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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1986)
4 Battalion Classifieds NOTIC€ UIRNTCD THERE ARE STILL 84-85 AGGIELANDS AVAILABLE! If you haven’t picked yours up yet - come by the English Annex between 8:30 - 4:30, Monday thru Friday and, bring your school I.D. card or a driver’s license. ALSO, IF YOU WILL NOT BE HERE IN THE FALL To pick up your 85 - 86 Ag- gieland, you can pay $3.50 and we will mail it to you. 'Come by the English Annex. LUPITA’S BARGAIN CENTER 1313 Texas Avenue, Bryan 268-3026 (located near Coulter & Texas Avenue) BUY/SELL USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES — HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 1 Need e nie/Jen ici'gv? To lose weight? Herbal Products. Con- • ('81). 696-4494, U9/26 FOR RENT PRIVATE BDRM AVAILABLE $170./per month All bills paid / furnished Non-Smoker 846-1413 Extended Special: Cotton Vil lage Apartments, Snook, TX. 1 Bedroom, $150. 2 Bedroom, $200. Call 846-8878 or 774- 0773 after 5 p.m. 8t10/21 WANTED: Artist or Creative Person to Design New Company Logo Call Jim or Kevin 693-0520 INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 ^9/30 Average Looking Men! Model for Athletic Catalog shot locally. No experience necessary, excellent pay! Send photo, intro duction - Box 491, Portland, Oregon, 97207. 15t9/22 Girlfriend Wanted. Good personality, understanding, sensitive, cute. For interviews and more information call Lisa or Cecilia at 260-1462. 16t9/26 GOVKRNMF\ I JOBS. #16.040- $59,230/yr. Now hiring. Call 805-687-6000 ext. R-9531 foi current fed eral list. 194t 10/15 HELP LURNTED 1 Sc 2 Bdrm. Furnished Apts. North Gate C.S. 1st street. A/C, no pets. (1) 825-2761. 189tfn DOUBLE DAVE’S PIZZAWORKS We need a few good human’s to help from 10 AM to 6 PM (Inside help & deliver). If you’re free Tues. & Thurs. or Mon., Wed., & Fri., this would be the perfect job for you. P.S.You Don’t Have To Wear Goofy Hats Or Polyester Pants! 2314 Texas Ave. 696-3283 1519/22 FOR SRL€ Students needed immediately to sell Video Yearbooks. Make big commissions. No experience necessary. Free information. Video Yearbook. 1291 16th Street West, Des Moines, IA 50265. 12t9/22 ^fertilized coas Call 845-4921. tal hay $ 1.65/bale. Delivery available. 16t9/26 5W DSHD 1 2889 (11 a.m. L.S.I. >is|<s, guaranteed. Box 10. $8.00. 846- 11 p.m.) 846-7821 (4 p.m. - 11 p.m.). 1219/22 Delivery help wanted Tuesday and Thursday morn ings, and Wednesday afternoons. 696-8546. 13t9/23 1986 Winnebago, 1,800 m1k****4Wty sleeps 8, loaded, 839,950. firm. 775-9444, 779-2508. Aggie Football Fun! 14t9/22 BUSINESS CPPURTUNITV Men’s 10-speed bicycle, fair to excellent condition. Price: to $150. Conditon determining. After 4:00, 696- 0351. 14t9/24 A fully IBM compatible system including software, 640 K RAM, disk drive, keyboard, TTL monitor, PC/XT- $699. AT-$1699. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 yr. war ranty. Computers, Etc. 693-7599. 3t9/30 RESEARCH PAPERS. 15,278 available! Catalog $2.00. Research, 1 1322 Idaho, #206XT, Los Angeles 90025. TOLL-FREE HOI LINE: (800)351-0222, Ext. 33. YTSA/MC or C.O.D. 2tl0/10 1978 MGB Conveitible. Red, 47,000 miles, good condi tion. 696-4343. 10t9/26 THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers and/or sales solicitor posi tions. Carrier positions require working early morning hours deliv ering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allow ance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Ju lian at 693-2323 for an appoint ment. $575...’65 FORD FALCON. It ri 696-1262. . & great for school! 15t9/25 Need to sell! 1983 Nighthawk 650: $1800., 1979 Kawa saki 750 B: $800. or best offer. 693-2580, 696-1309. 15t9/23 1979 Suzuki 370, $500. or best offer. Call Ron at 693- 5867. 13t9/23 Mustang, 1969, rebuilt 302 auto, very good condition. $2600,764-9432. 14t9/24 Toshiba VHS VCR. $325. / 80 watt peavey backstage amp $ 120. Call 822-2173. 1119/24 SERVICES GAY STUDENT NETWORK 696-9486 Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8 AM -12 PM P.O. Box 13870 College Station 77841 16 t9/22 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. From $1.35 per page. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. 16tl 1/26 PROFESSORS EXAM FILES for Engineering, Chem istry. Calculus, Physics at University Bookstore Sc Lou- pot’s. 3tll/4 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614.9t 10/8 SOS WORD PROCESSING. Bold face, Greek symbols, Underlining, Equations, Boxes, Lines, and Tames for your every need. Speed and Quality with our Word- perfect software and Letter Perfect printer. Chimney Hill Business Park, 268-2777. lOt 10/23 PASS QUARANTEED! ‘C’ or better, Engineering Me chanics, Thermo. Math. 846-3147. 15t9/25 ROOMMATE tURNTED Female to share 2 bedroom, 2 bath in Brownstone Apartments, non-smoker. Call 409-348-6186, 409-395- 2002,693-7627. 16t9/26 LOST AND FOUND Lost - Class of 84 GRANGER HIGH SCHOOL ring in Sterling C. Evans Library, Tues., Sept. 16. Finder please call 696-2618 for reward. 15t9/25 FOR LEASE Condo, 2 Bdrm./2 Ba., ceiling fan, 1000 sq. ft, Fire place, backyard, $425./mo., pets. 696-9262. 15tl0/02 STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN THE BATTALION!! Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 Page 6/The Battalion/Monday, September 22, 1986 World and Nation Security conference agreemenl to reduce risk of accidental war STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — Delegates to the 35-nation East-West security conference agreed Sunday on a package of information- sharing measures designed to reduce the risk that war could break out in Europe by accident. A formal vote on the agreement was scheduled for late Sunday but was put off until Monday so the document could be printed. It then must be ratified by the 35 governments, and is scheduled to take effect Jan. T. Both U.S. and Soviet delegates praised the accord as contributing to a more stable military situation in Europe and improving East-West re lations in general. Soviet chief delegate Oleg Grinevsky described it as a “new foundation for the peace process in Europe.” U.S. delegation chief Robert Barry said the agreement “shows East and West can say yes tp each other for a change.” However, a ranking U.S. delegate, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Soviet-required restrictions on verification through on-site in spection made the agreement inadequate. The agreement stipulates that members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact must notify the other bloc at least 42 days in advance when planning military activities involving 13,000 soldiers or more or 300Unt more. Any nation conducting military maneuvers volving 17,000 soldiers or more mustinvitei observers from othei participants in the Sio holm conference. When maneuv ers involve amphibiouslandi or paratroops, nations must notify the other if just 3,000 or more are involved, andinviit set \ ers it 5,000 in Mips or more are taking pan By Sfn Rji'ns the thes bruised 'ex; o A&V :k’s loss to i sity, greeted He eager- s of a lutn- wolf spot- a Hock of Ty crush! iturday nig gifs home ise as the fit ■cause th and third-: Brothers wanted by France for Paris bombing keep vigil 1 he Stockholm Conference on Securiiv Confidence-Building Measures and Disa mein in Europe began in January 1981. ^y of the IfcM had o ■ve first Reagan plansl;''™; QOBAIYAT, Lebanon (AP) — Four Lebanese brothers wanted by France in connection with deadly bombings in Paris said Sunday they are keeping a 24-hour vigil at their north Lebanon home because they fear French agents will try to kill them. Joseph Ibrahim Abdallah, 35, and his brothers', Emille, 30, Maurice, 23, and Robert, 20, stand guard in shifts at their two-story house on the east ern edge of their town, Qobaiyat. About a dozen neighbors have been helping keep vigil since France announced Friday that the brothers were among nine Lebanese wanted in connection with the Paris bomb ings. The brothers have denied in volvement. Prime Minister Rashid Karami said in a statement Sunday he would begin an investigation to clear the brothers, and accused Israel’s Mos- sad secret service of involvement in the bombings. The five