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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1987)
riber Grac WOOD CAPITAI,’! ? seeM * stockmarket.LarJ t he exciting and l*j professional stodl .itxn, tveares t individualsi nancial services icij Ms ability andarcst m t hat will allow < ir resume to; i. Box 681173 a, TX 77268-11 Ir. Thomas Dorati nch Manager .ne # 713-537-»| r NASD and S1PC j OaiLallOn Classifieds NOTICE • SERVICES $125 $125 $125 $125 ESSAYS & REPORTS o Service j >pair At ItsBes;| teral Repairs !ars & Lightlrudil lean & Import N-FRi 7:30-5jJ J46-5344 st one mile north of MM in the Shuttle Bus Route Royal, Bryan S College From Tom's ^ EtrtAiifiijji I WANTED: Patients with fre- Iquently occurring heartburn I to participate in a 4 week study I using currently available medi- | cation. $125 incentive paid to those chosen to participate. Cali Pauli Research International 776-6236 aattn [ill r Inc. $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 WANTED: Patients with high blood pressure, either on or off blood pressure medication, to par ticipate in a research study to evaluate and treat h.b.p. Ages 21 - 70. $400 monetary incentive of fered to those who participate. Cali Pauli Research International 776-6236 29tfn $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 iter" $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 WANTED: Individuals with fre quent aches & pains (headache, toothache, muscle ache, back ache, minor arthritis, menstrual cramps) who regularly take over- the-counter- pain medication to participate in an at home study. $40 incentive for those chosen to participate. Please call: Pauli Research International 776-6236 _ 10 am to Closi | 12pm to Close $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHES We would like to treat your tension headache with Tyle nol or Advil and pay you $40. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 23t10/2 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 ORADO' 88 ULCER STUDY We are looking for people who have been recently diagnosed to have one or more stomach ulcers to participate in a 6 week to 1 year study. $250 to $350 offered to those chosen to participate. Call Pauli Research International at 776-6236. 1t)n e of 4 areas TEMPERATURE STUDY WANTED: Patients with elevated temperature to participate in a short at-home study to evaluate currently available over-the-coun- ter fever reducres. No blood taken. $75 offered to those chosen to particcipate. Call Pauli Research er lounger buses || 776-6236. insportatioa to sign-iii ch of Bryan Series’ reed to share id only one I i Dept. Crop ScW i of Bryaf k information ei Miller -1221 gate PostOM $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 ALLERGY STUDY WANTED: Patients 18-60 yrs. with known or suspect Fall Weed Allergies/Hayfever to participate in a short allergy study. $100 In centive paid to those chosen to participate. Call Pauli Research Interna tional 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 WANTED: Individuals ages 18-65 with acute low back pain to par ticipate in a one week pain relief study. No blood drawing involved. $50 incentive for those chosen to participate. For more information: Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 pfiE\SIV£-DRIV1XG TICKET DISMISSAL, IN |LRANGE DISCOUNT. CLASSES EVERY WEEK!! |93-1322. 24t 12/16 Sixth Park WANTED 16^278 to choose from—all subjects 1 Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD BflliPl 800-351-0222 BaMlHTd# in Cal IT 1213)477^226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Essays & Reports 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN, Los A.igeles. CA 90025 Custom research also available—all levels WORD PROCESSING. Thesis, Dissertations. Experi enced. Dependable. AUTOMATED CLERICAL SERVICES. 693-1070. 3Itll/23 Typing, Word Processing-Reasonable rates. Call Ber tha 696-3785. 