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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1986)
1 Page 10/The Battalion/Friday October 31,1986 Battalion France says it made no deals Classifieds with terrorists, denies reports NOTIC6 * STUDENT DIRECTORIES ARE NOW AVAILABLE !!! * Bring your Fall 86 Fee Slip to Rm. 230 in the Reed McDonald Bldg, between 8-5. 43/tfn Patients with “acute diarrhea” (less than 48 hours duration) needed to evaluate potential over-the-counter medication for diarrhea. Volunteers will be paid for time and cooper ation. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 ..... DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISM1SSAI.. VOL - 'Ll. LOVEOLR KUN CLASS! 69S-1322.35112/17 H€IP UUfiNT€D HEY AGS! Get Involved In Politics And Earn Money Too. Republican Candidate Needs Workers Nov. 1-4 Call 764-1986 for details. 38110/22 THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours delivering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allowance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. 38t . INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. S€RVIC€S LOST AND FOUND RIAVARD::: IVisi.m limit' (llimaliiviiin) LOS T On. 20 in 2X1,H - Tn\;.s Aw.-mu- A uni • i() lbs.. White «ilh Kiev- ish blue points. 1 veal old. II seen please contact OOti- (i.V2:i. ask lot Shellv ot jell Waleis. -45t 1 1/0 LOST. White Letter Sweater with A I M Student Govt. Senator 80-81, alter Rice Game at Party on Cherry and Nagle. REWARD! Robert, 693-0201. 43tl 1/4 P€flSONALS CCRLY - llappv 1 wo Yu You! Yout ChouUtiend. nd Halloween! I Love 45110/31 MISC€imN€OUS John Lyons Noise Training Clinic. Brazos County Ro deo Arena. Nov. 1-4. For info, call |ana - 589-3026. Donna - 779-8659. 39U1/3 Earn $480. weekly - $60. per hundred envelopes stuffed. Guaranteed. Homeworkers needed for coni- panv project stuffing envelopes and assembling materi als. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope to JBK- Mailco, P.O. Box 25-24 Castaic, California 91310. 37110/31 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List S 16.040 - $59,230/vr. Now 1 lit ing. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34l 12/16 FOR sni€ l*mr. R<<! Iloutla Spiff. I‘liff Hfgotiablf. 846-5302 <la\ <>t ttiglu. 45tll/6 Can von l>m If.-p*. (airs, tvl's st i/ftl in linns raitls fiar nmlfi SIIM1. •>Call tor l ifts tmlav ! 6O2-V37-:U0l. 45t 10/31 LOOK! A ERI E PROGRAM. NO ITRCIIASE RE- Ql IRK1>: I BM. ’( OMl'A I 1 ISLES 1 ROM S595 COMI’L TERS. F IT. 693-7599. 45t 1 1/6 84 Yamaha Virago 700. Black, excellent condition. Must sell cheap. 696-6457. 43i 10/31 Apple lie: 64K, 2 disk drives, monitor, $750. Call 776- 1305,7:30-10 p.m. 43tll/4 PC's Limited Turbo-PC, PC/XT compatible. 4.77MHz or 8MHz switchable, 640KB RAM, 2 360KB drives, 2 printer ports, 2 serial pons, clock/calendar, AT-style keyboard, excellent graphic card. Princeton Max 12 monitor, modem. $ 1,900. Juan, 696-0588. 43tl 1/4 1977 Rabbit. Good school car. Must sell. Call Tony, 764-7373. 42t 10/31 Kawasaki Ninja - 600 R. 1986. Blue. 2.000 miles with extras. Call 846-8823. 39tl 1/5 New Louis Yuitton purse. Paid $250. sell for $115. 696-1422. 41110/31 UJRNT6D G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 119/30 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset TYPISTS - $:>U0. wockh ;u hotm*! Koi information send a stamped envelope: Tvping Inidt tnatioii. Dept. II. P.O. BoxSILMInntsville. I X. 77:140. 4s r >tl0/:H WORD IMUH 1SSI NC.: Dissei laiions. theses, mann- sei ipis. t epoi is. lei in pa pet s. i esnines. 7(»4-(it> 14. Kditing/ProolVeading. Dissertations, theses, all longer manuscripts. IT. Carlisle - (>96-3657. 59t 11/26 S I l DIM rYlMN(. - 20 M ARS experience. Fast, accurate, reasonable, gnat anteed. 695-8567. 4 1112/1 7 Scholarship and grant information. 696-8559. 41110/51 %4§r : trS*V ■ ■■ INY ADS, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. F.xpert 1 vping. Woid Processing. Resumes. From SI.55 per page’. PF.RFF.CT PRINT. 