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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1987)
Page 6/The Battalion/ Wednesday, November 18, 1987 JlJgI 113li**CiJ M1 Program enables youths to attend University classes m FOR RENT for the good life... and all the comforts of home! ■ 1,2, 3 bedrooms • Laundry facilities • Lots of closet space ■ Party room ■Pool ■ Shuttle bus ■ 6 floor plans Pepper Tree “ Apartments 2701 Long mire College Station 693-5731 THE GOLDEN RULE Fail or Spring Openings for Women Christian-like, non-smoking Telephones in Deluxe Apts. UTILITIES AND CABLE PAID Free Laundry, Storage, Bus CALL/ASK: 693-5560 After 4pm $150./mo. Share B/B, $250./mo. Own B/B 3t9/4 Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tfn 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C Sc Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn Sub-lease I reehouse Village Apt. Spring ‘88 skip long waiting list $300. 696-4392. 53tl 1/18 PERSONALS Adoption: A happily married professional couple wishes to adopt newborn. Will provide loving home. Expenses paid. Confidential. Call Collect. (201) 994- 9485, Fran & Fred. 55tl 1/20 • NOTICE iii! ACUTE DIARRHEA STUny Persons with acute, uncom plicated diarrhea needed to evaluate medication being considered for over-the- counter sale. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 WANTED: Individuals with fre quent aches & pains (arthritis, burcitis, joint pain, headaches, long term sports injuries) who reg ularly take over-the-counter pain medication to participate in an at home study. $40 incentive for those chosen to participate. Please call: Pauli Research International 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 SKIN INFECTION STUDY DIAGNOSIS OF ABCESS OR CELLULITIS? Patients needed with skin infections such as ab- cesses, impetigo, traumatic wound infections and burns. Make money compensatory for time and cooperation. All disease treated to resolution. G&S STUDIES, Inc. 846-5933 SINUSITIS STUDY DIAGNOSIS - Acute Sinusitis? If you have sinus infection you may volunteer and participate in a short study, be compensated for time and cooperation and have disease treated (all cases treated to resolution). G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 159tfn $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHES We would like to treat your tension headache with Tyle nol or Advil and pay you $40. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 10/2 • ROOMMATE WANTED I need clean place to live for spring 1988. Will move in or find new place. Male or female. Call before finals. 693-5044 Ewing. 57tll/20 Lost 11-5-87 at Rocco's large silver bracelet - unique de- ' ' ~ EW/ sign sentimental value. REWARD! 696-4392. 5Stl 1/18 Roommate Needed: Two Bedroom, $165./mo. Phone 696-1312 after 1pm. 1V7 Bath. 53t 11/20 LAST CHANCE! Limited space remains on A&M Winter Ski Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Winter Park and Breckenridge for five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, mountain barbecue, ski race and more from only $154. Optional air and charter bus transportation available. Hurry, call Sunchase Tours toll free for full details and color brochure 1-80-321-5911 TODAY! 55t 11/20 * HELP WANTED CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Carer Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Ba hamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: 206-736-0775 Ext. 466H 19tfn RESORT HOTELS, Cruiselines, Airlines & Amuse ment Parks NOW accepting applications for summer jobs, internships and career positions. For information Sc application; write National Collegiate Recreation, • Box 8074 Hilton Head Island, SC 29 PO Box 8074 Hilton Head Island, SC 29938. 57tl 1/20 Odd JOBS, Times Flexible. 764-7363, 693-5286. 57t 11/20 # ^ORSALB - — . ... HELP! Sublease my 1-1 condo @ Cripple Creek for e, pool, sj spring semester 1988. Microwave, pool, spa, tennis courts, on bus route. $395./mo. Call Mary @ 696-3070. 57tl 1/30 •Deer, Bass, Ducks, Squirrels •68 acres in Burleson County, T .. $975/acre •Two ponds. Perfect retreat. //Mg/Wy* *0811 John Clark * 0«0_-7K00 268-7629 R&0MIX B-CS Realty Across from Hilton 51t11/11 4200 sq. ft. Dorm house in country, 5 Br, 3 Baths, Game Room, Horse Stalls, Pasture. $1200./mo., $1000. deposit. 