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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1986)
Battalion Classifieds Page 8/The Battalion/Wednesday, October 8, 1986 NOTIC€ THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers and/or sales solicitor posi tions. Carrier positions require working early morning hours deliv ering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allow ance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Ju lian at 693-2323 for an appoint ment. ««;♦*. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! There’s not much time left to pick up your ’84-’85 Aggieland. 8:30 - 4:30, M - F, in the English Annex. Bring an I.D. or Driver’s License. 24tfn Pairanella’s Resale Furniture Sc Etc. Bed's, dinettes, couches, odd chairs, f rame pictures 8c draperies. 141 1 San Jacinto. 822-4716 or 822-0226. 25t 10/tfn A&.M Winter Ski Weeks to Steamboat, Vail or Keystone with five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, mountain picnic, parties, ski race, more, from $142 ! Hurry, call Sunchase Tours for more information toll free 1-800-321-5911 TODAY! 21tl0/24 FOR R€NT 1 8c 2 Bdrm. Furnished Apts. North Gate C.S. 1st street. A/C, no pets. (1) 825-2761. 189tfn scRvices ON THE DOUBLE All k . i ! typing at reasonable rates. Dis- sei rations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset With Mary Kay Try Before You Buy So you never buy the wrong product or shade again. For a complimentary facial, call for an appointment. Independent Beauty Consultant, M. Cynthia Leigh, 696-4200. 27110/13 Word Processing. $1.25 per page, discount for large jobs. Call 693-5541 after 5. 24t 10/8 TYPING: Amiratt’. I ;isi. Riliiihk-. Word I’nicossinj'. 7 <l;t\s .1 week, 776-4013. 28H0/9 TYPING BY WANDA. Any kind, any length. Rea sonable rates. 690-1113. 20t 10/9 TYPING, Word Processing, Bank Statements Bal anced. 696-4446. 26tl0/14 Chaparral Specialties Auto and Transmission Repair. Quality work, reasonable prices. 823-2886. 600 Wash ington St., Bryan. 26tl0/10 PROFESSORS EXAM FILES for Engineering, Chem istry. Calculus, Physics at University Bookstore 8c Lou- pot’s. * 3tl 1/4 Help Available - Engrg. Mechanics, Thermo, Math. 846-3147/272-8889. 26t 10/10 Expert Tvping, Word Processing, Resumes. From $1.35 per page. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. 16tll/26 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614.9t 10/8 SOS WORD PROCESSING. Bold face, Greek symbols, Underlining, Equations, Boxes, Lines, and Tables for your every need. Speed and Quality with our Word- perfect software and Letter Perfect printer. Chimney Hit! Business Park, 268-2777. 10tlO/23 UJANT6D INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 i t 9/3o Guitar Teacher. Part time for theory and technique on accoustic and electric. Keyboard Center, 764-0006 for appointment. 23t 11/11 HELP UURNTED WANTED: Advertising or Marketing Major For Business Project. 693-0520 GOVERNMENT JOBS. #16.040- $39.230/>t. Now hiring. C all 805-687-6000 ext. R-9331 for current fed eral list. 194110/15 I lomewoi ket s warned now! —lop Pay— Work at I lome— ('.all Gotlage 1 ndusti ies - (409)360-4062 dav or evening. 28t 10/21 Piper\ Gulf now accepting part-time job applications. Apph at Texsis Avenue and L'nivorsitv. 28t 10/1.7 Full time typist needed. Experience in Word Proc essing. Evenings. 846-3755. 25tl0/16 HELP UURNT6D BURGER KING Now Hiring Days or Nights •Flexible Hours •Excellent Training Program •Opportunity For Advancement Apply 1719 Texas Ave. Culpepper Plaza College Station No Phone Calls Please, EOE M/F/V 2511 Student couple to man age 20 unit apartment complex, 3 blocks from campus. Apt. plus salary. 696-7414 27110/13 OFFICIALS WAN FED: Anyone interested in officiat ing Intramural Flickerball should attend a training meeting on Wed., Oct. 8 at 5 P.M. in 167 Read. 27tl0/8 OFFICIALS WANTED: Anyone interested in officiat ing Intramural Volleyball should attend a training meeting on Wed., Oct 8 at 6:30 P.M. in 164 Read. 27t 10/8 LOST AND FOUND Gold Lions-Head Ring Iosl W'orth more to me than to you. Please call 696-8983. 1 26t 10/10 REWARD! Lost Chocolate point male Siamese. Aeroflt Area, 845-0304, 775-5475. 