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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1986)
Page 2/The Battalion/Monday, September 8, 1986 The Battalion (USPS 045 360) Member of Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Conference The Battalion Editorial Board Cathie Anderson, Editor Kirsten Dietz, Managing Editor Loren Steffy, Opinion Page Editor Frank Smith, City Editor Sue Krenek, News Editor Ken Sury, Sports Editor ated as a community i lion. Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editorial board or the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of T exas A&M administrators, faculty or the Board of Regents. The Battalion also serves as a laboratory newspaper for students in reporting, editing and photography classes within the Depart ment of Journalism. The Battalion is published Monday through Friday during Texas A&M regular semesters, except for holiday and examination periods. Mail subscriptions are $17.44 per semester, $34.62 per school year and $36.44 per full year. Advertising rates furnished on re quest. Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843. POSTMAST ER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, Texas A&M University, College Station TX 77843. Setting standards The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, which is envisioned by a delegation of educators and civic leaders, would es tablish nationwide teaching standards, a vital step toward improving the quality of education in the United States. This delegation, appointed by the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy, has the support of the National Education Asso ciation and the American Federation of Teachers, the two largest teacher organizations, and the National Governors Association. Currently; educational standards and teacher certification re quirements vary from state to state. But the new board would create a set of national teaching standards over and above those of the states. Teachers still could be state-certified, but those who also re ceive the endorsement of the national panel would receive higher salaries — perhaps as high as $65,000 or more. nH mum mogw non-AuaNTD fsMTfONS C€XC5?aI;stin (ap Cu$/l ^ NICAKAtrUA) ARE uyT inPER\Aci<>T peppers ’ n n X * LiBVA 15 (sy mhi|| TCUfVSTS UJ EUROPE f mill TOLERANCE 4 UNDr*ST7?A/I>/M, U.*. QCCfVM Key as. military must oie ('I.*, PEACE TNR006,H LIBYANS MUST *5^ io didn’t succe fidget in a mon ire headed try again, first ti r the al sessions it PEKi CHMl LJCMEN m SAce.lFUf EVERYTHINCf UUf GAJWAFl's precious SVJN Tfc RRCR (A CJIU./M ftlajprs to keep ti ' Hm convicted The board was a central proposal of the Carnegie report calling for improvement of teachers’ status and increased control over what they teach. But educators are not the only ones who will be effected by the new standards. Students also will benefit from higher certifi cation requirements for teachers. It stands to reason that tougher qualifications will weed out all but the most qualified teachers. Numerous vehicles, create Aggie traffic bad ha monster The new standards will not only measure what is taught in the classroom but how it is presented. The new assessment methods won’t be implemented for three to four years, but the long-term im pact of the board is advantageous for both educators and education. The ever- in creasing number of mopeds, bicy cles, motorcycles, cars and people on campus has cre ated a traffic monster that ex ceeds my most horrific hallucina tions. The stricter requirements will help ensure that teachers have learned their lessons before they teach them. Anyone who has tried to ma- Craig Renfro Countdown to success neuver Ross Street at the noon hour, or any time immediately before or after classes knows what I’m talking about. It’s almost impossible to cross because of a solid wall of human flesh. After a seven-month losing streak, NASA finally got a rocket off the ground without a hitch Friday, and space-agency officials hope lot this will provide employees with a long-overdue morale boost. The Delta rocket, carrying a payload of two Strategic Defense Initiative satellites, was a far cry from the glory of a successful space shuttle launch. But we hope it marks the start of a countdown to fu ture successes for the space agency. Since the Challenger disaster Jan. 28 and the subsequent ground ing of the shuttle program, the American space industry has experi enced a barrage of failures involving various booster rockets and sci entific projects. The Delta success reminds us of how the space program used to be, and how it should be still. Let’s hope that NASA can get Ameri ca’s floundering space effort off the ground again. These pedestrians have only one thing in mind — crossing the street no matter what. They don’t take into con sideration that traffic is backed up for miles because they have more important things to do. Most pedestrians don’t even use com mon sense when attempting to cross the street. They dart out in the middle