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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1987)
attalion Classifieds 1 to join fuesdav attalion, days be Mounwwa ^ WALK TO CLASS SMALL APT. COMPLEX, QUIET, LOCALLY OWNED AND OPER ATED, 2B, IB, $170-200/mo. + BILLS. 696-7266 1 Special! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. Bdrm.: $150. /2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. ner Special! One or two bedroom apartments l All bills paid. 846-3050. Scholar’s Inn. John &:Jo- a Sandor managers. 164tfn manager:roomuom kx wiiu s. Qrii- i . \k:i i iomi- r 1 , jour:. ArifRfipm. 1 ()2K>/23 iUlOnsailj^oE APARTMENTS 3535 Plainsman Lane, .Texas. 846-1771. WE LOVE AGGIE STU- ,l BSN'i s 139t7/16 the wongH i Schools ;|Bdim House; J2<)0./im>. Emerald Forest; responsible ! ' iiiidenis imly; pool Sc tennis courts; Ciall 693-6359. 1 ‘®. 161t6/24 will be c({K it Gncd.-Wltiuie (Sow! 1 and 2 Bedroom Ants. $I9()-/1?45 . VS YearK.iund! 846-0880,268-2015. !5St6/30 nr lives isioOS aylrtlf'.' ■ Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 776-6856. 83tufn oemulatt ItsIroMizE your apart ment, ciu jost* from Iffi to mini-hlinds, wallpaper, fencing or washer. area i n £. Bryan. ‘2 Bclrm, start at $‘295./mo. Yl SOme WOMlt month rent. 776-2300, wkends 1-279-2967. J nnlitirt 160t7/2 ■ It2bdrm. apt. A/C & Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 lews hjItsiSlBNorthgate/ First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn men leas® TientOrS, t.WAl.K TO a&M. 1&:2 Bedroom Fourplexes. Summer ln , , Mall Rates. 776-2300. weekends 1-279-2967. 156t7/2 women i INOTICE iter pani y have a women themsek ke once you den the job p. to COOl] ime, she and a sab s her to ,o panic am. es efi h* G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 w ncies is alts, wbid said. learning^ . and formanc( : meni iest ; they I® its are )UU ACUTE LOW BACK PAIN STUDY Persons needed with recent, pinful low back injury. Take one dose of medication and evaluate for 4 hours. Volun teers will be compensated for leirtime and cooperation. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 ACUTE DIARRHEA STUDY Persons with acute, uncom plicated diarrhea needed to evaluate medication being considered for over-the- counter sale. $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 DIARRHEA STUDY [hdividuals 18 yrs. old or older ith acute diarrhea to participate in a 2 day at home study. $50 in centive for those chosen. For more information call Pauli Research International at procedutf ; S oflear® at kidshf lid. s on ho* they w® each the' 1 yow oho®' ts are f[$50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 776-6236 160tfn lated oi Fever Blister Study he said.' f you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would h be interested in trying a iff 01 new medication, call for purpose jilt a ^ at ind m lea solver* information regarding I study. Compensation for volunteers. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 10213/31 'H :r a ai* ren; e di#'' $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 FEVER STUDY Wanted individuals with an el evated temperature to partici pate in a fever study using over- the-counter medication. $50 in centive for those chosen. For more information call Pauli Research International 776-6236 160tfn 150 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 WANTED Male individuals 18-45 yrs. old with mild wheezing or short ness of breath, ex-asthma or coughing with exercise to participate in a one day study. $200 incentive for those cho sen. 776-6236 _ H SERVICES E'"" Horses Pastured, excellent grass, no feeding necessary. 100 Acres & country roads to ride. $35./mo. 846-9229 answer 764-3150. 164t6/26 • SERVICES TYPING: Accurate. 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 163t6/19 Reatly Resumes $18. Laser printed. Information taken by phone. 693-2128, 160t6/31 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC. LASER QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 159t7/17 • LOST AMD FOUND $REWARD$ LOST WALLET Call Orlando Tenorio 696-8398 162t6/23 • PERSONALS PRIVATE ADOPTION DESIRED: Wish to provide loving, secure Christian home for infant. Local references provided. (904) 373- 4218. Collect, nights, weekends. 161t6/26 • FOR SALE Parents, Students, Faculty! Foreclosed condo. Near campus. Fireplace, all appliamces. Great terms. Call John @ Century 21 Beal Real Ffttfltf* Inc 775-9000 or 846-1534 16 4t7/i7 YAMAHA RIVA 125: Good Condition. Just Serviced. 68 MPG/60 MPH. $750. 268-0109 Evenings. 164t6/30 Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 102tfn Two Yorkshire Terriers. 7 & 8 weeks old. Parents silver & platinum. $225/250. 775-9026. 16U6/23 COMPUTERS. ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST' PRICES EVER! IBM-PC/XT COMPAT IBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $649. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $1249. 16U8/14 1983 Honda XL 200 R. good condition, street legal. $450. 090-3153. 162l6/26 '86 SUZUKI MOPED. Low Mileage, Great Condition, $275. Carol 696-0414. 163t6/26 LOCAL ADVERTISING RATE CARD Effective September 1. 