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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1986)
Page 8/The Battalion/Monday, December 1, 1986 Business Adminstration Society meeting: 7:00 pm Dec. 2 161 Blocker Can’t decide on a major? We can help. Mud Lot Guaranteed Parking Space for Semester and Monthly Permits ‘ JEWELRY sterling silver 14K gold World and Nation Semester $65 now $75 in Jan. GOLDEN REFLECTIONS ‘less than a dollar a I day” Monthly $33 daily rates also Woodstone Center on Harvey Road ^ Next To ^ Archie’s .39C Hamburgers President overhauling / BEST PRICES Guaranteed! ^ defenses against spies a Bobbi’s Books fa* ail yo+t* Comics & Games Holiday Game Sale!! December 1-24 all games & supplies 20% Off FASA/STEVE JACKSON/GDW/TASK FORCE/AVALON HILL/TSR/RAL PARTHA/GRENADIER 3801 Texas, Bryan 846-7412 M-Thurs 10-8 Fri-Sat 10-9 Sun 1-8 The doctors of optometry affiliated with Texas State Optical know that every contact lens prescription must be exact. The fit must be precise. You must be completely comfortable. Yet every year people spend fortunes on contacts, put them away in a drawer and never wear them. Because they’re uncomfortable. They don’t fit right. These people have never been to Texas State Optical. WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi dent Reagan is secretly implement ing a sweeping overhaul of the na tion’s defenses against foreign spies that calls for more than 100 security changes from the doors of defense plants to communications satellites in space, White House and congres sional officials say. The 4.2 million Americans with access to secret data will face tougher and more frequent background in vestigations. New restrictions may be placed on the ability of Soviet bloc diplomats to buy computers and telecommunications equipment on the open market in this country. The changes are the product of studies begun by Reagan’s National Security Council staff in 1981. But the “Year of the Spy” — a re cord 13 spy arrests in 1985 begin ning with the Walker family spy ring in the Navy — spurred Reagan and the Congress into acting on those studies now, according to a White House official, who spoke on condi tion of anonymity. Most of the changes are described in a 50-page, secret report sent ear- and lier this month to the House Senate intelligence committees. The White House official said the report outlines 40 new proposals. Some have been implemented; oth ers soon will be; a few require legis lation. A spokesman from the Senate In telligence Committee was authorized to say of the counterintelligence pro posals: “The president’s plan is an un precedented blueprint for broad- based reform of U.S. efforts to coun ter the Soviet bloc intelligence threat. It is a classic example of how the National Security Council proc ess ought to work in the national in terest.” The White House official said the principal changes outlined in the re port were: • Reagan’s promise to deliver an executive order next year to estab lish the first government-wide mini mum standards for background in vestigations of federal and contractor employees. John Walker spied for 18 years in the Navy and Chinese spy Larry Wu- Aquino: Marcos not the last to pay for doubting me Y>u can’t afford contact lenses that don’t fit right. At any price. MANILA, Philippines (AP) — President Corazon Aquino said Sun day the men who doubt her ability to govern are just big talkers, and she called her predecessor, Ferdinand E. Marcos, “not the last to pay” for un derestimating her. In other developments: • The Communist Party said that despite a cease-fire agreement with the government, “revolutionary armed struggle” remains its main goal, and the armed forces chief called on his troops to remain vigi lant during the truce. • Police stopped about 3,000 left ists en route to the presidential pal ace to demand justice in the slaying of their leader, Rolando Olalia. • 10,000 Aquino supporters ral lied to urge adoption of a proposed constitution. Aquino told the women’s club of the Asian Development Bank, “It has often been said that Marcos was the first male chauvinist to underes timate me. He was not the last to pay for that mistake.” She called others who have chal lenged her in recent weeks “a crop of garrulous men with better and brighter ideas on how to run my government. ... I would like to think that I have managed to have the last word and the last task of hav ing to put things back in order after these men were finished.” A week ago, Aquino demanded resignations from all Cabinet min isters after word that a planned coup by officers close to Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile had been foiled. She immediately replaced Enrile and has