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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1986)
Thursday, December 11,1986/The Battalion/Page 7 : 11 DAnAiHf 1 11*41 Ml I III I By Curtis L. Culberson Staff Writer The restaurants listed below were inspected Nov. 25 through Tuesday by the Brazos County Health Department. The infor mation is based on food service establishment reports. SCORED BETWEEN 90 AND 95: Monterrey House at 1816 Texas Ave. was inspected by Da vid Plett. Score — 93. Four points were subtracted in the report be cause a back door was not self closing and weatherstripping was needed at the base of a door to prevent insects from entering. Two points were subtracted in the report because there was mold on some soda fountain heads. One point was subtracted in the report because wiping cloths weren’t stored in bleach Photo bran | Burger Boy #1 at 300 N. Texas Ave. was inspected by Da vid Pickens. Score — 91. Four points were deducted in the re port because a rear door hinge vhile they needed repairing. Two points were deducted in the report be cause there were no towels at a hand sink. Three one-point viola tions were cited in the report be cause floors, walls and a grill area needed cleaning. The report said the restaurant has seven days to post a cleaning schedule. SCORED BETWEEN 85 AND 90: Tom’s Barbecue at 3610 S. College Ave. was inspected by Da vid Plett. Score — 89. A four- point violation was cited in the re port because barrels were being stored in front of a kitchen hand sink, making it inaccessible to em ployees. There were two two- point violations cited in the re port because towels were not available near a hand sink and a juice dispenser needed cleaning. Three one-point violations were cited in the report because ther mometers were needed in a re frigerator where foods were kept, wiping towels weren’t stored in bleach water or a hamper and lo go plates were being stored on the floor. iack her intention dmy was “lb | even seen." \ ecutor said ski sride was coe re charge, a think there l> ty of us will At aid. David Jefferson, a registered sanitarian at the department, says res taurants with scores of 95 or above generally have excellent operations and facilities. Jefferson says restaurants with scores in the 70s or low 80s usually have serious violations in the health report. Scores can be misleading, Jefferson says, because restaurants can get the same score by having several minor violations or a few major vi olations. He says the major violations can be cause for closing a restau rant while many minor violations can be corrected during the inspec tion. Point deductions, or violations, in the report range from one point (minor violation) to five points (major violation). Jefferson says the department might close a restaurant if: the score is below 60, the personnel has infectious diseases, the restaurant lacks adequate refrigeration, there is a sewage backup in the building, the restaurant has a complete lack of sanitization for the food equipment. The department inspects each restaurant about every six months. Jefferson says a follow-up inspection is sometimes required if a restau rant has a four- or five-point violadon that cannot be corrected during the inspection, or if there are numerous small violations. Inspectors at the department are registered sanitarians. Texan joins House policy committee WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Jim Chapman, D-Sulphur Springs, has been chosen to represent the freshman class in the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee join ing fellow Texans Jim Wright and Jack Brooks in the 3 l-member body. The powerful committee will work with newly nominated House Speaker Wright, D-Fort Worth, in setting the legislative agenda for the 100th Congress and in determining committee assignments for House members. “I am pleased to make this ap pointment,” Wright said. “Jim has demonstrated time and time again the leadership qualities that make him a natural choice to serve on the committee that shapes legislative policy.” Chapman, elected to Congress in a special election in August 1985, will be the committee’s junior mem ber. During the 99th Congress he served on the Public Works, Trans portation and Science and Technol ogy committees, posts he expects to retain in the coming session. “It is my intention to push all the issues that I have fought for in the past, including a national trade pol icy, a balanced federal budget, pro tecting our nation’s senior citizens, and an oil import fee as part of a comprehensive national energy pol icy,” Chapman said in a prepared statement. Twelve members of the Steering and Policy Committee are chosen by their regional caucuses, eight are ap pointed by the speaker and 11 serve on the panel by virtue of other lead ership positions they hold in the House. 3/37 t ?9th St Bryan T, ?6B 400' i 25*OFF Minimum $1OO purchase Limit one coupon per visit Not.voiia w'f*\nr’v o^et CcucJ e*D ,f HS t?'3l/fte> Mud Lot Guaranteed Parking Space for Semester and Monthly Permits Semester $65 now $75 in Jan. “less than a dollar a day” Monthly $33 daily rates also Student Book Exchange Dec. 8-Jan. 16 Make $$ selling your books Save $$ buying your books Come by 221 Pavilion and register your books that you want to sell! A list of all books for sale will be made available at the MSC, Commons and Pavilion, till Jan. 23 For more information call Student Government at 845-3051 Another service provided by Student Services/Student Government STUDENT TEX GOVERNMENT AS AA.M UNIVERSITY SAVE 20% to 50% On * Ladies & Mens * Watches Diamond & Colored Stone Rings * Diamond * Pendants & Also Our 14K Gold Chains and Sterling Silver are 50 % OFF •A starts support group for crime victims ly weds are tail try, Capote ail has been h(i ile foramnesi immigration oses :uls members oil mgs were hi® Fergusons® 1 ime lime i listrict atW |t ' larywasrePj problems, who has beet - re thanaweT lying hehadt- report. igfoi :y General ^ li he case T 1 man, fo resl ional fore® ig didn’t sorf* at law we were stry,” t anllSI1 !' ;her pernuu 1 !'; dll resume T area of^ i AUSTIN (AP) — The Travis lounty district attorney has started in organization to help keep tabs on the criminal justice system and to of fer support to crime victims. Group members will attend trials in the county’s four district courts here criminal cases are heard. Travis County District Attorney im Earle said he hopes the program take the place of a disappearing support system that victims once had. “There was a time not very long ago that the system of defense in the community belonged to everybody,” Earle said. “Everybody was part of it.” Earle said that in years past there was an automatic safety net that the victim fell into — extended family, neighbors and friends — people who provided support. That doesn’t happen anymore, he said. Among those who have volun teered for the program is Joyce Isaacs, the mother of a crime victim. “It’s time the people of Austin took back the court system,” Isaacs said. “It’s not some far-off bu reaucracy. It involves every one of us on a most intimate basis because people like Troy Wiggins are a dan ger to every law-abiding person in this town.” Culpepper Plaza 693-0677 d arls! d J Leave it With the Pros... Pro-Cycle Service Tune N Store Have your motorcycle professionally serviced during the Christmas Holidays * Battery Charged * Gas Stabilized * Carburetor Drained * Tune-up Storage is FREE! THANKS AGGIES! For again making Loupot’s your used books headquarters. If you still need books, we can still save you money on used books - good as new, but cheaper. VLOUPOT'SHii We service mopeds and scooters, too! Pro-Cycle Service 3900 S. Texas Ave. Suite, 109A 693-0626 ONE HOUR FREE PARKING AMERICA’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TIRE DEALER WE WILL BEAT ANY LOWER TOTAL PRICE IN TEXAS — PEROID! BRAND NEW BLACKWALLS 25,000 MILE WARRANTY Assuring You “26” Years Of Confidence $19. 99 > PI 95x14 $24. 49 P215x15 S28. 4 ® P205x14 $26. 48 P225x15 $29. 48 P215x14 $27. 49 P235x15 $30. 49 METRIC RADIALS 30,000 MILE WARRANTY 4 for $72 155SRX12 15SR13 4 for $77. 165SR13 4 for $81. 165SR15 4 for $93.' IOC / Q $22. 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