30tl1/6 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 30tl 1/6 GOLD STAR TYPING. Business, Manuscripts, Aca demic. Reasonable. Call Anna 775-6695. 36t 10/26 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES. THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC LASER QUALITY. 696-2052 163tfn Bicycle training analyzed or developed by USCF coach, improvements guaranteed. Richard Beck 846-8768. 1st half hour Free. 35t 10/30 Word Processing: Reports, Doci anytime. Call 823-3802, • FOR SALE All types, 37t 10/27 NINJA 900 GREA T SHAPE, SEE TO APPRECIATE, PRICED TO SELL. $2400. 696-1511. 38t 10/28 Windshields, Navasota Glass will pay $50. deductible. Insurance claims handled. 1-825-3202 anytime. 27tl 1/3 Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 23tfn COMPUTER'S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER! EBM-PC/X1 COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, TURBO. KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Itfn 1978 Firebird. New Tires/Transmission, Tape Deck. Excellent Condition. 823-5400. 37t 10/27 Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tfl Sublease Large 1-1, Nice, $215./mo., Nov-May. 823- 1476, 776-0568 evenings. 38tl0/28 FOR RENT: PASTURE FOR HORSES. 823-4484. 34tl0/22 1 8c 2 bdrm. apt. A/C 8c Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn Roommate Disharmony? Large room w/bath. October Free. $ 130. n-smoker. 846-8768. 35t 10/23 The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for immedi ate route openings. Pay is based on per paper rate & gass allow ance is provided. The route re quires working early mornings, 7 days a week. If interested call: James at 693-7815 for an appointment. 33 t10/2 3 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Carer Opportunities (Will Train). s I Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Ba hamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: 206-736-0775 Ext. 466H 19tfn Progressive local office equipment company seeks com puter literate sales rep. for local market. MS/DOS knowledge is a must. Desktop Publishing background is a plus. Jeff 693-9986. 38tl0/29 Overseas Jobs. Summer, Year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia. All Fields. $900-2000. mo. Sightseeing. Free Info. Write IJC PO Box 52 Corona Del Mar, Ca 92625. 27tlO/27 WM. ROSS 8c CO. Campus Jewelry - GREAT JOB OP PORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS... Many full-time students now earn 1,000's each semester marketing Wm. Ross 8c Co.’s beautiful fashion jewelry on campus. Join this successful group CALL COLLECT' -713- 621-7677... Ask for Bunky. 35tl0/23 Are you an exercise enthusiast? Energetic 8c fit women needed to teach classes. Work 1 on 1 with our members 8c handle membership sales. Apply in person. Shape Way Women’s Fitness Center. Full-time 8c Part-time positions available. 3710 E. 29th St. 29tfn Sales and service person to service coffee route. 774- 7656 for appointment. 37tl0/27 Earn $480 weekly— $60 per hundred circulars mailed. Guaranteed. Homeworkers needed to perform mail services. Incentive programs available. Send legal size stamped self addressed envelope to United Service of America 24307 MaGIC Mtn Parkway, Suite #306, Va lencia. Ga. 91355. 32t 10/23 go skiing over Christmas Break 1 Sunchase Tours Annual Collegiate Winter Ski Breaks to Vail- •eaver Creek, Steamboat, Breckenndge, and Winter for five or seven nights including lifts, parties, pic es, races and more from only $151. Optional round p air and charter bus transportation available Call 11 free for your complete color ski break brochure. 1- “ 321-5911 TODAY! 19U0/8 ommuter Wanted - Houston - Let’s Alternate Driving and Cars. Spring Semester. Call Donna (713) 7-9172. 38t 10/28 Problem Pregnancy? we listen, we care, we help Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service is welcome We’re local! ▼ 1301 Memorial Dr. Y 24 hr. Hotline I 823-CARE ^ Thomas Pool Winter Hours M-F 5:30 a.m.-6:30 a.m. Adult Laps 9 a.m.