1986 The Battalion Division of Student Publications Department of Journalism Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 SALES OFFICE ENGLISH ANNEX Ross Street, Campus PHONE: 409-845-2696 or 7 BUSINESS OFFICE Room 230 Reed McDonald Building Ross and Ireland Streets, Campus PHONE: 409-845-2611 All rate* on thla card refar to Standard Advartlalng UnNa GENERAL INFORMATION Published Monday through Friday during regular semes ters; Tuesday through Friday during summer sessions; Wednesday only during most other weeks. Ad reservation deadlines: 9 am two working days be fore publication except for At Ease (weekly entertainment tabloid) which is 9 a m. Tuesday before publication, and Back to School edition, which has various deadlines to be checked out with advertising reps. Ad copy deadlines: 4 p.m. two working days before pub lication except for At Ease which is 4 p.m. Tuesday before publication. '■* ' Circulation: 23,000 press run. Paper serves about 36,000 fulltime students, more than 9,700 faculty and staff. Delivered to all dorms and many other campus build ings, as well as some homes and most apartments in Col lege Station. Other distribution at high traffic points both on and off campus. Reproduction: Offset. MECHANICAL INFORMATION Column width: 2 1/16th inches (about 12 picas plus 4 points); between columns 1/8th inch (9 points). Column length: 21 inches (126 picas). Page width: 6 columns or 13 inches (78 picas). Color: Spot only. Only standard colors guaranteed. Ask about our weekly entertainment tabloid At Ease LOCAL DISPLAY AD RATES Monday* Wednesday Tuesday Thursday At Ease Friday $5.39 if less than 50 inches $5.67 $5.11 from 50 to less than 100 $5.38 $4.85 from 100 to less than 250 $5.11 $4.69 from 250 to less than 500, ., $4,94 $4 32 from 500 to less than 750 $4 55 $3.77 from 750 to less than 1,000.., $3.97 $3.25 ....from 1,000 to less than 2,000.. $3.42 $2.72 2,000 or more $2.86 Special rates for officially recognized Texas A&M Campus organizations. Classified Display: $5.70 per column inch. Classified (regular): 30 cents per word with minimum charge ot $3 for each day. If ad runs consecutive days, to tal charges will be reduced 10 percent for each added day up to maximum of 40 percent deduction tor 5 days or more. Color: Only spot color available. Charge for each time run. in addition to column inch charges: $50 if in At Ease or on Monday or Tuesday (with exception of Back to School issue which is charged at higher rate); $90 if ad runs Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Color limited to ads 60 inches or larger. Inserts: Pre-printed material will be inserted into only non- mail copies of The Battalion, and will be charged at $50 per 1,000 copies, or $45 per 1,000 if 15,000 or more are inserted. (Special reduced rate is available on most Fri days lor first customer.) Minimum inserting order is 5.000. Delivery ot inserts must be one week in advance, properly bundled, boxed or stacked on skids. If insert has unusual folding, or is unusual shape, size or stock, sample must be submitted before final acceptance, and will be rejected if mechanical inserting is impossible. Reverses and double bums: $10 each in addition to other charges. Tuesday, June 23, 1987/The Battalion/Page 5 World Briefs Judge: Canadian need not speak in trial of Deaver WASHINGTON (AP) — A fed eral judge ruled Monday that Ca nadian Ambassador Allan Gotlieb cannot be compelled to testify at the perjury trial of former White House aide Michael K. Deaver. U.S. District Judge Thomas Pen- field Jackson denied independent counsel Whitney North Seymour’s motion to compel service on Gotlieb and quashed the subpoena. Deaver is accused in a five-count indictment of lying about the extent of his involvement with the acid-rain issue before he resigned as deputy White House chief of staff to be come a lobbyist for Canada and other clients. Seymour said Gotlieb was the only witness who could prove that Deaver lied when he said he could not recall having lunch Jan. 5, 1985, with the Canadian ambassador and his wife, Sondra. Seymour touched off a diplomatic flap last month when he sent an FBI agent to serve subpoenas on Gotlieb and his wife at the Canadian Em bassy. Embassy officials refused to ac cept the subpoenas and later accused Seymour of violating international law by trying to serve them. Seymour then responded by ac cusing the Canadian government of “duplicitous” behavior by cooperat ing with his investigation to satisfy political critics but ultimately refus ing to provide crucial testimony in the case against Deaver. Jackson rejected Seymour’s con tention that Canada had waived its diplomatic immunity by agreeing to answer written questions posed last year by Seymour. “The Canadian note of July 1986 is neither expressly nor by any fair implication a commitment by Can ada to subject its ambassador, or any other of its diplomatic personnel, to the American judicial process in this case,” Jackson said. South Korean leader will attend meeting with opposition heads SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — President Chun Doo-hwan made a dramatic reversal Monday after nearly two weeks of violent street protests, agreeing to meet with op position leaders and consider de mands for democratic reform. His opponents insisted all political detainees be freed before the talks, expected later this week. Police say at least 8,000 people have been ar rested since anti-government agita tion began June 10 and thousands remain in jail. There were fewer reports Mon day of protests and