Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1987)
Friday, October 30,1987/The Battalion/Page 5 ,*f h y What’s up Thunderstorm Drizzle Freezing Rjin :• Central Rocfct es into thecentrti :ifk Nontwmi 1 measurable rain lot akes will initiate ntral states enjoti legrees and mild with a lot ds. coming partly ce of rain. Windsti| 5 degrees bite or transluces si form. Classifies bility criteria. d by: Charlie Bra Staff Meteorofe tment of Meteorct Friday AGGIE PARTNERS FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS: will begin I setting up their haunted house at 3:30 p.m. in the Corps 1 Quadrangle lounge B and will open the house to the public 1 at 8 p.m. OFF CAMPUS AGGIES: will meet for yell practice at 11:30 p.m. at Mt. Aggie. 1TUDY ABROAD OFFICE: will have a financial aid infor mation meeting at 2 p.m. in 504 Rudder. NITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: will have a Bible study at 6:30 p.m. at the A&M Presbyterian Church and a peanut butter fellowship at 11:30 a.m. at Rudder Fountain. OLLEGE STATION BIBLE CONFERENCE: Herman H. Mattox, Th. M., will discuss “Fulfill your spiritual destiny” at 7:30 p.m. at the College Station Community Center, I 1300 Jersey St. OFF CAMPUS AGGIES: will have a haunted house from 8 I p.m. to 11 p.m. in the Corps Quadrangle lounge D. MULTICULTURE SERVICES CENTER: Faculty, staff and I students are welcome at a haunted house from 1 p.m. to 5 I p.m. at 151 West Bizzel. SINGING CADETS: will have open rehearsal at 5 p.m. in the | MSC flag room. RUSSIAN CLUB: will have an informational meeting to dis cuss “Summer Study in the Soviet Union” at 4 p.m. in 026 MSC. TERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will discuss “Servanthood and Missions” at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. ([HESS CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 603 Rudder. UDENT Y YOUTH FUN DAY: Applications for coaches and counselors are available until Nov. 6 in the second floor of the Pavilion. (SC PAGEANT COMMITTEE: The 1988 Miss TAMU Pag eant applications are available until Nov. 13 in 216 MSC. Saturday NAVIGATORS: will have a Christian All Saints Eve party I 7:30 p.m. at Blake Purcell’s house. Dress as your favori old or new testament saint. E LACROSSE CLUB: The lacrosse team will play its fifth annual alumni game at 10 a.m. on the drill fiekf. TTLE CAESARS: will give away trick or treat bags with ■ hints for trick or treaters at Northgate. VOCAL MUSIC PROGRAMS: will have performances by ■ the Singing Cadets, Women’s Chorus, Century Singers and || Revelliers at 10 a.m. in the MSC flag room. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, H 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working days be- I fore desired publication date. at avonte Crash hurts market value of UT funds AUSTIN (AP) — The stock mar ket collapse cut the market value of University of Texas endowment funds, but a strong bond market has helped offset the decline, an official said. At the same time, the university system staff has found some very sound values in the stock market since the Oct. 19 crash and is starting to buy again, Michael Patrick, the system’s executive vice chancellor for asset management, said. The market value of the Perma nent University Fund, or PUF, and other endowments managed by the university has fallen by up to $250 million, or 7 percent, in the past two weeks, Patrick said. In September, the funds were worth about $4 billion, including $3.4 billion in the PUF, which bene fits both UT and Texas A&M Uni versity. The other funds managed by Patrick’s office contain private gifts to UT schools. The investment staff began shift ing money from the stock market several months ago, Patrick said. “We were expecting a correction in the market, but we didn’t anticipate the magnitude of it.” The Dow Jones industrial average fell 508 points to close at 1,738.74 on Oct. 19. It closed Wednesday at 1,846.82, after a week and a half of volatile trading. The average has fallen 32 percent since its all-time high of 2,722.4 on Aug. 25. At the time of the crash, about 35 percent of the endowment money was invested in the stock market, 50 percent in bonds and 15 percent in cash and short-term investments, Patrick said. The steep drop in stock prices in the past two weeks has created some bargains, he added. “We’re carefully starting to buy again,” Patrick said. “We’re seeing some important names for our port folio at prices that we haven’t seen for two to three years.” >s rorMpha Phi Omega sponsors ;eo/(iew efforts to clean up B-CS joley’s spot Pm: J B X Bridget Harrow illy E. Beard, is ■ Reporter “ two remainini {Fifty thousand trashbags and 20,000 bumper stickers c Walter Wilcoi fththe “Don’t Mess with Texas” emblem were handed Milton lurner: |tby members of the Alpha Phi Omega Thursday in leffort to clean up the community, met s (ourt isw |APO, a coed service fraternity, sponsored the imilar toatai Jeanup event in cooperation with Brazos Beautiful Inc. nade upoffoureitteitrashbags and bumpers stickers were handed out rs and is oifrtfjthe Memorial Student Center and the Commons. To e Richard Hot each people outside the A&M campus, the trashbags ioners oversff jere handed out at Post Oak Mall and 35 apartment et, which font Miplexes throughout the Bryan-College Station area, r is more than Si i spokesman saii jlisa Blackburn, APO project chairman, said APO de- onsible for road'-jied to sponsor the trashbag handout because they al- u ir precincis: ays do projects for their national chapter, and they voting locations Jnted to do something for the community. She said gal requiremen:: { id he is optimist: most people have been acting positive to the trashbag handout. “The general consensus has been good,” she said. “However, some people say ‘No, I don’t want it, I’ll just throw it in the trash’ and I’ll say ‘good, that’s what they’re for.’ ” Diane Mills, executive coordinator Brazos Beautiful Inc., came up with the idea for the trashbag handout, said John Rogers, president of Brazos Beautiful. Rogers said Brazos Beautiful Inc. sponsors other programs that promote reducing litter, cleaning up, and beautifying the county throughout the year. Last semester Brazos Beautiful help organize the Big Event, which helped cleanup litter along Texas Avenue. The county school systems also have been active in the cleanup Brazos program, Rogers said. The Waste and Place program is part of the curriculum in kinder garten through sixth grade, where students learn to keep waste where it belongs. id it will be an ifl l expects to see a ; voter turnout^ residential electiff Education organizations support return to electing state boards sewife izations that support a return to the .Pcd State Board of Education NC K| ACl^Tlmrsday they expect to prevail llAiWrithepolls Tuesday despite the well- Rta opposition of H. Ross Perot. “We do expect to win,” Sandy Wl IVr ff Vlpl)y j legislative action chairman of lieTexas PTA, said. Texans decide Tuesday whether ON (AP) - >: d maintain the appointed State > gravity isn’ia: joard of Education in place since 'out, says a hou®: : space-age _____ the HB72 school reforms of 1984 or return to an elected board. Under HB72, the 15-member board is to revert to an elected panel next year. A “yes” vote on Referendum 1 is a vote for keeping the appointed board that is selected by the gover nor. Perot, the Dallas billionaire who shepherded the HB72 reforms through the Legislature, is mount- > stand in a sho« : | down and relas I said. “And it’s »S| s soaped up ate] the past 14 mo;i nt expense to ] t the new sho«:| s, she earns aWl missions ofuptol stronauts need to] ney are to be ail Rafael Garcia.r;: ' er at the Johnson! Man-Systems Di f | oeen working o 1 ] 'stem for about | Tying water into] nsive MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE October Specials We will be open for all Aggie Home Football Games I We will be open for all Aggie Home Football Games PRICES PER POUND BEEF CUTLETS BEEF T-BONE STEAKS BEEF TENDERLOIN STEAKS BEEF CLOD ROASTS (Beef Shoulder Pot Roasts) BEEF RUMP ROASTS (boneless) LAMB SHOULDER ROASTS CURED & HICKORY SMOKED BACON (Thick sliced, 1 Ib/pkg) REGULAR SALE $2.89 $2.29 $3.89 $3.49 $5.19 $4.69 $2.25 $1.89 $2.85 $2.39 $1.75 $1.09 $2.49 $2.09 10 POUND BOX- $1.99/lb. t tte ] Our beef is equivalent to U.S. Choice and Select. It’s naturally dry aged to increase tenderness and to give a rich “bee fy” flavor. These closely trimmed steaks and roasts will give the customer a high percentage of edible portion and less “plate waste”. Other Beef, Lamb, Pork, Sausage, Dairy products and Farm Fresh Eggs are available. Prices effective through October 31,1987. We are open for business Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday, Ocotber 31 st for the Louisiana Tech football game. We are located on the West Campus between the Kleberg Center and the Horticulture/Forest Science Building. (Phone: 845-5651). Kappa Sigma and A.D.A, Would like to thank the following for their support of the 2nd Annual Thrash for Diabetes Bash: Post Oak Florist Good Times Cafe Adult Video Fantasy Lingerie Up Front Body Design ITS Tours & Travel Texas Body El Comal Mexican Restaurant TanU Neils Deli Mazzio’s Pizza Gina’s Taqueria Dos Hermanos Mama’s Pizza Campus Photography Fuller Printing ing a high-profile, well-financed campaign in favor of keeping the ap pointed board. Gathering at a Thursday news conference to push the return to the elected board were the Texas PTA, Texas State Teachers Association, Texas Association of School Admin istrators, Texas Association of School Boards, Texas High School Coaches Association and several other education groups. Easy Move in- Easy Living | We offer 2 pools, 2 on-site laundry facilities, a volleyball facility, beauti fully sculptured courtyard Sc access to Munson shuttle route. 1 and 2 bedroom apartment-homes available, 24 hr. maintenance Sc manage ment, plus office hours designed to coordinate with student schedules! Walking distance to fine shopping and eating establishments. Call, or better yet, come by and ask about our easy move-in terms. Now leasing and pre leasing for spring — rent starting as low as $310/mo. Travis House 505 Harvey Rd. 693-7184 34.99 REG. 55.00 MEN’S CORDUROY SPORTCOAT Save now on men’s corduroy sportcoats in your choice of brown, tan, taupe or grey. Available in men’s sizes 36 to 46. Great for dressing up or just to wear with jeans! Manor East Mall Post Oak Mali