27tlO/13 FOR SALE Must Sale Moving: ARC CIIOVV-8 nios. Old-Blond House Tiained-Kemale-Had Shots Good Matured SMIO. 8:00-1:00 Call 843-8101 Altel 4:00 846-3821 Ask lot TKRI 29t3 Honda Interceptor 700, '85, 1800 miles, $2750. or best offer. 696-6225. 26U0/10 1982 Honda CB 900 Custom. Good condition, must sell, $1500.. will negotiate. 693-2833. 25H0/9 '84 Honda Aero-125. 1300 miles. Mint condition. Red. $800,693-0882. 27t 10/10 Honda Accord LX, 1985. 18,000 miles, $8,000. or best offer. PJ at 776-0614 or 845-7826. 23U0/9 PREGNANT? Child Placement Center offers free counseling to help you cope with your unplanned preg- yjiancy. Call 696-5577 SPORT ►A* SUN GLASSES BAUSCH & loivib (y) 15% off Ray-Bans Brazos Proffesional Opticians . SUITE 21 1737 BRIARCREST DR. (409) 775-9111 SCHULMAN THEATRES 2.50 ADMISSION 1. Any Show Before 3 PM 2. Tuesday - All Seats 3. Mon-Wed - Local Students With Current ID’s. 4. Thurs. - KORA “Over 30 Nile” •DENOTES DOLBY STEREO PLAZA 3 226 Southwest Pkwy 693-2457 CR0CIDILE DUNDEE pg is TOP GUN ra EXTREMITIES r MANOR EAST 3 Manor East Mall 823-8300 RUTHLESS PEOPLE a STAND BY ME r TOUGH GUYS rs SCHULMAN 6 2002 E. 29th 775-2463 'LINK i FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR ps KKYS 105 Presents $ DOLLAR DAYS $ This Week’s Features Are: KARATE KID II pa NOTHING IN COMMON pa-ia 7:20 9:45 FERRIS BUELLERS DAY OFF pa OUT OF BOUNDS r 7:25 9:55 World and Nation Reagan says success at summit depends on government unity WASHINGTON (AP) — President Reagan appealed to Congress on Tuesday to erase tough restrictions on his nuclear weapons program, ar guing that his weekend summit with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev “can only succeed if our government is united.” Two days before flying to Iceland, Reagan summoned Democratic and Republican congres sional leaders to a White House breakfast to make a special appeal for lifting House-passed barriers to his arms buildup. “It is exceedingly difficult for me to enter into discussions with the Soviets when legislative re strictions apply to the very areas that are under negotiations with the Soviets,” Reagan told the lawmakers. “I ask you not to tie my hands,” he said. “Don’t undermine my negotiating position. Each of you is key to any chance we have of proceeding with a united government. I appreciate very much your efforts to help make this trip a success.” Reagan’s comments were relayed to reporters by Larry Speakes, his chief spokesman. The House has approved a budget measure that would ban nuclear tests, prohibit testing of anti-satellite weapons, require adherence to the SALT II treaty, freeze funding for Star Wars de fense and block production of binary chemical weapons. A Senate version of the bill contains no such restrictions. “I believe very strongly that a meeting of this kind can only succeed if our government is united,” Reagan said. “I cannot stress the impor tance of this enough. I need your bipartisan sup port. On occasions in the past, where it was clearly in the national interest to unite, we have done so. I have every confidence that we will do so again on this occasion.” House Majority Leader Jim Wright, D-Tee offered to put off further action on theresirs lions until after die Iceland meeting and the rtf ular summit expected to follow later this year. Speakes said Wright’s proposal for delayia any decision was discussed but indicated tl White 1 louse wants the issue resolved now. Reagan would like Congress to passaspeni ing bill for the entire year with appropriate ing levels on domestic and defense spendingtla would not have restrictions on the presidem policy-making abilities in SALT II, nucleartet mg and the other areas laid out, Speakes said. Meanwhile, Secretary of State George i Shultz said the summit should give additional® pulse and guidance for curbing medium-rangi nuclear missiles in Europe and Asia but tk reaching an agreement will not be easy. Committee fears some not emphasizing safety at NASA WASHINGTON (AP) — A con gressional committee said Tuesday that some people at NASA may still be pushing for an unrealistic num ber of space shuttle flights, jeopar