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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1986)
Thursday, September 25,1986/The Battaiion/Page 3 ■ IIHIIIII■III—W III l I I r- i i —I IT 'fcSjW State and Local )/sfs not always 'hideous strangers' Seminar probes date rape trauma By Elaine Gruy Reporter ipeakers at a date rape seminar in Hr Tower Thursday night told t roi|p of women they should for- the notion that rapists are always Hs strangers who lurk in the H at night — they are often H they know and trust. H seminar, sponsored by the Hment of Student Affairs, fo- Hon how a woman can protect H from date rape and what she H do if she becomes a victim. fM panel was made up of Linda H from the Brazos County pe Crisis Center, Sue Lucas, a se- ir staff member at the Student jHeling Service Center, and Dr. rltne Muehlenhard, an assistant rfessot of psychology at A&M. |u<?is pointed out the differences Hn stranger rape and date |{B*he sa *d v i ct * m s of date rape wHaally between 15 and 25 years victims ol stranger rape ”I ubMrtmtSix * i* .tlmost any age. She also said ^Hpe is unique because violent pis rarely used; instead, the rap- uses persuasion and manipulates Itrust that has been estaolished Epn himself and his date. |(uehlenhard said she had re ady conducted a survey of A&M debts’ attitudes toward rape. She From left, Linda Hosea, Dr. Charlene Muehlenhard and Sue Lucas; were panelists at a seminar on date rape held Wednesday night. ;sue^ wed to use the kd dates also should aern for the sad said the word “rape” wasn’t used on the questionnaire because many people don’t think of forced sex as actually being rape. The results show that men often don’t believe women when they say they don’t want to have sex, she said. “Double standards still exist,” Muehlenhard said. “Men feel women can’t admit it when they want sex so they force it out of them.” In a pamphlet distributed by the student affairs department, statistics further illustrated Muehlenhard’s point. An Auburn University survey reported that when women were asked if they had been raped, only 3 or 4 percent said yes. However, when they were asked if they had ever been forced to have sex against their will, 20 percent said yes. Lucas said victims often go through serious trauma. She said their reactions can be grouped into three phases. Stage one, known as the Immediate Stage, is character ized by the victim’s feelings of guilt, confusion and fear. Lucas said coun selors try to restore the victim’s trust in her instincts. Stage two is called the Pseudo-Ad justment Stage, and at this point the victim outwardly seems to have ac cepted the fact that she was raped, but is actually denying the situation and suppressing her feelings. In the last stage, which Lucas called the Hitting Bottom Stage, the victim finally decides she needs help. Therapy is aimed at getting the vic tim to direct her anger toward the rapist, not herself. The speakers agreed that no mat ter what a woman does on a date, the man commits a crime if he has sex with her against her will. dent Senate supports dead week exams for seniors By Rodney Rather Staff Writer H Student Senate Wednesday with the bump ssed a resolution supporting a mptom of a feln to hold final exams for graduat- - a-] \one in pol ululates for h:r. iTi':!u«xJorrecfion latform. Ifs tat: wl Wednesday’s edition of 1 he 111 m]H Battalion the phone number for tn actuaDfLaP/y!^ was incorrect ^ re - The correct number is •aiton to say 775.1797 77^ Battalion regrets an Aggie : thetrror. nv position onttsH^ ing seniors during dead week at the discretion of each professor. Thirty-eight of 43 senators pre sent voted for the resolution, giving it the two-thirds majority needed for approval. The plan was developed by the Faculty Senate’s academic calendar subcommittee. The resolution says the subcom mittee’s plan, which would be imple mented in Spring 1988, is the only solution that will give students suffi cient time to prepare for finals, check their grades and contact pro fessors about grade discrepancies before graduation. Graduation under that plan would take place at the end of finals week. Currently it is held at the end of dead week. The plan developed by the sub committee is a compromise between the Student Senate, Faculty Senate and administration and reflects the results of two years of negotiations, said Jerry Dingmore, academic af fairs chairman for the Student Sen ate. Dr. Murray Milford, a member of the calendar subcommittee, said the compromise isn’t favored by most of the Faculty Senate. “If the proposed compromise is adopted, I think a large portion of the faculty will be very unhappy with it,” Milford said. The compromise was reported to the Faculty Senate academic affairs committee, which formulated two additional proposals for the subcom mittee to consider, he said. The proposals are as follows: • To hold senior finals from Sat urday of dead week through Wednesday of finals week. • To hold senior finals from Thursday or Friday of dead week through Tuesday or Wednesday of finals week. By Mike Sullivan Staff Writer The restaurants listed below' were inspected Sept. 16 through Tuesday by the Brazos County Health Department. The infor mation is based on food service establishment reports. SCORED BETWEEN 95 AND 100: • Mario and Son’s at 405 W. University Drive in College Sta tion was inspected by David Pick ens. Score — 96. The report cited two two-point violations because a kitchen hand sink needed towels and some cheese was left unrefri gerated. • Pizza Hut at 501 University Drive in College Station was in spected by David Pickens. Score — 95. Four points were deducted from the report because two hand sinks were inaccessible. One more point was taken from the report because there was some broken glass in a beer pitcher box. SCORED BETWEEN 90 AND 95: • Fajita Express at 213 W. University Drive in College Sta tion was inspected by David Pick ens. Score — 93. Five points were subtracted from the report be cause some cleaning products were being stored improperly. Two more points were taken from the report because some food was being stored under some plumbing. SCORED BETWEEN 80 AND 85: • Emilio’s Leaning Tower of Pizza at 317 Patricia in College Station was inspected by David Pickens. Score — 84. One four- point violation was cited in the re port because a front door was propped open with a rock and many flies were in the building. Another four points were sub tracted from the report because a kitchen hand sink was inaccessi ble. A two point deduction from the report was made because hot water plumbing at a kitchen hand sink was not working. A two point and a one point violation were cited in the report because coun ters and shelves throughout the building needed cleaning. Three one-point subtractions were made from the report for the fol lowing: some broken glass needed to be replaced or sealed up; floors throughout the store needed cleaning: some mainte nance utensils needed to be ar ranged in an orderly manner. Al though the report cited no violation, it said ceiling repairs must be completed within 10 days or Emilio’s food service permit may be suspended. David Jefferson, a registered sanitarian at the department, says res taurants with scores of 95 or above generally have excellent operations and facilities. Jefferson says restaurants with scores in the 70s or low 80s usually have serious violations on the health report. Scores can be misleading, Jefferson says, because restaurants can achieve the same score by having several major violations or an abun dance of minor violations. He says the major violations might close the restaurant down while some minor violations can be corrected during the inspection. Jefferson says the department might close a restaurant if: the score is below 60, the personnel has infectious diseases, the restaurant lacks adequate refrigeration, a sewage backup exists in the building, the res taurant has a complete lack of sanitization for the food equipment. Point deductions, or violations, on the report range from one point (minor violation) to Five points (major violation). The department in spects each restaurant about every six months. Sometimes a follow-up inspection must be made, usually within 10 days. Jefferson says a restaurant might require a follow-up inspection if it has a four- or five-point violation that cannot be corrected while the inspector is still there, or there are numerous small violations. Inspectors at the department are registered sanitarians. ng accusationsi: ilitical backgrot ng issues. insisted of repeal at t ame fromfel f taking up hist* ton’s eagerness: lead of his const: vn as “Pinocchioj: ng a Republican! a ReaganisticlafJ with Barton ami s is not totally tin . If constituents* Vom their eled would be forced* more responsive is a senior jourii ’unwist for The The OtNer Eclips ^ 7 Hair DesIqn &TANNiNq Srudio WELCOMES... ... Stella Holguin VALUABLE COUPOr .Kay (Rosas) Seigler (NTRoduCTORy SpEciAl gcoo DISCOUNT HAIRCUT / BD WITH AD (Next to C.S. Winn Dixie) iroe. Amans. is are here to out-Bh ml that Texasdl AMERICA’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TIRE DEALER ying that hew ne a forum for $ »the audiencette lexican-Americani th. 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