The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 05, 1986, Image 6
Battalion Classifieds •ccc€:c€^€>€:c«:c^ccc€:cccc Page 6AThe BattalionAVednesday, Movember 5, 1986 Jailed U.S. pilot expects conviction from Sandinistas NOTIC€ FOR fl€NT ADOPTION: Well educated couple withes to give love, self-confidence & every advantage to newborn. Inter ests include sports, culture, boating. Expenses paid. Call collect 914-365-1469. 46tll/14 DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET D1SMISSAI., VOLTE LOVE OUR FLN CLASS! 693-1322.35tl2/17 SUB—LEASE APARTMENT. 2 Bdrm., 2 bath, near campus, shuttle bus, $360./mo. For information, 696- 9273. 46tl 1/14 Furnished home, Southwood Valley. Rooms $225. plus bills, nice. 693-0939. 46t 11/26 LAST CHANCE!! Limited space remains on TAMU Winter Ski Weeks to Steamboat, Vail, or Keystone with five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, moutain picnic, parties, ski race and more from only $142.! HURRY, call Sunchase ToUrs toll free for full details 1- 800-321-5911 TODAY! 46t 11/21 FOR SRl€ YARD SALE Used & Antique Solid Oak Desks Over 40 To Choose From Take Your Pick at $100. Each Also, Chairs, File Cabinets, and Accessories Great For School & Drafting Nov. 5 & 6 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 821 E. Main Madisonville, TX. (214)536-2609 46111/5 Room in - House - $125. mo All Bills Paid 775-4513 Days, 779-0365 Nights 44tl 1/5 2 Bdrm., 1 Ba. Unfurnished house. Carport. Yard. Close to campus. $270./mo. 696-4251 44tl 1/5 LOST AND FOUND LOST. White Letter Sweater with ATM Student Govt. Senator 80-81, after Rice Game at Party on Cherry and Nagle. REWARD! Robert. 693-9201. 43tl 1/4 REWARD!:: Persian male 11 limaiav ian) LOS E Get. 20 in 281S - Texas A\enue Aiea !0 lbs.. While with grev- ish blue points. 1 seal old, II seen please contact 696- 6523. ask lot Shelly ot Jell Watct s. 45tll/6 S€RVIC€S Expert Typing. Word Processing. Resumes. From SET") per page. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. Kill 1/26 PREGNANT? Child Placement Center offers free counseling to help you cope with your unplanned preg nancy. Call 696-5577 SPORT Yamaha moped, 8 months negotiable. 846-7114,' nths old, gr befoHti 1 a great for campus, $400. 46tl 1/7 Waterbed, >ed, queensize, 693-0939. $285. 1985 Red Honda Spice. Price negotiable. 846-5302 (lilt <it night. 45111/6' awisaki Ninja - 600 R. 1! Kiras. Call 846-8823. LOOK: A I REK PROGRA olired: IBM. CO.MIV COMI’LTERS. ETC. 693-7/ , 2.000 miles with 39tl 1/5 ) PURCHASE RE TS FROM $595. 45t 1 1/6 UJA Patients with “acute diarrhea” (less than 48 hours duration) needed to evaluate potential over-the-counter medication for diarrhea. Volunteers will be paid for time and cooper ation. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 AT?" BAUSCH & LOIV1B (y) 15% off Ray-Bans Brazos Proffesional Opticians . SUITE 21 1737 BRIARCREST DR. (409) 775-9111 INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5983 46t11/26 H€LP LUftNT€D THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediat® openings for route carriers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours delivering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allowance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. 38t f STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN THE BATTALION! 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $16,040 - $59,230/yr. Now Hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34U2/16 Outdoor sales of display advertising. Highest commis sions paid! L.eads provided. Work own hours. Call 775- 7885. 48t 11/11 SERVICES Christmas Party or Formal? THE MUSIC DOCTOR - DJ Service - With Music and Systems Custom Tailored to Your Needs 846-1431 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset 1VPING: Accurate. 95 WPM. Reliable. Word Proc- essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 48tl 1/6 Ediling/Ptootreading. Dissertations, theses, all longer .manuscripts. L.L. Carlisle - 696-3637. 39tl 1/26 GAYLINE - 846-6051. M - F, 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Peer counseling, information, roommate referrals. 47tl 1/6 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING. Fast, Accurate, Inexpensive, LaserWriter Quality. Call 696-2052. 47U2/4 TYPING. No Job Too Service (409) 823-7723 ake Up 44t 12/2 WORD PROCESSING: Dissciunions, theses, manu scripts. tepoits. let in papers, resumes. 764-6614. STUDENT TYPING - 20 YEARS experience. East, accurate, reasonable, giiaianteed. 693-8337. 4 It 12/17 'TYPING/WORD PROCESSING - East. Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana - 764- 2772. 43tl 1/11 MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — Eugene Hasenfus expects to be con victed by the Nicaraguan People’s Tribunal trying him for terrorism but hopes his plea for mercy will lighten the sentence, his lawyer said Tuesday. Hasenfus will make a “mitigating statement” and “has thrown himself on the mercy of the court,” said Grif fin Bell, the former U.S. attorney- general who is assisting with the cap tured American mercenary’s de fense. “We hope the statement will cause the Sandinistas, the Nicaraguan gov ernment, to be more merciful,” he told a news conference. Hasenfus, 45, of Marinette, Wis., was the only survivor of a C-123 cargo plane shot down Oct. 3 in southern Nicaragua while ferrying supplies to U.S.