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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1987)
Page 10/The Battalion/Friday, April 24, 1987 Battalion Classifieds Warped by Scott McCulla We retfret that due to space limitations in today's shop ping issue... ♦ FOR RENT LEASING NOW FOR SUMMER! ALL BILLS PAID! As Low As $225 •Extra Large Pool •Tennis Court •Sauna •Balconies & Patios •All Electric Kitchen •Individual A/C & Heat •On Ground Mgmt. & Security •24 Hr. Emergency Maintenance •Ceiling Fans Open Daily Mon-Fri 9-5 ABUTMENTS ^ Open Sat. 10-5 Sun. 1-5 Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 Where one check pays all! 1601 Holleman College Station, Texas 409/693-6716 CASA BLANCA APTS SPRING SPECIAL! 2 bdrm apt. for 2 occupants for $255. per month Enjoy your own private bedroom at an affordable price •Close •Quiet •Shuttle bus 4110 College Main 846-1413 CASA BLANCA APTS Private Bedroom Dorm Plan Summer $170. per month Fall-Spring $195. per month All bills paid - furnished 4110 College Main 846-1413 HELP! Tenants Needed! 2 1 / 2 blocks from campus 1 & 2 Bdrm efficiencies Cheap Rent! 260-9637 Special! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. 2 Bdrm Apartment in modern 4-plex in Bryan near shuttle, 1.7 miles from campus. Dishwasher, disposal, w/d conn., trees. $200./mo. June & July. $265./mo. beginning August 1. 822-2892, 693-7761. 139t 5 /8 Newly decorated Executive Office Suites Near University. All bills and janitorial. Start at $95./mo. Call 846-4783 12915/6 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath house close to campus, W/D, micro- wave, must rent for summer. Rate negotiable. 764- 8024. 14U4/30 Wellesley Court. Summer & Fall leases. 2 Bdrm, 1V2 hllwd bath. Approx. 1000 sq. ft., washer & dryer, deck, near shuttle. $395. Summer rates avail. 693-4750, 690- 3330. 13U4/30 A One Week Special. C.S. on Woodsman. 2 bdrm, lk2 bath, fireplace, patio, $300./mo. Century 21 Beal. 823- 5469. 138t4/27 Rooms for rent $175 plus bills, washer & dryer. 693- 0939. 138t5/8 TAHOE APARTMENTS 3535 Plainsman Lane, Bryan, Texas. 846-1771. WE LOVE AGGIE STU DENTS. 139t7/16 Walk to campus. 2 bdrm, 1 bath apt. clean and quiet $190. + bills. 696-7266. 138t4/24 Must Sublease! 2 bedroom, 2 bath, poolside apartment with shuttle bus, perfect for summer! Call Bruce 764- 7366. 139t5/6 Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn Luxury 2 Bdrm, 1 '/i Bath, washer & dryer, water paid, near campus. $275./$325. 696-0632, 693-0551. 132t5/8 Bargain! 2 bdrm, washers and dryers, $175./summer $195./fall. 779-3550, 696-2038. 128t5/6 APRIL- Free water/sewer paid, W/D or dishwasher. $195-$215. 779-0480, 696-2038. 130t4/30 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C & Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate/ First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath four-plex, Washer/Dryer, near A&M and Mall, $250-$350 /month (summer rates), pre-leasing for fall. 846-1712 and 693-0982. 125t5/l • FOR SALE CYCLONE PC/XT 10 MHz Mother Board, 640K RAM 2 disk drives, monographic card printer interface, clock, game port, serial and parallel port, AT style keyboard, 1 year warranty For only $689.00 Call Micro Computer Services at 846-7274 (6-10 evenings) This system at this price only good until April 24, so buy now! 139t4/24 AFFORDABLE IBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES $539. INCLUDES 256KBRAM, 1-360KB DRIVE, KEY BOARD, MONITOR 640KBRAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, 8MHZ TURBO, KEYBOARD, MONITOR: $669. 20MB DRIVE: $359. 1200BAUD MODEM: $109. CITIZEN 120D PRINTER: $199. COMPUT ERS, ETC. 693-7599. 138t4/27 Boa Contrictor, 4 1 /!! ft. Excellent terarium habitat with lock. Best offer 764-7442. 14H5/7 TRAILER HOME 14x65 FULLY FURNISHED, VERY NICE, MUST BE MOVED FROM TRAILER PARK. COLLEGE STATION NO.: (409) 260-5680 SAN ANTONIO NO.: (512) 698-3195 138t5/7 Townhouse in Southwood Valley. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, fire place, fenced yard, for sale by owner. 512-756-2581. 137t4/24 Plymouth Champ, '82, in good shape, new tires, air con., $2000/negotiable. 693-3235, 845-3778. 137t4/24 SCHWINN WORLD SPORT 22” EXCELLENT CON DITION. $125. 