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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1987)
Every Friday & Saturday Night El Chico MEXICAN RESTAURANT & BAR Special Hours 5 PM- 10 PM ENCHILADA DINNERS (TWO) 2 for $ 5 95 Reg. $ 9.90 Cheese, Beef, or Chicken Major Credit Cards - Cash - Approved Checks 3109 S. Texas Ave. Bryan 823-7470 Page 14/The Battalion/Friday, February 6, 1987 NASA official who OK'd final Challenger launch resigns WASHINGTON (AP) — Jesse W. Moore, who gave the Final approval to the fatal launch of space shuttle Challenger, has resigned from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the agency announced Thursday. Moore is the highest official to leave the agency in the shakeup that followed the Jan. 28, 1986 explosion that destroyed the shuttle and killed its crew of seven. As the head of the space shuttle program, he was in the launch control room when Challenger lifted off and had the last word in the decision to launch. Moore told the Rogers Commission, which in vestigated the accident, that he had not known about a history of problems with joint seals on the shuttle’s solid rocket boosters. The commission found that a leak in in the seal caused the explo sion. He also said that he had not known that special waivers had been issued to allow the use of the rockets on six consecutive flights preceding the Challenger launch or that engineers from nx builder Morton Thiokol Inc. had argi mently that the launch should be postponed I Moore’s testimony caused the commission! say in its report that “a well-structured andn aged system emphasizing safety would flagged the rising doubts about the solid rot booster joint seal.” Moore will become director of program do opment of Ball Aerospace Systems in " Colo. m : m fe First Shipment * rl> of 1987 m SPECIALIZED U-M 1 OfV'a ' ^ no ip f Mountain Bikes Have Arrived We service all makes “Professional Sales & Service” We carry: mratra 110 College Main Northgate ESianchti SPECIALIZED 846-BIKE Abortions (Continued from page 1) permission of a court to have an abortion. In this way teens could override parental refusal of permission, or in some circumstances avoid telling their parents altogether. While admitting that this could lead to a situation of a 14-year-old taking her parents to court for per mission to abort her baby, Elliot said that is not the point. “The goal is to involve the parents in a very important decision,” Elliot said. “It’s amazing to me that abor tion is the only surgical procedure a minor can have without parental consent.” Vount says this could leave open the possibility of young girls seeking illegal abortions. “If they do make it illegal, all I can say is that it will be a problem,” Vount said. “Some teenagers are ter rified of telling their parents and it seems likely that either way they would Find someplace to get an abor tion.” The Houston Women’s Clinic gives abortions to minors as long as Hotline (Continued from page 1) bill’s most controversial, employers are subject to fines of $250 to $10,000 for each illegal alien they hire and are responsible for check ing birth certificates or passports of prospective employees. The hotline is the result of the joint efforts of Gramm and Social Security Commissioner Dorcas Hardy. Larry Neal, Gramm’s press secre tary, said Gramm was one of the strongest opponents of the immigra tion bill, but said when Gramm saw it was going to pass, he acknowledged the fact and now is committed to making the bill work. Neal said the hotline takes care of two potential problems employers might have. One is what to do now that the employer is faced with possi ble criminal sanctions for hiring ille gal aliens. “He now is able to check directly with Social Security to ensure that the cards he is presented are legit and he will get a paper record from Social Security indicating that he made that good faith effort,” Neal said. The hotline also will help alleviate the fears of many Hispanic leaders that the immigration bill would cause businessmen to be wary of hir ing legal resident aliens and citizens of Hispanic descent. “It allows anyone who is an Amer ican citizen or a resident legal alien to walk in with confidence and apply for a job and not be concerned that they may be turned away because of some suspicion that they may be ille gal,” he said. There is high potential the pro gram will be expanded nationwide if an analysis of the data shows it was useful, Neal said. In a recent news release, Gramm said legislation for a nationwide sys tem would include a computer sys tem to monitor requests, duplica tions and multiple payments to an account number. The legislation also would impose penalties for posses sing a falsiFied card, providing false information to obtain a card or counterfeiting a card. they seem emotionally mature, and if it’s in the First trimester. After that point they require pa rental permission. Sally Miller, clinic director of Planned Parenthood in College Sta tion, said the organization encour ages young women to discuss the problem with their parents before making a decision, but doesn’t nec essarily approve of making it illegal for them to have an abortion. “I don’t like removing any per sonal freedoms from someone," Miller said. "There are other ways to make people communicate with each other. “To make it illegal seems to ignore personal freedom.” A spokesman for Rep. Richard Smith, R-Bryan, said that since Smith has not seen this bill, he can’t say whether or not he’ll support it, but the spokesman said the ideas of prohibiting abortion in the third tri mester and requiring parental con sent are issues Smith supports. Teens (Continued from page 1 tors disagreeing with abilldes to increase sex education, but J the school always is looking foil other possible solution. May carefully distances the J pregnancy bills from the ah bills also before the House, sf that abortion is not even menu in Guerrero’s bills. “I want to clearly underscortl we are not even sugeesl of abortion to these kids," shea The fact that the teen prei bill and the abortion consento being sponsored at the sameii coincidence. May said. “It will be interesting toseeil kind of correlation develops,I said. ‘There is no in formation able to us about the numbersofi pregnancies terminated by abo Doctors have only been rquirtj list that information sinceSepJ lx*r, so at the moment it’s i exactly how many teenage [ Texas are actually having i lions.” Center (Continued from page 1) support from the Bryan Cham ber of Commerce, Black said, as well as help from the city staff of College Station in understanding the regulations they have to com ply with. At this time, Sandstone has no concrete plans for mutual pro jects with Texas A&M University, but Black said he hopes they will reach a level of cooperation. “We certainly hope to Find ave nues of mutual interest where we can share work on some pro jects.” Black said. “We willhml First-class facility and we wild vely encourage the Univena a ii< i Ini ii Ik- itic maliulo or department of psychologyj use our fat ility in anywaytk mutually possible.” Site preparation has begun* construction is expected tod soon, Black said. The which will lie a single-storystrt ture, will be located on Higbt near the intersection of Bat Road, and is part of a 44-nj tract known as Barron Part Z?£MEMBLR,.. FEBRUARY MTU special purchase! sterling silver jewelry, all at one low price! 9.99 Sterling gift ideas for your special lady, in a magnificent selec tion of styles. Choose from earrings, chains, charms and an array of rings, all of gleaming sterling silver. You'll find a cap tivating collection of hearts, as well as delicately etched designs, filigrees, sculptured looks and more. An exceptional value, just in time for Valentine's Day! SHOP DILLARD S MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10-9. SUNDAY 12-6; POST OAK MALL. HARVEY ROAD AT HIGHWAY 6 BYPASS. COLLEGE STATION 764-00H AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD WELCOME. Dillafl)