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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1987)
Friday, October 30, 1987/The Battalion/Page 3 State and Local g Stone." In pi| d to markthepi about Bono sol someone walk; I wranoidamvl lipping bad ail -vo interviews! o readonepaiii lay I’llbeableii e my divergent! ordingto in. Ijustneed# the emotional the last time ife for a polio a Greek poioaj n an aspiring ne. I’m not go!!. t)W. tor journalise j and staff mm n aspiring pok KM t- Customers won’t see any changes in cable services despite new name By Jill Radenbaugh Reporter I McCaw Cablevision in Bryan-Col- |ege Station officially changed its lame to Cooke CableVision earlier this month, but the name is the only thange their 28,000 subscribers can ixpect from the cable company. Jack Kent Cooke purchased the table system owned by McCaw Com- lunications Inc. in January for an indisclosed price in an all-cash transaction. The cable company is a wholly- iwned subsidiary of Jack Kent looke Inc., which claims many in- |erests, including the Chrysler and .ent buildings in New York, the Los [ngeles Daily News and the Wash ington Redskins professional foot- iall team. Cooke founded the American Ca- ilevision Co. in 1964, which even- lually became the largest privately- owned cable company in America. I “Nothing has changed except the fiame,” said John Southard, systems iger of Cooke CableVision. I “All of the management will stay the same, and there won’t be any lolicy changes,” he said. But there are many who want to Jee changes in the local cable situa tion including some students and a Jollege Station city official. Debbie Lemke, a senior account ing major living off campus, said she isn’t happy with the cable situation in Bryan-College Station. “I think Cooke Cable Vision has a monolopy on the whole cable busi ness,” Lemke said. “Students have no other choice but Cooke if they rant cable. Students are trapped.” le said. But Southard disagrees. “We do not consider ourselves a monopoly in the Bryan-College Sta tion community,” he said, “because cable is a luxury, not a necessity. Therefore, cable is not a city utility,” he said. Cable in Bryan-College Station is not a non-exclusive franchise, he said. Another cable company could come into town if the city allows them. The College Station City Council currently does not have a specific committee overseeing the cable com pany, h owever > U P until August 1987 there was such a committee. Peggy Calliham, public informa tion officer for Bryan-College Sta tion, said it expired because it no longer had a function. Steve Parker, a former cable fran chise committee member said the ca ble franchise committee was initially formed to provide some oversight of the cable company. “I was surprised to learn that the committee would eventually expire,” Parker said. “The committee was only appointed for a specific length of time, which expired in August,” he said. Parker said the committee was formed in response to a citizen’s rec ommendation. “We, as committee members, were requested to evaluate the merits of the cable company sale with respect to the franchise transfer,” he said. Parker said the cable company in Bryan-College Station appears to be a defacto monopoly because there isn’t another competing system now. But prior to 1985, there were two competing cable companies. Southard said one company can offer better service. In 1985, when Community Cable- vision and Midwest Video were both operating in the Bryan-College Sta tion area, they could only offer lim ited channels because of their com petition with each other, Southard said. Competition caused them to lower the rates and therefore, they had to lower the quality of service, he said. When there were two cable compa nies operating in Bryan-College Sta tion, they only offered about half the channels. “With only one cable company in the area, Cooke CableVision can of fer more channels and better quality service at a higher rate,” Southard said. “Cooke CableVision offers 37 dif ferent channels. The channels range from religious programs to black en tertainment programs,” he said. But Brenda Calvin, a sophomore general studies major living on cam pus, said cable is too expensive in the dorm. “I would rather live with only one channel than pay those prices,” Cal vin said. “We, my roommate and I, would probably get cable if they of fered a better deal to students on campus. If cable was added to our fee slip, I’m almost positive we would get it,” she said. But Cooke CableVision does offer a $10 installation discount for stu dents living on campus. Southard said, “We can offer stu dents on campus a discount because we do several hook-ups on the same day. But we consider students living off campus the same as anyone else in the community,” he said. Cooke Cable Vision bases its prices on the cost of doing business, South ard said. It’s a privately-owned busi ness and can set its own prices with litde regulation. There has been discussion of a bulk rate for all