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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1987)
—iTexasASMQ _ ^ ^ The Dattalion ty ntervie*, are beinj terviewe! erhcii ibly Ut o end tlit 'nferenct vs confei expend J. 87 No. 65 C1SPS 045360 10 Pages College Station, Texas Wednesday, December 2, 1987 louse sail : will pra i U.S.-So ercentrt ' arms, High court says no’ to allowing silent moments 3S ward hijt dian con >t to talt •ecause es. retaryan aid in Ya and aboit he schod includti hed to It there wn lettlemem states WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Tuesday re fused to let New Jersey provide moments of silence for public school students but gave no hint whether similar laws in other states impermissibly promote school prayer. The court ruled unanimously that the New Jersey legislators who sought to press the controversy in court no longer have the proper legal standing. The ruling therefore said noth ing about the constitutionality of a 1982 New Jersey law that said stu dents may use the daily silent mo ments “for quiet and private con templation or introspection.” About half the states have simi lar laws. A federal appeals court struck down the New Jersey law, ruling that it violated the constitutionally required separation of church and state. The issue has been, and most likely will continue to be, politically charged. “The constitutional issue is still a live question,” said Steven F. Mc Dowell of the Milwaukee-based Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. McDowell said the league had urged the court to uphold the New expe law wilt be reviewed by the high court,” McDowell said. “With a new justice joining the that 2,l| erse y law - tally ill 1. The •wed tort seized lit re Atlanta court, I believe we will see that law being upheld,” he said. "I was concerned the current court might be evenly divided on the issue, which would have upheld the lower court’s ruling,” McDowell said. President Reagan has asked the Senate to confirm Anthony M. Kennedy, a conservative federal appeals court judge from Sacra mento, Calif., to Fill the Supreme Court vacancy created when Jus tice Lewis F. Powell retired last June. Little is known about Kennedy’s church-state views. Kennedy represents Reagan’s third nomination for the high court position. In other decisions, the justices : • Ruled unanimously in a Vir ginia case that only government regulators may sue industrial pol luters for past violations of the federal Clean Water Act. The case has been watched clo sely by environmental groups across the nation. • Voted 8-0 in a case from Louisiana to narrow the power of federal judges to overrule labor arbitrators’ decisions deemed to be against public policy. • Ruled unanimously in an other Louisiana case that the Fed eral Deposit Insurance Corp., a government agency, may collect debts owed to failed banks it takes over even when the banks misled the borrowers. Oh, Christmas tree Photo by Robert W. Rizzo Members of the MSC Hospitality Committee sing “Jingle Bells” Tues day at the ceremony to celebrate the annual lighting of the Christmas tree that is set up in the lounge of the MSC. A reception was held after the ceremony. ats NASA names 4 firms to construct space station barricade issy in >d for fi(t i Ministn e free » WASHINGTON (AP) — NASA named :our “clearly superior” companies on Tues- iay as winners of billions of dollars in con- plane tin: racts for construction of a space station, he next major step for U.S. exploration md use of space. The contracts eventually may be valued it $6.5 billion and could provide about 12,000 jobs, officials said. The contractors selected for the space station hardware design and development tre Boeing Aerospace of Huntsville, Ala.; McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. of Huntington Beach, Calif, and Houston; General Electric Co., Astro-Space Division, Valley Forge, Pa., and East Windsor, N.J., and Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell Inter national, Canoga Park, Calif. “The best minds in the nation went to work on this project and all of the proposals we received were outstanding,” said James Fletcher, the administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The space station plans call for a perma nently manned base in earth orbit that would be in operation in the mid-1990s. The station would include four habitable modules, two to be provided by the United States and one each by Japan and by the European Space Agency. NASA has told Congress the total cost of the station would be $ 14.6 billion. Boeing was awarded a contract for what is called Work Package 1. NASA said the proposed cost for that package in the first phase of the station is about $750 million. If a phase II option is added later, another $25 million would be tacked on. Work Package 1 includes the space sta tion laboratory and living modules, along with life support systems. McDonnell Douglas won the contract for Work Package 2 with a proposed cost of $1.9 billion in phase I and $140 million for the phase II option. Work Package 3 was awarded to General Electric on a cost estimate of $800 million. This package will include a free-flying plat form that would