where illegal drugs are made, in the Brazos Vallei Beto said. [ley area, alone for a two-year sentence are $960, and to this the offender can add the cost of an attorney. According to the department’s an nual report, during 1986 Brazos County’s three district courts and two county courts-at-law collected $791,130 from probationers. The amount collected includes restitu tion, fines, court costs, probation fees and appointed attorney’s fees. In addition to the overwhelming monetary expenses, time expendi ture is required by a probationer in community service. They must at tend once-a-month probation ap pointments and sometimes special programs. Tne Brazos County Probation De partment offers different programs for offenders. Alcohol education classes are required by probationers convicted of DWIs. The program, taught at Texas A&M under the direction of Dr. Maurice E. Dennis, an industrial ed ucation professor and a traffic safety expert, is designed to assist the of fender in idenufying problems asso ciated with excessive drinking, to help the problem drinker and to en courage responsible behavior while operating a motor vehicle. The class is taught on a pass or fail basis. “The only way to fail the class is to not attend or participate in classes,” Dennis said. A Drug Education and Screening Program (ESP) is offered to proba tioners who abuse drugs ana alco hol, probation officer Arlene Parch man said. “The program is mainly required for felony offenders with a long his tory of chemical and alcohol abuse,” Parchman said. The program is designed to teach the probationers about the effects of “We’ve got a serious drug prob lem in this area,” Beto said. The probation department imple ments more than 200 drug tests per month. Urinalyses are supervision tools that have been used by the de partment for three years. The department recendy bought a more advanced drug-testing ma chine — the Abbott TDX Analyzer. It is capable of testing up to 200 dif ferent drugs, said Deputy Chief Pro bation Officer Fred Maddox, who operates the machine. Maddox said the four predomi nant drugs the department checks for are cocaine, amphetamines, mar ijuana and opiates. If a probationer tests positive fora drug, the probationer may be con fronted with the results, he said. The offender may be required to go back before a judge for resentencing, which may include anything from modifying probation terms to serv ing a sentence in the TDC. For most students these programs are not required because most are misdemeanor cases or felony DWI cases. The alcohol-awareness pro gram and the community-service program are the most prevalent pro grams involving students. “More people than you might ex pect in your age bracket (18 to 24 years old) are alcoholics,” Davis said. “I feel for them. I just wish they could be educated to never get be hind that wheel if they’re going to drink.” Probation sentences, which limit and restrict a person’s activities and lifestyles, can be severe. “But one of the big penalties of any crime is the public embarrass ment of it all,” Davis said. “It’s a pen alty we don’t know how to assess. ’ If a probationer makes it through, he will most likely never be seen on probation again, Davis said. “Probation is very, very onerous,” he said. ilcut hereli Defensive Driving Course Dec. 8,9 and Dec. 15,16 College Station Hilton For information or to pre-register phone 693-8178 24 hours a day. ncut heren