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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1986)
Page 6AThe BattalionAThursday, November 20, 1986 Elephant Walk - Noy. 24,1986 “One Show * J.B., R.E., D.H., J.M., *■ J D.P., S.R., L.W., C.E. dbye!” .S., B.C., B.F., D.M., D.M., J.P., M.S., M.W. What is Redstone on Bartholow? It’s the best apartment buy in Aggieland. We’re so sure that we have the best apartment complex in town, we’ll give you a FREE VCR if you sign up for the spring before Christmas. If you sign a 1-year lease, you can choose to have your apartment redecorated by Christopher Designs. Redstone on Bartholow is one mile from campus, on the shuttle bus route and next to Kroger and 14 restaurants. Redstone on Bartholow has the best rate on 2-bedroom apartments. Some have washer/dryer connections and all have lots of closet space. Redstone on Bartholow has a volleyball pool with sun deck, basketball court, brand new Jacuzzi, 24-hour maintenance and security patrol. If you sign up for the spring (before the Christmas recess) We’ll give you a VHS video recorder/player. Sign a 1-year lease and choose to redecorate. 1301 Bartholow • 696-1848 < <0' OPEN EVERDAY M-TH 11 AM-1 AM F-S 11 AM-2 AM SUN 11 AM-12 AM ’ 'XT rP ri> ■ p\ZZ* op* V IU * . <5^ . o<V eS> v SN* s.® A°<£>- 30 Minute Free Delivery! 846-3768 696-0234 Spark Some Interest! Use the Battalion Classifieds. Call 845-2611 Greek organizations gain g acceptance, speaker says. By Heidi Kemp Reporter The president of the Interfrater nity Council told a group of students at Sully’s Symposium Wednesday that Greek organizations are becom ing more accepted at Texas A&M. In the first speech ever given about Greeks by an Interfraternity Council member at the symposium, Wes Williams said many people do not realize that a Greek organiza tion, Alpha Phi, began at A&M in 1896 and although the group merged with the A&M Alumni Asso ciation in 1900, the group laid the foundation for fraternal organiza tions. Williams said the University of fered recognition to individual fra ternities last year, and a few became recognized. This year, he said, the University allowed the fraternities to become affiliated with the University by recognizing the Interfraternity Council. Individual fraternities are recog nized through that council. T< body, but here at A&M the] enough Cheek organizations:] eryone,” Williams said. “Bui ; son must have the initiativetoj and find it.” A member of the crowd» why more blacks are notinthtR fraternity Council, and WilliaMk plied that there are somelibB| fraternities, but many black- then own C»reek organizationsK Wes Williams Williams said members of a frater nity learn to work with others and serve others. He said the organiza tions also promote academic achievement. Williams added that in the past Greeks have been shunned by the student body, but he feels the an imosity is disappearing. “Fraternities are not for everv- Williams also said thatheMp- student body sees Greeks si source. “Greeks are a part of Alii RHA, Town Hall and the C; (Cadets,” he said. When Williams was ask ito ! ni\ oiw tice lity ceai nra otn Charges say bankrupt heir hiding assets HOUSTON (AP) — Galveston in surance heir Shearn Moody Jr. tried to hide at least $1.2 million in assets from his bankruptcy creditors in a racketeering scheme, a federal law suit charges. W. Steve Smith, the court-ap pointed trustee overseeing Moody’s bankruptcy case, seeks at least $5 million in damages in a lawsuit filed Tuesday under the federal Racke teering-Influenced and Corrupt Or ganizations laws. The suit also demands that Moody, 53, and others turn over any of Moody’s assets they hold and ac count for the rest of the property al legedly missing from the estate. Other defendants include Moo dy’s brother, Robert L. Moody and Moody National Bank of Galveston. Moody’s Houston attorney, David Unger, said he had not seen the law suit and could not comment. Smith declined to discuss his law suit. The suit charges that Moody used the money to bankroll an extrava gant lifestyle in an attempt to dis credit a North Carolina bankruptcy judge and to pay some of his lawyers in violation of federal law. Restaurant Report By Mike Sullivan Staf f Writer Cheeks help the UniversittLf., plied that fraternities suppjt-j University through offices:®] dent government and otheiUL ership positions held by met®!, and that Greeks give a lot ofJL nily support. I he m|>< (slum is spoil' eaf j ( ery week by Lambda SigiuK, sophomore honor society. Bk ( II O' 1 ■veil t crip I tthc Tly lx* It accuses Moody and others of working together to hide money Moody received as corporate divi dends and from property sales. “These racketeering activities can be analogized to a shell game played behind a stone wall,” the lawsuit charges, “the shell game being the concealment by the defendants of (Moody’s) assets, and the stone wall being the total lack of cooperation on the part of the defendants in the administration of the bankruptcy es tate.” Also named