Battalion Classifieds •ccc€:c€^€>€:c«:c^ccc€:cccc Page 6AThe BattalionAVednesday, Movember 5, 1986 Jailed U.S. pilot expects conviction from Sandinistas NOTIC€ FOR fl€NT ADOPTION: Well educated couple withes to give love, self-confidence & every advantage to newborn. Inter ests include sports, culture, boating. Expenses paid. Call collect 914-365-1469. 46tll/14 DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET D1SMISSAI., VOLTE LOVE OUR FLN CLASS! 693-1322.35tl2/17 SUB—LEASE APARTMENT. 2 Bdrm., 2 bath, near campus, shuttle bus, $360./mo. For information, 696- 9273. 46tl 1/14 Furnished home, Southwood Valley. Rooms $225. plus bills, nice. 693-0939. 46t 11/26 LAST CHANCE!! Limited space remains on TAMU Winter Ski Weeks to Steamboat, Vail, or Keystone with five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, moutain picnic, parties, ski race and more from only $142.! HURRY, call Sunchase ToUrs toll free for full details 1- 800-321-5911 TODAY! 46t 11/21 FOR SRl€ YARD SALE Used & Antique Solid Oak Desks Over 40 To Choose From Take Your Pick at $100. Each Also, Chairs, File Cabinets, and Accessories Great For School & Drafting Nov. 5 & 6 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 821 E. Main Madisonville, TX. (214)536-2609 46111/5 Room in - House - $125. mo All Bills Paid 775-4513 Days, 779-0365 Nights 44tl 1/5 2 Bdrm., 1 Ba. Unfurnished house. Carport. Yard. Close to campus. $270./mo. 696-4251 44tl 1/5 LOST AND FOUND LOST. White Letter Sweater with ATM Student Govt. Senator 80-81, after Rice Game at Party on Cherry and Nagle. REWARD! Robert. 693-9201. 43tl 1/4 REWARD!:: Persian male 11 limaiav ian) LOS E Get. 20 in 281S - Texas A\enue Aiea !0 lbs.. While with grev- ish blue points. 1 seal old, II seen please contact 696- 6523. ask lot Shelly ot Jell Watct s. 45tll/6 S€RVIC€S Expert Typing. Word Processing. Resumes. From SET") per page. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. Kill 1/26 PREGNANT? Child Placement Center offers free counseling to help you cope with your unplanned preg nancy. Call 696-5577 SPORT Yamaha moped, 8 months negotiable. 846-7114,' nths old, gr befoHti 1 a great for campus, $400. 46tl 1/7 Waterbed, >ed, queensize, 693-0939. $285. 1985 Red Honda Spice. Price negotiable. 846-5302 (lilt