fights with riot police. Most of the violence occurred at universities. Thousands of students hurling firebombs and rocks battled police around at least four Seoul campuses and protesters briefly overran at least one riot squad. Police fired vol ley after volley of tear gas and at tacked with armored cars. The president said he would be willing to meet with Kim Young- sam, head of the Reunification Dem- ’ ocratic Party, and other opposition groups and would consider de mands for reform. Kim’s party is the main political opposition. Chun’s foes demand direct presi dential elections, but the former general declared April 13 that his successor would be chosen by the current electoral college system and debate on constitutional change would be postponed until after the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. He has chosen Roh Tae-woo, a for mer general, to succeed him in Feb ruary. News reports said the government would release many of the people detained since June 10, when the ruling party endorsed Roh’s candi dacy and protests began, and that Chun and Kim were expected to meet in two or three days. Syria promises to help free journalist Glass from Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Syria said Monday it will free captive American journalist Charles Glass “at all costs.” Eight people died in factional gunfights in Beirut slums where many foreign hostages are be lieved held. Police said 17 people were wounded during shootouts in the Shiite Moslem slums of Ghobeiri, Hay Madi and Haret Hreik between the Mokdad Shiite clan and support ers of Akel Hamieh, military com mander of the mainstream Shiite Amal militia. Neither faction has been linked to abductions of the 25 foreigners still held. Amal leader Nabih Berri, also Lebanon’s justice minister, ordered his militia Saturday to join the search for Glass, 36, and Ali Osseiran, 40, whose father Adel is defense min ister. Street battles in the south Beirut slums began at midday, eased at midafternoon and picked up again before sundown, police reported. The sound of gunfire and rocket- propelled grenades could be heard in both Moslem and Christian sec tors of the city. Fourteen men abducted the latest victims last Wednesday, along with Osseiran’s driver, in south Beirut’s seaside Ouzai suburb. It is a strong hold of the Iranian-backed Hezbol lah, Lebanon’s most militant Shiite faction. State radio quoted Brig. Gen. Ghazi Kenaan, Syria’s military intel ligence chief in Lebanon, as saying: “I am here to free them. The prob lem will be resolved at all costs and I believe that will be accomplished soon.” Marines discharge deserter after being AWOL17 years QUANTICO, Va. (AP) — A Ma rine Corps deserter who was recap tured after being at large for 17 years is being discharged “for the good of the service” instead of being court-martialed, the Marines said Monday. Douglas G. Beane, vyho has been held at the Quantico Marine Base since June 9, admitted being guilty of desertion and to charges of deal ing in the black market and threat ening to kill another Marine, a base spokesman said. Beane, 39, of Rochester, Vt., had been facing trial on those charges in Vietnam when he deserted. He was arrested in Australia as he applied for a visa to visit the United States. The decision to give Beane a dis charge on other than honorable con ditions was made by Lt. Gen. Frank E. Petersen, commander of the Ma rine Corps Development and Educa tion Command at Quantico. Beane was arrested in December in Australia, where he had lived the past 17 years. He was applying for a passport at the U.S. Consulate so he could visit his sick father in Ver mont. cut here 1 Defensive Driving Course june 24, 25 and June 30, July 1 College Station Hilton Pre-register by phone: 693-8178 Ticket deferral and 10% insurance discount cut here i fffflgii AAMCO. Wefixit to last a lifetime. • Now honoring most extended car warranties Open weekdays 8-6, Sat. 8-1 Bryan 779-2626 1215 Texas Ave. SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE I 05 > UJ Contact Lenses ^ Only Quality Name Brands 1/5 (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) m UJ o> $79. 00 -STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES Spare pr. Only $10 with purchase of 1st pr. at reg. price $99. $99. 00 -STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES 00 -STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR V) SALE ENDS JUNE 30, 1987 AND APPLIES TO CLEAR STANDARD yj DAILY WEAR STOCK LENSES ONLY LU UJ UJ Call 696-3754 For Appointment * Eye exam and care kit not included CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University m m m m SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE Imesi r School of Hair Design Welcome Back Aggies for the Summer Special Welcome to the new Freshman Charles Sue's School of Hair Design can care for all your Hair Care Needs Haircuts Always 4 75 Perm Special Starting at 15.50 1711 Briarcrest, Bryan Across from Steak & Ale 776-4375 All Work Performed by Students Under Supervision of Liscensed Instructors i) All the Pizza, $fy***i 'ZZfiiLt. and Beer you can hold only 5 75 Included Males 4 5 ° inejuded Women 9 - 12 p.m. every Wednesday night If anyone's enjoyment exceeds relaxed merriment, DoubleDave's reserves the right to cease serving them. L PizzaworttsV Participants must be at least 21 years old.