of the road regardless of what motor vehi cle might be bearing down on them, and then expect the driver to slam on the brakes because they have the right-of- way. I fully understand that pedestrians do have the right-of-way, but when it comes to enforcing my rights or being crushed to smithereens by one ton of metal cruising at 30 mph, I think my rights could take a temporary back seat. I often wonder how many Texas A&M students are killed while away from College Station because they walk out in front of cars. Surely this has hap pened to some unfortunate soul, imag ine the grief the parents felt after spending thousands of dollars on their child’s education. People who stop in the middle of the sidewalk to talk also bother me. The most flagrant violators are members of the Corps of Cadets. They are always “whipping out,” as it is called when an underclassman sees some upperclass man and has to run up and give his name, rank and serial number. This Geneva Convention-type greet ing has more than once caused me to al ter my course of travel, lest I trample one of these military youth. The Memorial Student Center is an other place where large crowds of peo ple manage to take up half the hallway. Just once I would like to get on a loud speaker and tell them to get out of the way or else. I just hope they would oblige, because the “or else” could be drastic. However, this is enough harping on pedestrians. There are other flagrant vi olators of traffic rules — namely bicycles and mopeds. These blazing idiots roam about the campus at speeds of 15-20 mph zipping in and out of people and often times narrowly avoiding the big crash. Some of these people must have a deathwish the size of Alaska because many times they are the same people who cause these near catastrophes. More than once during mysta fine University a brisk breeze hi up the back of my shirt after these two-wheeled maniacs flew on the sidewalk. I could feel the their tires as the hair on myi sucked into the spokes. Foi these experiences occurred sofa didn’t have time to realize how p mv situation was. t acts. [‘I say ‘Shami its to take th ile whose lives Hpoon of Fori ■representatr the Capitol, he and repr las, Austin, 1 and Lubbc ■ 1987 Legisk Participants moves to cut S2 Htion of the a sat< crime vie caused by violer ■’he Crime Breed from fir ■it is even m< ■ people elect |usi once I thought .iIkiiii fl By Heii something . i m l and totalb unckB Rep ristic of my otherwise cheerful diemi; a memb kic k one of those hikers right Wits means mo frame and send them tumbungB^g; it means sidewalk. However. I don’t thinkl®*’ meet nevv stoop to such animalistic beha':® a / e J*°^ s * 1 ‘P i , ,i i n Jdf Cox, U-.m without theinfluence« d J e s min.l boggling substance, bea«rk White, pu have seen what happens. whcnBbr the Singii meets concrete. H-male group, e It is not a pretty sight. St shredded, the hike is mangled blood trickles from the kneecaps ing it difficult to walk the nexidt to mention making ugly scabstb crease your chances oi getting ad* This is probably enough of this ing and raving because no matter* say people will continue to act like® and play “Frogger” with theirlife Of course, I don’t indudent'* any of these traffic abomination cause I drive a motorcycle. Craig Renfro is a senior major and a columnist for The E 00 Q P‘ Caution: misinterpretation ahead of Worn Here is the line the avant-garde is taking on the Sandinistas. It is all laid out in the rolling, witty prose of the suave anti- American Irish man Conor Cruise O’Brien. O’Brien previously served as vice chancellor of the University William F. JBuckje^Jr. of Ghana. Before that he was a func tionary of the United Nations, active in anti-American activity on all interna tional fronts, taking extracurricular time to defend Alger Hiss and defame Whittaker Chambers. He is back now, taking pretty much the Soviet line on the Sandinistas. In a big piece in The Atlantic called “God and Man in Nicara gua,” he is telling us what to think about our policy in opposing the Sandinistas. The line is: 1. The Sandinista movement is 100 percent nationalist, anti-imperialist and Christian. 2. The Christianity of the Sandinistas is incorporated in their motto, “El Dios de Los Pobres” — the God of the Poor. He is to be distinguished from the regu lar God of Latin Americans, who is the God of the Rich. 3. When Pope John Paul II visited Ni caragua three years ago, he committed a terrible blunder by publicly castigating Lather Ernesto Cardenal, the Sandinis tas’ minister of culture, while aligning himself with Cardinal Obando y Bravo, the outspoken critic of the Sandinistas. 