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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1987)
Thursday, November 19,1987/The Battalion/Page 5 What’s up CARE Thursday TEAM: will meet at 7 p.m. in 212 EMERGENCY MSC. (MEXICAN-AMERICAN ENGINEERING SOCIETY: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 402 Rudder. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS: will meet at 6 p.m. in 105C Zachry. ATHEIST, AGNOSTIC AND FREETHINKER SOCIETY: will meet at 7 p.m. in 302 Rudder. ASIAN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m. in 402 Rudder. ROADRUNNERS: will meet at 7 p.m. in 604A-B Rudder. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN: will have a rally with redpots at 11 a.m. at Rudder Fountain. POLITICAL SCIENCE SOCIETY/PI SIGMA ALPHA: Kent Caperton will speak at 7 p.m. at the Alumni Center, semi nar B. GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT ’87: will hand out infor mation about the smokeout in the MSC lobby. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m. in 102 Zachry. WALDEN RETIREMENT COMMUNITY: Students inter ested in having “Feast of Thanks” dinner with residents next Monday should call Mary Turner at 823-7914. HUMAN FACTORS SOCIETY STUDENT CHAPTER: William Rogers Jones will discuss “Space Station Habitabil ity Module Design: Implementation of human factors de sign principles and integration of system support equip ment ’ at 7 p.m. in 203 Zachry. FRESHMEN LEADERSHIP SEMINAR: Applications are available through Nov. 30 in 208 Pavilion. Friday UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: will have a peanut-butter fellowship at 11:30 a.m. at Rudder Fountain and a Bible study at 6:30 p.m. at the A&M Presbyterian Chruch. AGGIE PLAYERS ASSOCIATION: will give a performance of “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” at 11 a.m. at Rudder Fountain. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Flip Flip- pen will discuss “Christians and Sexuality” at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. CHESS CLUB: will have the fourth round of the tournament at 7 p.m. in 607 Rudder. TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB: will have a scavenger hunt at 7 p.m. in Zachry parking lot 51. YELL PRACTICE: is at midnight at the Rodeo Plaza in the B Fort W^orth stockyards. r$ Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working days be fore desired publication date. Clements asks White House for disaster aid AUSTIN (AP) — Gov. Bill Clem ents asked the White House Wednesday to declare Cherokee and Anderson counties federal disaster areas in the wake of deadly torna does that pounded the region. The counties were among the areas hardest hit by the swarm of tornadoes that buffeted Texas, kill ing 10 people, injuring more than 160 and causing millions of dollars in damage. Such a declaration would make the counties eligible for a variety of federal assistance programs. Clements’ request came a day af ter he toured Palestine and Jackson ville to view damage caused by the tornadoes Sunday and Monday. In his request, the governor said damage still was being assessed in many other Texas counties hit by the tornadoes. Clements said he ex pected to seek a disaster declaration for some of those counties, too. If approved, the presidential di saster declaration would open several state and federal aid pro grams to individuals. The Small Business Administra tion would offer low-interest loans to eligible persons for private property damage, as well as to owners of small businesses. Temporary housing could be provided for people whose homes are uninhabitable. Also, grants of up to $5,000 could be made to eligible victims. Other aid programs sought by the governor include special unemploy ment assistance for victims left job less by the storms and a Farmers Home Administration loan program to provide low-interest loans for re paring farm and ranch damage. Clements, who toured damaged neighborhoods and commercial areas of Palestine, also went to neighboring Cherokee County, where Sunday’s storm churned through poor rural communities. The Palestine Independent School District suffered about $2.5 million in damage, and Anderson County between $8 million and $12 million, officials said. ontroversy about classic jjy Twain to be seminar topic By Dana Pipes for I Reporter tvs lifThe controversy surrounding itintf lark Twain’s classic “Huckleberry 1 gm nn” will be the focus of a Texas ce ra« &M summer seminar sponsored by aatuii e National Endowment for the jmanities. budf English Department Head Dr. don« amlin Hill will be conducting the ceni minar for fifteen high school tea- fundi ers selected from applicants across endo' ie nation. eesai ^Issues of bigotry and racism con* dsed in the book have discouraged s adoj eachers from using it in the class- oom, Hill said. you! [“It’s only a superficial reading of = to f Huckleberry Finn’ that produces he ction that it is a bigoted cisiocbook,” he said. Ithoul Teachers should allow students to tiersftpend time with the novel in order to to l;ei|iPP rec ' ate its meaning, Hill said. “It’s an amazingly complex book in spite of looking deceptively sim ple,” he said. The book was written in the late 1800s during the reconstruction pe riod and was based on recollections of Twain’s (Samuel Clemens’) child hood. Hill said early critics of “Huckleberry Finn” saw it as a “pa noramic slice of life in the middle United States.” Recent critics, however, say the book is deceptive in its presentation of the pre-civil war period, Hill said. Opponents of the book’s usage in the classroom also say the book is difficult to read, Hill said. “Teachers avoid ‘Huckleberry Finn’ more