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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1987)
U Battalion Classifieds l ^£<» %JL+ ^P®'•^P** • NOTICE GRADUATION 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS • THERE ARE STILL PLENTY OF OFFICIAL TEXAS A&M GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS AVAILABLE IN THE MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER ROOM 217 MON-FRI 8am-4pm MSC TUDENT FINANCE ENTER $ $ Fever Blister Study If you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would be interested in trying a new medication, call for information regarding study. Compensation for volunteers. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 102ta/31 FOR RENT Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util- 84 tfn ity pla FOR SALE FOR RENT CASA BLANCA APTS SPRING SPECIAL! 2 bdrm apt. for 2 occupants for $255. per month Enjoy your own private bedroom at an affordable price •Close •Quiet •Shuttle bus 4110 College Main 846-1413 (.ouch and chair, good condition. Price Negotiable. Call between 10pm-12pin. 696-5755. 142t5/l Honda Spree, 125 Miles. Call 776-0463. 142t4/30 MIYATA 912 racing bicycle. New and low mileage, quality components throughout. $295. 846-7432. 142t4/30 Is It True You Can Buy Jeeps for $44. through the U.S. governement? Get the facts today! Call 1-312-742- 1142 Ext. 8390. 137t4/20 TRAILER HOME 14x65 FULLY FURNISHED, VERY NICE, MUST BE MOVED FROM TRAILER PARK. COLLEGE STATION NO.: (409) 260-5680 SAN ANTONIO NO.: (512)698-2195 138t5/7 36” projection TV, Mitsubishi, stereo, extended war ranty. 1-1years old, perfect condition, $1200. 822- 1248 day, 846-4555 after 6. 138t4/27 Boa Contrictor, 4Vii ft. Excellent terarium habitat witli lock. Best offer 764-7442. 14 U5/7 AFFORDABLE IBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES $539. INCLUDES 256KBRAM, 1-360KB DRIVE, KEY BOARD, MONITOR. 640KBRAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, 8MHZ TURBO, KEYBOARD, MONITOR: $669. 20MB DRIVE: $359. 1200BAUD MODEM: $109. CITIZEN 120D PRINTER: $199. COMPUT ERS, ETC. 693-7599. 138t4/27 CASA BLANCA APTS Private Bedroom Dorm Plan Summer $170. per month Fall-Spring $195. per month All bills paid - furnished 4110 College Main 846-1413 2 Bdrm Apartment in modern 4-plex in Bryan near shuttle, 1.7 miles from campus. Dishwasher, disposal, w/d conn,, trees. $200./mo. June & July. $265./mo. beginning August 1. 822-2892, 693-7761. ! 39,5/8 Newly decorated Executive Office Suites Near University. All bills and janitorial. Start at $95./mo. Call 846-4783 12915/6 SCHWINN WORLD SPORT 22” EXCELLENT CON- DITION. $125. 693-9641 after 6pm. 140t4/27 • HEUP WANTED R&R’s B/CS’s Newest Nightclub now taking applica tions for hostesses, bartenders, and waitresses. Apply Mon-Fri. l-4pm, 313 S. College, Skaggs Centeii42t4/29 Part-time receptionist wanted two days a week. Flexible hours. Laurie 696-0700. 139t4/28 Summer Jobs Earn Up To $450. Per Week Painting. Start 1st Week In May. 693-7098 or 823-6000 after 6pm. 141t4/27 Babysitter Wanted. Loving, energetic person to care for three children full-time in my home. Summer or longer. Transportation necessary. 822-1751 or 845- 7388. 14H5/1 • PERSONALS COLLEGE EDUCATED. HARD WORKING, HAP PILY MARRIED WHITE COUPLE EAGER TO ADOPT A HEALTHY NEWBORN, AND PROVIDE A LOVING, HAPPY, SECURE FAMILY LIFE- BIRTH RELATED EXPENSES PAID. COM PLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGAL. CALL COLLECT - (314) 569-2419. 126t4/30 • SERVICES MONEY FOR COLLEGE GUARANTEED! Our 10 year old servicce will locate up to 25 scholarhsips and grants designed espe cially for you. Educational Scholarships Service an investment in your future 846-6347 14214/27 Special! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. One room walk to campus. $90./mo. + VS utilities. Billy 846-4247. 142t5/8 Must Sublease! 2 bedroom, 2 bath, poolside apartment with shuttle bus, perfect for summer! Call Bruce 764- 7366. 139t5/6 Rooms for rent $175 plus bills, washer Sc dryer. 693- 0939. 138t5/8 A One Week Special. C.S. on Woodsman. 2 bdrm, l 1 /^ bath, fireplace, patio, $300./mo. Century 21 Beal. 823- 3469. 138t4/27 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath four-plex, Washer/Dryer, near A&M and Mall, $250-$350 /month (summer rates), pre-leasing for fall. 846-1712 and 693-0982. 125t5/l APRIL- Free water/sewer paid, W/D or dishwasher. $ 195-$215. 779-0480, 696-2038. 130t4/30 Luxury 2 Bdrm, 1 K 1 Bath, washer & dryer, water paid, near campus. $275./$325.696-0632, 693-0551, I32t5/8 TAHOE APARTMENTS 3535 Plainsman Lane, Bryan, Texas. 846-1771. WE LOVE AGGIE STU DENTS. 139t7/16 Wellesley Court. Summer & Fall leases. 2 Bdrm, l!4> hllwd bath. Approx. 1000 sq. ft., washer & dryer, deck, near shuttle. $395. Summer rates avail. 693-4750, 690- 3330. 13D4/30 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C & Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-2471,776-6856. 83tufn AGGIE ACRES - 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Duplex. Central air and heat. Pets o.k. Stables nearby. 