bombings in Paris begin ning Sept. 8 killed eight people and wounded 164. Responsibility has been claimed by the Committee for Solidarity with Arab and Middle Eastern Political Prisoners. French police say they believe the Committee for Solidarity is a covet name for the Lebanese Armed Rev olutionary Factions, and that the nine Lebanese they named, includ ing the Abdallah brothers, tx'lnng to the group. They believe the group is headed by a fifth Abdallah brother, Georges, 35, who is serv ing a four- year prison term in France for pos sessing weapons and false docu ments. He also faces trial on charges of complicity in the 1982 killings of a U.S. military attache and an Israeli diplomat. Israel to support Lebanese militia JERUSALEM (AP) — Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin said Sunday that Israel would back up its Leb anese militia allies with Israeli- manned helicopter gunships and tanks to halt a surge of guerrilla at tacks in south Lebanon. He also suggested that Israel may increase the estimated 1,000 troops it keeps in south Lebanon, but de clined to elaborate. Rabin told reporters the Israeli as- . sistance Was meant “to absolutely break these attacks by inflicting larjje casualties” on Shiite Moslem guerril las. A senior military officer, demand ing anonymity, said Israel would de ploy troops to reinforce the South Lebanon Army militia on a case-by- case basis, but did not intend to send in a big force. The latest rocket attack Saturday wounded three Israeli soldiers, the Israeli military command said. The attack occurred in the Israeli-occu pied buffer zone of south Lebanon, which stretches six to 10 miles deep along the border and is meant to prevent guerrillas from attacking Is rael itself. Two soldiers suffered slight inju ries, and the third was hospitalized with moderate stomach wounds, the command said. The attack came one day after five French soldiers with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon were wounded in south Lebanon. left little ii focus on Soviefa, for U.N. speecf £■£ BcM Head NI I ED NATIONS i idem Reagan will ftoo ■i power rdati ns control a e, when he ad Nations lor tl or .If light Pi i da cludii Danil the l time. With U.S.-Soviet strained by the espionage against American journa olas Daniloff, Reagan considerable emphasis o lights, and he will tinder (Daniloff) case . . . witi would emphasize is sti on the matter," presidei spokesman l.anv Sj nukes toll p. n tei s in Washington. Speakes said the presid speech “will center ntainlv Last-West relations with asp and detailed emphasis on ;i control." Reagan is expected toind in his speech reaction toak from Soviet leader Mikhai Gorbachev. I he Soviet leae lettei reportedly was in tespt to fresh U.S. arms control pit sals. Reagan “will stress we i have an opportunity for prog in at ms control. ’ Speakes said Vick wouli fewith Soul haps the SV :h. The loss of M offense ause senior ted < >n the n jmgli openi fe to score t vn. /alentine hit Hth five in the first ito 24-7. ’he other se A&M’s seco tack Kevin !\ er Shea W, onlv found SU’s Ralph aed the ball in and the c in the half, lith the firs: Jpfor the I Se trouble so lined Divisii j A&M’s si H(foiir t< W gods), tin MSC Camera Committee General Meeting Everyone Welcome Monday, Sept. 22,1986 410 Rudder Tower Guest Speaker: Dr. Simon Priest on Photographic Creativity (membership cards will be issued) Refreshments! HAIRCUT & BLOWDRY i50 includes: “EG $22* , shampoo & conditioner Mon thru Weds. No Appt. necessary | exp 9-30-86 0NIC® RECOl EN’S&I ATHER URTSt demy E\ Price...: A Cut Atovii A CUT ABOVE 4004 Stillmeadow 2 red lights north of Hilton Hotel, Behind Circle K 846-1! PI SIGMA EPSILON Professional Sales And Marketing Fraternity ORIENTATION MEETING v Tuesday, Sept. 23 Rudder 701 7:00 All Majors Welcome nl AT NORTHGATE 4fut r® introduces EVENING BUFFET $3. 79 AH you care to eat every Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday night from 5;00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.* Buffet includes: Pizza Pasta Cavatini® Salad * offer good only at 50J University at Northgate