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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1987)
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College Skaggs Center Page 6/The Battalion/Tuesday, April 21, 1987 Tae kwan do instructor merges art with discipline, academics By Amy Couvillon 1 Staff Writer \ Innovation of traditional martial artj forms is inevitable and has the paential to improve the art, says a Te^as A&M lecturer and tae kwan do hstructor. “Modernization of the traditional tae ^wan do style is necessary for im- projed performance of skills,” says Stufe Powell, who has been an in- stnttor with the Tae Kwan Do Club sin e 1971. “This is the same for any physical activity. If this was not so, we would still be using metal or woolen poles for the pole vault. . . . We vbuld still have prize fights with barersts.” Pow.ll, an instructor at the U.S. Black \elt Academy in College Sta tion, isy sixth-degree black belt in the JlioWi Rhee system of Tae Kwan Do. \ jhoon Rhee, often called the “father o\tae kwan do in the United States,” sarted a program in the early 1984 that modernizes the Ko rean tae \wan do discipline and merges it ^vith academic achieve ment, Powll says. Students in the program ha/e to achieve a “B” re port-card ayrage to qualify for the black belt ex^n, lie says. “Ninety-fiv percent of my kids that I have hep have d ‘B’ average or better,” Pow^ says. “Jhoon Rhee has for manyyears promoted the martial arts, ny only as a means of self-defense, bi^also as a way of im proving one’s sef-image.” Modern knowledge, Powell ex plains, can contribute to martial arts as it has to all sports. “Current research in other fields such as exercise physiology, motor learning, motor development and sports psychology are changing our approach to training and perfor mance of many activities,” Powell says. “More research is still needed in the martial arts in order to im prove skills.” Technology can lend a hand, too. In his doctoral dissertation, Powell is studying tae kwan do movements with cinematography. By filming the techniques at 200 frames per second, he explains, he can determine the most efficient technique for a kick or punch. “It gives you a stop-action,” Powell says. “You can see every little movement all the way to the target, so you can analyze it. You can find out which way is the best way, how you can get the most power and the most efficiency.” Powell says he disagrees with re cently published research linking modern forms of martial arts with juvenile delinquency. An April 6 Battalion article described a 1983 re search project conducted by Dr. Mi chael Trulson, an associate professor of anatomy and martial arts instruc tor. The study made the assumption that a certain form of training can cause delinquent behavior. But, Powell says, it did not take into acount the effect of the instructor. Powell says the psychological effect of martial arts training on a student depends heavily on the attitude of the instructor; it’s not something in herent in the form being taught. Powell teaches children and teen agers at the U.S. Black Belt Aca demy. He says the mental aspects of tae kwan do are just as important as the physical training. "You can’t have one without the other,” he says. “Especially with kids. You’ve got to get out there and ap- ily yourself, physically and mental- y-” Modern forms of martial arts are not based only on fighting and ag gression, Powell says, but emphasize achievement, discipline, responsibil- “Gurrent research . . . in other fields (is) changing our approach to training and performance of many activ ities. More research is still needed in the martial arts in order to improve skills. ” — Steve Powell, Tae Kwan Do Club instructor Fishing industry, beaches lose in battle with erosion HOUSTON (AP) v- Erosion eats up at least 100 acreshf beachfront and 300 acres of bayf^nt each year resulting in multirjllion-dollar losses to landowners ail cuts in tax rolls, researchers say. Two-thirds of the site’s shore lines experience some Cosion, said Boh Morton, a Universe of Texas geologist. “Some parts lose just attle while other parts lose 25 feet £r year,” Morton said. “There aretperiods, such as after hurricanes where losses are