dizing promotion of a safety-first program throughout the agency. And, the committee said, the space agency may not have the ex pertise to conduct the shuttle pro gram properly and does not yet un derstand how or why deficiencies in its testing program went undetected. “NASA management and the Congress must remember the les sons learned from the Challenger accident and never again set unrea sonable goals which stress the system beyond its safe functioning,” the House Science and Technology Committee said in a report on the Jan. 28 explosion that killed the shuttle’s crew of seven. Ed Campion, a spokesman for the National Aeronautics and Space Ad ministration, said officials would not comment until they had seen the re port. NASA has announced that it is aiming for the first post-Challenger liftoff Feb. 18, 1988 and that it will have five flights that year. The committee, which has over sight responsibility for NASA, said its role is different from the Rogers commission’s and that it disagreed with some of that panel’s findings. There was no disagreement with the immediate cause of the accident, a flawed joint in the righi booster rocket that allowed hot gases to es cape past O-ring seals, eating into the huge fuel tank and setting off the explosion. Information on the joint design and previous problems with the boosters had been presented to all levels of shuttle management, the committee said. And yet, the report added, NASA and booster maker Morton Thiokol Inc. failed to un derstand or fully accept the serious ness of the problem. “There was no sense of urgency on their part to correct the design flaws in the SRB (solid rocket booster),” the report said. “No one suggested grounding the fleet, nor did NASA embark on a concerted effort to remedy the deficiencies in O-ring performance. Rather NASA chose to continue to fly with a flawed design and to follow a measured. 27- month, corrective program.” The committee also said: • It is concerned that the main shuttle engines “may have inade quate safety margins” and have per sistent operating problems. The en gines should not he operated at 109 percent of their rated power, as in past flights, hut should be restricted to 104 percent. • New system specifications are needed to overcome inadequacies ol the shuttle’s landing gear, tire, wheel, brake and nose-wheel steer ing systems. • Until NASA understands the deficiencies in its solid rocket motor testing, it “will not be able to protect against a similar breakdown in its system of checks and balances in the future.” • The agency should consider moving its heaviest shuttle payloads to expendable rockets. Five arrested in attempt on Gandhi's 1 NEW DELHI, India (AP)- Five men from Sikh-dominated Punjab state have been arrested in connection with theauemptto assassinate Prime Minister Rajn Gandhi, the United Newsoflti- dia reported T uesday. It quoted Punjab poiiceassat- ing four of the men were frou the Sangrur district of southern Punjab, where Sikh extremist are lighting for an independent homeland, and the fifth wasi Siklt priest from the Atnrttsu area. Officials at the Central Bureaa of Investigation, which has been given responsibility for the case declined commment on the UNI report. A lone gunman fired at Gan dhi, 42, Thursday as hewasleav- ing a Hindu prayer meeting in New Delhi. Tne prime minisiei was not injured. f YESTERDAYS Daily Drink & Lunch Specials Billiards & Darts Near Luby’s / House dress code 846-2625 If You’ve Never Heard Of It, Ask Your Folks. 4r MSC Recreational Committee Organizational Meeting Wednesday, October 8, 7:30 p.m. 704A Rudder Tower for information, call 845-1515 If They Won’t Tell Yoti About It, Then You Know It Must Be Great. Purple Passion. Out of the bathtub, into the can, and onto the shelves of your favorite store. Discover it for yourself. Bottled for World Wide Distilled Products Company By Beverage Concepts, St Louts. Mo 63108 15 Proof 6-pack cans Mountain Dew Pepsi, Diet or Reg. Manderin Orange Slice, Diet or Reg. Cherry Cola Slice, Diet or Reg. Apple Slice, Diet or Reg. Lemon-Lime Slice, Diet or Reg. Sale ends October 14 4’S jggg PtPSFCOU ifA. isr/ ./A J> V #V