4. The Sandinistas have absolutely no intention of becoming a Soviet satellite. In the event that this should happen, why, the blame clearly will be that of Ronald Reagan for supporting the Con tra movement. All clear now? Recent data from Nicaragua docu ment that the standard of living there has fallen to approximately 50 percent of the economic level of life under for mer President Anatasio Somoza. Why should that be? Well, President Daniel Ortega just has completed a tour of the United States in which he gives the rea son for such reversals. Any country that has to fight a civil war backed by the United States obviously has to give first priority to the war for independence. It is not explained why this should have been necessary given that the United States actively supported a) the over throw of Somoza, and b) the Sandinista government — until it became univer sally clear that the Sandinista movement had been taken over by Marxist-Lenin- ists. The Sandinistas proceeded to insti tute a repressive government impeded only by the great defections of original Sandinistas. These deserted the movement when it became obvious that it was bent not on instituting personal liberty, political democracy and eco nomic progress, but Marxist militarism. It became clear even to economically shortsighted observers that the God of the Poor, under the Sandinistas, was en gaged in multiplying poverty. The only economic accomplishment Marxist so cialism is capable of is the elimination of the wealthy and the middle class. If God is involved in helping the poor in Nica ragua, there are unmistakable grounds here for religious agnosticism. The line tells us that religious perse cution in Nicaragua is a trivial thing: It is directed merely at persecuting overt enemies, of the , Sandinista movement, such as Cardinal Obando. Since O’Bri en’s piece appeared, the Sandinistas ex pelled Bishop Pable Antonio Vega. The leaders of the Catholic Church in Nica ragua are not permitted to publish even the sermons they deliver. And, as we all know, the principal anti-Somoza organ of the revolution, La Prensa, is now shut down. The country is under martial law, President Ortega slavishly supports the Soviet line in all international affairs, travels to the Soviet Union for counsel and receives huge military shipments from Cuba, Eastern Europe and the So viet Union with the aim not only of de fending Nicaragua from the Contras, but of exporting its revolution to neigh boring countries. While it is true that there is much popular support for the Sandinistas within Nicaragua, this should not sur prise any cosmopolitan observer of this century’s awful record of public support for tyrants. Ortega is as popular with Nicaraguans as Hitler was popular with Germans, Stalin with Russians, Mao with Chinese, Peron with Argentines. That Ortega has been shrewd enough to co-opt God for his sordid enterprises perhaps adds blasphemy to his sins, but blasphemy is a trivial offense for a ty rant routinely engaged in torture, geno cide, the suppression of civil rights and military aggression. But that is the line, carefully culti vated to appeal to exactly the same weak of mind who appeased Castro and, be fore him, Mao, Stalin and Hitler. Copyright 1986, Universal Press Syndicate Mail Call Beyond IMPRC A healthy tradition EDITOR: COMB I write in reply to Mark Ude’s column, “A&M traditions are moretha outdated customs.” Ude, in his conclusion, states: “The major traditional events which mark the school year still remain because they have moreth tradition holding them up.” Indeed, the bases upon which rest the major traditions at A&M consist of more than tradition itself, but Ude fails to mention, if not recognize, a point of relevant significance. One can defend' tradition, if not deleterious, on the grounds of tradition alone. Each generation cannot solve anew all the world’s problems, nor can each, by itself, reach that high attainment called civilization — an attainmeff higher than, in the words of Edmond Burke, “the gross animal existenceof temporary and perishable nature.” Traditions, even when they havener profound or sublime bases, are of great worth because they help us remember these things. They provide a means of coherence between generations past, present, and future. They encourage us to look at the institutions and ways of those who preceded us and determine whetherwe should maintain, modify, eradicate or even restore them, for the benefit of both the present and the future. (Civilization, note, is a partnership that includes future generations). SI A&M places upon tradition a heavy emphasis. Though some traditions adhered to in the past no longer exist, others have continued for generation Certain others are but a few years old. While some traditions here boast not origins, a reason we in fact have so many traditions at A&M is that those who came before us recognized the positive role of tradition. Heed the wisdom^ those old Ags, who know' that a tradition of tradition is a healthy tradition in deed. Andrew H. Pendleton History Class of’88 Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words in length. The editorial staff reserves thenf to edit letters for style and length, hut will make every effort to maintain the author'sin^I Each letter must be signed and must include the address and telephone number oil he writer •2^ e R STUD 1 TO