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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1986)
Page 6AThe Battalion/Wednesday, October 22,1986 Battalion Classifieds S€RVIC€S SP€Cini NOTIC€ With Mary Kay Try Before You Buy So you never buy the wrong product or shade again. For a complimentary facial, call for an appointment. Inde pendent Beauty Consultant, M. Cyn thia Leigh 696-4200. 36110/24 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset fROI I SSORS KXAM I II.K.S lor Knnim-ci in K , C.luto- isti\, C.;thulm. Hnsus ;ti L’nivcisin l\t*nksioic iC- l.ou- jHtiV :mi 1/1 riano lessons in your home. Experienced teacher, rea sonable rates; must be near campus. Call Lisa 846- 7626. 35t 10/23 l .xpc'i i I vpin^. Word Processing, Resumes. From SI.33 pel page. PER I EC l PR1N 1.822-1430. 16ll 1/26 1 VPINC. UV WANDA. An sonahle tales. 600-1 I 13. length. Rea- 30110/23 WORD PR<)( ESSENC.: Disseitations. theses, mam sci i pis. i epoi Is. tei m pa pel s. resumes. 764-66 14. FOR R€NT 2 bdrin, 1 bath house. $250/month, w/d connection. 2 blocks from campus. 696-2883/days; 693-7404/eve nings. 38tl0/28 3 bdrm, 2 bath, on fenced 3 acres. Very nice. $5Q0/month & deposit. 822-3519. 38t 10/28 1-bdrm furnished apartment. Wish to sublet ASAP. $300/montli (neg.). Call 846-0515 Ask about # 1102. 36t 10/24 I & 2 Bdrm. Emnisbed Apts. North Cate C.S. 1st street. A/C. no pets. (1)825-2761. 189tfn FOR SRLC 1983 Honda Aero 50, Low mileage and runs great $300. 696-9389. 38t 10/27 LOOK! A FREE PROGRAM, NO PURCHASE RE QUIRED! IBM COMPATIBLES FROM $595. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. 3400/22 1981 Yamaha 650 Special It. $700 runs well. Great for campus. 693-2584 mornings/cveing*. 3600/24 1985 Honda Spree — Low Mileage -- Storage Area — Basket $400. 1-588-1460. 3600/24 White laquer Scandinavian bunkbed set $300, two matching white desks $200. two matching three- drawer chests $200, total set $600. 1-279-25075500/24 PRO PAR I S. 3521 S. Tc Mnf flcis. $9.95. I leadet I lullv Caihmelms. .as. Bi ran. 846-('>(i(><i. I'lulxi $49.95. Wheels. Piles, and 29t 10/29 IURNT6D INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 149/30 Need female roommate $112.50/mo. 822-3091. HELP WANTED THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours delivering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allowance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. 3-. f HEY AGS! Get Involved In Politics And Earn Money Too. Republican Candidate Needs Workers Nov. 1 - 4 Call 764-1986 for details. 38110/22 Eree: Bouvier des Elandres, Great guard dog. Very af fectionate. Call Catherine, leave message 696-4316. 36t 10/22 2-bdrm 1-bath. 35t 10/23 PERSONALS NOTICE A&M Winter Ski Weeks to Steamboat, Vail or Keystone with five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, mountain picnic, parties, ski race, more, from S142.! Hum, call Suneliasc* Tours for more information toll free 1-800-321-5911 TODAY! 21tl()/24 DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISMISSAL, YOU’LL LOVE OUR FUN CLASS! 693-1322.3502/17 SERVICES SOS WORD PROCESSING. Bold face, Greek symbols, Underlining, Equations, Boxes, Lines, and Taoles for your every need. Speed and Quality with our Word- perfect software and Letter Perfect printer. Chimney Hill Business Park, 268-2777. 10tl0/23 CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico, Bryan) 779-7662 KROY LETTERING HELP WANTED IMMEDIATELY to work ap proximately 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday assisting in presswork for The Battalion. Work is dirty, hut no experience required; $3.35/hour as student worker. If you’re interested, dependable and available during that time any of the days, call 845-2646 or stop in Room 230 Reed McDonald Building and check with Donjohnson. 38tufn Sell roses in nightclubs. Salary plus commission. 822- 7606 after 5 p.m. 38tl0/23 Daycare Workers part-time and substitutes. Apply at 3404 Cavitt. Bryan. 3 - 5 p.rn. M-F. No phone calls please. 36t 10/24 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $ 16,040 - $59,230/vr. Now Hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34tl2/16 Salesperson wanted: to sell t-shirts and party favors. Call or write to Bill; 4027 Guadalupe; Austin, TX 78751.(512)452-8495. 37tl0/28 Earn $480. weekly - $60. per hundred envelopes stuffed. Guaranteed. 1 lomeworkers needed for com pany project stuffing envelopes and assembling materi als. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope to JBK- Mailco, P C). Box 25-24 Castaic, California 91310. 37t 10/31 Happy 2nd Anniversary Ken Ray! You’re the most wonderful man 1 know and I’ll love you always, Your Kimber Ann. 38110/22 LOST AND FOUND LOST—5 '/i in. computer diskette labeled ‘The GMAT Course Master Disk.' Call Bill 845-4714. 