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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1987)
Page 12Arhe Battalion/Wednesday,October 21,1987 ^ .{K Work. Share. Live. Save Lives. You can have a summer full of adventure & personal growth while improving health for the people of Latin America. VOLUNTEER! To be an Amigos volunteer, write: Amigos de las Americas, 5618 Star Lane, Houston, Texas 77057. Or call: 713-782-5290 or 800-231-7796 (800-392-4580 in Texas) Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 tfc MSC Town Hall Presents R c AA WORK JOUR With Special Guest The dB’s Thursday, November 19th, 8 p.m. G. Rollie White Coliseum MSC Box Office (845-1234) or at Dillards. AGGIELAND PHOTOS THIS WEEK Oct. 19 —Oct. 23 LAST CHANCE FOR FRESHMEN & SOPHOMORES “GET IN THE BOOK 5? AR PHOTOGRAPHY 707 TEXAS AVENUE ACROSS FROM THE POLO FIELD HOURS 9 TO 5 693-8183 FAshioNs tIiat Fit rlfE MAN FaII pAshioN Show Join us for an exclusive showing of the season's latest. Refreshments served prior to the show. President pushes start of Gramm-Rudman cut Vol. 87 WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi dent Reagan, after ordering the start of $23 billion in automatic spending cuts under the Gramm-Rudman law, said Tuesday he would prefer cut ting the deficit through a budget compromise with Congress and indi cated for the first time he might con sider a tax increase. The Gramm-Rudman law was co sponsored by Sen. Phil Gramm, R- Texas, who is a former Texas A&M University economics professor. Reagan’s remarks came after a meeting with his top economic advis ers ana followed calls from the hi-, partisan congressional leadership for action in the wake of Monday’s stock market crash. “I presented in my budget a pro gram that provided for $22 billion in additional revenue, which was not necessarily taxes,” Reagan said in re sponse to a question about whether he’d compromise with the Demo crats, who propose a tax increase to reduce the deficit. “And I’m willing to look at whatever proposal they might have. “I am willing to be a participant in anything that can bring us together.” Reagan told reporters he was imme diately ordering his aides to open discussions with the leaders of the House and Senate. tion,” Fitzwater said. “He said he’s willing to hear their proposals (from Congress) but he does not envision a tax increase as being a part (of the fi nal package)." Fitzwater said Treasury Secretary James A. Baker III and White House Chief of Staff Howard Baker Jr. would hold the discussions with Congress and the president did not see himself personally taking part. Nonetheless, lawmakers em braced Reagan’s announcement. The chairman of the Senate Bud get Committee. Sen. Lawton Chiles, R-Kan., said he hoped ihen would come quickly. "I hope that his statement'^ assure American investors tin:,I going to deal with this problerl our economy is essential! and sound,” Dole said. James C. Miller III. diitd the ()ffice of Managementandij get, announced that 10.51 would he withheld from 1 pi ograms and 8.5 percentfroi defense agencies, as eacht absorbs half of the redact quired by the Gramm-Rudmi'l “/ presented in my budget a program that provided for $22 billion in additio nal revenue, which was not necessarily taxes. And I’m willing to Uxfk at what ever proposal they might have. ” President Ronald Reagan The. revenues in the president’s budget included some government asset sales along with taxes that the administration considers “user fees.” After Reagan’s statement, White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater appeared to try to soften the presi dent’s remarks. “He does not envision tax in creases as a part of the (deficit) solu- D-Fla., called Reagan's announce ment that he would negotiate with Congress “good news for the coun- try.” Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., also said he wel comed the news, but chastised the president for blaming the govern ment’s red ink on decades of Demo cratic control of Congress. “I believe that it’s time to stop pointing fingers and cool the rhe toric if progress in those talks is to he made," Byrd said. Senate Minority Leader Boh Dole, Miller said that could mti loughs at (he justice Depan layof fs at the State Departm delays in developing a spacest Those could be avertedtmi law if Congress and Reay .in alternative deficit-reducc Indore Nov. 20. The cutbacks are temporaiJ the mones held inescrowa lies making temporaryadjut From AIDS research tola#ti meni and militarv readiness,jJ • > • ' : : 1 ‘“i .iinv miikl T-j one-tenth of their budgetsfi 19H8, which began Oct. 1. I he law this vear cuts!; lion each from domestic | and from the Pentagon, within those broad categor cifie areas were exemp will come from huge art budget, including Social S welfare and veterans betttl the militarv payroll. The Gramm-Rudman i sion a deficit of about $14 the fiscal year that began l an interim step toward a 1 budget in 199$. qi butdoor i Working women help with design for 'dream home' VOORHEES TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) — A home office, a revolving clothes rack and lights that never need dusting all can be found in the Working Woman’s Dream Home, a $234,000 house designed from the suggestions of 15 women who juggle families and full-time jobs. “Women are the ones that buy the house,” said Cary Schaal, vice presi dent of the house’s builder, the Scar borough Corp. of nearbv Marlton. “Gentlemen have their input, but in 95 percent of the cases it’s the woman who says, ‘This is my house.’ ” A model of the two-story home re cently opened to the public in The Beagle Club development in south ern Newjersey. It all began last year when 15 pro fessional w’omen associated with the Cherry Hill Chamber of Commerce were invited to discuss their ideas of a perfect house. Suggestions included such things as storage, the need for natural light, flow'ing traffic patterns and as little dusting as possible. Other suggestions were that the house clean itself and that the toilet seat not be cold. “That we couldn’t do,” Schaal said. “But the majority of what they wanted, we were able to incorpo rate.” The women’s ideas were turned over to an architect who designed a 3,150-square-foot house with four bedrooms and 2Vs baths. “They really did listen to us," said Susan Milstein, a computer consul tant who participated in the plan ning sessions. There’s a laundry room with a built-in ironing board, a walk-in pantry doubling as a serving area for the dining room and a communica tions center with an indoor-outdoor intercom system and phone. The two-room master bath sjxms a revolving clothes rack that zips around one of the two closets at tfie touch of a button. That was on the wish list of Char lotte Cuarino, a hotel administrative assistant who said it alleviates the need to store out-of-season clothes. “That was on a whim,” Cuarino said. “They did pick up on it, though. You push a button and the clothes come to you.” Milstein said what makes the working woman's home different is the extra attention to details. “I like the office away from the bustle of the house,” she said. So far, none of the women inter viewed in the discussion group ap pear to be buying a dream home of their own, Schaal noted. However, Milstein said. “You would not have to twist my arm to get me to buy that house. I’m very happy where I am now, but if 1 were to move ... . ” Market sto) shaky despi heavy tradi w \ \f fi.\ it ■ ■ \ m < i i. jii * ■ oil pi.ul ■new YORK(AP)-Ki® stocks tallied Tuesday,] mg f rom Monday's his tof 'P rppmg Dried a Ic lapse, but the rest of the continued to ilounderin ond straight session of ding volume. The Dow jonesave industrials rose 1,84 1.01. topping its pro "id point gain of 75.23 (•■.ASH i , t ollc-i i 99 I hat left the Down#ilcn.'t pun s to go, however,to)««] a , unprecedented 508-pom]Wejnci ,, \ Mo nday’s session, or the I 938 point drop ittooTlT' '' peak in late August t>w. c, ,,, Monday’s close. ■p'gmdi And broader market t Wfek were less robust. DecliuEp outnumbered advances 1)| "> to 2 on the New Vorki'f change. As measured by’ nates' index of moretfej stocks, the market gaiiteij billion in value TuesdayJf mg more than $500bill day. Analysts said there wj that some of investor{ worries were easing. I merest rates fellshat[ | credit markets, short-term Treasury Ming nearly a full ^ point. Charles Jensen at Mh 1 ties Inc. said, “.WestilH 1 of apprehension. ItW dissipate all the selling Man finds daughter he father* in wartime Vietnam 15 years Dillard’s Post Oak Mall • Harvey Rd tit Texas 6 Bypass • College Station • American Express Welcome SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A for mer U.S. Army medic arrived in the United States on Tuesday with the daughter he fathered in wartime Vietnam 15 years ago and recently rescued from a life peddling peanuts on the beach. Barry Huntoon and Tran Thi Tuyet Mai stepped off a plane at San Francisco International Airport with two other Amerasian teen-agers. The teen-ager was greeted by Huntoon’s wife, Laura, and the cou ple’s infant daughter. “I want to go to school,” Mai said when asked what she first wanted to do in the United States. The girl can neither read nor write. Huntoon said, “I always believed I would see this day.” Huntoon met his half-Vietnamese daughter for the first time Oct. 12, when he went to Ho Chi Minh City to bring her out of communist Viet nam. He lost contact with Mai and her mother after the end of the war in 1975, but then saw his daughter’s photograph in Life magazine two years ago. The other teen-agers. Loan and Van Nguyen Vernon, received em braces and pink roses from their fa ther, Marc Vernon. Vernon had not seen his daughters since 1 972. “It’s going to he a while” before the girls feel comfortable in public, Vernon said, stroking their long black hair. “They’re real nervous.” Vernon, of Albuquerque, N.M., left Vietnam in 1972, and his wife, Lien, left several years later. 1 hey have tried desperately to get the girls out of the country. Vernon worked with an Army intelligence unit in Vietnam in 1971 and 1972, and met his wife while she was working as a waitress in an NCO club in Pleiku. Before leaving Ban? 1 non, a 38-year-old sale* five from Paradise, P- just wish every fatheri 0 ' 1 1 sian) could sit with his five minutes. They're bsl| ( ' <'• ge exV A&M. Hn \ nding all I n ro|lment °rse. fen e ftes. the "Mrolrneiu jll «e of L: Hth t i 7 ■29.6 p 1984 (jPnioi a* ,uIt I,b. Jvr enr It) I s Stouf fclass ir L »• * to |»p v) t< ^■onwid. All they want is toki, M lather is. Despite bickering "' let sc respite Die™ m a i ans ese authorities,theU |ll k 0D | < ’ resettled about 4,000 , Bruce Burns of the Amerasian Registry in Santa Clara County said the girls have lived a modest life with an English-speaking aunt, Lan Nguyen, in Ho Chi Minh City. The aunt also is coming to live with the Vernon family, which includes an other daughter, Kerry, who was born in the United States. an official migration? _ cent years. U.S. offr- iUeci u . u ^ 10 000 remain tnV.etj| ut; ih( |](> Huntoon said MarHy 0ut , U i , no education, hadl)C er ' in s her mother in thepoO l :The C.olleE near Ho Chi MinhCitf ;ni ros< y“ called Saigon whenii’’^ th( U)lu ^ of the South Vietnaipterhis ot . which fell in Aprill^ Di JD, “Her life's been 'Tie*- ,,t t - really hard,” Hutto 0 ' been im ,, L sold peanuts on tlir ufession i asked her if sheivas^ ; college a rning and she never nts by 376 she was there to" 01 * Things play. She’s never ply n to imprr witn other children.' Corrigs