268-4357 or 696-0500 eves. 55tl 1/20 ore Oltn, J I PO BOX S90232 - HOUSTON, TEXAS - 77259 I 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, $4J0./mo. Normandy Square Apts, in Northgate. 764-7314. 46tfn COMPACT DISCS A Luxury Fourplex, 2-1V7, appliances, washer/dryer, ct. heat/air, $325./mo. 303 Manuel Dr. 696-0551, 696- 0632. 46tfn Thousands available starting at $8.99! We specialize in CDs, accessories, and mail ordering convenience. Send $4 for 14,500 disc catalog or write for ordering Information and prices. Orders shipped PROMPTLY! The Bargain Place 3600A A Old College Road. We buy or sell new and used furniture. 846-2429 or 778-7064. 44U2/1 DEFENSIVE DRIVING TICKET DISMISSAL, IN SURANCE DISCOUNT. CLASSES EVERY WEEK!! 693-1322. 24U2/16 New apt. size washer/dryer - cheap! Graduating. Call 846-5967. 54tll/19 Persian kittens near show quality. CFA registered. $200,822-0899. 54tll/19 COMPUTER'S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER! EBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Itfn Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 23tfn 1982 Ford Granada. 4 door, low mileage. Family car, extremely well cared for. $3750. 845-5803, 778-1235. 49U2/8 ‘83 Honda CX650 5900 miles, excellent condition, tra iler also available. Hayden 696-1302. 53tl 1/18 Firewood: $150 cord. $80 VS cord. Will sell smaller amounts. 696-6781 (Ed). 53tl 1/18 10 sp. bicycle, Schwinn $100. Call 693-2046 ask for Kelly. 53t 11/18 Queen size mattress, very clean, good condition, $50. neg. 696-4392. 53tll/18 1985 Honda Elite 80 includes helmet, basket. $675. 693-2737. 56tl 1/23 Ninja 900 excellent condition. Must see to appreciate. $2400.696-1511. 56tll/23 iiiiiffiMiali Notice— Tuition for Kaplan Courses will increase 11- 25-87. To receive current rates for spring courses call or come by 707 Texas Ave. #110E - 696 PREP. 57t 11/25 WORD PROCESSING. Thesis, Dissertations. Experi enced. Dependable. AUTOMATED CLERICAL. SERVICES. 693-1070. 31tll/23 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations,, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 49U2/8 EDITING Sc WRITING. Articles, newsletters, scripts. Words Worth. 696-4623. 51tll/18 Typing, Word Processing. Reasonable rates. Call Ber tha 696-3785. 52U2/9 Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. Guaranteed error free, from $1.35/page. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 42tl2/9 TYPING BY WANDA. Forms, papers, and word proc essing. Reasonable. 690-1113. 47tl 1/18 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. FAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 51U2/11 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC. LASER QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn Problem Pregnancy? we listen, we care, we help Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service We’re local! 1301 Memorial Dr. 24 hr. Hotline 823-CARE The Battalion Number One in Aggieland By Amy Young Reporter Under Texas A&M’s High School Enrichment Program, qualified Bryan-College Station high school students can attend classes at A&M while they still are enrolled in high school. The 12-year-old program, which is linked to A&M’s Honors Program, is coordinated by Scott Shafer, an academic counselor at A&M. The high school students may re ceive high school credit only, or may obtain joint high school-university credit by actual admission to the University. Shafer said the qualifications for admittance into the program include a junior or senior classification, high scores on standardized tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) and good student performance in regular high school classes. The students must have at least a 90 percent high school average and a score of 1,100 on the SAT or the PSAT (Preliminary SAT) to be eligi ble for the program. Even if students don’t quite meet the qualifications, they still may be eligible for the program, Shafer said. “We rely heavily on the advice of the high school counselors, since they are in close contact with the stu dents,” Shafer said. “If there is a stu dent who the counselor feels is out standing, that person is usually given an opportunity to take a course, even if their SAT isn’t quite at the 1,100 