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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1986)
/ 707 TEXAS I* H 2305 CAVITT COPY CENTER 707 Texas • 693-COPY I 2 6 7 9,| 2305 Cavltt • 823-COPY We Honor Competitors' Coupons!* 707 TEXAS • 2305 CAVITT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Malcolm Bane, Pastor Rev. David R. Rowland, Associate Pastor Jim Browder, Minister of Music Office: 696-7000 Child Care Center: 696-7060 Worship & Program Info: 69-FIRST (693-4778) SHUTTLE BUS SCHEDULE Welcome To Our Activities BSU-College Main 8:30 AM 9:30 AM Krueger-Dunn Area 8:35 AM 9:35 AM Services (Fall, Winter, Spring) 8:45AM, 11:00 AM, 7:00PM Sunday Evening Seminars 6:00PM ★ Bible Study...9:45 AM Sunday^ Wednesday Night Worship 6:30PM 2300 Welsh Street (South of FM 2818 Near College Station High School) COLLEGE STATION TRIM AND TAN 3 Months $39°o tdSMfc'V tanning special separate ★Coed Aerobics ★Aeroba floor ★ European Caribic tanning beds ★ Exercise bicycles ★Member IDEA ★Separate or joint aerobics & tanning memberships. THE 1800 D Texas Ave. South, CS 764-0549 Theta Chi Fraternity ©X RUSH PARTY: REACH THE BEACH TREEHOUSE VILLAGE PAVILLION THURS. SEPT. 11, 8 PM BEACH WEAR ATTIRE FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: MIKE WOLF, PRES., 696-2685 R.A. TURNER, 823-0027 Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, September 11,1986 WWlBlhll WJ*# Thursday INTRAMURAL RECREATIONAL SPORTS: there will be a flag football team captains’ meeting (dorm and indepen dent) at 5 p.m. in 601 Rudder. INTRAMURAL RECREATIONAL SPORTS: there will be a Corps flag football team captains’ meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 109 Military Sciences. INTRAMURAL RECREATIONAL SPORTS: there will be a team captains’ meeting for 16-inch softball at 6 p.m. in 164 Read. TAMU BICYCLING CLUB: will elect officers at 7 p.m. in 501 Rudder. POSSUM KINGDOM HOMETOWN CLUB: will elect offi cers at 6 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center Lounge. AGGIE SPACE DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY: will discuss “Should the Shuttle be Flying Now?” at 7 p.m. in 510 Rud der. STUDENT ART FILM SOCIETY: will show “Easy Rider” at 7 p.m. in 103 Soil and Crop Sciences. New members wel come. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB: will have an ice-cream so cial at 6 p.m. in Kleberg Atrium. ASIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m. in 350A Rudder. ATARI USER GROUP: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 102 Tea- gue. PANAMANIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will meet at 8 p.m. in 510 Rudder. ECONOMICS SOCIETY: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 125 Blocker. TAMU CYCLING TEAM: will meet at 7 p.m. in 410 Rudder. STUDENT Y: will have an ice-cream extravaganza at 6 p.m. at Rudder Fountain. OFF-CAMPUS AGGIES: will meet at 6:45 p.m. at Rudder Fountain to go to yell practice as a group. MEXICAN-AMERICAN ENGINEERING SOCIETY: will hold officer elections at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. Friday WESLEY FOUNDATION: will meet at the foundation at 5 p.m. for a fall retreat. For more information call 846-4701. PUERTO RICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. TAMU JUDO: will practice at 7 p.m. in 263 G. Rollie White. New members welcome. KOREAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m in 507 Rudder. DATA PROCESSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION: will be selling diskettes and will have a membership drive in the lobby of the Blocker Building. THE NAVIGATORS: will hold a rally at 7 p.m. in 501 Rud der. STUDENT Y: applications for cabinet aides and committee chairmen are available through Friday on the second floor of the Pavilion. MSC VARIETY SHOW: applications are available in 216 MSC. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS: appointments for auditions with the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra are being ac cepted at 846-7659. Auditions will be held Saturday. STUDENT GOVERNMENT: applications for election com missioner, internal communications chairman, fish aides, Traditions Council, Parents Weekend, Muster, the Big Event and freshman programs are now being accepted in 221 Pavilion. Applications are due Friday. For more infor mation call 845-3051. STUDENT GOVERNMENT: is now accepting applications for Judicial Board members in 221 Pavilion. Deadline is Friday. WOMEN’S CHORUS: will hold auditions through Friday in the vocal music office, 003 MSC. For more information call 845-5974. GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL: will sponsor a workshop for graduate students who are interested in starting or improving a graduate student organization in their department Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. The workshop is free and refreshments will be served. For more information call 845-2151 or 845-1151. FRESHMAN LEADERSHIP DYNAMICS: applications are available in. the Memorial Student Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Monday. FISH CAMP: applications for associate director, assistant di rector and recreation coordination positions on the second floor of the Pavilion. Applications are due Sept. 19. CLASS OF ’87: applications for distribution chairman are available in 216 MSC. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working days prior to desired publication date. AIDS vaccine tests show good results for chimpanzees SAN ANTONIO (AP) —Tests on chimpanzees innoculated with pre liminary forms of a vaccine show two kinds of protection against the AIDS virus, but additional work is needed for more definitive results, research ers say. Scientists have reported the re sults of experiments in San Antonio and Atlanta. Dr. George Todaro, scientific di rector of Oncogen, a Seattle-based firm that developed two varieties of a possible AIDS vaccine, said Onco gen is testing the vaccines at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedi cal Research in San Antonio. Laboratory tests, using serum ob tained from the chimps vaccinated against the AIDS, showed that the chimps had developed antibodies against the AIDS virus. Antibodies are the first-line of chemical warriors in the body’s natu ral defense system. The tests also showed that a sec ond protective mechanism existed called cell-mediated immunity that involves the accumulation of special white blood cells near the AIDS vi rus. “The question is whether this will protect against actual direct infec tion with the virus,” Todaro said Tuesday. “They appear to be work ing in the laboratory.” Todaro said he believes it will be almost a year before more definitive results can be obtained after the chimps are injected with the AIDS virus. More research could begin later this month and would involve inject ing the chimps with a serum con taining the AIDS virus. The vaccines are made from a weakened type of smallpox virus into which scientists have spliced protein-making genes from the AIDS virus. More than 10 weeks ago, scientists used the vaccine preparations to in oculate four chimps at the Southwest Foundation and two chimps at the Yerkes Primate Research Center of Emory University in Atlanta. The two primate centers are among only four research institu tions in the United States testing possible AIDS vaccines in chimps, considered the final step before hu man trials. Custom Catering. _0n SiteCct fl/payne's MOBILE KITCHEN A Seafood Affair FREE DRINK WITH FOOD PURCHASE Fried Shrimp, flounder, chicken strips, steak sandwich, chickef; wiches, fish sandwiches, corn dogs, boiled shrimp. 213 W. University exp Oct. 1 AtNoh Cl or GRADUATE STUDENTS! Does your department have a graduate student organs (G.S.O)? If not, you may be missing some of the benetitsai can provide: • Channel of communications between faculty and students • Planning of social functions • Help in recruiting and orienting new students • Information on taxes, insurance, etc. • And many more To find out more, come to the workshop sponsored byyoufi uate Student Council. There is no charge and we willprov^ freshments. AUS" bernato and in White < polls ref Glenn ousted I Dallas survey I with a cc White Wednesi survey a show W on Clem Neithi actual pe In an porter i survey' When: September 13, 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Where: Room 112, Oceanography and Meteorology Bulldin$ I For more information, call: Lee Panella 845-2151 Greg Smith 845-1151 Jui HELP!! Rudder Theatre Complex Needs Student Workers ANGL of the sk mate wh< times wa murder t in the kill Virgil year sent burglary, of Calvin ton Unit, sumed V\ court. Fo r Stagehand! an Spotlight Work. To Apply Come To: Rudder Auditorium Wed. Sept. 17 7 p.m CONE SIGN IIP! Cc NOAF 10°/ 8 a. 1/ (aci EARN $ 10/HR!!! DANCE INSTRUCTORS NEEDED AUDITIONS WILL BE HELD IN28 EAST KYLE at 7pm Sept. 1 I for Tap, Ballet, Jazz, andAert dance Teachers. For More Info Call: Kathy 845-4039 Ginger 260 ADULT DANCE S28.< •Specia CONT 1501 FM 2818 #105 (behind K-Mart/CS Business Center) Sept. 15 to Nov. 21 10 weeks $49 per class ($8 discount per addt’l class) BALLET Tues 7:15|U TAP Thurs 7:00)1 JAZZ Mon 6:30pi COUNTRY/WESTERN Mon 7:00fi MA SEPT. 9 to DEC. 20 DANCEROBICS $59 lues 6:15 p.m.; Wed/Thurs. 6:00p4 REGISTER NOW!! '“AS CH MASSACR $ Do SchulmanT Class Enrollment Limited 764-3187 v announce ^ays". Each for admissU Wli be shov .about u *< si' UP BIG SAVINGS! 'Bps'S UGALt Buy and Sell Through Classified Ads Call 845-2611