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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1987)
Serving The Finest Mexican Food to Texas A&M Stiideiits and Faculty for over 15 years ^ Jl||| • • • House Specialities Include: •' Red Snapper €!»a!ttpa» Compnesias Tostadas de Polio Polio a la Pax .i||P||| MeiiUS vary between restaurants. Please call for information & Daily Specials JteS«*s features a fall service bar and banquet facilities for up to 120 people. V try settings only 1’/? miles east erf Post Oak Malt ou Harvey Road. * iliii Page 8/The Battalion/Friday, January 30, 1987 SMILE FOR YOUR FAMILY’S GENERAL DENTAL CARE $ 29 00 CLEANING, EXAM & X-RAYS *Ca!l For Appointment Dental Insurance Accepted • Emergency Walk Ins Welcome Evening Appointments Available Nitrous Oxide Available Complete Family Dental Care • On Shuttle Bus Route (Anderson Bus) ■hehmb^. mm ^(Anderson Bus) CarePluS'^Mt MEDICAL/DENTAL CENTER 696-9578 Dan Lawson, D.D.S., 17 \ 2 S.W Parkway M-F 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (across from Kroger Center) Sat. 9 a.m.-l p.m. Domino’s Pizza Presents SUPER SUNDAY 12” 1 item Pizza 16” 2 item Pizza and 2 16 oz bottles of Coke® or DOMINO’S PIZZA DELIVERS' e FREE. $10. 30 Hours: Sun-Thurs 11 am-1 am Fri-Sat 11 am-2am No Coupon Necessary Tax included Good every Sunday 693-2335 1504 Hoileman 260-9020 4407 Texas Ave. 822-7373 Townshire Shopping Center Warped by Scott ...No, SORRY, FELLA,THAT WAS THE. WRO/V© THING TO SAY A/VP I'M AFKAIP YPO .. LOSE. ... YOUR... SWEETHEART/ ... ANP 50 OuR CHALLENGER becomes Tier NEW BOYFRIEND/ EACH LOSER ON THE 'LOVED AND LOST" GAME GETS A COPY OF DPR HOME GAME to PLAY ALONE, PHOTOS ANP MEMENTOS of HIS EX-LOVE Waldo m DEAR BOY, THIS IS NOT A GAMfcT! TO CREATE LIFE IN THE LABORATORY RFQUIAES A HUMAN BRAIN/ WE CAN ONLY HOPE THAT NED FINDS ONE CAPABLE OF GREAT INTELLIGENCE/ BRAINS? SURE. OVfl IN HARDWARE. AND THANK. YOU EOS SHOPPING AT K MW City official urges use of new photo radar SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A city councilman hopes the city can speed up its crackdown on traffic violators by adopting a photo radar system he says saves lives and is foolproof against radar detectors. Councilman Ed Harrington said police are evaluating the results of a Jan. 9 test of the new device, which photographs a speeding vehicle’s li cense plate and the driver’s face. The device also registers the speed, time, date and location of the violation. The device has been used in other Texas cities, but Harrington hopes San Antonio will be the nation’s first major city to use it. “It eliminates high-speed chases and officer-violator confrontations,” Harrington said Wednesday. “And one of these systems can do the work of about 15 officers.” Harrington said police officials so far are pleased with the tests and he expects the system to he adopted and placed in wide-scale use by late April. He said there would be no capital cost because the city would lease the machines from the manufacturer, which would process the film, serv ice the machines and mail out the tickets in exchange for a percentage of the Fines. Harrington said he will propose that any increased revenue from the new device be used exclusively for traffic-safety projects. He said the city council might have to increase speeding fines to cover the cost of leasing the new equipment. The city council also might have to change an ordinance so that regis tered car owners, to whom the tick ets would be mailed, would be re sponsible for speeding violations, he said. Fernando Flores of the Police Re search and Planning Bureau said that in Friendswood, near Houston, the photo radar system has been used for several months and the per centage of convictions has increased. “The court always rules in favor of the camera,” he said. Judge rejet bid to bloc!! Pickens' oft DALLAS (AP) - A judge Thursday rejected a a Diamond Shamrock block a $300 million casht offer by an investmem i headed by T. Boone PickesS In turning down Shamrock’s request forap nary injunction, US. D Judge Jerry Buchmeui Pickens’ group, known asi Partners, had not violaif f ederal securities laws. Diamond Shamrock, a i* based oil company, hac| tended the Pickens group.: tempting to deceive stodH alxiut the attractiveness oft let that expires Feb.4. If successful, the tender would give Pickens and tel nets nearly 23 percent ( amond Shamrock’s outst^ stock. Medical officials seek removal of unfit doctors in state has pi tali AUSTIN (AP) — State medical officials are asking the Legislature to help them get rid of unfit doctors in state-operated hospitals. The State Board of Medical Ex aminers has been forced to file com plaints twice in the past five months against doctors working in hospitals operated by the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retar dation, the Austin American-States- man reported Thursday. Until last month, the Big Spring State Hospital had employed for two years a psychiatrist suffering from Alzheimer’s disease who had been fired by the state prison system for patient abuse, the American-States- man said. He later died of a drug overdose. In November, the board that li censes Texas doctors revoked the li cense of a psychiatrist who had been working at the Austin State Hospital despite a felony conviction in Maryland for distributing large amounts of drugs to addicts, the newspaper said. No Texas law requires state agen cies to report incompetent or unfit doctors to the state medical board, and no law requires private hospitals to report such doctors to the board. “That’s part of the problem,” said Paul Gavia, chief attorney for the medical examiners board. The board is asking the Legis lature to change state law to require a report to the licensing board if there is any reasonable doubt of a physician’s ability, Gavia said. David Pharis, coordinator of the federal court panel that reviews state mental hospitals for U.S. District Judge Barefoot Sanders#!! said the quality of doctorsiil hospitals is a real concern i Pharis said the panel will vestigate the quality of hos[® tors this year. The state medical boarfl plaint against Dr. Harry 63, of the Big Spring Sta'.r' said he was found halt! from a drug overdose in Octf Robert Von Rosenberg,# 1 '! perintendent of Big Spr# Hospital since Jan. 2, said was suspended without pa' $59,0()0-a-year job. Ricketts was admitted a 1 to the hospital’s drug abu* Dec. 16, a day after he was he died of a drug overdost- I Spring apartment. i,': Spring Break ’87 Ski the Powder or Soak Up the Sun with MSC Travel ACAPULCO Mexid MSC Travel CRESTED BUTTE March 14-20 $425 $375 March 15-20 Includes: Airfare, lodging Includes: travel, lodging, rentals, lift tickets and party up in 216 MSC 845-1515 Limited Space Deadline for $100 nonrefun- dable deposit, February 6