as defendants are Norman D. Revie, Moody’s adminis trative assistant; James A. Stoker, Moody’s personal companion; Moody National Bank President Tom Mayfield; and a Galveston- based law firm, Dibrell & Greer. They could not be reached for com ment Wednesday. The lawsuit is the latest in a string of legal tussles for the beleaguered millionaire. The restaurants listed were inspected Nov. 1 1 through Tuesday by the Brazos County Health Department. The infor mation is based on food service establishment reports. SCORED ABOVE 95: • Archie’s 39e Hamburgers at 919 Harvey Road in College Sta tion was inspected by Mike Les ter. Score — 98. Two one-point violations were cited in the report because a wall near the drive- through window needed re pairing, and an ice scoop was lef t in an ice bin. • Subway Sandwiches and Salads at 913-C Harvey Road in College Station was inspected by Mike Lester. Score — 96. Two two-point deductions were made in the report because some food items in a steam display counter needed to be covered and some food needed to be thawed under cold, running water. SCORED BETWEEN 90 AND 95: • Mama’s Pizza at 1037 S. Texas Ave. in College Station was inspected by Mike Lester. Score — 91. Four points were sub tracted in the report because a rear door was not properly sealed and was not self-closing. Two points were deducted in the re port because some tea urns weren’t covered, some pizza plat ters were being stored onaflJ and a>m< I was lieii,. *rqjc« on the floor of a walk-in co rom I wo more points were t rt Tl trai led in the report ly fm there were no paper towelTT'? kite lien haiul sink, paper: JfTli' were needed in an emploverjftli room, a door inside the bitipni' was not self closing, and thertJbout no cover on a wastebaskei pd 16 women’s restroom. A fina ttard point violation was cited inilmhe ' port because a stand-up needed ( leaning. I in Hmal • Fajita Rita Express a! ional S I < \as \ \ c■ ill ( aillegr v ije 1'' was inspected by Mike L Japan Score — 90. I w<> poiniswr; £urn] 11 a< ted in i lie rcpmi ; mii< l I l>rim; Mim *)nsis walk-in cooler floor. A twoflfcaii c deduction was made in thert?l Eac bet ause some food was lefi <'0lv<’<l (<>\eied in a walk-in cook 1 cups were being usee®® 111 : Rab oin ill some scoops. Two more [joints were ducted in the report because; !As per towels were needed {Iran), liaiit 1 Milks, and some m aavanl doors were not self-closing feMp u ‘ one-point violations wereciidlQenee the report for (he follodf^^ some tile gaps needed sei#Q 5,< some equipment needed li ln 8 t,1 ‘ ing; some holes in a cei® P e needed to be sealed; sonit a storage area nee'** le< wood in sealing. !“0u David Jeffetson. a registered sanitarian at the department, taurants with scores of 95 or above p< ia t all\ ha\ e e\( client ojki- |J s and facilities. Jefferson says restaurants with scores in the ZfeorUfl usually have serious violations on the health report Scores can he misleading, Jefferson says, because restaurants achieve the same score by having several major violations or an dance of minor violations, lie says the major violations might dost restaurant down while some minor violations can be correctedS the inspection. Jefferson says the department might close a restaurant if: the n tors is below 60, the personnel has infectious diseases, the restaurant adequate refrigeration, a sewage backup exists in the building,tht tau rant has a complete lack of sanitization for the food equipment p a y pj. Point deductions, or violations, on the report range from one I tendin (minor violation) to five points (major violation). The departmet'E spects each restaurant about every six months. jvdp in Sometimes a follow-up inspection must be made, usually tritk Metm’ days. Jefferson says a restaurant might require a follow-up inspect! t p it has a four- or five-point violation that cannot he corrected w ins fleet or is still there, or there are numerous small violations. Inspectors at the department are registered sanitarians. nghtec each la the me AMERICA’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TIRE DEALER WE WILL BEAT ANY LOWER TOTAL PRICE IN TEXAS — PEROIDI Assuring You “26” Years Of Confidence BRAND NEW BLACKWALLS 25,000 MILE WARRANTY P195x14 $24. 49 P215x15 $28. P205x14 $26. 49 P225X15 $29. 49 P215x14 $27. 49 P235x15 $30. 49 METRIC RADIALS 30,000 MILE WARRANTY 4 for $72 155SRx12 15SR13 4 for $77J 165SR13 4 for $81 165SR15 4 for $93. 1 GIG the FROGS AGGIE I 16” Pepperoni Pizza BOWL BOUND 2-16 oz. drinks PIZZA SPECTACULAR 1 I $7.50 $5 off any 20” 1 reg. $11.00 3 ITEM PIZZA 1 Expires 12/31/86 Good until Jan 3, 1987 STEEL WHITEWALL RADIALS 35,000 MILE WARRANTY $22." P155Rx13 P165Rx13 $24." P205Rx15...$33. 99 T P195RX14 $29." P215Rx15...$34." igg P205RX14 $30." P225RX15. 90 LP215RX14 $33." P235Rx15„ T GLASS BELTED WHITEWALLS 28,000 MILE WARRANTY 99 P155x13 $18. P165x13 $20." P215x14....$27. ! P17SX13 $22." P215x15....$28." PI 95x14 $24." P225x15....$29." P205x14 $26." 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