accepted other resignations since then. The meeting was closed to news media, but the text of her speech was made available to reporters. In downtown Manila, about 3,000 people belonging to the militant left ist May 1st Movement tried to march to Malacanang Palace, but were stopped by dozens of riot police. The demonstrators demanded “swift justice” for the slaying of their leader, Olalia, two weeks ago. No ar rests have been made. A man de scribed as a drunk by police threw a stone at secutity troops, who drew guns. A brief stampede ensued. Later, a 10-member delegation carrying a letter with demands was allowed into the palace. An army major accepted the letter. Police said about 500 members of the group rallied at the U.S. Subic Naval Base 50 miles northwest of Manila. The demonstrators de manded the removal of all U.S. mili tary bases in the Philippines. Police said the protest was peaceful. At Manila’s Rizal Park, about 10,000 Aquino supporters urged voters to approve the new constitu tion in a Feb. 2 plebiscite. T he con stitution would extend the presi dent’s term until 1992. MICHAEL NESMITH IN DR. DUCK’S SUPER SECRET ALL PURPOSE SAUCE HOW CAN SOMETHING SO DELICIOUS GET MY DISHES SO CLEAN? Michael Nesmith, the man you remember from The Monkees and Elephant Parts is back with the Comedy Videocassette of the year! Dr. Duck's Super Secret All Purpose Sauce is the hot new video starring Whoopi Goldberg, Jay Leno, Bobcat Goldthwait, Garry Shandling, Martin Mull, Jimmy Buffett, Roseanne Cash and many many others. Buy this tasty video treat at the frozen food section of your favorite video store! Available Now! fret*. Arts lye* $39.95 • VHS or BETA CURTIS MATHES HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 1123 Villa Maria Rd. Bryan M & S MOVIE BIZ 3202A S. Texas Avenue Bryan LB VIDEO 311 S. College Avenue Bryan MOVIES TO GO Manor East Mall Bryan VIDEO CENTER 3517 S. Texas Avenue Bryan HASTING’S BOOKS AND RECORDS 1631 S. Texas Avenue Bryan t;ii Chin for more than 30 yearsc the CIA with only infrequenta*| cursory re-investigations. • A directive to the Defense Dtl partnient to use Defense Invesii;.-| live Service agents inside largei fense plants and to provid monetary or administrativepenaliwl for contractors with security and bonuses f or those with tightp: ie A id yasn't • Mih< spending for communis lo w lions security. m&f • \< l< I It l< >! 1. I I I ( S< .11 t Ill'll v « sa , \ s.d« ii.ii 11 '< i m i s 'ii m cd ip out 11\ et s to guard against computerthe r etum • 1 egislation h > provide thedt oiny ■ penalty lot espionage and pm, j es bei spec, ial set recy lot technical infi: Kan* mation with space applications fex.P' that now accorded to nuclear inf* he We Mi )an. 'he leen tl mation. • Development of a plan tortg late background briefings in wht officials speak to reporters, sm times about classified data, on a tion they not be named. Akers Runm hrougl Mil) th obuas But t Akei |&M Statistics on ** drunken driver 1 For tl iter called flawed Sored tad just WASHING ION (AP) -\:!ffou. tional statistics on drunkendn> : Texa; ing and fatal accidents areinamj rate because police let mos| drivers leave the scene withoii being tested lot alcohol abuse I ac cording to a new study release!| Sunday. I he repot t l>\ the t nine l §Bu( tl trol Institute, a non-profit search organization of law e | forcement officials, found (la many drunken drivers in fatal id cidents are escaping prosecuwl because they aren’t given a blood f alcohol test. Of the 32,000 driverswhosurl vived accidents involving falaliiiel in 1984, more than 75 perml left the scene without being testtij for alcohol abuse, the report sad I More than 25 percent of tkl 25,582 drivers who were accidents were not tested fa hi ood alcohol concentratiotl Overall, only 45 percent of il drivers in fatal accidents an tested f or alcohol abuse. "The national statistics on tl*B number of traffic deaths duett drunk driving are unreliable a misleading,” said Lawrence Sherman, president of the CiinttJ Control Institute. “They h'l lulled ns into a false beliefthal*! always detect drunk driving9] cause of fatal accidents, rhetncl is that we are hardly even tryinf Drivers are most likely to tested if they show visible signs intoxication. $499.00 is for the small price of (he IBM Actionwriter™ 1 Type writer. And just in time for the holidays. Which makes it the perfect| for your family scholar, yow office or yourself. We’re an Authorized Typewriter Dealer. Sostoplf today. Because the only thing better than getting an IBM Actionwriter™ 1 Typewriter, is giving one. No matter how you lookal typing, we’re your type. EXECUTIVE BUSINESS MACHINES 505 E. University College Station (next to the lnterurba« l 409/260-9808