823-8903 (or 846- 1051 for L.B.). 117t4/17 Bargain! 2 bdrm, washers and dryers, $175./summer, $195./fall. 779-3550, 696-2038. 128t5/6 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath house close to campus, W/D, micro- wave, must tent for summer. Rate negotiable. 764- 8024. 141t4/30 Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath near A&M. shuttle, w/d, call 846- 5735 days or 846-1633 evenings ask for Paul. 92tfn Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 AGGIE SPRING SPECIAL Cb-wip auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and oldey 3506 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 102tfn Colorwatch Professional Quality at Special Prices Color Enlargements from 35 mm negatives or slides 5x7 .890 ea. 8x10 $1." ea. 8x12 $1." ea. Color Reprints 3 1 /2X5 5 for .890 Reprints of 35 mm, 110, Disc Negatives From The Same Roll APRIL 20-MAY 10,1987 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES At Goodwin Hall And Texas A&M Bookstore In the MSC Page 6/The Battalion/Monday, April 27, 1987 Warped by Scott McCullar Z3/V4/ 7 Sessions for $21 846-9779 104 College Main SPECIAL $12 95 (Expires 5/15/87) includes * Free road test LOCALLY OWMED BY * Free pan inspection JIM WILSON * Fluid change, new pan gasket * Clean screen, pan. and sump * Adjust bands (filter extra) TThis special good with coupon only. Transmission must be serviceable.) —ALSO— COMPLETE SOFT PARTS OVERHAUL FOR AS LOW AS $335 50 with nationwide warranty included s p E C I A L Exotic and 4-speed, overdrive automatics not included at this price. CALL FOR APPT. 1215 Texas, Bryan 779-2626 fA O T *-EDCeD T Q XJARemur* U — ,^,,-4 NEED MONEY??? Sell your BOOKS at University Book Stores Northgate & Culpepper Plaza Ready Kesumes $18. info taken by phone. 693-2128. 13215/8 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING, Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers, Dissertations. Diana. 764-2772. 14U5/8 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 1 137t5/8 Reasonable, Fast, Accurate Typing Services. Call Pat 822-0235 Weekends/ After 5:30 Weekdays. 136t5/15 Versatile Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/8 Typing: Reportrs, theses, dissertations, Ixrw Prices. Call Burtha 696-3785. 140t5/6 STUDENT TYPING-- 20 years experience. Fast, accu rate, reasonable, guaranteed. 693-8537. 140t5/27 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING ALL KINDS. 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. 764-2931. 140t5/8 Defensive Driving, Ticket Dismissal, Dates, Times, You’ll Have Funll! 693-1322. 9U5/8 Perfect Print, 1516 Echols. 822-1430. Expert Word Processing, Resumes, Graphics. Guaranteed error free Perfect Print, 822-1430. 125t5/6 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. FAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 13U5/8 TIRED OF SPENDING VALUABLE TIME IN THE LIBRARY? LET ME DO YOUR RESEARCH . CALL TODAY! (2-6pm) 696-6046. 138t4/27 Battalion Advertising — let it work for your business. Call 845-2611 Today. You AWAKE// WITH A START.. ...AH HODff AWTEV minotls Have. ir PI5AFTEAREP//THE. Waldo by Kevin Thomas passing we stuff! its a WRAP! ^ Undergraduate Fellows Program lets students conduct research By Bridget Harrow Reporter Most students become queasy at the mention of hav ing to write an essay. And many would panic if they had to do in-depth research on a topic for two consecutive semesters, and then write a formal thesis. However, there are a few students who would like the chance to take on such a task, and the Undergrad uate Fellows Program gives them this opportunity. The program is a two-semester research project, which produces an honors thesis. Under the direction of an adviser, students are able to conduct independent research in their Fields. During their senior year, stu dents in the program substitute any six credit hours in their major, three each semester, for research problem courses. “The program is designed for those who intend to pursue a career in research,” said Louise Canfield, di rector of the University Honors Program. “It’s an op portunity for students to gain invaluable research expe rience, work closely with distinguished faculty and benefit from research discussions with other students.” To be eligible for the program, students must have an overall grade-point ratio of 3.25 or better at the end of the first semester of their junior year. Applicants must file a preproposal with the Honors Program of fice. Once the preproposal is approved, prospectivefel lows are notified, and they must submit a formal propo sal written under an adviser’s direction. Canfield said the main reason applicants must submit both proposals is to ensure a good student-adviser relationship. ‘T he student-adviser relationship is absolutely cru cial,” Canfield said. "The adviser must think carefully about this. He has to be aware of the time, and in some cases, the financial commitments. All good studems don’t make good researchers, just as all professorsdoni make good