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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1987)
re a Napoleon re Thurs- by leftist lan rights id opera- vere halt- American it. Cease- but col- rro, a di- a nee urn- ement “a : Contras Dow Jones shows 40-point rally dollar weakens to record low Friday, November 6,1987/The Battalion/Page 7 NEW YORK (AP) — Falling inter est rates rallied stocks and boosted he Dow Jones average by 40 points Thursday, but fear that the Reagan administration has abandoned the dollar hurtled the weakened cur rency to record lows. The Wall Street rally came despite a stock slump abroad and Washing ton’s inaction on trimming the bud get deficit. The tension has eased; you’ve got a lot more people trying to be evel-headed,” said Richard Wholey, an analyst at the Chicago investment firm of Wayne Hummer & Co. “We’re not allowing declines in the Senate OKs treaty to end sea dumping WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate unanimously ratified an international treaty Thursday banning the dumping of plastic garbage in the world’s seas, add ing a recommendation that the Gulf of Mexico be named a spe cial no-dumping zone. The plastics agreement, known as Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, goes into effect one year after nations rep resenting half of the world’s ship ping tonnage have approved it. The treaty, ratified by a 93-0 vote, would prohibit the dumping of plastic garbage anywhere in the ocean and ban the disposal of all garbage other than foodstuffs within 12 miles of land. Adherents are pushing for quick processing of the docu ments by the United States be cause American shipping ton nage, currently 4.8 percent of world levels, would put the treaty over the 50-percent mark. Ratification earlier this year by the Soviet Union, which rep resents 6.2 percent of the world’s shipping, brought the total to 48 percent. One impediment to quick ac tion is a State Department policy of not officially delivering a treaty unless it has accompanying legis lation defining and authorizing how the United States will en force it. STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN THE BATTALION!! dollar and foreign stock markets to dictate which direction we’re going to head,” he said. The key Dow Jones industrial av erage of 30 blue-chip stocks, which lost nearly 70 points in the previous two sessions and remains shaky from its 508-point loss Oct. 19, rose in late trading to close at 1,985.41, up 40.12. The value of all U.S. stocks rose by $46.6 billion, according to the Wilshire Associates 5,000 Equity In dex. Other broad market barometers also rose, and gaining stocks out numbered losers by about 3-to-l on the New York Stock Exchange, where nearly 226 million shares were traded despite curtailed busi ness hours. The stock exchange, which has operated under a restricted schedule since the collapse, plans to return to its regular 4 p.m. EST close Monday. Trading closed an hour early Thurs day and will do so Friday. The rally came after major U.S. banks trimmed their prime lending rate from 9 percent to 8.75 percent. West German and Swiss central banks cut rates as well. The lower rates also benefited the bond market because they damp ened prospects of inflation, which erodes the value of fixed-income in vestments. The Treasury’s key 30- year issue rose nearly $20 per $ 1,000 in face amount and its yield fell to 8.76 percent from 8.93 percent late Wednesday. The interest-rate moves prompted speculation that the Fed eral Reserve, the nation’s central i bank, would ease credit further by lowering the discount rate, the lend ing fee to financial institutions, as part of a broader strategy to escape a possible recession in the aftermath of the market collapse. SKI Angel Fire Air Charter Ski Tours F/y direct: College Station —Angel Fire No Driving, No Plane Changes TOUR DATES: 12-19 Dec. ’87 * 7 Ski Days $625 3- 7 Jan. ’88 * 4 Ski Days $570 4- 7 Feb. ’88 0 3 Ski Days $520 • Includes Roundtrip Airfare 5 JFC * Transfer • Lift Tickets iLPINE • Double Occupancy Accommodations IR TOURS, INC. 1-800-323-5793 P.O. Box 781 Angel Fire, New Mexico 87710 505-377-3072 South Africa gives freedom to 77-year-old ANC leader PORT ELIZABETH, South Af rica (AP) — Govan Mbeki, a 77-year- old leader of the outlawed African National Congress, was freed Thurs day after 23 years in prison and said he still embraces the ideas for which he was jailed. The government also released six other men — four black and two white — who were jailed for politi cally related crimes, and issued a ban that was to forbid Mbeki from being quoted by South African media after Thursday. Mbeki’s release, first hinted at in August, heightened speculation that other prominent black prisoners such as Nelson Mandela may soon be released. Mandela and Mbeki were among Ginsburg eight senior ANC members who had been jailed for life following their convictions in 1964 on charges of sabotage. Many black South Africans regard the men, particularly Mandela, as their political leaders. “I was informed I was being re leased unconditionally,” Mbeki, the former ANC national chairman, said in Port Elizabeth, where he was flown following his release from Robben Island prison, which is near Cape Town. “The ideas for which I went to jail and for which the ANC stands, I still embrace,” said the gray-haired intel lectual. He said he still considered himself a member of the ANC and the South African Communist Party, both of which are outlawed. The ANC’s goals are the end of apartheid and institution of a one- man, one-vote system. It says those goals can only be achieved by the overthrow of South Africa’s white-led government. Black anti-apartheid activists reac ted to the release of Mbeki by renew ing their calls for freedom of Man dela. Political observers say Mbeki was released either because the govern ment did not want Mbeki, who had been reported in ill health, to die in jail, or the release is intended to im press government critics at home and abroad. AGGIELAND YEARBOOKS ARE NOW HERE! (Continued from page 1) use was to be broadcast. Senate Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia had no im mediate comment, and Judiciary Committee Chairman Joseph R. Bi- den Jr., D-Del., could not be reached. However, speaking on condition he not be named, one senior Demo cratic congressional aide said of Ginsburg and the nomination, “He’s a goner because the Republicans will not be able to abide him as their nominee.” And one Republican senator who has supported Ginsburg, also speak ing only on condition of anonymity, said, “It’s not good news. It’s bound to hurt. ... If public opinion rises against him.” The senator said it could cause the administration to withdraw the nomination. The Senate Judiciary Committee is preparing to hold hearings on the nomination next month and already questions have arisen about Gins- burg’s participation as a Justice De partment official in cable television cases while he held a large invest ment in a cable television company. Said White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater: “The president accepts his statement, doesn’t feel that it influ ences his judicial qualifications, and the president stands by fiis nomi nation.” One White House official, speak ing only on condition he not be iden tified, said “there was no indication” of any drug use on Ginsburg’s part in a preliminary FBI report received by the White House. “Judge Ginsburg was asked the standard question, as all appointees are asked, if there was anything else in their background, but it did not surface,” the official said. To Pick Yours up Bring Your I.D. to the English Annex, 8:30 sum. till 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Fri day. Plastic Covers are also Available for 500 each. Battalion 845-2611 15.99 REGULARLY 24.99 JUNIOR 5-POCKET JEANS BY LEE Through aJl the fads, you’ve discovered the American classic stands the test of time. Back to the basics with Lee... the brand that fits. Five-pocket all cotton jean in go-with-everything indigo blue. Now at savings at Bealls in junior sizes 3-13. Ask About A Bealls Charge Card. SATISFACTION IS OUR PLEDGE TO YOU. If you are not pleased with your Bealls purchases: 1. Return them to your nearest Bealls for a cheerful exchange. 2. If an exchange is not satisfactory, Bealls will refund your money with receipt of purchase. Post OAK MALL