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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1987)
Page 6/The Battalion/Tuesday, November 17, 1987 Battalion Classifieds • FOR RENT Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tf 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, $410./mo. Normandy Square Apts, in Northgate. 764-7314. 46tfn A Luxury Fourplex, 2-l l /S>, appliances, washer/dryer, ct. heat/air, $325./mo. 303 Manuel Dr. 696-0551, 696- . 0632. 46tfn 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C & Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate/ First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn ROOMMATE WANTED * TRAVEL LAST CHANCE! Limited space remains on A & M Winter Ski Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Winter Park and Breckenridge for five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, mountain barbecue, ski race and more from only $154. Optional air and charter bus transportation available. Hurry, call Sunchase Tours toll free for full details and color brochure 1-80-321-591 1 TODAY! 55t 1 1/20 • NOTICE $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHES We would like to treat your tension headache with Tyle nol or Advil and pay you $40. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 23110/2 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 WANTED: Individuals with fre quent aches & pains (arthritis, burcitis, joint pain, headaches, long term sports injuries) who reg ularly take over-the-counter pain medication to participate in an at home study. $40 incentive for those chosen to participate. Please call: Pauli Research International 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 • HELP WANTED WENDY’S NOW HIRING Enthusiastic workers needed. Part-time, flexible hours, all posi tions Two locations: Bryan: 775-0183 ask for Tom College Station: 693-4951 ask for Charles Apply between 3 & 5pm 51111/17 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Carer Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Ba hamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: 206-736-0775 Ext. 466H 19tfn ♦ FOR SALE EMERALD FOREST, $97,900 •Spacious 4 bdrm., Corner Lot •Energy Efficient, Family Home /^^✓/••Call John Clark 268-7629 R&^WBKB-CS Realty Across from Hilton 49t11 /9 s^Mohori ^ounA PO BOX 590232 - HOUSTON. TEXAS - 77259 COMPACT DISCS Thousands available starting at $8.99! We specialize in CDs, accessories, and mail ordering convienience. Send $4 for 14,500 disc catalog or write for ordering information and prices. Orders shipped PROMPTLY! 1985 Honda Elite 80 includes helmet, basket. $675. 693-2737. 56t 11/23 Ninja 900 excellent condition. Must see to appreciate. $2400.696-1511. 56t 11/23 ‘83 Honda CX650 5900 miles, excellent condition, tra iler also available. Hayden 696-1302. 53tl 1/18 Firewood: $150 cord. $80 Vi! cord. Will sell smaller amounts. 696-6781 (Ed). 53tll/18 10 sp. bicycle, Schwinn $100. Call 693-2046 ask for Kelly. 53t 11/18 Queen size mattress, very clean, good condition, $50. neg. 696-4392. 53tll/18 The Bargain Place 3600AA Old College Road. We buy or sell new and used furniture. 846-2429 or 778-7064. 44tl2/l DEFENSIVE DRIVING I1CKE1 DISMISSAL, IN SURANCE DISCOUNT . CLASSES EVERY WEEK!! 693-1322. 24tl2/16 New apt. size washer/dryer - cheap! Graduating. Cal! 846-5967. 54tll/19 Persian kittens near show quality. CFA registered. $200,822-0899. 54tll/19 FOR SALE Sub-lease Treehouse Village Apt. Spring ‘88 skip long waiting list $300. 696-4392. 53t 11/18 * FOR SALE 4200 sq ft. Dorm house in country, 5 Br, 3 Baths Game Room, Horse Stalls, Pasture. $1200./mo., $1000 deposit. 268-4357 or 696-0500 eves. 55t 11/20 • PERSONALS Roommate Needed: Two Bedroom, 1 Bath. $165./mo. Phone696-1312 after 1pm. 53tl 1/20 Lost 11-5-87 at Rocco's large silver bracelet - unique de sign sentimental value. REWARD! 696-4392. 53tl 1/18 SERVICES Ski Colorado this January. 5 nights lodging. 4 day lift tickets start at $157. Condo packages from $175. Call 696-2434 for details. 51tll/17 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 49t 12/8 • ANNOUNCEMENT "wrun: Enterprising Self-Starters When business starts booming it's time to think about expanding your operation. Adver tising in the Classifieds for the right person to fill the job not only makes good nets results! sense, it When you have an item to sell, a message to get across, a product to buy, a service to advertise...en terprising people use our Classi fieds for fast, economical and effective results! CALL, 845-2611 The Battalion Spanish professor promotes journal for women writers What’s up By Sara Mitchell Reporter COMPUTER’S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER! EBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Itfn Letras Femeninas, a literary jour nal published at Texas A&M de- ?d Plane ticket C/S to Hartford Ct. Cheap. Call Mary 845- 9163. 