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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1987)
ex signed in 19{S s were allowed and apartmem Alto and the struct a similar ; current U,S. commissroni rtment groups urity problems ssy in Moscow. Dunting Office Washington has out of $192 mil' .e project, and tment is trying lion from the ; project is al' ■hind schedule cost of $75 mil- GAO said, the ig $10.3 million citing alleged .nwillingnessto obligations in a most of the de^ vernment com h has a $56.S to sit down at n June, it said. eet ising jmp Thursday, April 30, 1987/The Battalion/Page 13 PTL begins probe into holdings of exiled evangelist Jim Bakker FORT MILL, S.C. (AP) — The PTL has begun examining the hold- of exiled evangelist Jim Bakker ^/determine which of his assets may have been bought with ministry funds, a spokesman for the Rev. |erry Falwell said Wednesday. Millions of dollars in salaries and bonuses paid to Bakker and his top executives were improperly fun- neled from the ministry, said Mark DeMoss, Falwell’s executive assis- ant. DeMoss said PTL officials had not determined which assets, including two homes and luxury cars, the cou ple may have bought with ministry funds. That’s going to take a few days of ooking at the t)ooks,” he said, add- ngthat all of the couple’s holdings would be examined. The Bakkers nay be asked to surrender any assets iought with ministry funds, he said. Bakker and his wife, Tammy, lave amassed at least $850,000 orth of leal estate and cars in re tent years. The couple bought a sprawling nansion in Palm Springs, Calif., for ,000, a mountainside home in Jatlinburg, Tenn., for $148,500, a new Mercedez-Benz for $45,000 and a vintage 1953 Rolls-Royce for $55,000. The couple have said they used their own money to buy the Palm Springs house. The review of salaries and bo nuses paid Bakker is expected to en compass all of PTL’s top executives profit, tax-exempt status, Falwell said Tuesday. The Internal Revenue Service and the South Carolina Tax Com mission have challenged PTL’s tax- exempt status. The commission is demanding $5.5 million in back taxes, penalty and interest it claims PTL owes for not applying a hotel “Even if not for the IRS problem, we still have a prob lem with a great deal of that. We have a serious prob lem with that level of compensation.” — Mark DeMoss, PTL spokesman under the evangelist, each of whom received more than $100,000 last year, DeMoss said. “It’s part of an effort to bring all pay and benefits down to a reasona ble scale,” DeMoss said. The high salaries paid Bakker and his wife — $1.6 million last year — and other PTL executives, along with the $265,000 payment from PTL funds to keep Bakker’s 1980 sexual tryst with Jessica Hahn secret, has threatened the ministry’s non room tax to donors who get free lodging. Under tax-exempt status, an indi vidual may not receive funds except as reasonable payment for goods or services. “Even if not for the IRS problem, we still have a problem with a great deal of that,” DeMoss said. “We have a serious problem with that level of compensation.” Richard Dortch, whom the board ousted as president of PTL, received $350,000 last year. Bakker’s per sonal aide and his executive secre tary received $360,000 a d $160,000 respectively in 1986, the Charlotte (N.C.) Observer has re ported. In each case, at least half of payments were in the form of bo nuses. The committee’s decision on whether to seek assets of the former PTL executives should be made in the next few 7 weeks, DeMoss said. Earlier Wednesday, Falwell took over as host of the “PTL Club” tele vision show and assured donors the ministry would survive, complying with “the rules and regulations of man as well as of God.” Falwell said on the show taped in Lynchburg, Va., for broadcast over his own Liberty Broadcasting Net work and the PTL cable network that the success of the $129 million ministry and Christian retreat de pends on donations. “Join us ... to see to it this min istry never becomes just a page in history,” lie said during his first ap pearance as host of the program. Make $395 A Week This