because of the dialect than because of the controversial na ture of the book,” he said. “Huckleberry Finn” deals with maturing and growing up. Ameri cans tend to see themselves reflected in the book, Hill said. He said in writing the novel, Twain did not intend to endorse rac ism, but depicted attitudes that some people of that society had. An example of this is the charac terization of Huck’s companion Jim in the novel. “Jim is presented as a stereotypi cal black by characters we aren’t sup posed to like,” Hill said. Hill has published several books on Twain including “Roughing it” and “Mark Twain and Elisha Bliss.” He also wrote the introduction to a publication of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” As a result of his novels, Twain has become a folk legend, Hill said. “It’s a tribute to Mark Twain that we still manage to find in ‘Huckle berry Finn’ reflections of the Ameri can character,” he said. ens fate board approves increase in workers’ compensation rates AUSTIN (AP) — The State Board ttf Insurance on Wednesday ap- iroved a 25 percent increase in Workers’ compensation insurance rates, marking the industry’s third ncrease in three years. The board unanimously ap- froved the new rate, which will gen- srate an estimated $750 million in tdditional premiums. It rejected a Xiard staff recommendation for a 16.1 percent rate increase and an in dustry recommendation for a 43.5 percent increase. In developing the new rate, which takes effect Jan. 1, board members said they considered the rising cost of medical care and of benefits paid to injured workers. Without adequate income, insur ers will not write workers’ compensa tion in Texas, leaving employers NRC indicates nuclear plant may be close to approval ARLINGTON (AP) — The Nu- ear Regulatory Commission has in- licated that it may be in a position to pprove TU Electric’s program for orrecting design and construction foblems at Comanche Peak. •The NRC will make a decision on eview program after public tarings are held, Jane Axelrad, :y director of the commission’s ffice of Special Projects, said Wednesday. NRC indications that TU Elec- |c’s three-year review of the plant night be approved came in a mem- fandum dated Nov. 6 and made nblic Tuesday, NRC spokesman Gilliland said. I James Keppler, director of the 'iRC’s Office of Special Projects, lid in the memo he found the utili- f’s reinspection program accepta- >le, with some minor conditions. The plant, about 80 miles south west of Dallas in Somervell County, was begun nearly 13 years ago but has yet to generate power. Its esti mated cost has increased from $779 million to $7.5 billion. At least some of the overruns are likely to be passed on to rate payers. The design and construction of the plant consistently have been questioned, frustrating the utility’s attempts to win a license. A public hearing on the review program so far has been scheduled for Dec. 9 in Dallas, Gilliland said. Axelrad said, “The purpose of the public meeting is to get on the table between the NRC and the licensee any residual concerns that the staff has regarding the licensee’s program and any concerns that the interve- nors have regarding the licensee’s program.” without protection when a worker is injured, they said. But board members also said they looked at the state’s troubled busi ness climate. The increase follows a 17.7 percent increase approved last year, after a 30.7 percent increase that took effect in October 1985. “At the board level, we have been besieged by correspondence from business people in all forms of en deavor to reject any increase,” board chairman Edwin J. Smith Jr said. “To do that would basically not solve their concerns, because they probably could not find a viable market to write the coverage they know they need,” Smith said. Citing the struggling economy, board member David Thornberry said, “Under the circumstances, it’s best to have a rate increase that’s the lowest reasonable amount based on the evidence .... This simply keeps the industry afloat.” Robert Maxwell of the National Council on Compensation Insur ance, which represents 600 insur ance carriers nationwide, said, “Ba sically, this increase would maintain the status quo. We’re still dealing with inadequate rates.” But Tom Blanton of the Texas Association of Compensation Con sumers said the rate increase could cause some employers to drop work ers’ compensation insurance. Employers are not required to carry workers’ compensation insur ance in Texas, but those who do not have coverage face unlimited liabil ity for accidents. FRESHMEN ! The Department of Student Activities Is seeking qualified applicants for the Emerging Leaders Seminar - Spring 1988 This is a non-credit leadership course designed exclusively for freshmen potential leaders. For more information please stop by the Student Activities Office Room 208 Pavilion APPLICATION DEADLINE : MONDAY NOVEMBER 30 happy hour friday 2-6 movie rental over 2,000 titles $1.99 . $2“ off all LP’s and cassettes $8.98 and up all CD’s $13.98 and up all books 25% off (excludes remainders ] and sale books) OPEN: Sun.-Thurs., 10-10 Fri. & Sat., 10-11 1631 Texas Ave., College Station 693-2619 Fish Camp FISH CAMP ’88 CO-CHAIRMAN APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE NOV. 16-25 PAVILION 213 AT SECRETARY’S DESK Sy Murmur ^ Reckoning ^ Fables Of’The’Reconstruction ^ lifes Rich Pageant # MSC TOWN HALL PRESENTS BBBEZFQSIi R. E. M. it America’s Best Rock-n-Roll Band” - Rolling Stone with special guest the dB’s Thursday, November 19th, 8 p.m. G. Rollie White Coliseum Plenty of good reserved seats still available Tickets $10 - On sale at TAMU Box Office 845-1234 tj