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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1987)
SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE Page 4/The Battalion/Wednesday, May 6, 1987 SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE] i Contact Lenses I Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) B. JVs Bunch 1103 Anderson #102 (at Hpllcman) College Station, Texas 77840 TOYS-I.EGO BUILDING DISPLAY-BOOKS* - MAGAZINFS-HOUSEIIOLD TIMES-GLASS LINEN-CRAFTS * DECORATIVE ITEMS COPIES .05* 400/693-1687 Mon.-Sat. 10-6 (/> $79. 00 -STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES Spar© pr. Only $1 0 with purchase of 1st pr. at reg. price $QQ 00 -STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES ^ a Spare pr. ONLY $20 with purchase of 1st pr. at reg. price m $99. 00 -STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR m SALE ENDS MAY 29, 1987 AND APPLIES TO CLEAR STANDARD EXTENDED WEAR OR DAILY WEAR STOCK LENSES ONLY m Call 696-3754 For Appointment * Eye exam and care kit not included CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University SPECIAL $1295 (Expires 5/15/87) Includes * Free road test LOCALLY OWNED BY * Free pan inspection jim WILSON * Fluid change, new pan gasket * Clean screen, pan. and sump * Adjust bands (fitter extra) (This special good with coupon only. Transmission must be serviceable.) -ALSO— COMPLETE SOFT PARTS OVERHAUL FOR AS LOW AS *335 50 with nationwide warranty included Expires 5/15/87 s p E C I A L CO > Exotic and 4 speed, overdrive automatics not included at this price, CALL FOR APPT. SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE 1215 Texas. Bryan q 779-2626 (As O T H-EXXX) T JO Aafifirunr QrrrV AQ-D\arc\OT\A V.atfxea’ AT WvMaaSm- VI AAatOM'sa & \o\mv5i a WaatV TuW o\ \Y\a- 1 Cftarc\ow^ Kvrv^ tvvoTvJiaxri N\\ A0 0, ° ow W arisW-W»"!?" ii—m rs (AAV\ qo\d cTiavn xpc.Vude'i TiAVv pendaoVI ieweUV V°^ a0 i Se'ecX charge $2 p00 2.Te« Receive s l o u : , ;t:: a 'r iosho --*ro fd e, ail tems have lim ited quantity. on the S P T.W.= Total Weight T.G.W.= Total Gem Weight Post Oak Mall 1500 Harvey Road #6002 • (409)764-001 • College Station, Tx. 77840 Investigators review scene of bus crash BEAUMONT (AP) — Eleven people, including a 15-month-old girl, remained hospitalized Tuesday as investigators studied an accident between a Trailways bus and a trac tor-trailer that killed six people. Officials with die National Trans portation Safety Board were at die scene on Interstate 10 where the bus and trailer collided Monday af ternoon. “At this time, the NTSB is in Beaumont and we have our safety professionals on the site/’ Trailwavs spokesman Font Kissell said. NTSB spokesman Mike Benson said six investigators would spend at least three to five days reviewing the scene and wreckage. A Final report will probably be is sued in six months, he said. Among those killed was the Inis driver, Jesse Carroll, 44, of Le- compte, La. “He’s had an excellent on-the- road record,” Kissell said of the 15- year veteran bus driver. The driver of the truck and a pas senger with him were among the in jured. The bus had just left the down town Beaumont station early Mon day afternoon in a rainstorm and was heading for Houston. The bus was about 85 miles west along Inter state 10 when a moving van veered across the grass median and collided with it. Tranae Chardon, 22, of Houston, said, “1 remember just seeing all the chairs go to the front and 1 climbed over and started helping everybody . . . telling them to calm down and i trying to pull people out.” Chardon was a passenger seated in the middle of the Inis. The impact tore off the front half of the bus and split the right side, leaving a trail of debris and mangled bodies along the highway. Other passengers killed in the ac cident were identified as Demetrio Arrendondo, Palmetto, Fla.; Eliza beth Bradlute, Austin; Imogene Shepard, Beaumont; Harry Dow sed, Basildon Essex, England and Katharine Dowsed, also of Basildon Essex, said Lisa Sheffield, a Beau mont police disptacher. The bus carried 27 passengers and the driver, Kissell said. The bus had left New Orleans about 7 a.m. and stopped in Lake Charles, La., before arriving in Beaumont. In Advance ■ic He Unix. Faculty to be honored in ceremony from A| ekiy: By Clark Miller SittH Writer Texas A&M President f rank E. Vandiver will give a State of the University address and plans for an on-campus facultv club will he announced during the lac ultx d ist i ngu ished at hievemen t awards ceremony Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater. Dr. Samuel Blac k, speaker of the Faculty Senate, is expected to announce the status of the fatuity club plan, which has been in the works for about a year and a half . The club would offer dining facilities and a bar for faculty and would probably he located on the 1 1th floor of Ruddei l ower. The plan has already received tentative approval from ii Board of Regents and Vanditt and a group of faculty and;, ministraiors working on thepk lias received the results ofast vev mailed out to faculty inFil i uary. I he awards will he given(i excellence in teaching, researd extention, student relationsal stuf f/administration for them 87 si bool year. Mike Sims, former stum hods president, will also spa during the event. 