34U0/22 $ 100 lech reward lor trombone lost near east Kyle during game. No questions asked. Todd 846-7443. 35t 10/30 Reports • Flyers • Charts kinko's 201 College Main 846-8721 STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN THE BATTALION!! World and Nation OPEC agrees to restrict production through ’86 GENEVA (AP) — OPEC ended the longest meeting in its history Wednesday with an agreement to re strain oil production through the end of the year, officials said. James Audu, the organization’s official spokesman, disclosed the accord and said details would be an nounced at a news conference. Late Tuesday, two OPEC oil min isters had said that the cartel had clinched a new agreement on pro duction controls aimed at prevent ing another drop in prices. “Everybody’s agreed,” said Ali Khalifa al-Sabah, the oil minister of Kuwait. Asked by reporters if the agreement was final, he said only, “Yes.” Libyan Oil Minister Fawzi Shakshuki confirmed that the deal had been completed and said the new OPEC production ceiling for the two months beginning Nov. 1 would be 15 million barrels daily for 12 of the 13 members, up by 200,000 barrels daily from current levels. The deal expires Dec. 31, he said. Shakshuki said Iraq was excluded from the accord and was free to pro duce as much as it wished. It cur rently pumps 2 million barrels a day. Neither minister would say more. Audu said the oil ministers were holding a final session to formally sign the accord. The agreement capped more than two weeks of debate within the frac tious 13-member Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the once-mighty cartel that dictated prices in the 1970s but later became embroiled in a production war that glutted world markets and drove prices down. Analysts said the latest agreement, which extends a temporary pact reached Sept. 1, was unlikely to pro duce a significant rise in world oil prices or in retail prices for gasoline and other oil products. The current accord expires Oct. 31. Kuwait’s demand for a bigger share of OPEC’s overall production prolonged the negotiations. After 24 hours of nearly contin uous backroom bargaining, includ ing contacts between some OPEC heads of state, the ministers pro duced a series of proposals that sources said had broken a kev log jam which centered on Kuwait’s de mand for a 10 percent increase in its production quota. 30 killed as Soviets bomb village near Afghan capital ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Soviet artillery bombarded a village near the Afghanistan capital of Ka bul in reprisal for guerrilla attacks, killing 30 people, Western diplo matic sources reported Tuesday. The sources, who spoke on condi tion they not be identified, said the shelling happened Oct. 14 at the vil lage of Farza in the Shomali region where Moslem guerrilla land mines had destroyed nine tanks and other military vehicles. The sources said they did not know if the dead were civilians or guerrillas. The guerrillas also were mount ing operations in the Paghman re gion to the northwest of Kabul, and there was heavy fighting this month around three key villages, the sources said. Guerrilla forces were sending 20-man teams to attack the capital and its outlying defenses, they said. These sources reported heavy fighting around Kabul in the past two months with frequent guerrilla rocket and mortar attacks on the city. Guerrilla commanders said they are mounting their biggest offensive against Kabul in three years. Afghan army forces have been bolstering defenses, and at least 30 new security posts have been con structed in Paghman in recent weeks, the sources said. The posts apparently are intended to form a defense line to hold the region dur ing the winter, they said. Helicopter gunships were seen bombarding hills near Qarga Lake near Paghman last Friday, and the Afghan army appeared to still be suffering heavy losses, the diplo matic sources said. An Afghan who called to a Kabul hospital to identify a relative killed in the fighting re ported seeing 22 bodies, they said. Western sources reported last week that about 15 Afghan soldiers were killed daily in the fighting in the Paghman and Shomali regions. Soviet forces had lighlet losses lie- cause thev were confined mainly to support roles sucl It at < providing arti lery fire, they saic I. The source ?s a I Iso said an aircra crashed at Ka bul Ait •port on Sunda after an explc jsio n. I he crew bade out safely l>ef< ire i the aircraft crashe to the ground . the ry s aid. But Soviet sole iiet *s rushed up t the wreckage an d i mmediately lx gan searching lot r sc nnething in th rear portion. . A "I >lac k box was the seen descend ing by tvi i if #• an |J.tI«UllUU dll was quickly m ishe d a way by the Sov ets