693-9641 after 6pm. I40t4/27 36” projection TV, Mitsubishi, stereo, extended war ranty. 1-1 kit years old, perfect condition, $1200. 822- 1248 day, 846-4555 after 6. 138t4/27 Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part, Inc. 78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road, Bryan. 10? tfn HELP WANTED SUMMER WORK FOR RENT Apartment provided for summer in exchange for repairs and/or ranchwork from May 18 to June 5. 846-1413 4110 College Main ^5,4/24 Summer Jobs Earn Up To $450. Per Week Painting. Start 1st Week In May. 693-7098 or 823-6000 after 6pm. 14H4/27 EASY EXTRA INCOME!! $500/1000. STUFFING ENVELOPES! GUARANTEED! SEND SASE TO: LVM ENTERPRISES, PO BOX 13013 C.S., Tx. 77841. 137t4/24 Part-time receptionist wanted two days a week. Flexible hours. Laurie 696-0700. 139t4/28 Waitresses and bartenders needed immediately at Yes terdays. Apply 11:30-2. 4421 S. Texas Ave. 846-2625. No experience necessary. 134t4/24 Party atmosphere! Easy phone sales. Day & evening positions available. For a fun job call 693-0797.137t4/24 Office Assistant needed for young vital company. Must have good phone voice. Have fun at work! Call 693- 0797. 137tt4/24 Organist/Choir director needed at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Navasota, Texas. Call (409) 825-7726.130t4/24 * PERSONALS COLLEGE EDUCATED, HARD WORKING, HAP PILY MARRIED WHITE COUPLE EAGER TO ADOPT A HEALTHY NEWBORN, AND PROVIDE A LOVING, HAPPY, SECURE FAMILY LIFE. BIRTH RELATED EXPENSES PAID. COM PLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGAL. CALL COLLECT- (314) 569-2419. 126t4/30 AGGIE ACRES - 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Duplex. Central air and heat. Pets o.k. Stables nearby. 823-8903 (or 846- 1051 for L.B.). 117t4/17 Looking for jogging partner(s). Early evenings Male- /Female. Rick 268-4132. 140t4/24 • WANTED $100 $100 $100 $100 WANTED Individuals with sore throat pain to participate in an over the counter medication trial. $100. monetary incentive. 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 129tfn Babysitter Wanted. Loving, energetic person to care for three children full-time in my home. Summer or longer. Transportation necessary. 822-1751 or 845- 7388. 141t5/l ** * SERVICES TYPING/WORD PROCESSING, Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers, Dissertations. Diana. 764-2772. 14U5/8 Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath near A&M. shuttle, w/d, call 846- 5735 days or 846-1633 evenings ask for Paul. 92tfn Preleasing Now! 2 & 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-2471.776-6856. 83tufn SERVICES Perfect Print, 1516 Echols. 822-1430. Expert Word Processing, Resumes, Graphics. Guaranteed error free Perfect Print. 822-1430. 125t5/6 Defensive Driving, Ticket Dismissal, Dates, Times, You’ll Have Fun!!! 693-1322. 9U5/8 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. FAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 13D5/8 Reasonable, Fast, Accurate Typing Sei 822-0235 Weekends/ After 5:30 Weekdays ces. Call Pat 13615/15's comic strips are printed on the refrigerator atl pictures. WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 137t5/8 Waldo by Kevin Thomas Versatile Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/8 TIRED OF SPENDING VALUABLE 1 IMF. IN THE LIBRARY? LE I ME DO YOUR RESEARCH CALL TODAY! (2-6pm) 696-6046. 138t4/27 Typing: Reportrs, theses, dissertations, Low Prices. Call Burtha 696-3785. 140t5/6 STUDENT TYPING-- 20 years experience. Fast, accu rate, reasonable, guaranteed. 693-8537. 140t5/27 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. ALL KINDS. 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. 764-2931. 140t5/8 Ready Resumes $ 18. in fo taken by phone. 693-2128. I32t5/8 • NOTICE Fever Blister Study If you have at least 2 fever blisters a year and would be interested in trying a new medication, call for information regarding study. Compensation for volunteers. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 30 wwr DID WE DO ALL THIS STUPID naked-mermaid STUFF THIS WEEK? IT WAS JUST A GIMMICK. WE GOTTA COMPETE WITH TELEVISION, YOU KNOW.' a L nr It’s mid-spi NBA playo Opening E sport they up North. That s| with the ice french pla and the bit? It’s the s[ m to watch House votes to build center for waste research at Lamar AUSTIN (AP) — The Texas House, rejecting a member’s plea to delay action because he was not con sulted about the bill, voted Thursday to set up a hazardous waste research center at Lamar University. The objections came from Rep. Al Price; a Democrat whose Beaumont district includes Lamar. He carried a similar bill in 1985, but it did not reach the House floor. This year’s version, authored by Sen. Carl Par ker, D-Port Arthur, has been ap proved by the Senate. The House sponsor is Rep. Mark Stiles, D-Beaumont. And that is what upset Price. “The legislative question here is to prevent legislative comets from going into districts as that person may see Fit, either to skim from a member’s district or to dump in that member’s district,” Price said, add ing he was not speaking against the bill’s merits. He said House members in pre vious years had rejected “this kind of legislative encroachment or this kind of legislative invasion.” “In each case, the House has voted to uphold its tradition and to affirm the integrity of each mem ber’s district,” Price said. Price complained that he had not once been consulted about this piece of legislation. Stiles said Price has been aware of the bill and could have signed on as a co-sponsor for the measure that sets up a research consortium that in cludes Lamar, the University of Texas, the University of Houston and Texas A&M University. Stiles told the House, “I’m not sure what the bottom-line problem is, but what this legislation is doing, and what I’m trying to do today is help the people in the stale of Texas move forward in trying to establisha research center that’s going to do something for our children and their children.” The project would lie funded will) federal money. Rep. Ed Watson, D-Deer Park called it a great bill and said House members should not battle over pride of authorship. Stiles said, “1 think that sometimes we lose sight of those things because there are 150 egos over here.” But Price countered that “it’s nou matter of ego. It’s just a matter that it keeps tne functioning of the House according to the decorum we’ve established in the past.” The bill was approved 129-0, sending it to Gov. Bill Clements. It’s the sf The wor e jgn to this Minnesotan think tiockey as I Sure I kr for the Edn learns play Smythe Div is the Adam And don Patrick divi and Patrick Wasn’t N But whai hockey is t this sport. J when a play no .TTS' Mm jm s Woman thanks judge for prison sentence after ‘Houdini’ escape ffSiSr INY ADS, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. HOUSTON (AP) — A woman, who last week escaped from a court hearing by wriggling out of hand cuffs, thanked a judge after she was sentenced at her subsequent hear ing, saying she could get dental care in prison. Christine Highfield, 23, made it clear to anyone who asked that the prospect of Five years imprisonment in the Texas Department of Correc tions pleased her. “I get a good education,” High- Field, 23, said Wednesday. “I get $200 when I get out, and I get my teeth worked on,” she said. “What else can I ask for?” On April 15, HighField was hand cuffed to a seat in a county court room. How she got free from the hand cuffs touched off considerable dis cussion around the courthouse. “Are you double-jointed?” State District Judge Ted Poe asked her. “They say I am, but I don’t know,” she replied. “You appear to be a modern-day Houdini,” Poe said. “It will be interesting to see if the Texas Department of Corrections can keep you incarcerated,” he said. HighField was sentenced after she pleaded guilty to escape and cocaine possession. omatterwhat you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. GOVERNMENT HOMES. Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. T-9531 for cur rent repo list. 119t4/24 Battalion Classified 845-2611 She was awaiting an appearance on the latest of the 30 prostitution cases Filed against her in her nine years in Houston. She told the bailiff her handcuffs were too tight, and the officer loos ened the restraint. She soon freed her hand and fled, only to be arrested hours later hid ing under a house. A small quantity of cocaine also was found. “Thank you,” she told the judge. “I’m ready to get out of this county jail.” Highfield’s attitude surprised her attorney. “I’ve been practicing law for 10 years and I’ve never had one before who wanted to go to the TDC,” her attorney, Jerry Bonney, said. Even prosecutor Vic Wisner ap preciated HighField’s sense of hu mor. “It was nice to make someone so happy and serve the ends of law en forcement so well at the same time,” Wisner said. Officials report better profits for U.S. Homes DALLAS kguirre led lie figures ' in a 1 ilayoff rout s, the mo lave ever sc Dallas to< if-five Wesi eries, with iaturday nij Dallas sa ’85 for its jame. Rese lit the 15 Is! ilay on a d :ord. / HOUSTON (AP) - U.S. Home Corp. posted a net income of $1.12 million for the first quar ter ending March 31, up froma net loss of $1.82 million during the same period last year, com pany officials said Thursday. “Deliveries in the first quarter were slightly ahead of the first quarter of 1986," said Robert]. Strudler, chairman of the board and chief executive officer. "Pro fits, however, were significantly improved reflecting the positive impact of the company’s restruc turing program. “The success of the company’s action to reduce operational over- head has resulted in a substantial reduction of the company's break-even point.” The number of homes deliv ered during the first three months of this year was l,818,an increase of 4.1 percent compared to 1,746 deliveries for the same time of 1986. Isaac Heimbinder, president and chief operating officer, said although the company has offices in 14 percent fewer communities than a year ago, the rate of new orders per community has im proved. Grocery owner ‘Papa John’ shows nice guys finish first sometimes PORT ACRES (AP) — Johnie Al ford is living proof that nice guys can finish first. For almost 40 years, the owner of Alford’s Super Market helped out his Port Acres community by doing everything from sponsoring baseball teams to sending food baskets to families struggling with hard times. And Alford has seen his business grow from a two-pump service sta tion to a full-fledged company with seven retail and grocery stores. To honor his contribution, Port Acres residents threw a banquet re cently to give back to “Papa John” some of what he has given them. “Everyone knows Johnie,” Justice of the Peace Barbara Dorman says. “You grew up knowing him. You knew you could always depend on him.” When local reFinery workers went on strike, Alford let them buy gro ceries on credit. Whenever ambi tious Port Acres students had big college plans but little money, Al ford gave them jobs. “I took money out of the register to help youth, even when we could hardly pay the bills,” Alford says. “I never turned down anyone who needed help.” Alford, 68, moved to Port Acres from Livingston in 1948 and set up business in a dusty, one-room service station on West Port Arthur Road. Alford wanted to get into the gro cery business, so he began offering bread and milk for sale. He faced stiff competition from four nearby grocery stores, but he was deter mined to prevail. And succeed he did. Of his four “You can’t go into business if you don’t love and care for people." Alford has prevailed, despite fire and flood. Hurricane Carla dumped so much water on Port Acres thai some people Fished from boats in hi* front parking lot. But local reside!® helped him clean out the store and he was back in business again. In 1982, a Fire gutted his store and wiped him out. competitors, one survives, one closed and Alford bought out the other two. Alford attributes his success to dealing well with customers. “L,oving and caring for people is the most im portant thing in my life,” he says. “My children wanted me to re tire,” he says. “But this communin had stuck with me all these yearsafid I did not want them out here will out a good grocery store.” With support from friends and his banker, he rebuilt his business, Despite the fire, Alford’s sense of humor prevailed. During the fire,tie lost or got rid of his toupee. After lie rebuilt the store, whenever friend* note his bald head, he explain* “The bank took the toupee as colla* eral.”