dorms on campus. Southard said. “However, to give a bulk rate for Texas A&M University, every dorm must have cable. That creates a problem because not everyone living in the dorms wants cable,” he said. There don’t seem to be any easy answers to the price problem. Parker said, “A competing system would return the cable industry to competitive rates. However, that would not be feasible for a town our size.” There are only a few cities in the country that have two successful competing cable companies, Parker said. “A cable franchise committee isn’t necessary anymore because it is so limited in what it can do,” he said. “The Cable Communications Pol icy Act of 1984 essentially deregu lated the cable industry entirely.” It is going to take federal regula tion to change this system, he said. According to CableReports, a monthly newsletter, the Cable Com munications Policy Act falls far short of protecting consumers, program mers and would-be competitors from the cable monopoly. Since the act, time has illustrated that the cable industry is not respect ing the fundamental legislative agreements betweeen franchising authorities and cable operators, which the act was intended to em body, the newsletter said. Russian ballet dancer becomes honorary citizen of Dallas DALLAS (AP) — Dancer Andrei lUstinov, who fled the Moscow Ballet in Dallas two weeks ago, has been nade an honorary citizen of the city. Mayor Annette Strauss officially Mcomed the dancer Wednesday. “Your decision to stay in the [fnited States and this city was a su preme act of courage,” Strauss said. Ustinov, who ran away from the hotel where the troupe was staying and pleaded in broken English with a passer-by for help, seemed bewil dered at the council hearing, but said he was glad to be in Dallas. His defection to the United States was announced last week by federal officials. Ustinov said, “Today, I speak En glish very bad. Here (I find) free dom of artist and of my religion, my pleasure. Thank you very much.” Flemming Flindt, artistic director of the Dallas Ballet, said Ustinov will make his debut with the company Nov. 10. Flindt said, “It was an enormous opportunity for the Dallas Ballet when he chose to begin his ballet ca reer with us.” A&M panel discusses program of assisting undeveloped nations By Drew Leder Staff Writer Texas A&M faculty members and administrators familiar with international aid programs told students at a Jordan Institute for International Awareness presen tation Thursday the United States can be most effective in aiding underdeveloped nations by assisting these nations help themselves. About 45 students attended the panel discussion in Rudder Tower that addressed the effec tiveness of international aid pro grams. “Self help seems to be one of the more effective ways of help ing,” William A. McIntosh, an as sociate professor of sociology said. McIntosh, who spent three years in Laos as an aid volunteer, said groups that go into an un derdeveloped nation attempting to solve problems, won’t have much success if they don’t involve the local people in the process. James Christianson, a profes sor of agricultural education who’s done aid work in several countries, agreed with McIntosh. “In the success stories, people took the time to find out what the real problems were instead of as suming they knew,” Christianson said. Another problem that can arise if the local people aren’t involved in helping themselves is that they might become overdependent on those who are helping them, Mc Intosh said. “Sometimes the effect of tech nical assistance is to make people believe the only people who can solve their problems are outsi ders,” he said. Aid volunteers also must try not to impose their beliefs on those who they want to help. As sociate Dean of the College of Ag- riduture Dwayne Suter said. Dr. James Goodwin Suter, who worked with U.S.- AID in the Phillipines, said that while it is sometimes difficult for volunteers to accept the values and customs of the people they interact with, they should try to respect the different culture. “You work on the assumption that their values are valid,” he said. Although volunteers may try not to impose their beleifs on the local people, there is no way to get around it, said James Good win, coordinator of A&M’s inter national agricultural programs. “You can’t do anything without changing what’s around you,” Goodwin said. “We want to mini mize the way we impose our per sonal and political beliefs.” John Norris, director of A&M’s office of international coordina tion, said another problem arises from differing political systems. “We have the ability to feed the world,” he said, “but we don’t have the ability to get (food) to the people who need it.” Although problems like gov ernmental corruption may limit the aid some people will receive, Norris said the United States has an obligation try to help less for tunate nations. “As long as there is inequality we have to offer aid,” Norris said. 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