advisers. If they do not communicate well, then the whole program is a failure.” At the end of the program, each fellow mustsubmita senior honors thesis describing his research. The theses are bound and placed in the Archives of the University Library. And at the annual Undergraduate Fellows Symposium, fellows present a professional paper sum marizing their research findings, and awards for the best theses are given. Fellows are recognized at Com mencement and their transcripts identify them as Uni versity Undergraduate Fellows. Between 100 and 110 students are selected each year If space is a limitation, preference is usually given to students with prior experience in the Honors program But Canfield said space is usually not why some stu dents’ preproposals are declined. Primarily, prepropo sals are declined because of missed deadlines, she said. Health center wing to get oxygen facility By Cindy Bomba Reporter The opening of the new addition to the A.P. Beutel Health Center will upgrade Texas A&M’s hyperbaric medicine facilities, says Dr. William P. Fife, hyperbaric laboratory direc tor. Hyperbaric medicine is the use of compressed air and oxygen in the treatment of diseases, says Fife, pro fessor emeritus of biology. “In our hyperbaric chambers, we compress air and have the patients either breathe oxygen through a mask or we apply the oxygen topi cally to the wound,” he says. “It is very rare for a university to have hyperbaric facilities,” Fife says. “A&M is one of about five universi ties in the nation with these facili ties.” The facility is located nearly three miles from the main campus, adja cent to the Nuclear Science Center. Hyperbaric medicine has been used widely since the early 1900s for diving-related sickness, Fife says, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that it started to be seriously considered as a treatment for other illnesses. In the last 15 years, several ill nesses have been found to be treata ble with hyperbaric medicine. Among them are carbon monoxide poisoning, soft-tissue ulcers, non union fractures, failing skin grafts, gangrene and migraine headaches, Fife says. “With carbon monoxide poison ing, half of the poison can be re moved in 22 minutes in a hyperbaric chamber,” Fife says. “It normally takes five hours for the body to re move the same amount of poison.” Many diseases once thought to be untreatable are getting positive re sults through hyperbaric medicine, Fife says, including multiple sclero sis. “Cirrhosis of the liver is often the result of alcholism or ingestion of some other poison,” Fife says. “It looks like in the early stages, it can be cured or reversed with hyperbaric treatment.” The new hyperbaric laboratory will be completed in about 60 days and the chamber will be moved to the addition in about 30 days. The chamber must be placed in a hole about three feet deep and put on a concrete slab that can hold the pressure of hydrostatic water test- in &- This is a testing procedure that must be done about every five years to maintain safety. The chamber is filled with water and checked for leaks. If there is a leak, the chamber could explode when pressurized. “People don’t understand the amount of pressure used out here,” Fife says. “If one small thing went wrong,you could be dead in 30 or 40 seconds.” ‘Bubbas’ win tug-of-war in Austin • AUSTIN (AP) — “Bubba” brawn proved better than “yup pie” brain, when southside resi dents proved their claim to being the city’s better half in a weekend game of tug-of-war across the Colorado River. North Austinites put their rep- ( utations on the line and cameoul all wet in the event hilled as the world’s largest tug-of-war. The silver tug-of-war cham pion cup, decorated at the base with a piece of rope, sits on the south side of the river, along with its self-proclaimed bubbas, who claim to have more brawn than northside residents. “We’re the bubbas, we’re south Austinites,” said 360-pound Pat Bennett. “The South will always triumph.” The event brought hundreds of participants to the hanks of the Colorado River and thousands of onlookers who found it a good excuse for a picnic. Charles Gandy, a former state representative, organized the big tug to raise money to build a youth hostel in Austin. Hostels are inexpensive places for travel ers to stay overnight. Between $50,000 and $60,000 was raised, he said. COUNTDOWN ’87 (Almost There!) Soon you won’t have to see these ads anymore! Only 4 days! Get your tickets now!* * Note: chase For those wishing to attend Senior Banquet, you must pur- your tickets by 12 noon Friday, May 1. Ag ig TCI From The' won tw against Horned Fort Wo The with a pitcher I season Geiger’s A&M going t( victory i day’s doi built a 1 the sevei But T the Agg succumf Howe the Aggi the win singled run in t with the The 7 39-17-1 Southwe was also Aggies o ence pla' 4-14. A&M turned i formano for-9 wit The ji set a nei for the se Darryl pitcher i struck oi first coni March 2 Tech in pitching win. Sean I two but v nig in the The A ular seas Universit G 1