orbit in formation with the space station. It also would include a robotic satellite-servicing system. A phase II option could add $570 million to this contract. Rocketdyne’s estimate for Work Package 4 was $1.6 billion with a phase II add-on option of $740 million. The package calls for power generation and distribution throughout the system. form owever, lost the ild con- :. It has stream- n parents aeir son jglectei pie had rulings onstrate nst per- on.” nd reia- /’s first is flag- y politi- sense of lay of a u Side ks. iss starts ;uck if ; of the here on a 9.00 f ing p laI1 with af :ric star 1 >ver lOP ems an 1 rn. Cal $'7360' Bryan fire chief put on probation for job by manager of city Couple attempts suicide after jet vanishes By Richard Williams Reporter Embattled Bryan Fire Chief Claude Jenkins III will keep his job with the city of Bryan, but he has been placed on six-month probation. “I have reassigned the fire chief under displinary probation, and will employ a management consultant to review all the opera tions of the department,” City Manager Ernest Clark said. Jenkins, who had been put on administrative leave after all uni formed personel in the Bryan Fire Department signed a griev ance petition and statement of no confidence in the fire chief, re fused to comment on the petition or on the committee’s findings. The grievance committee members were Clark, Executive Director of Personnel Services Georgia Langston and Police Chief Charles Phelps. Bernie Fette, citizen coordina tor informationist for Bryan, said the grievance committee spent over 150 hours looking into the charges against Jenkins. After examining the allega tions, the committee found some basis for the charge that Jenkins has destroyed the department’s morale. The committee found “the department is at its lowest morale level in recent years due to imposed management practi ces.” The committee also found that some actions by Jenkins “may have seemed retaliatory in natu re.” The committee found the rest of the grievances were either management perogatives not sub ject to grievance procedings or were not supported by conclusive testimony. Bryan firefighters were not in formed of the decision officially until a 10 a.m. meeting between the senior staff of the fire depart ment and Clark Tuesday. Clark held another meeting with the front line supervisors to inform them of his decision. Both meetings between Clark and the firefighters lasted more than an hour, and during the sec ond meeting at least five fire fighters left early. Two of the five were visibly upset when leaving the meeting. Firefighters at the meeting said they already had heard of the de cision through an interview Jen kins had given a reporter from a radio station. Mike Donoho, acting deputy fire chief, said it was unfortunate Jenkins had talked to the news media before the firefighters had learned of the decision. During that interview Jenkins said he expected to keep his job despite all of the firefighters sign ing a petition saying they did not feel they could work with him any longer. Jenkins also had said there would be changes made in the department to improve com munication lines. Donoho said the firefighters have been assured they are not subject to retaliation. Jenkins said he would be able to work with the firefighters. “We’ve got a real good fire de partment and we’ve got a real good management team,” Jen kins said. “Although right now we have some communications prob lems, we will be working as pro fessionals to correct those to give the city the best possible protec tion at the most affordable cost.” But the city probably has not heard the last from the firefigh ters.They plan to meet tonight to decide what action they will take. Several of the firefighters said there is a strong possibiliity one or more lawsuits will be filed about the matter. No one would say if the firefighters would file a suit as a group or if it would be left to individuals to file. MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — A mysterious Asian couple took suicide pills Tuesday just before being ques tioned about a South Korean jetliner that disappeared over Burma and may have been bombed. Officials said the couple boarded Korean Air flight 858 at Baghdad, Iraq, where it originated Sunday, and got off at Abu Dhabi before the Boeing 707 headed across Asia to ward Seoul with 115 people aboard. It vanished near the Burma-Thai- land border, before a scheduled re fueling stop in Bangkok. Officials in Seoul said there were strong suspi cions a bomb destroyed the aircraft. The man, who appeared to be middle aged, died four hours after biting into a suicide pill concealed in a cigarette, said Takao Natsume, Ja- pancting ambassador in Bahrain. He said the woman, who was younger, was unconscious in critical condition at a military hospital but “she will survive.” They had been waiting to be ques tioned by immigration officials who stopped them from boarding a Rome-bound flight. The two were believed to be either Japanese or Ko rean and were traveling on forged Japanese passports. “Just after swallowing the pills they both fell on the floor and their bodies went very stiff,” Ambassador Natsume said. Both collapsed “in