822-1450. lOtl 1/26 o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. PROI FSSORS F.XAM I ll.F.S foi F.ngineering. (.hem istt\. (‘.alt tilits. Plixsics at L’nivei sitv Hookst«»ie X: la |mm s. 5i 1 I/ I TYPING. No Job Too Small. Answering/Wake Up Service (409) 823-7723 44tl2/2 FY PING/WORD PROCESSING - Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana - 764- 2772. 43tl 1/11 FOR RENT 1 X 2 Bdrm. Fmnished Apts. North Gate C .S. 1st street. A/C, no pets. (1) 825-2761. 189tln Room in - House - $125. mo All Bills Paid 775-4513 Days, 779-0365 Nights 44tl 1/5 2 Bdrm., 1 Ba. Unfurnished house. Carport. Y’ard. Close to campus. $270./mo. 6§6-4251 44tl 1/5 Battalion PARIS (AP) — The French government Thursday branded as fiction reports it struck a truce with Middle Eastern bombers who terror ized Paris, and it denied that France planned to exchange arms for Syrian help in the anti-terror ist Fight. Denis Baudouin, spokesman for Premier Jac ques Chirac, acknowledged that Syria has been cooperating with France in an effort to put an end to the terror campaign, which killed 10 peo ple and hurt 162 in the French capital last month. But Baudouin stressed that there has been no contact or negotiations with the terrorists. A group calling itself the Committee of Solida rity with Arab and Middle East Political Prisoners claimed responsibility for the five bombings be tween Sept. 8 and Sept. 17. It demanded the re lease of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and two other Middle Eastern men imprisoned in terrorism cases. The newspaper Le Monde reported Wednes day that Syria helped obtain a truce in the bomb ings and that the brothers of Abdallah, pre sumed leader of the Lebanese Armed 845-2611 Revolutionary Factions, agreed lo suspend their attacks until February 1987, after being threat ened by Syrian security services. Abadallah is serving a four-year term for pos sessing arms and false papers. He is expected to go on trial in February for complicity in the 1982 murders of an American military attache and an Israeli diplomat in Paris. Asked about the Le Monde report, Baudouin said: “That’s Fiction and it has never been a ques tion of (making) a truce that would have been paid for in one way or another, either by f reeing Mr. Abdallah . . . or, secondly, in the Financial sphere and in the sphere of armaments. We cat egorically deny it.” Syria’s vice president, Abdel Halim Khaddam, confirmed on French television Wednesday night that Syrian secret services have been coop erating with the French to prevent further bomb ings in Paris. He did not say how. Police have said Abdallah’s four brothers and five other people, all living in a Syrian-controlled area of northern Lebanon, are the prime sus pects in the bombings. Le Monde said that the Syrian secret services “threatened reprisals if the attacks resi ., and that the French government sent a to the Abdallahs via Syria and Algeriasa)i while the bombings were making it impossl release Abdallah, the trial “could turmoil vantage.” French newspaper reports have suggest: the prosecution does not have a stror;- against Abdallah and that the governmenist c ceding with the trial only because of Autt, pressure. A statement signed by the Committeeofk, clarity with Arab and Middle East PoliticalW oners said Thursday it will not abide by w leged truce, saying, "The Abdallahs do J represent the committee. . . . Any cornu] agreement with them is not binding on tlietJ mittee.” Fi ance lias come uncler criticism both!* and abroad for its dealings with Syriadespiit pit ions here that the Syrians mayhavebett solved in helping the bombers.Officialism!: have no proof of Syrian involvemeniandHii make accusations without it. Vatican tells bishops to stomp out pro-homosexual views in Church VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican instructed bishops Thurs day to stamp out pro-homosexual views within the Roman Catholic church and oppose any attempt to condone homosexuality through legislation or other means. In a letter to the bishops approved by Popejohn Paul II, the Vatican ac cused pro-homosexual groups of “deceitful propaganda” and trying to gain a foothold in the church, which has 810 million followers. “Increasing numbers of people, even within the church, are bringing enormous pressure to bear on the church to accept the homosexual condition as though it were not dis ordered and to condone homosex ual activity,” it said. The Vatican told the bishops and priests not to support organizations that “seek to undermine the teach ing of the church (on homosexual ity), which are ambiguous about it, or which neglect it entirely.” The 15-page letter was dated Oct. 1 and made public Thursday. It was drawn up by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the watch dog of doctrinal deviation headed by West German-born Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. An Italian homosexual rights group named Fuori (Outside) issued a statement calling the church docu ment “a futile attempt to force dis crimination by those who, perhaps because of love based on true faith, have discovered tolerance.” Prelates in some countries, includ ing the United States, have struggled with government authorities over homosexual rights. Church leaders in New York City unsuccessfully contested an action designed to pro tect homosexuals from job discrimi nation. The Vatican has taken discipli nary action against some churchmen for advocating liberal views on ho mosexuality. It said in the instructions that the church position cannot lx* revised by pressure from civil legislation. States, a majority of its victims are homosexuals. The church is “really concerned about the many who are not rep resented by the pro-homosexual movement and about those who may have been tempted to fvelieve its de ceitful propaganda,” the letter said. In an apparent reference to the dangers of AIDS, the letter said: “Even when the practice of homo sexuality may seriously threaten the lives and well-being of a large num ber of people, its advocates remain undeterred and refuse to consider the magnitude of the risks involved.” Acquired immune deficiency syn drome is spread primarily by sexual contact and the sharing of needles by drug abusers. In the United Although the church violent malice in speech ( against homosexuals, tl: said, bishops must state < homosexuality is immora pressure from the pro-h movement within the change its teaching. Bishops shoui oi church building including faciliti schools anti college "To some, such rhurch property n ttdemns Vatican arly that nd resist xuosexu.ti not tx* and charital misleading and Ratzinger’s ager The documer Christians to le declared: “It is onli relationship tha ual faculty can oft rv t< >ld I | ‘ The Agg much sums so far «Woodsid ray to Walkt Ready, Aim load. A&M. Like the A&M’s offt has the f power of a And like a 1 Aggie offei inconsistent Stock male : j"»» ability to posts gain if oS™”; p ) ou beat heavy NEW Y0RK(AP)-T market chalked upasofe heavy trading Thurs pclled In hopes forlo* i ales and some faio nomic news. I he Dow Jones ave industrials climbed 1,878.37, stretching ns the week's start to46! Volume on the Nt» Suxk Exchange reaebte million shares, the seven: total evei. against IMF m tlte previous sessiw cord for a single sessiocK m shares was set Sep alvsts said one m Allhougl Sou ih west with d Aggies arei However, i gies have fa yards in bo ingcategoi i A&M's g: the lonfere game, whil through th Second plat lilli n rate. e Japanese d a record-b merest rates t Tie mail offense anc to be the i pass and tin : Las! vea bangers at ney and E wear down the ball cq would set ui aid jap: In 1986. : Its pass thanks to a ceivers and end dernsti t serson engagi laviot tlterefo Waldheim denies fighting in Nazi operation rK VIENNA, Austria (AP) — Presi dent Kurt Waldheim on Thursday said he did not Fight Yugoslav parti sans during a Nazi operation and denied he was approached after the war to work for Soviet intelligence, according to his spokesman. Gerold Christian, the spokesman, made the comments after new alle gations appeared in the U.S. media about Waldheim’s activity in World War II. The Washington Post reported Thursday that Waldheim acknowl edged after months of denial that he had played a role in the brutal Nazi “pacification” operation that cost thousands of lives in Yugoslavia. It said that in a 13-page memo sent to the Post in April, the former U.N. secretary-general had denied he was involved in the 1942 opera tion to remove all 80,000 residents, including 3,500 armed partisans, from Kozara, a mountainous region in Yugoslavia. The newspaper Thursday quoted Christian as saying “additional re search” revealed the president’s ear lier statement was incorrect. But in a telephone conversation with the Associated Press on Thurs day, Christian said the earlier statements by Waldheim that he was not involved in the Kozara operation “were not incorrect.” Christian said, “The war record was, however, supplemented after files and documents were found” and the information was made avail able to U.S. authorities in August. Christian, who said Waldheim was in the Kozara area for a short pe riod, quoted the president as saying he was not directly involved in fight ing and did not witness mass killings. Waldheim “never was present during combat action,” Gnristian said. “He was unfit for the front and never had a rifle to sli The spokesman : “never got into physi partisans, because h subordinated activity ficer. A secretary in Waldheim' later telephoned the AP with glish-language statement, “With regard to the Kozara Dr. Waldheim’s service was oot with. .. aid Waldheim :a! contact with ‘ performed a ’ as a supply of- one of 29 memberso N’.t/i commander ir IT eidrich von Stahl. Hie newspaper s show Stahl recommei and 38 others for th > office an En- saying, (area), limited ¥ r* ¥ ¥ ¥ 1 >s to the normal duties of a junior sup ply officer and did not involve any combat activity." Waldheim’s recent campaign for the presidency was marred by allega tions that he was involved in wartime atrocities against partisans and Jews in Yugoslavia and Greece. Waldheim denied the charges and maintained he was the victim of a campaign to deny him the presi dency. Fhe Post cited German reports showing that Lt. Kurt Waldheim was n.ui gttinnnifiii' r . j m Medal for “heroicbrawf tie against the insurp spring and summer of / also received an oak lei t diers who distinguisiieo “under enemy fire," thee description of the me;/ ported. Stahl’s order was torts ra's entire populationik: with a “reliable ’ populi' said. Yugoslav figures»1> itsans and 13,000 d\t killed ordiedduringtkf Christian also saiOB® Waldheim “caiegoricali' -■ was contacted to wort i 1 lot the Yugoslavs or the/ YESTERDAYS Daily Drink & Lunch Specials Billiards & Darts Near Luby's / House dress code 846-2625 Classified! w^vwvvvvsvvvwvvvvvv- The Battalion 845-2611 WISE ‘ MOVE " LAKE VIEW CLII 2 miles off the East By Pass on Tabor Road BY OB Bring your canned Beer in your own ice chest; This Saturday & Every Saturday DJ Playing Your Favorite Country & Rock -jm All ages welcome f/ SMILE FOR YOUR FAMILY’S GENERAL DENTAL CARE $ 29 00 CLEANING, EXAM & X-RAYS *Call For Appointment • Dental Insurance Accepted • Emergency Walk Ins Welcome • Evening Appointments Available • Nitrous Oxide Available • Complete Family Dental Care • On Shuttle Bus Route (Anderson Bus) .t.. /■* w (Miiuersuri ousj CarePlus^rii MEDICAL/DENTAL CENTER 696-9578 nor. I n n q , 1712 S.W. Parkway M-F 10 a.m.-8 p.m. . • • • ( across from Kroger Center) Sat. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.