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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1987)
Mip iOt ta ^e all that ow it out. Tlmj I hem them II run the Mississippi ie Aggies' aj ie draw, mdle the di ‘ in trouble." in a hard-hit ;ch game w ered an avti ree injuries with starting rt already side!' rjury (ri recovery, Shi was going to; i. a straight-h Ve’re going tot isive ends." >om and ?e injuries ag expected badl t. Price, howt e season, Wednesday, October 7, 1987/The Battalion/Page 7 Cards clip Giants 5-3 n game 1 of playoffs tard Jeff >ly will man a Gilbert (who hi handle the otl i. week, Sherrill: ha-cb re Houston in BuckyRid against Tk!i. )ably should hn f ST. LOUIS (AP) — Emergency tarter Greg Mathews blew away iressure and the Giants, pitching our-hit ball for 7Vs innings and looping a key two-run single Tues- ay night as the St. Louis Cardinals eat San Francisco 5-3 in the first ;ame of the National League play- ffs. Even with Mathews’ effort, the rgest crowd in Busch Stadium his- ry, 55,331, had to hold on in the jighth when the Giants scored once d loaded the bases with two outs. Reliever Ken Dayley retired Will Elark on a long fly ball to end the in- ling and then finished for a save. The Cardinals, plagued by inju- [es and playing without ailing first iseman Jack Clark, were not hurt tis time after scheduled starter ianny Cox came down with a stiff leek. Mathews, told four hours before ie game that he would pitch, re- >onded coolly against the team that lunded him a total pf three times ds year. Mathews gave up three runs, two |pf which were earned. He tied a season-high with seven [rikeouts and walked one. Mathews, [ho drove in only three runs this lar, also contributed a single that pjied a-three-run sixth for a 5-2 Todd Worrell relieved after athews’ first walk in 22 innings, to lobby Thompson with one out in tht eighth. Worrell, with a 7.36 V ie nation ys he than not l> a,! of ^ ‘INYADS, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. battalion lassified 845-2611 earned run average in six games against the Giants this year, gave up a single to Jeffrey Leonard, an RBI double to Candy Maldonado and a walk to Chili Davis that loaded the bases. Dayley, a left-hander, quelled the threat by getting the left-handed Clark on a fly ball to right fielder Curt Ford just short of the warning track. Mathews, a second-year left hander, and 38-year-old Rick Reus- chel were settled into a 2-2 game when a blown rundown triggered the Cardinals’ thre-run sixth. Dan Driessen doubled with one out and was then trapped when shortstop Joe Uribe grabbed Willie McGee’s infield hit in the hole. But Uribe bounced a throw to second baseman Thompson for an error that allowed Driessen to reach third. Terry Pendleton followed with an RBI single and Ford’s single loaded the bases. After Tony Pena fouled out, Mathews reached out and hit a 1-2 pitch to center for a 5-2 lead. Mathews had gone 0-2 in three starts versus San Francisco this sea son, allowing 14 runs on 21 hits in 16 % innings. Leonard homered over the 414- foot mark in center field leading off the fourth for a 2-1 lead. Leonard, whose long fly out to center set up a run in the first, connected on Math ews’ second pitch of the inning end ing a string of nine straight batters retired by the left-hander. Before you decide which ^scientific to buy take this short course in economics. Casio solar scientific calculators. With these three calculators, Casio continues to give students and profes sionals the most features and functions Jor the fewest dollars. Lesson 1: Our FX-451M gives you 132 total functions, including binary, octal and hexadecimal calculations and conversions. 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