tremendous.” The fishing industry also ises be cause some of the state’s mq pro ductive estuaries are bein de stroyed in the erosion proces said Bob Nailon, a Texas A&M n\rine agent. \ “Each acre of marsh habitiion produces $80,000 worth of sprts and commercial fishing,” he sjd. “It’s the nursery where it all begirt” Sediment washing into bays can cloud the water and block sunlight to shallow waters, Nailon said. Vital mi croscopic organisms that would have fostered new fish die. And sediment dropping on oyster reefs eventually smothers them, he added. State officials are considering sev eral possibilities to curb the erosion problem including newly-designed bulkheads and hauling in sand, said Lisa McGiffert, an assistant for state Sen. Chet Brooks. The senator heads a legislative committee that in vestigates coastline rehabilitation. “Anything we would do is proba bly only a Band-Aid,” she said. “But maybe it would last for our lifetime, if not forever.” The consensus of the legislative committee is that the state must first adopt a coastal plan and then try pi lot projects, McGiffert said. “Maybe we should have expected our shorelines to erode," she said. "Maybe we never should have inhab ited places like Galveston Island, but it’s not realistic to . . . move every body out ” In Chambers County, soil conser vationist Eddie Seidensticker and Nailon have been planting a special grass they believe might one day slow the erosion of inland hays. The grass, called soft chord grass, acts as a “shock absorber” when waves crash against the shore, they say. “It can actually reverse the ero sion process and build back the shore,” Seidensticker said. Morton, however, says, “It may he good therapy, but in most cases it’s not effective. A good storm or tropi cal cyclones could kill it." In addition, more water fills oceans and hays because of what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calls “the greenhouse ef fect,” he said. Cause of pipeline blast undetermined ODESSA (AP) — Investigators Wjrked Monday to determine why a crude oil pipelir\ erupted into a plume of fire and smoke that desttyed nine mobile homes and left two people hospitalized The blaze, fed by a split 10-inch oil he owned by the American Petrofina of Midland, destryed the trailers and two cars between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.Larry Felio, re gional pipeline engineer for the Texastailroad Com mission, said Monday. But “we don’t know the source of the tpition . . . it’s speculation,” Felio said, adding that he Ould not esti mate the monetary amount of damage tohe Andrews Highway mobile home park and sales office The two men injured in the blaze — D<ig Turner, 45, who was visiting his brother-in-law at\ne of the burned-out mobile homes, and Odessa fireijapt. Dick Corbell — were in stable condition Monday y Medical Center Hospital, a spokeswoman said. Three other firefighters were treated for heat ex haustion, the hospital spokeswoman said. The fire apparently ignited under one of the mobile homes, Felio said, noting that the extreme tempera tures the fire produced made the investigation difficult. “The way everything melted down, it’ll he difficult to tell for sure,” he told the Odessa American. Felio said the fire may have been started by a pilot light on a water heater or a short in electrical wiring. Petrofina employees worked through the day Sun day to remove the 10-inch, 60-year-old line and replace the affected joints, Felio said. The line, which was in stalled in 1927, had a split about 20 inches long. Workers cut out a section between 40 and 50 feet long and replaced it, he said. The line is not expected to be used for about a month. No Petrofina officials in Midland could be reached for comment by late this morning. ity and self-confidence. Hesa«| stresses this idea to his studenu, “I get out there and say,‘Hetj is self-defense, you only use j when you have to,’ ’’ Powell a “You learn to respect other» through the training. And ifsj teacher that does that, the leaji that instills that in the students. “It’s in the role model you an| those kids. You know, I'vegott in my classes that wanltoleS Steve Powell, and that's tadr, nice.” PHIL< spes Lea ENGL day' Rud tami Doll COMA 8;U KAPP AGGII SPAN T he most important thing J youth gains from the training) says, is the realization thatheau complish a goal. “There’s no ‘Mayhe lean don Powell says, pointing to a amii w all that has the word“Can’fmj a circle and slash. “It's Def*# 1 hat’s what we try to insim students — you can! 1 can,ynjg evervbody can! It's almost lib| Rogers, but it’s a grown-up\eu of tnat." Powell teaches the studentsui the it skills responsibly. Even 4 iK-gins with a recitation of tin dent’s c t eed, which is posted#! front wall of the t raining rooni; “To build true confidn through knowledge in thee honesty in the heart and strati the boriv,” the creed says.“Tolu triendship with one another: build a strong communitv. )i« light to ac hieve selfish ends,hi at hieve might for right." MSC “Cit fort MAR/ spe; in 2 CIRC! 301 UNIT Pre: ALGO 582 NARC 845 TAMI PLAN AGGI STUD brit; p.m EURC PRE-1 Me< Roller coastei throws boy, 15, to his death AMARILLO (AP) - Aw ager whose mother reluctantlul lowed him to ride a rollercok one more time died when ate straining bat gave way, hurl:; him about 10 feet in the air, in thorilies said. An autopsy was ordered on tlt| body of 15-year-old Migirf Perez, who died about 6pmb ter Sunday at the Wonder! Park! “He asked me, 'Mama,an ride the coaster one more time Just one more?’ ” Angie fern the hoy’s mother, said,crying, Perez said she agreed to W son’s request alter he begged ant that site and her younger soi Marcelo, watched Miguel the last car of the Zyklon, als known as the Big Coaster. Marcelo Perez said that as ih ride was coming to an end, he si' the bar that restrained li brother fly up and Miguelfal. Amarillo Medical Services#® called at 6:05 p.m. and an lance arrived at 6:10 at Wonds land, but an AMS spokesman.* there was nothing its emergent workers could do for the boy Wonderland operator ft Borchardt said the restraii® bar is put in place automate! as the participant enters the n(t In a press release late Sue/' night, Borchardt said the “pi has been in operation for36yt* and the accident on the Ip coaster is the first fatality we ftt had.” The Zyklon, a multi-cartta that rides along red tracks,iso* of three roller coaster-type at the park. AGGI p.n SOUT p.n CLAS tior STUD ava BAT! pos day Items 211 for mti-tei massing be A conq ■hey use Wmed se mnd-the-< City Ce lowntowr guards fa property 1 ‘There kenneth i •ential bo ity. “We iVorth toe Membe )nd broth' erred all < 0 Glenn. GRAND OPENING Celebrate Spmg Formats in a t\xedo from AC's FomaC Wear $ BOO off Al’s Foipal Wear is helping yo celebrate Spring! Celebate with a $5.00 disccmt on the rental of an>oomplete tuxedo eisemble. r/iis FORMAL WEAR OF HOUSTON, ire. if/Iis $ 5.00 off i FORMALWEAR Any complete tuxedo rental I I This coupon must be per customer. No other < presented at original time of reservation. Only one coupe | er discounts may apply. This offer expires May 15, 1987. 1100 Harvey Road, Suite C • 693-0947 MSC CAFETERIA MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER-TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY WEEKDAY SPECIALS $ 3I8 PLUS TAX MONDAY EVENING SALISBURY STEAK Mushroom Gravy, Whipped Potatoes, Choice Roll or Cornbread, Butter TUESDAY EVENING MEXICAN FIESTA Two Cheese Enchiladas with Chili, Rice, Beans, 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING CHICKEN FRIED STEAK Served with Cream Gravy, Whipped Potatoes, l Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter THURSDAY EVENING ITALIAN DINNER Spaghetti, Meatballs, Sauce, Parmesan Cheese, Salad, Hot Garlic Bread FRIDAY EVENING FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY Tartar Sauce, Coleslaw, Hush Puppies, WEEKEND SPECIAL $ 089 PLUSTAX SATURDAY NOON & FRIED CHICKEN EVENING Mashed Potatoes with Country Gravy, Choice of Vegetal*^ or Cornbread, Butter SUNDAY NOON & EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cornbread Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, GW 1 Gravy, Choice of Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter TEA OR COFFEE INCLUDED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE ON SPECIALS EVENING SPECIALS AVAILABLE 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM DAILY MSC CAFETERIA OPEN 11:00 AM-1:30 PM AND 4:00 PM to Tt ‘Quality First” Batta