after it landed, they said. The Western sources said the ai craft apparently crashed because i technical problems, but thev had r information or speculation on wh the black box might have been. The guerrillas are fighting to ou the Communist government, whit is supported by Soviet forces. Tape fails to answer questions about crash WASHINGTON (AP)-Art cording of cockpit conversation provided no indication that tit pilot of a Mexican airliner tk collided with a small plane tin Los Angeles last Augustevera the smaller aircraft, a feder. safety investigator saidTuesdat But National Transportatic Safety Board member job haulier also said the tape has^ in it because of crash damage. “There’s no indication (intb tape recording) that they saw thing (unusual) at all." Lank said. But he said because ofib tape damage, the board anr. determine definitely whether! pilots might 1 tave momeniari been aware of the other airenfti single-engine Piper PA-28. transcripts of the cockpit vok recorder tape, information fra the Aerontexico DC-9’s Ife data recorder and other dot ments f rom the investigation;:: the Ealior Day weekendacckfe are to lie made public bt tb lioai d late next week. haulier headed the MSB:: vestigation into the Aug.30 sion over Cerritos, Calif which at least 82 people »e killed, including all 64 aboard! jetliner and three in the Pijt plane. At least 15 peoples killed on the ground when! jetliner fell into a reside:, neighborhood. t he small, private plane# without authorization into:: st ricted airspace and collidedk the jetliner at about 6,5U0fe> the Mexican plane was making approach to Los AngelesIntm tional Airport. Investigators had said p vioush that the small plans: parentlv struck the tail seen the DC-9, severing the pn: horizontal stabilizer, win: which a plane cannot be a trolled. West German chancellor visits U.S. Reagan pledges ‘strong’ accord WASHINGTON (AP) — President Reagan, expressing confidence the United States and the Soviet Union will reach an arms agreement, pledged Tuesday during a visit by West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl that the accord will be based on allied strength and not weakness or tim idity. Reagan greeted Kohl at an elaborate welcom ing ceremony on the White House South Lawn, and both said that Reagan’s meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in Iceland provided the basis for further nuclear arms reduction talks. “There is ample reason for optimism,” Reagan said of the Iceland talks that failed to yield any breakthrough toward an arms agreements. Reagan said any future agreement with the So viets would be based not on trust alone but on the strength shown by the United States and its allies. “When the next agreement is finally reached with the Soviet Union — and I say when, not if — it will not be the result of weakness or timidity on _ the part of Western nations,” Reagan promised. “It will flow from our strength, realism and unity.” Kohl has said he would oppose any agreement that would leave Europe vulnerable to the over whelmingly superior conventional forces of the Soviet bloc. He also said any agreement reached by the su perpowers must include provisions for the secu rity of the West. While Gorbachev seemed interested in im proved East-West ties, Kohl said, only continued negotiations will produce results. German sources who asked not to be identified said late Tuesday that Kohl had told Reagan in pt ivate that cuts of more than 50 percent in long- range nuclear arms would endanger Western Europe unless agreement also was reached to re duce conventional forces. In a speech to the American Stock Exchange’s conference for international investors, Kenneth Adelman, director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, said that ".. .since: we have relied tin nuclear weapons toprrt; conventional attack by the Soviets into feci Europe. . . . That kind of imbalance wouUk to he coi ret ted before we vastly reduceihdt am eon nuclear weapons.” Reagan contended that his proposed f based missile defense system, popularly her “Stai Wars,” made an arms agreemem; likely. I le reiterated his p involvement in the te Defense Initiative. i utilise to allow the5® c hnology for the te: rite superpowers had tentatively agreed! away with NATO’s medium-range misste the SS-20s that the Soviets have aimed at fee Europe, but the talks foundered on Gortud: insistence that the cuts be linked tocurbstuk gait’s Strategic Defense Initiative orStaik plan. m Traditions Council Sponsors SWITCH OFF for the kickoff Ladies choice Weekend Oct 25th TEXAS A&M vs. Rice Routineers are on sale in the MSC all week LADIES SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE! GQ T 11 X . /STUDENT VERNMENT VS A AM UNIX H S 1 T 5 BEAT THE HELL OUTA RICE