mark.” Shafer said this semester there are about 30 students involved in the rram. xe program was set up so high school students can get a glimpse of what college is like while taking com parable courses in place of those they normally would be taking at their schools, Shafer said. Felix Meyer, a senior at A&M Consolidated High School, has been involved with the program for al most two years, including this past summer. “To me, it doesn’t matter what grade I get, as long as I get a lot out of the class,” he said. The students pay no tuition be cause they are still in high school. However, they do purchase their own books, attend all classes, turn in assignments and take all exams just as full-time A&M students do, Shafer said. “There is no cost involved in it at all,” he said. “The high school awards the credit, so the state tax money is still paying for their educa tion, in a sense. It’s just like taking a course in high school, only they take it here.” After the student has applied to the The following were reported to the University Police Depart ment from Nov. 6 through Mon day: MISDEMEANOR THEFT: • Someone took a 1989 Aggie class ring with a 30-point di amond from a display case in the Clayton Williams Jr. Alumni Cen ter. • A student reported that her billfold was taken from the basket of her moped while it was parked behind Dorm 7. • A student told police that someone took a 48-quart Igloo cooler containing beer from his vehicle while it was parked. THEFT OF SERVICE: • Someone passed 18 coun terfeit one-dollar bills through a campus change machine. CRIMINAL TRESPASS: • Officers found nine juve niles playing football on Kyk Field after a witness reported he saw the boys climb a fence to get in. Officers found the boys and contacted their parents. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: • A police car was struck by an unidentified object while two offi cers were on patrol. The officers said that they did not find the ob ject. ASSAULT: • A student reported to police that he was threatened by his girlfriend’s former boyfriend. FELONY THEFT: • A 1976 Toyota Celica was reported stolen from Parking Ai nex 51. Survey: Texas prisons now safer for inmates V T< w ttac floor :oni£ an at W A&N in hi Whii alize it’s o “I nice don’ to 2 program, Shafer asks them to go the instructor or the head of the progr; department under which they will be studying. “This is usually done so the stu dent can meet the person and dis cuss various subject matter to be cov ered in the class,” Shafer said. “The instructor then has a chance to de cide whether or not he feels the stu dent can handle the course load.” Shafer said there have been few problems with the program’s accep tance among the departments in volved. “Most of the departments love to get the HSEP students,” he said. “They feel it’s an investment in the future. If they can get these high- achieving students interested in their program, and A&M in general, there’s a good chance that they’ll stick with us and get their degrees here.” About 50 percent of the students who become involved with the pr gram attend A&M after their hi( school graduation, he said. ligh AUSTIN (AP) — The Texas prison system has become safer for inmates since the state began isolat ing the most dangerous prisoners, a report by a national prisons expert says. The survey by James Austin of the National Council on Crime and De linquency says reported levels of in mate violence within the general population of the Texas Department of Corrections are low. “Homicide, suicide and escape rates within TDC are similar or lower than comparable state prison systems,” the report says. The department recently insti tuted an inmate classification housing system, which grew out of a federal lawsuit over the safety and proper housing of the state’s 39,000 prisoners. Austin said under the classifica tion system, the state works to put prisoners in the least restrictive liv ing quarters, using their behavior as the primary determining factor. Almost 40 percent of the prison population is housed in low-security dormitories. .thinl isolates i peoy The system, which most dangerous prisoners, alwa ended the prison gang warfaretk resulted in the death of 52 innui! in 1984 and 1985, he said. However, he