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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1986)
MSC MSC Political Forum Presents THE ANZUS ALLIANCE A Question of Stability A discussion on the conflicts which are evading the policies of the current defense alliance between Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Mon., Dec. 8 8:00 pm Rudder Theatre What is Redstone on Bartholow? It’s the best apartment buy in Aggieland. We’re so sure that we have the best apartment complex in town, we’ll give you a FREE VCR if you sign up for the spring before Christmas. If you sign a 1-year lease, you can choose to have your apartment redecorated by Christopher Designs. Redstone on Bartholow is one mile from campus, on the shuttle bus route and next to Kroger and 14 restaurants. Redstone on Bartholow has the best rate on 2-bedroom apartments. Some have washer^dryer connections and all have lots of closet space. Redstone on Bartholow has a volleyball pool with sun deck, basketball court, brand new Jacuzzi, 24-hour maintenance and security patrol. If you sign up for the spring (before the Christmas recess) we’ll give you a VHS video recorder/player. Sign a 1-year lease and choose to redecorate. Page 4/The Battalion/Friday, December 5, 1986 United Way in Brazos forced - to use reserves What’s up The Brazos County United Way’s board of directors decided Tuesday to dip into reserve funds after falling short of its $500,000 pledge goal, a United Way official said. Bob Fleischer, executive director of United Way, said $458,660 had been pledged as of Tuesday but pre dicted the figure would rise to $475,000 or more by the year’s end. If so, this year’s pledges would be 6 percent higher than last year’s, he said. The $500,000 already has been appropriated among United Way’s 23 member agencies and the board voted to draw $20,000 from reserve funds to make up for the pledge shortfall. The pledge drive officially ended Nov. 14, at which time only about $415,000 had been pledged, he said. Fleischer blames the shortfall on the county’s struggling economy. “In light of the ecomomy . . . we’ve really done quite well,” he said. The Brazos County United Way is made up of 23 member agencies, in cluding the Red Cross, the Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center, the Rape Crisis Center, Phoebe’s Home (shelter for abused women), boys’ and girls’ clubs, three organizations dedicated to senior citizens, the Sal vation Army and the Mental Health- Mental Rehabilitation Authority. Texas Avenue to be closed during parade Texas Avenue will be closed to northbound traffic Sunday from 3 p.m. until approximately 5 p.m., as the 1986 Bryan-College Station holi day parade travels its route. The parade will form in Texas A&M parking annex 51, by the Zachry Engineering Center, and along both sides of New Main, the street that leads to the System Ad ministration Building. Friday MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE: Ed Bryant will speak on“1 Contemporary Science Fiction is More Successful itian I American Foreign Policy” at 7 p.m. in 701 Rudder. LATTER-DAY SAINT STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Pres dent Myers will speak on “Christ and the Atonement"j noon in the Latter-day Saint Institute Building at 100[ Dexter. INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will holdi “Concert of Prayer” at 7 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. Saturday MSC JORDAN INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONA! AWARENESS: will hold a reception for the opening of tli “Jordan Collection of International Ai t Objects” at 1:S p.m. in the browsing library on the second floor of the Alt morial Student Center. ASIAN-A MERIC AN ASSOCIATION: will hold a graduJP don potluck dinner at (i p.m. in 145 MSC. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURAL STl DENTS: will hold a Christmas party with a livebandat! p.m. at 560 Montclair. / Monday MSC POLITICAL FORUM: will present a program,“An! Alliance: A Question of Stability,” at 8 p.m. in Ruddt Theater. ENVE: will hear a certified public accountant and an attorn speak at 7 p.m. in 308 Rudder. MSC HOSPITALITY: will present a fashion show, “Undt the Mistletoe,” at noon in the lounge of the MemorialStu dent Center. PSYCHOLOGY CLUB: will present a student forum at! p.m. in 209 Harrington. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION: will hold a required mea ing at 5:15 p.m. in 102 Zachry for all students who ait going to work in the spring. STUDENT Y - YOUTH FUN DAY: will meet at 8:30pan.eR 301 Rudder WESLEY FOUNDATION: will of fer a defensive drivii course at 6 p.m. ait the Wesley Foundation. MSC LITERARY ARTS: now is accepting submissions fa “Litmus.” Call 845-1515 for more information. PARENTS’ WEEKEND COMMITTEE: applications foi nominating 1987-1988 Parents of the Year are available!! the Commons, the Sterling C. Evans Library, the Memotial Student Center and the Pavilion. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working dan prior to desired publication date. University Police Chief Elmer E. Schneider said motorists should avoid New Main and its intersection with Bizzell during both the parade and the few hours before it. Schnei der said University Police will close New Main at noon, but will barri cade all parking along live street early Sunday morning. The 108 parade entries will travel north down Texas Avenue from New Main and finish up at Manor East Mall. A College Station Police Depart ment spokesman said that all north bound traffic on Texas Avenue will be stopped until the parade ends. Rice study: Outlook pos for economy In Houston vt HOUSTON (AP) — The bulk of layoffs already has occurred in Houston and the outlook for the city’s economy through the end of the century is good, according to a Rice Center study. The forecast predicts the city’s economy will have a sluggish recov ery in 1988 and experience a 1 per cent to 2 percent job growth starting in 1987. The growth will come in goods producing industries, ini ing finance insurant*, 1 italcsl service industries and retail wholesale trade, said research the center, which is affiliated' Rice University. Thecenterisp lishingthe report next week. T he study also foundthedd in housing prices maybeeni James P. Gaines, a vice preside Rice Center, said Wednesday. P" a,,: oil SMILE FOR YOUR FAMILY’S GENERAL DENTAL CARE $ 29 00 CLEANING, EXAM & X-RAYS ‘Call For Appointment Dental Insurance Accepted • Emergency Walk Ins Welcome Evening Appointments Available • Nitrous Oxide Available Complete Family Dental Care 1 On Shuttle Bus Route mm ^(Anderson Bus) CarePlus^HT MEDICAL/DENTAL CENTER 696-9578 Dan Lawson DOS 1712 S.W. Parkway M-F 10 a.m.-8 p.m. pan cawson, u.u.s*. (acr£)SS from Kroger Center) Sat. 9 a.m.-l p.m. ATTENTION December 15 is your last day for AMNESTY StarTel has found the abuse of unauthorized long distance calls is widespread. Startel does not want to dam age young people’s lives or burden them with a criminal record; Therefore StarTel has chosen to offer amnesty until Dec. 15. Prior to Dec. 15 all persons that contact the Univer sity General Counsel (845-4334) or StarTel (776-2830) can receive amnesty by making full restitution for the un authorized use of our services. StarTel appreciates the cooperation the University and the community has given us in helping to prevent this crime.