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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1986)
MSC Camera Committee General Meeting Monday, Oct. 6,1986 in Rudder (see video display in Rudder for room number.) Everyone Welcome 1 CO-OP CAREER FAIR Monday, October 6, 1986, the employers listed be low will be on campus participating in the Co-op Ca reer Fair.The Career Fair will be held in the Lobby of Zachry Engineering Center. These employers will primarily be interested in hiring co-op students, but if you are interested in either summer or full-time em ployment, please feel free to come by. The Co-op Career Fair will be held between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm with a lunch break from 11:45 to 12:30. 3M Central Intelligence Agency Dow Chemical USA General Dynamics Houston Lighting & Power IBM-Clear Lake IBM-Las Colinas Jet Propulsion Laboratories Johnson Controls LTV Aerospace & Defense MCI Telecommunications National Security Agency Rockwell International-Dallas Texas Instruments-Austin Texas Instruments-Dallas Union Carbide Rockwell Shuttle Operations- Houston Careers vs. Jobs If you just spent four years getting a college degree, you're looking for more than a Job. we’re offering careers with the Kinney Shoe Corporation.® We don't Just talk about promoting entry level people to management. For those who have a true entrepreneurial spirit, we do it. And reward them accordingly. The opportunity to move up quickly, to manage your own store-and-more-is real, whether you start out at Foot Locker®, Kinney Shoes®, Lady Foot Locker® or Susie's.® Kinney representatives will be on campus October 9th. Check with the Placement Office for details. KINNEY SHOE CORPORATION ® An Equal opportunity Employer J TANNING 10 sessions 764-0549 Page 4/The Battalion/Monday, October 6, 1986 12 honored by Aggie Democrats By Elaine Gray Reporter The atmosphere was cheerful and the laughter was loud at Rudder Tower Saturday when the Aggie Democrats hosted a reception for several of the group’s outstanding alumni. Twelve people were chosen as the first members of the Aggie Demo crat Alumni Association. Chris Efird, Aggie Democrats’ president, said the association is a support group which supplies valu able resources to the organization. “These people have information and connections that we as students just do not have,” Efird said. Eight of those honored attended Texas A&M: state senators Kent Ca- perton, Chet Edwards and John Sharp; state Rep. Rick Perry; Texas Land Commissioner Garry Mauro; ustice C.L. Ray and attorneys Greg aughlin and Don Mauro. Others chosen were Pete Geren, who is campaigning for the 6th Con gressional District seat, state Rep. Clint Hackney, College Station Unit- edbank Chairman Calvin Guest and former state Rep. Neeley Lewis. Efird said that while most of the people chosen did attend A&M, it wasn’t necessarily a factor. “The people we chose are ded icated to the idea of the Democratic Party and want to help keep an Ag gie organization going,” he said. Although he stressed financial support as an important factor, Efird said the people chosen also bring insight that the Aggie Demo crats need from the community to the campus. Efird said he hopes the association will show that the Aggie Democrats no longer can be taken lightly. “We haven’t had the experience, the ideas, or the money," Efird said. “Now we can make our presence be known.” Carolyn Foster, vice president of programs for the Aggie Democrats, said the 12 were chosen from a group of about 50 Democrats di rectly involved in politics. t Aggie Parents of the Year honored at football game By Lesley Mann Reporter Joan Heye got a big surprise last April when they came to Texas A&M for Parents’ Weekend. They were named Aggie Parents of the Year. Saturday afternoon, in a brief ceremony before the football f ;ame, the Heyes were honored or this distinction. The Heyes said that being named Parents of the Year came as a big shock. The Heyes have four children. Three currently are attending A&M, and one son, Bill, grad uated from A&M in 1983. Pat, Kathy and John Heye decided last spring to nominate their par ents for the award. “We decided to do it because we thought they deserved the rec ognition,” Pat said. “They had put a lot of effort into supporting their kids through college, and we wanted people to know about it. “It was our way of paying them back.” The Heyes live in Richardson, where Mr. Heye is vice president and general manager of AirBorn Connectors, Inc., and Mrs. Heye is a part-time substitute secretary for the school district. “Being with the young men and women here at school and getting to know them better is my favorite thing about being at A&M,” Mr. Heye said. “There is a certain wholeness, maturity and responsibility among the students here. “Our involvement is at its peak while the kids are here. But it will o i Photo by GregBiikf Renee Dix, chairman of the Parents Weekend committee, preiento William B. “Bill” and Joan Heye with a plaque honoring them u Aggie Parents of the Year. continue even after they’re gone.” Mrs. Heye said, “A&M has given us a lot more than we’ve given them, so anytime they call on us, we’ll help.” Mr. Heye is a founding mem ber of the Corps Development Council, and serves on itiet# utive committee. He was a speaker at Muster in 1982 us has led a roundtable at the fe dent Conference on National.l 1 fairs. Mrs. Heye is secretanjl the Dallas A&M Mothers' Cm and has been an official obsenr) of SCON A for two yean, Loeffler files to divorce wife of 16 years SAN ANTONIO (AP) — When U.S. Rep. Tom Loeffler gave up a seat in Congress to run for gover nor, he said much of the reason was that he wanted to spend more time with his family in Texas. But little more than a year after disclosing his decision to give up his position as the third-ranking Repub lican in the U.S. House, Loeffler is divorcing his wife of 16 years, the San Antonio Light reported Sunday. Loeffler filed for divorce in Ker- rville Sept. 18 because the “marriage has become insupportable," hiiilj vorce petition states. Not long after Loeffler loii i gubernatorial primary, ruus about a possible divorce surfacri San Antonio. QEVGY DAVID R. DOSS, MD, FACOG G. MARK MONTGOMERY, MD, FACOG and Lucy Bonnlngton, PA-C announce the association of RANDYW. SMITH, MD in the practice of obstetrics, gynecology Associates 1701 Briarcrest, Suite 100 Bryan, Texas 77802 776-5602 Florida, Mobel, Benchcraft, S-K, Shelby, Stylecraft, Hyundai, Kay Twin or Full Size Bedding $49 95 Ea. Pc. Misc. Sofas, Love Seats, Chairs From Table Lamps $095 5 Piece Dinette |95 ODD & ENDS Cocktail, End & Sofa Tables From *29 95 $99 4 Drawer Chest 95 199 Bargain $69 Furniture Clearance Center “Where Every Day Is A Sale Day!” •Discontinued Items •Freight Damaged Pieces •Dents & Scratches •One Of A Kinds •Factory Close-outs & Used Furniture 211 N. Main Downtown Bryan Open Monday-Saturday 9 s.m.-6 p.m. Bassett, Broyhill, Riverside, Berkllne, Lane, Universal, Pulaski Love the way you look. Think of your face as a picture, and you’ll realize just how important the frame can be. That s why Texas State Optical stocks the most contempo rary', fashionable styles in eyewear today. Frames from designers like Pierre Cardin, Bill Blass, Sophia Loren, Givenchy and others. With lenses precisely matched to your doctor’s prescription. And in-store stylists to help you select the look that’s best for you. Fine eyewear from Texas State Optical. Because every picture tells a story. i TEXAS STATt <MTlOAl 214 X. Main Brvan 779-2786 So much R>r so little Post Oak Mall College Station 764-0010 Freshman Elections ^ Tuesday, Oct. 7 Polling Places: MSC In front of Library In front of Sbisa (A1 Lounge near Hughes and Fowler if raining) The Battalion 845-2611 IBj ■7/ WISE '' MO/E