-7 p.m. General Public . Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m.-l p.m. Adult Laps 1 p.m.-7 p.m. General Public Masters Swimming Available 1300 James Parkway SHORT ON CASH? advertise with the Battalion classified ads 845-2611 we won't sell you short Thursday, October 22, 1987/The Battalion/Page 7 Warped by Scott McCullar WELL, IT'S FALL, AW X WEEP A //EW WARDROBE. TIME TO 60 TO TtiE- ART STORE. WA/VT lb GO? WE'RE GOIVG TO THE ART L? yup. X OA/LV WEEP A BOTTLE Of WHEV YOU LIVE- IN A COMIC STF.IP THAT‘5 ALL YOU WEEP. WOULD you LIKE To TRY ON SOME Waldo by Kevin Thomas WAiOO, ARMED WITH THE ‘S/NG/WG SWORD" HAS BEEN CHALLENGED TO A JOUST! I'M GO/NS TO READ A MAGIC SCROLL OF'ENCHANT \ ARMOR"! X M GOING HOME IN A BODY BAG, Joe Transfer by Dan Barlow WE.LL ... I ME.T THIS 6REAT LOOOW' GlRl...AMr> SUE HA'STMlS REAL CUVt ROOMMATE.,,, “SO I 3£T VOU OPH! ...WELL,SHE WOOLDM’T GO UUULVb I &0T A bATE FOR. HEk FR-IEUD'. fHey! If I wasm't ALREADY jGOIKlG WITH LAUFA, Id take Her • -. GREAT !.. ,5E£ VA IM J ^AUTTLE BIT/^ ^ ^ A&M students dance to beat of The Dishes at local show By Staci Finch Music Reviewer You won’t see them on MTV and you won’t hear them on your favorite Top 40 radio station, but if you want to dance to wild, wacky and fun rock ’n’ roll, you want to hear The Dishes. “We got together five years ago, in Houston,” lead singer Jimmy Raycraft said. “I looked around and every body was playing country or blues, and there just wasn’t any fun bands around for people to dance to,” Raycraft said. “So I got together some people I knew and we decided to change that,” he said. It’s a fun dance band for sure. If you want to see lots of long hair, then buy the latest Teen Beat with Jon Bon Jovi on the cover. Mem bers of The Dishes, casually __ dressed in shorts, T- Review shirts and tennis shoes, came to a lo cal club last night to get people to dance. And that’s exactly what happened. When the band swung into its opening set for around 200 peo ple, it wasn’t two songs before the dance floor began to be filled with bodies jumping, swaying, bopping and otherwise keeping time to the music. And keeping time wasn’t hard to do. Dickie Malone’s bass could be heard across the street and Rick Falcone’s drums and Barbara Do- naho’s keyboards weren’t far be hind. But the music was right on key and you would have to listen hard to hear a sour note in the eclectic sets The Dishes performed. The band played everything from Elvis to the Beatles to Step- penwolf and the people in the au dience loved it as they danced and applauded and danced some more. The Dishes, who play all over Texas, in Louisiana and New Mex ico, had just as much fun as the crowd. “We usually play the college cir cuit, because collge kids are the people who love to dance to fun music,” Raycraft said. “We love playing Texas A&M because a lot of people here get into our music,” he said. Dave Marshall, a Texas A&M senior nuclear engineering major, said he loves to hear performances by The Dishes. “I first saw The Dishes when I . was a freshmen,” he said. “I’ve seen them play practically everywhere they play in Texas,” Marshall said. “They’re my favorite band this side of the whole world,” he said. Mike Martine, ajunior majoring in finance, agreed with Marshall’s assessment of the band’s talent. “I like The Dishes because they are different and upbeat,” he said. “They are a cross between blues and rock ’n’ roll and dance music. They are really fun to dance to.” Marshall agreed that the band’s music provides a good beat for dancing. “A lot of people think you can’t dance to anything but Top 40,” Marshall said. “But The Dishes don’t play any thing Top 40 and you can dance all night,” he said. mnn MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM VISIT US AT: FOR INFORMATION CALL: MBA/LAW SYMPOSIUM 1-800-828-8765 (TEXAS) MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 10am - 4pm 1-800-828-8777 (OTHER)