-backed rebels fight ing the leftist government. The three other crewmen were killed in the crash, including the American pilot and co-pilot. Bell said he, chief Nicaraguan de fense attorney Enrique Sotelo Ber gen and other defenders helped draft the statement for Hasenfus, who also is charged with conspiracy and violating public security. On Tuesday morning, Hasenfus, Sotelo Borgen, the president of the three-man People’s Tribunal hear ing the case, and the assistant pros ecutor viewed a videotape of an in terview with the American mercenary broadcast on the CBS television program “60 Minutes.” The interview was shown in Ma nagua with a Spanish translation Oct. 19. In the interview conducted by cor respondent Mike Wallace, Hasenfus acknowledged being recruited as a cargo handler to help run supplies to the rebels. He said he was not sure who ran the rebel supply operation based in El Salvador, but believed he was working for the CIA. Hasenfus gave no real evidence that the CIA or other U.S. govern ment agencies directed the ejandes- tine supply flights from the Ilo- pango air base just outside San Salvador. In an appearance earlier this week, Hasenfus told the tribunal any previous statements he made about CIA involvement in the operation were based on hearsay, not direct personal knowledge. Shultz goes to Vienna for arms control talks WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre tary of State George P. Shultz headed for Vienna on Tuesday with a team of U.S. arms control special ists to test Soviet attitudes on nuclear weapons cuts, human rights and ter rorism after the Iceland summit. U.S. officials steered clear of pre dicting how Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze would re spond to Shultz’ agenda. But they said Shultz was prepared to set up negotiating committees to tackle the details of the latest U.S. proposals, which include a 50 per cent reduction in long-range nuclear missiles by 1991. The setting for the Shultz-She- vardnadze talks today and T hursday is a 35-nation review of the 1975 Helsinki agreement. Its promise of a freer exchange of people and ideas across the icy East- West divide will serve as a backdrop for an expected U.S. appeal to the Soviets to improve conditions in their country. On terrorism, Shultz is hoping for support in a mounting campaign against Syria, with which the Soviets have strong military ties. Shultz ac cused Syria in a speech Monday night in Philadelphia of direct in volvement in a thwarted plot to blow up an Israeli jetliner at a London air port last April. L. Paul Bremer, the new head of the counter-terrorism office at the State Department, is accompanying Shultz. It is not clear how much influence the Soviets have on President Hafez Assad’s government, or whether they intend to use it. Shultz will stop in Paris Friday on his way back to Washington to dis cuss the problem with Prime Min ister Jacques Chirac and Foreign Minister Jean-Bernard Raimond. Speakes refuses comment on arms policy with Iran ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (AP) — President Reagan’s chief spokesman refused to say Tuesday whether the United States had ended its longstanding policy of not selling arms or spare weapons parts to Iran. Larry Speakes told reporters: “We’re not commenting, but I think you ought to be a little careful” in re porting the story. He reiterated, however, that the U.S. policy of “no negotiation, no concessions, no encouraging third countries to make concessions” re mains in effect. Reagan boarded Air Force One in Los Angeles for the flight to Wash ington and refused to comment on published reports that his former aide, Robert McFarlane, had trav eled to Iran as an administration em issary and had been arrested and jailed there for five days before be ing deported. Speakes spoke with reporters af ter published reports in the Middle East said that American hostage Da vid Jacobsen was freed Sunday as a result of negotiations between the United States and Iran. YESTERDAYS Daily Drink & Lunch Specials Billiards & Darts Near Luby’s / House dress code INTERNATIONAL HOUSE O'PANCAKES, RESTAURANT All you can eat Daily Specials 10 p.m.-6 a.m. All You Can Eat Buttermilk Pancakes $1.99 Spaghetti and Meat Sauce with garlic bread $2.99 *Must present this coupon International House of Pancakes Restaurant 103 N. College Skaggs Center ZIPS Elephant Walk Monday, Nov. 24 T-Shirts on Sale Nov 11-14 MSC 8c Quad 10-3, MSC 4r Hospitality Presents Fast forward” Featuring Fall Fashions from • J. Riggins • Paul Harris • Ladies Gc Lords Thurs., Nov 6 7:30 MBA/LAW SYMPOSIUM DECISIONS FOR THE FUTURE Keynote Speakers Former Students Jim Briggs-Harvard MBA Susan Sparkman-Boston College Law Roundtables Recruiters Panels Registration $5.°° including lunch SATURDAY NOVEMBERS, 1986 8am-4pm Sign up this week 10-2pm first floor MSC or 8am Nov. 8 second floor MSC For more information call 845-1515 MSC MBA/LAW SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE