Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1986)
Battalion Classifieds NOTIC€ FOR R€NT Courtesy of S.W.A.M.P., the underground October issue of THE SCANNAPIECAN TIMES will be available October 31 in the MSC and maybe Blocker for only 500. Will also be available at Music Express & On The Double. 1 & 2 Bdtm. Furnished Apts. North (iate C.S. 1st street. A/C, no pets. (1) H25-27h 1. 189tf n S€RVIC€S * STUDENT DIRECTORIES ARE NOW AVAILABLE !!! * Bring your Fall 86 Fee Slip to Rm. 230 in the Reed McDonald Bldg, between 8-5. 43/tm NEW GAYLINE NUMBER 846-6051 M-F 6:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m. Peer counseling, Info, Roomate Referrals 42110/29 TYPING: Accurate, Fast, Reliable. Word Processing. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 43U0/30 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING - Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana - 764- 2772. 43tl 1/11 Editmg/Prtmt reading. Dissertations, theses, all longer manuscripts. 1..L. Carlisle - 696-3657. 39tl 1/26 DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISMISSAL, YOU'LL LOVEOL'R FUN CLASS! 693-1322.35t 12/17 STUDENT TYPING - 20 YEARS experience. Fast, accurate, reasonable, guaranteed. 693-8537. 41ll2/17 S€RVIC€S Scholarship and ip ant information. 696-8559. 4 1110/31 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 tset Avoid tuition increase, effective Nov. 1. If von plan to take a Kaplan Course soon, come by out office at 707 Texas Ave. Suite 221-B and enroll at current rates. A $50. deposit will hold youi place. 40t 10/30 MISCCILRNCOUS John Lyons Horse l raining Clinic. Brazos County Ro deo Arena. Nov. 1-4. For info, call Jana - 589-3026. Donna - 779-8659. 39tll/3 F.xpeit Tvping. Word Processing, Resumes. From SI .35 pet page. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. lOtl 1/26 PRO! FSSORS EXAM I ICES lot Engineeiing. < hem- »sti\. Calculus. Plnsics at Cnivcisiu Bookstore X. Eon- |"»iV 3t I 1/1 WORD PROCESS INC: l)i m lipts, ii*|mmIs. tci m pap<■ i > itions. theses, r lines. 7(>4-66l4 FOR Sfil€ 84 Yam.ill.i Virago 700. Black, excellent condition. Must sell cheap. 696-6457. 43t 10/31 Apple He: 64 K, 2 disk drives, monitor, $750. Call 776- 1305.7:30-10 p.m. 43tll/4 IVN Lin m l l urbo-PC. 1*( VF compatible. 4.77MHz ■ >r 8M11/ st. in liable. 640KB RAM, 2 360KB drives, 2 printer ports, 2 serial ports, clock/calendar, AT-slyle kes board, excellent graphic card. Princeton Max 12 monitor, modem. S1.900. luan, 696-0588. 43ill/4 PRO P Mi I x. ..521 S. Texas. Hi van. 846-6666. Turbo Mullins. 39.95. Ilradcts. $49.95. Wheels, liies. and llolli Cat Inn elms. 29tl0/29 Yamaha Jog Scooter. Brand new. never been driven. Cheat deal onlv $600. Call 846-7607 for more informa tion. 4 It 10/29 New Louis Yuitlon purse. Paid $230, sell 096-1422. or SI 15. 4 1110/3! Kawisaki Ninja - 600 R. 1986. Blue, 2,000 miles with extras. Call 846-8823. 39lll/5 LOOK! A free program, No purchase require. Comparables from $595. Computers, Etc. 693 d! LB M -7599. 4 Ot 10/30 1977 Rabbit. Good school car. Must sell. C 764-7373. all Tony, 42t 10/31 ULIRNT6D i Attest BP trrrs 'ffT-. INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. Hr G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 119/30 Students who love books. We have an opportunity that is a natural for you- Contact Otto B. Meisner, Box 320, Chicago, II. 60690. 40t 10/30 HELP UURNT6D THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours delivering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allowance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. 38tufn Earn $480. weekly - $60. per hundred envelopes stuffed. Guaranteed. Homeworkers needed for com pany project stuffing envelopes and assembling materi als. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope to JBK- Mailco, P.O. Box 25-24 Castaic, California 91310. 37t 10/31 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $16,040 - $59,230/yr. Now Hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34t 12/16 WANT ED: Electronic technician to repair audio am plifiers. Must be competent. Call Lange Music. 822- 2334. 40t 10/30 NOTICE COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID Scholarships... Fellowships Grants... Loans.. .Awards For an application send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Student Assistance Dept. 35 El Dorado Drive Friendswood, Tx. 77546 College seniors and graduate students not eligible INY ADS. BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. >o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. Market posts moderate gains after late sales Warped by Scott McCub NEW YORK (AP) — The stock market weathered some late selling to post a moderate gain for the sec ond straight session Tuesday. The Dow Jones average of 30 in dustrials, up about 15 points at its midsession high, closed with a 3.65- point advance at 1,845.47. The aver age rose 9.56 on Monday. 660C>LOk& LOOK AT H PAUL. HEY. 100 Voo KNOW, ALL Of j SUDDEW m s\m Volume on the New York Stock Exchange came to 145.87 million shares, against 133.24 million the day before. The market has been moving er ratically upward for the past several weeks, recovering some of the ground it lost in its early-September selloff. Analysts say there has been no dominant theme or groups in the advance. But many individual issues have responded briskly to news or rumors of impending takeovers or corporate restructuring moves and better- than-expected third-quarter earn ings reports have stirred interest in a variety of issues. Battalion Classified LOST HND FOUND LOST'. White Letter Sweater with ATM Student Govt. Senator 80-81, after Rice Game at Party on Cherry and Nagle. REWARD! Robert, 693-9701. 43tl 1/4 $100 reward for trombone lost near east Kyle during Tech game. No questions asked. T odd 846-7443. 35t 10/30 845-2611 Cancer Institute plan seeks to halve death rate by 2000 Man calls cruelty claim ‘exaggerate! I. Miami, 2PennS 3. Michig 4,0klahc 5. Auburn 6. Washir 7. Arizopa 8. Alaban 9. Nebias 10. Texas II. lowo 12. LSU 13. Arkan 14 Arizon 15. UCLA 16. N. Car 17. OhioS 18. S. Calif 19. Mississ 20. boride WASHINGTON (AP) —The Na tional Cancer Institute said Tuesday that the aggressive use of existing knowledge could cut the annual can cer death rate in half by the year 2000. The institute released a plan — combining cancer prevention, screening, early detection and treat ment — that it said could produce dramatic results by the turn of the century if it were adopted as a na tional goal. “Knowledge gained over the years can be used to control a significant portion of the disease which was re sponsible for an estimated 462,000 deaths in 1985,” said Dr. Vincent T. DeVita, director of the institute. Detailed in a new report entitled “Cancer Control Objectives for the Nation: 1985-2000,” the plan calls for stepped-up efforts against ciga rette smoking and poor diet and ear lier use of the latest diagnostic and treatment techniques. Dr. Edward Sondik, an NCI offi cial who helped analyze and edit the report, stressed the point that the time to fight cancer is now. “The thing that we are addressing with this report is that you can do something about cancer now without waiting for some research break throughs,” he said. “Research is important and we stress that,” he said. “The projec tions we have on reducing cancer death rely to a great extent on the products of past and future re search. “But we think there has been a sense that cancer is a problem we can’t get a hold of, that we as individ uals can’t do much about it and that just isn’t true.” The strategy, developed to meet national disease prevention objec tives established by the Department of Health and Human Services, would require cooperation from the public, industry, health professions, news media and government to suc ceed, DeVita said. Among other things, it calls for in dustry to increase health promotion in the workplace and the news media to better spread information about cancer prevention and control. The national mortality rate from cancer in 1980, based on the latest available data, was 183 deaths per 100,000 persons annually. This figure could be cut by as much as 50 percent in 15^. years by using the prevention and treatment knowledge already available, NCI officials said. Sondik said in an interview that there is no estimate of how much the expanded anticancer effort would cost. “We have not done a detailed budget, . . . but once one under stands what can be done, then they can determine how to do it," Sondik said. He noted that 30 percent of can cer deaths are due directly to smok ing, but that the public doesn’t fully understand how much can lie gained just by stopping this practice. The report said 54 million, or 36 percent of adults, smoke daily and that this number has to be reduced to less than 15 percent to cut the in- Brian Watson, 42. AX.M a cidence of smoking-reia ted cancers owned and operated ikit ball fiel by the year 2000. Coast Camel Co. in Esses!« 9, but a It noted that while in ile smoking years, is charm! rntb a ova) at was dropping, women w ere picking foi the up the habit and female lung cancer ke\ s and a camel taken hr : of Chai rates may exceed those of men by bv the Animal RescueLti. 1 The the turn of the century. Boston. will be The plan recommend rd that peo- League officials savuup races h pie reduce the amount o F fat in their of the Essex farm found:: Terry 1 diets to less than 30 percent of total tarv conditions. cramped:it nei of calories and up the dail v consump- and sick and dyinganim' pious, tion of fiber by eating more fresh “This is the worst on Hon. R. fruits, grains and vegetables. cruelty I’ve seen in mv I: j with the league, said Mi: It also called for raising irom 15 Bryant, the league’s prosed percent to 80 percent the number of women aged 50 to 70 who undergo annual breast physical exams com bined with X-ray mammography. This could reduce breast cancer mortality by 30 percent in this group, it said. The report prescribed an increase from 79 percent to 90 percent in the number of Pap smear tests given ev ery three years to detect cervical can cer in women 20 to 39 years old. This testing frequency should in crease from 5V percent to 80 percent in women in the 40 to 70 age group. BOSTON (AP) -.1 exhibitor charged withe ter officials seized two get s on a New Hampsl and an elephant in si sens parking lot saidli is the victim of fanatics. Ther “Som pretts slate officer trials were in and their quarters were have witnesses who hast beating the animals." But Watson said Ic rials and inspectors foi Department of Agnail some minor problems' and cobwebs’ and ble* of proportion. “It’s fanatical," he sa go to vour house and your dog tipped his * and sav you’re cruel. Ethiopia (Continued from page 1) trypanosomiasis se fly, cattle disease called spread by the tsetse fly, localized pest infestations, hailstorms and flooding, and the lack of good roads to get food to hungry people. drought-prone north to the more fertile south and west. In November 1984, the Marxist government began an ambitious program to resettle about 1.2 million people, moving them from the Berhanu said 600,000 people were resettled by late February 1986, when the program was sus pended — at least partly because of Western criticism that it was poorly planned and that thousands of peo ple, flown from the highlands to swampy lowlands, had died of ma laria and other diseases. The relief and rehabilitation com missioner dismissed the critics as po litically motivated and said the pro gram would continue after a period of “consolidation.” food aid delivered loEtl l>e accounted for. “We have saved thousands of lives,” Berhanu said of resettlement. Despite some Western allegations of food manipulation and diversion of aid to the army, the U.N. emergency office estimated 95 percent of all It was also asserted in that the famine was caused i a lack of incentives for! farmers, who consetjuem only what their familiesc laying aside no surpluses times, berhanu denied dm ine could be traced to tilt ment’s agricultural policies SPORT GLASSES BAUSCH & LOMB ($) 15% off Ray-Bans Brazos Proffesfonal Opticians . SUITE 21 1737 BRIARCREST DR. (409) 775-9111 746-8750 2 FOR 1 Special M&M VIDEO Limit 4 Movies MOVIE RENTALS TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY College Station (Kroger Shopping Center) SCHULMANTO" 2.50 ADMISSW 1. Any Show BeforeJPM 2. Tuesday - All Seals 3. Mon-Wed - LocalSludfS 1 Current ID’s. 4. Thurs. - KORA "OverM^S Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 Our 2 Bedroom Studios best kept secret in town! Rates starting at $325 East Gate Apartments 401 Lincoln Dr. East (409)696-7380 DENOTES DOLBYS'l ■KES 226 Southwest Pkwy * CROCODILE DUNDEE •COLOR OF MONEli v CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD s mil# Manor East Mall TRICK OR TREATi BLUE VELVET i TOUGH GUYSn M 11 lilFlfl 2002 E. 29th •TOP GUNk CODE NAME: WILD GEESE a KKYS 105 Preset $ DOLLARS; This Week's FeatufdJ STAND BY ME* RUTHLESS PEOPLE i ALIENS n BACK TO SCHOOL