Summer !f you are: Independent Hard Working Rm. 102 Agronomy 3 p.m., 6 p.m. April 29th, Wed. Please be on time SUMMER WORK Interviews: ] i Make that night special with a unique corsage or boutoniere from AGGIES OFF Swift with this ad Order For Ring Dance Now ‘The Full Service Florist” Call Us 846-1715 400 East 29th TlGWERS & GIFTS Carter Creek Shopping Center Austin native to head PTL Club operations P) — The stock moderate rally ng to recover iff. average of 30 led 22.30 to ruggiing to aj Tuesday. ie New York ante to 173.591 )ke a four-ses- fuesday, aided lizing dollar it/ and an easitiji ire on interesil e Departraenl lay that the in- (j onomic indb nt in March, was consistent s of a slow- on economy. DALLAS (AP) — The businessman chosen by Hie Rev. Jerry Falwell to clean up the scandal- idden television evangelistic PTL Club is an kustin native who has fond memories of his ibmetown and former church. “Our job now is to fix a situation here that leeds to be cleaned up,” said Harry Hargrave, 18, after being chosen to be chief of operations at Tl, in the wake of the forced resignation of Jim lakker. Hargrave, who has lived in the Dallas area for !0 years, is a 1966 graduate of Austin’s McCal- nm igh School. "1 have a very warm spot in my heart for Aus- said Hargrave, who played linebacker for leMcCallum Knights football team. I can still remember water skiing on Lake astin and playing Little League baseball and kking swimming lessons at the University of pas, ” he recalled. Hargrave said his memories also focused on Austin’s Covenant Presbyterian Church. A real estate and financial consultant, Har grave said he left Austin to attend Southern Methodist University on a football scholarship. He played offensive guard for the Mustangs and was graduated in 19/0 with a bachelor’s degree in business. He went on to earn a master’s degree as well. In a telephone interview with the Austin American-Statesman, Hargrave said he believes he was picked by Falwell to lead the PTL Club be cause of his experience as a consultant for theme parks. One of the organization’s operations is the Heritage Village USA resort near Fort Mill, S.C. Hargrave is a consultant for Silver Dollar ( Tty in Missouri and the 100-acre Dollywood at Pi geon Forge, Tenn. The Heritage Village operation makes up a large part of the PTL evangelistic enterprise. It is a religious theme park and resort, which also serves as headquarters for PTL. “I have met with Rev. Falwell several times, and we decided that we need to do tilings cor rectly and honestly and in a Godly way” to holster public faith in PTL after the Bakker controversy, Hargrave said. Bakker headed PTL until several weeks ago, when reports surfaced about his sexual liaison with a church secretary. Falwell was asked by PTL directors to become chairman of the organi zation to restore its credibility. “We commenced an audit of our organization (Tuesday) afternoon,” Hargrave said. “Within the week, it will he ' ompleted and we will he able to answer the question of where we go from here. “We will have a different format on the TV show (“The P IT. Club”) within a week, and we will approach fund-raising in a different way,” he said, adding that he will not appear on the broad casts. sunglasses by Baush & Lomb Wayfarers ($35.) - Aviators ($40.) - Outdoorsman ($42) Wings ($46) Leathers ($70) - Shooters ($45) - Cats ($37) Traditionals ($42) and all others SERENGETI® Sunglasses by Corning Optics® Drivers ($60)- Vermilion 7000 SS ($64) Solar Barriers ($52)- Classic Series ($45) VERY LOW PRICES!! 696-1246 | Sponsored by ENVE 3ns ee because lb ne heating oil. that the OPl iated the priceo( 'ant to, they a said Rep. Martin tonsors all are ei- except for Did l. They admittd ult in light of tit ■ is changing on changed in thak is now chainai Rep. Jim Wrigbl] ie House," Frost lleae s to get a head iar? While r the sum- me extra tours atNortti College. With iendly u can make you eamwi 1 <to your fall. NHCC's jetion, small nvenient affordability ke for a great A WORD FROM “PYTHON” PtSCOFO EX-WRESTLfR ABOUT MILLER Lin 2700 W.W. 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