51tl 1/17 Rhonda the Honda! 1975 Honda CL360. Runs, needs improvements. $150. 696-0442. 5itl 1/17 Wanted: Responsible party to assume small monthl) payments on piano. See locally. Call credit manager 1- 800-447-4266. ' 48U1/17 1982 Ford Granada. 4'door, low mileage. Family car, extremely well cared for. $3750. 845-5803, 778-1235. 49U2/8 Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 23tfn Adoption: A happily married professional couple wishes to adopt newborn. Will provide loving home. Expenses paid. Confidential. Call Collect. (201) 994- 9485, Fran & Fred. 55tll/20 voted to promoting the works of Hispanic women writers, has re ceived international recognition for its academic quality. The journal is comprised of origi nal creative writing such as poetry, drama and short stories and critical studies of Hispanic women’s litera ture and is in the journal of the As sociation of Women’s Literature. Letras Femeninas was started in 1974 by Dr. Victoria Urbano of La mar University, who has since died. The journal has grown to a circula tion of about 180 private subscrip tions and 100 library subscriptions in the United States and abroad. The association has representa tives in each Latin American country who contribute and subscribe. TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 56tl 1/17 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. FAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 5H12/11 Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. Guaranteed error free, from $ 1.35/page. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 42U2/9 Typing, Word Processing. Reasonable rates. Call Ber tha 696-3785. 52U2/9 WORD PROCESSING. Thesis, Dissertations. Experi enced. Dependable. AUTOMATED CLERICAL SERVICES. 693-1070. 3HI 1/23 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC. LASER QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn Dr. Adelaida Martinez, A&M as sociate professor of Spanish and general editor of the journal since 1985, has worked to improve the journal’s academic quality and for mat. “Until I took over the journal, it was mimeographed,” Martinez said. “Sometimes articles that had already been published were simply photo copied. Now it comes out in print. “I also have a core of experts who evaluate the academic quality of original manuscripts submitted.” Only women may submit original creative writing, which must be in Spanish. Martinez said men as well as women may submit literary crit icisms, which may be in Spanish, En glish or Portuguese. All who submit must be members of the Association of Hispanic Women’s Literature. Martinez said contributors of cre ative writing usually are not widely known, although critics are usually university professors who are well known in their Fields. Submissions are received from all over the Spanish-speaking world, she said, inlcuding Mexico, Argen tina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Spain and Chile, as well as the United States. Although Letras Femeninas only publishes women’s writings, Marti nez said it is not a politically activejournal. Restricting the journal to mostly women’s work hasn’t caused a shoi t- age of material, she said. There is a large backlog of sub mitted work that allows Martinez to have each submission evaulated by prominent critics before publication, a change well-received by readers. In the past, the journal was less critical of the academic standard of submissions, she said. Martinez is responsible for the di rection and management of the journal. She tries to impart a the matic unity to each issue; one was devoted to women’s involvement in the Spanish Civil War. The journal has received Financial support from both the women’s studies program at A&M and the College of Liberal Arts. In return the journal helps the Sterling C. Evans Library increase its holdings of women’s studies and other aca demic journals received in an ex change program. The journal also provides publi city for A&M’s undergraduate and graduate colleges. Tuesday COLLEGIATE FFA: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 208 Scoates. PHYSICAL THERAPY CLUB: will have a speaker at 7 pm in 164 Read. AGGIE ALLEMANDERS: will have a square dance workshop and meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Pavilion. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 507A-B Rudder. MSC CAMAC: will have a panel discussion on the Hispanic dropout rate at 7 p.m. in 225 MSC. INTRAMURAL SPORTS: Entries close for sports trivia bowl in 159 Read. WRITING OUTREACH: Jack Swinder will discuss “Persua sive Essay” at 6:30 p.m. in 110 Blocker. DEER PARK HOMETOWN CLUB: will meet at 7 pm in the press box at Kyle Field. PI SIGMA EPSILON: Team C, the “Dotted Lines,” will play volleyball at 9 p.m. in the Read Building. SPANISH CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 604A-B Rudder. AGGIES FOR JACK KEMP: will meet at 7 p.m. in 231 MSC. TAMU SAILING CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 404 Rudder. WEST BELL COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 504 Rudder. WOMEN’S STUDIES: will present the movie “Maya Deren” at 7:30 p.m. in 150 Blocker. RETAIL SOCIETY: lack Gray will speak at 6 p.m. in 153 Blocker. L< Alt en’s t disap "still r Hickt WATER SKI CLUB: will meet at 8:30 p.m. on the fourth floor of Rudder. Wednesday OFF-CAMPUS AGGIES: will meet at 7 p.m. in 102 Zachrv. PI SIGMA EPSILON: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 114 Blocker. MSC POLITICAL FORUM: will have a panel discussion on “AIDS and Ethics” at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater, a sympo sium on “AIDS in the Work Place” at 10 a.m. in 410 Rud der, a basic course on AIDS entitled “AIDS 101” at 11 a.m. in the MSC flag room, a symposium on AIDS research at 2 p.m. in 410 Rudder and a symposium on “Changing Mor als and Behaviors due to AIDS’* at noon in 4 10 Rudtler. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working days be fore desired publication date. ing se “Sc year but s< occur very back. Th niors nifica Paula team point test. Th deus son’s ers. leade Be injur ers h get A&M turns more Le _ junto lone | ers. Rc I due i enjoy ■ Bi EDITING 8c WRITING. Articles, newsletters, scripts. Words Worth. 696-4623. 51tl 1/18 TYPING BY WANDA. Forms, papers, and word proc essing. Reasonable. 690-1113. 47tl 1/18 TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 47tl 1/5 Economist calls Warped Texas growth slow, steady by Scott McCullc New Credit Card!!! No one refused!!! Also informa tion on receiving Visa, Mastercard with no credit check. For details call: 602-248-0779 extension 505. 56tU/17 HOUSTON (AP) — Texas will gain 65,000 new jobs, including 20,000 in the Houston area, as the state’s economy continues on a slow but steady growth pattern during 1988, an economist said Monday. “Texas and Houston are continu ing to recover from last year’s blows,” said James L. Cochrane, se nior vice president and chief econo- mist for Texas Commerce Bancshares Inc. “We see this recov ery continuing into 1988.” The new jobs, he said, “are not fantastic by Texas’ historical stan dards, but it’s positive.” The jobs should be of higher quality than in past years and concentrated mainly in the manufacturing sector. Waldo by Kevin Thoma From the beginning of the oil- patch problems in January 1986, Houston shed 7,500 jobs a month, but that stopped this summer, Coch rane said. During the last several years, jobs have been growing by about 200,000 a month nationally, he said. “We see Texas recovering at the end of the First quarter of 1988,” Cochrane said. “Houston, obviously, has more to go to get back to where we were.” So far this year, there have been 39 significant start ups in Houston to help the ailing economy. 1 CAM'r take: rr AKYMOfieZ V — GET BACK TO YOUR POST, •SOLDIER! YES, MV FUEHRER! MY, WHAT A HIDEOUS CREATURE/ THAT'S CORPORAL KLINGWJ. HE'S COOL V Joe Transfer “Recent U.S. job growth has, quite frankly, been a higher quality than those of past years, in terms of in comes and secondary impacts on lo cal areas,” he said. Barring a national recession, he said he expects the growth in man ufacturing jobs to continue and Houston and Texas should share in that growth. A national recession, would blunt but not stop, the progress, he said. “If we do have a national reces sion, we are so well positioned in Houston and in Texas because we’ve gone through two periods of leaning down this decade,” Cochrane said. by Dan Barb Yeah, He. BsouGirrMY qirlfriewd* ) from back done.. ^ Mot really , they weut to park; THE CAR. AMO MEVER. 6flT OUT,' Scooter •49 Puts You On The Right Side Of The Tracks. It’s two minutes until your class starts in Kleberg and you’re stuck Blocker—on the wrong side of the tracks. Scooter Brown's can get you there ona Honda Spree for only $49.00 pet month. It's the scooter leasing plan Aggies have been waiting for! I N 817 South Texas Avenue across from Eastgate, next to Red Lobster in College Station The Spree is easy to operate with an automatic transmission, electric start and incredible gas mileage—over 100 mpg. Eliminate your parking problems ana get to class with time to burn. Cal’ Scooter Brown’s today at 693-73'.