added, inmates i ambivalent about their person I m goin T1 safety and the fairness of thesyst® and many new security officen not like to patrol some prison areas Austin conducted the survey ii the court-appointed spetial overseeing the prison system. About 2,800 inmates arehouslgam alone, he said, and those in douljj cells appear to be appropriately signed or Five prison homicides have b« sevei reported this year, compared wit 24 in 1984 and 27 in 1985. There were 58 non-fatal stabbint men compared with 404 this year 1984. Inmate gangs took over thestatt prison system after the state agree in a federal court lawsuit to take at thority away from prisoners knoi tearr as building tenders, who had beei sona allowed to give out punishment other inmates. mor mi :ans and; "A I we sprir have west Since four 19. "I disai “We us. B< Give n Audience enjoys musical performance complete with rain on stage at A8cM By Karen Kroesche At Ease Editor It rained in the Rudder Audito rium during the Tuesday night per formance sponsored by the MSC Opera and Performing Arts Society, but nothing could dampen the mood of audience members as they watched a fun-loving performance of a popular Broadway musical. Besides, the rain was intentional — as was the fun — since the show being p r e Cosmo was the most acter and he charmed the audieni with his exaggerated antics duri his solo performance of “Make 1 Laugh.” Bushin’s charisma wase. dent and even overshadowed tl i performances of the “stars” (Craifj ford and McCarthy) at times. sented was the Music Theatre Group’s pro duction of Viewpoint Singin’ in the Rain.” In addition to solid acting talent, the almost sold-out performance featured some creative scenery and staging, including a real rain shower complete with puddles for the actors to dance in. The story, based on the MGM film of the same name, centered around the lives of Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont (played by Jay Cranford and Liz McCarthy, respec tively), two silent-film stars who are trying to make the transition to “tal kies,” or movies with sound. The audience also was treated to fun song-and-dance number calitf “Moses Supposes” that featured tap-dancing talents of both Cra| ford and Bushin. Later, Cranford was joined stage by an entourage of brighi I costumed dancers for what Cosfl | termed a “flash-forward." Till number, called “Broadway Melodj was the only modern segment play, and was the most exciting, wil the exception of the finale perfot; mance by the full cast of the son “Singin’ in the Rain.” But while the storyline was seti | the early 1900s, the scenery an | staging techniques used in “Singil j in the Rain” were definitely of i present age. The theater gro brought its own specially design stage complete with water-tight li[ and electricity hookups to facility : the rain scene. Photo by Sam B. Myers Jay Cranford performs on a wet stage in “Singin* in the Rain.” The musical production featured clips shown on a movie screen back drop from the black-and-white mov ies that star Lockwood and Lamont. The effect worked brilliantly and en hanced the believability of the story line, which was complicated by Lock- wood’s off-screen affair with Kathy Selden, played by Elizabeth Ward. There really was no one single star of “Singin’ in the Rain,” but Jimmy Bushin stole the show as Cosmo Brown, Lockwood’s friend and constant companion. But the most advanced prod® tion techniques can not stand alonT on a stage; in Tuesday night’s shoj they merely complemented the ac| ing and dancing abilities of the pel] formers. The excellent choreog phy also served to enhance performance. Tuesday’s performance o| “Singin’ in the Rain” was a ligl hearted production where special' fects and acting talent reigned sni preme. SMILE FOR YOUR FAMILY’S GENERAL DENTAL CARE •fc CLEANING, EXAM, & X-RAYS ‘Call for Appointment. Reg. $52 Less Cash Discount $23 Dental Insurance Accepted Evening Appointments Available Complete Family Dental Care Emergency Walk Ins Welcome Nitrous Oxide Available On Shuttle Bus Route (Anderson Bus) CarePlus^> DENTAL CENTER 696-9578 Dan Lawson, O.D.S. 1 71 2 Southwest Pkwy Open Monday • Saturday Cassie Overlay, D.P.S. Evening Appointments Available The Battalion 845-2611 WISE yr . MOVE