seconds,” but the woman apparently survived be cause she swallowed less of the poi son hidden in the cigarette filters, he said. Japanese and Bahraini officials said the couple flew from Baghdad to Abu Dhabi on Flight 858 and caught a Gulf Air plane to Bahrain, a Persian Gulf island state, while the South Korean plane left for Seoul. South Korea’s government broad casting service said investigators were checking possible links between the mystery woman and Chosen So- ren, an organization of Koreans liv ing in Japan that supports commu nist North Korea. A&M medical scientists study effects of harmful bacteria strain on humans By Jenny Hynes Reporter Researchers in the Texas A&M College of Medicine’s pathology and laboratory medicine department are studying harmful strains of bacteria and the effects of mycotoxins on hu mans. Dr. Thomas W. Milligan, an assis tant professor in the department, is studying a disease caused by the bac terium Escherichia coli. “This organism was previously thought to be not too important in causing disease,” he says. “But in the last two years there’ve been out breaks of something called hemhor- rhagic colitis. It’s a diarrheal syndro me.” About 1,200 types of E. coli have been identified. While some forms of the organism occur naturally in the human digestive system, the type Milligan is researching was deter mined to be harmful about two years ago. Before this time, he says, the se rotype, or organism type, only rarely was identified. “They screened about 3,000 stool samples prior to 1982 and found only one with this (organism),” Milli gan says. “Now we’re finding it much more commonly.” Thirteen isolated outbreaks oc curred in the United States in the past two years, each involving be tween 100 and 150 people, he says. Milligan, who has studied the dis ease for about a year, says it’s most often found in nursing-home pa tients and children in day-care cen ters. “Most of the outbreaks occur with older or younger people, but not al ways,” he says. “Two of the out breaks were linked to fast-food ham burger restaurants, and these were people of all ages.” The disease can • be transmitted from eating un dercooked beef, especially ham burger obtained from dairy cattle, or acquired from other people in fected with the or ganism. Once the orga nism enters the body, the disease progresses in two stages. The first and more mild phase is a diarrheal syndrome, hemhorrhagic colitis. “The person is not really sick in terms of fever,” Milligan says. “The problem is that about two weeks af ter having the episode of hemhor rhagic colitis, a small percentage of these patients will develop a syn drome called hemolytic uremic syn drome. This is what we’re basically interested in.” This second stage of the disease causes a more severe illness, often ending in death. “The reason for concern is it has such a bad outcome,” Milligan says. “It’s kind of like AIDS in that it has such a high mortality rate.” Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a se vere and often fatal disease in which the immune system breaks down and cannot protect the body against invading organisms. Milligan says hemolytic uremic syndrome causes three major changes in those affected: • A drop in the number of white blood cells, or cells that aid in blood clotting. • Shutdown in kidney function. • Hemolyzing, or splitting apart, of the red blood cells. Milligan says it isn’t yet known how the organism causes the disease. “Some people say it makes a toxin that triggers hemolytic uremic syn drome,” he says. “That’s one hy pothesis.” The researcher is working with patients in the Veterans Administra tion hospital in Temple to identify and isolate a toxin from patients with the syndrome. But researchers in the depart ment aren’t limited to working on only one project. Dr. Sonja Geerling, a senior lec turer in the department, is research ing a more efficient testing process to detect the sexually-transmitted disease chlamydia. Geerling also is working with A&M’s College of Vet erinary Medicine to study the effects of mycotoxins on people and ani mals. “Mycotoxins are naturally occur ring toxins in fungi,” she says. The toxins, found worldwide in grains used to feed animals and in some food for human consumption, cause different symptoms in differ ent animals. Effects on humans in clude: • Keratitis, or inflammation of the eye’s cornea. • Bleeding in the digestive sys tem. • Liver problems, including liver cancer. Geerling, who has studied myco toxins for eight years, says liver can cer is a common long-term effect of mycotoxins, which act in conjunction with the Hepatitis B virus. The virus on its own can cause inflammation of the liver, but even more serious problems arise when , mycotoxins also are present. “Hepatitis B virus on its own doesn’t have the same devastating effect on the liver as the two combi ned,” she says. Outside the United States, which has relatively stringent food-safety laws, the problem of mycotoxins is serious. “In some parts of the world, liver cancer is the most common cancer there is,” Geerling says. Mycotoxins may cause liver cancer by breaking down the body’s im mune system, she says, allowing tu mor cells to grow and multiply.