1 lie ceremony will coney will) the Association of Fonsj Students presentation of awl to distinguished faculty amid at A&M. F.ighteen awards S 1.000 cmc Ii will be presented. MISDKP | • A dent re stolen Ii |§“i vices ; •An Hsted tv from a c BI RUI. • Sev stolen fi found in I HAR. I • A Sported her dooi • Tw Hportec Kissing ] • A Kceivcd calls at h I (/RIM Ambassador to speak at graduation that a r By Mary-Lynne Rice Sliiil Writer Jorge Espinosa de los Reves, Mexico’s ambassador to the United States, will speak at the Texas A&M commencement cer emony at 7:30 p.m. Friday in G. Rollie White Coliseum. Nearly 3,000 A&M students will receive degrees this weekend in three ceremonies and more than 100 cadets will he commis sioned. De los Reyes, amhassadot sinc e 1 1983, will address undergraduate degree candidates Irom the col leges of engineering, science and veterinary medicine. A 1944 economics graduate of the National Universitv of Mex ico, he holds a graduate degree from the University of London and an honorary degree from the University of New Mexico. He has taught economic s at the National University of Mexico, the Technologic Institute of Mex ico, the Center for Latin Ameri can Monetary Studies and the National Polytechnic Institute. (Commissioning ceremonies lot more than 100 cadets will he held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in the col iseum. Lieutenant General John A. Shattd, commander of the Ail I raining Command at Randolph Air Force Base in Sari Antonio, will he the featured speakei for the cotpmissiotling and f inal Re view will follow at 3:15 p.m. at Simpson Drill Field. I)ist i n gu i shed A I u m n u s Awards will he presented at 2 p.m. Friday at die cereinoml degiee candidates from then leges ol agriculture, educau and geosc ienc es and at 9 a.m.Sij I 'i 1111<In gi.ulu.itesp ihe cnlleiirs of architecturcT^K^J| environmental design, busi administration and liberal arts Selected to receive the aw.; AUS1 IF ate Jack C. Frills ol Austin,HrjfdjGepha i he! < • M.tli. .i in I |.n k M. f o sih f i« * of Houston and EM. Mai or the Rosenthal of Fort Worth. Hiinatioi I hr Distinguished AlurijMe also (In >srn hx an anonymous com in the Gar toe. air to he honored forllJ “1 don’t pi attainment, insp .he Misso tional qualities, renomews conft ,u hirsc'inents, demonstratedlHAncl w alts and pai ticipation," as 1 ') i among nomination cjiialifnati DRiocrati Fritts, Glass of ’53, is a fon:®ephai ( sident of the Associaii" iitn P' Former Students and origifflH he Mi. ol the candlelight Muster-ts^lthat H monv, Weirus Spirit AwardsNnd most giam, l.ipscomh Anderson iiice at his prtii.d Ring Piogi.mi .uni hHe is a 2 \ggie (ireefit I nion. r ess. Malt/, (’lass of '50, bay® president of the Aggie and Ho-HUrt s w (on A&M clubs and forn he lime, served as c lass agent. Hr al1 ba: Rains ( Mass of ’fiO. helptdtid denou tablish tlir deselopmenl o nance, lot tlir arc hitecture and desiflObviou college, the Texas CouncilforitPof at us ; \ imi.iI \its and llic MciiivC®,” Cep Student Center Fnri('hnit* cri| 0ny a Fund. Hi have Rosenthal, Class of’42, is a pH memhci ol the developintH^Vhen counc il for A&M’s agriculi ahout tep( college. Lobbyists fight against measure to legalize handguns in Texas PALLA ijirnig at a directors a Times for t DALLAS (AP) — Although con ceding they aren’t as powerful ;js the rival National Rille Association, members of a national lobbying group vowed Tuesday to light to keep guns out of Texans’ hands. “The political issue is not just numbers, it’s numbers and clout,” said N.T. “Pete” Shields, chairman of Handgun Control Inc., a Wash ington-based group claiming 250,000 members. Measures before the Texas Legis lature would allow some people to carry handguns on (he street, which is now illegal. Texans lo join togellier to worll^P 1 m ,S r stionger handgun laws.” e ,^ < ram l Shields was joined at a press con ference by Fran Lipsie of Dallas, mother of a 22-year-old man who killed himself one day af ter buying a handgun. Lipsie said her son had been hospitalized for mental illness before dying last year. “The easy access he had to the handgun made it a fast and effective way for him to end his life,” she said. “I am here today to urge my fellow (iuo( i ii.ukioini laws. e • Lipsie promised an intensivtr (1M .... . . ; But bit; living campaign against ntea proposed In Sen. Kenneth Arnkf 1 ( <) . ntla let . D-Vicoria, arid Rep. Ro,7 m . v have son. D-Howston. ^ ^ Shields said the group’sprit* L? eni lh<- "Sarah Bill" WoftL W, ", rei R iess. ' IfP 1 ^ I he bill i ('(itm es a seven-(laof|y .’. x, ; < ing iK'iiod lot all handguit^l'J^ 1 ^’ chases and background cliecbl|j| ( ' < al, c. ti.^, - you migh Hjority < diln’t firs VVbile t tame vok Fountain Drinks 29« EACH 20oz regularly 59<: good thru 5/25 Blue Bell Drumsticks Pepsi 45« EACH 16 oz NRB $2.49 6-PACK good thru 6/2 You Aggie for it. Aggie; diamc We the be select i W e today FOOD 701 U n Offers good at participating stores. College Station: 3129 Texas Ave. So; 603 Harvey Rd Bryan: 4609 E. 29th St; 1920 Hwy 6 By-Pass, So; 800 San Jacinto