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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1986)
Page 4/The Battalion/Wednesday, August 27, 1986 &'*r&rc 1 ^. Battalion Classifieds :*• V '<* *tZi &*£. It ^v* W Tt ^At r,^. V5*.r£?t rtm&r FOfi fl€NT ■ POOL. • c:li'b room ■ .'3-LAUNDRY ROOMS • 1.ARCE STORAGE ■24 HR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE 10N4 Hiulev Spoitster XI.H. excellent condition. $2<m0.775-0278. 196t9/5 limnitation l.eathet I'nrniune. L'nique designer clunine chait s. Anna. 840-0740 or 845-5180. 194t8/27 14' X 70' Moliile Home. 2 Bdnn.. 2 bath, Central Air, heat, lots more. 823-7920. alter 5. l95t9/3 No Security Deposit Ask About FREE Rent Special BARGAIN! 1981 Ford Ltd. Grown Victoria, Good con dition. loaded $2.‘200. 840-9480. 19f>t8/27 AKG Labrador Pups. Yellow and black. Sire Son of a Nat'l. Field Champion. O.F.A. certified. Dewclaws re moved. Shots, wormed. Excellent hunting dog pros pects. $200. 272-8373. 19U9/1 country place rtmenfs 88L apartmend 3902 COLLEGE MAIN 846-0515 Gan vou hii\ Jeeps, cars. 4X4's seized in drug raids for under $100.r Gall for facts today. (002) 837-3401 ext. S942. 19518/27 NOTIC6 ROOMMATES WANTED If you have discriminating taste for quality living, a yen to make new relationships, VIKING offers 1 & 2 bdrm. units with a built in roommate! AS LOW AS $180 each ALL BILLS PAID! •Extra Large Pool •Tennis Court •Sauna •Bcilconies •All Electric Kitchens •Individual A/C & Heat •On Ground Mgmt. & Sec. •24 Hours Emer. Maint. Open Daily Mon - Fri 9-7 Open Sat - Sun 10-51-5 1601 Holleman College Station, TX ABUTMENTS 409/693-6716 THERE ARE STILL 84-85 AGGIELANDS AVAILABLE! If you haven’t picked yours up yet - come by the English Annex between 8:30 - 4:30, Monday thru Friday and, bring your school I.D. card or a driver’s license. ALSO, IF YOU WILL NOT BE HERE IN THE FALL To pick up your 85 - 86 Ag- gieland, you can pay $3.50 and we will mail it to you. Come by the English Annex. 822-7321 Newly Remodeled Newly Redecorated Very Large 1 bedrooms from $245. 2 bedroom, 2 baths as low as $335. many leasing specials available Pool On site staff Sun Deck Security Club Room Laundry Facilites Near Shuttle Large Closets 3200 Pinfeather, Bryan Professionally managed by Chatham Enterprises 18518/27 flOOMMflie UJflNT€D $200. CASH LT FRONT TO YOT! For what's already I Ik* best apartment deal in Noi thgate area. New appli ances. paint and c arpet - 5 blocks to campus. $275./mo. and utilities are low!! S.L'.S. Apts, at Bovett & Spruce. 84b-750(). 196t9/l Roommate to share 2 Bdrm.. 2 bath new home, fenced vard. Prefer graduate student 822-B549. $145. 195t9/3 2 Bdrm. 1 hath older neighborhood, near TAML’. Fenced vard, 190b Miller $325./mc>. 093-3418 after 6 p.m. 196t9/5 S€fiVIC€S Have voui own bedroom, furnished, A.G., one block from 1A.MI . Call after (TOO p.m. 846-9560. No de posit or lease. $ I 00./mo. 196t8/27 F.XTRA SPECIAL! 2 bdrm.. 1 bath, furnished includ ing large color TV. washer-dryer, ref rig., stove, dishes, pots, linens. $34,000. 846-6470 or 822-1 165. 196t9/4 Lovelv one bdrm.. 760 Sq.ft. Washer/dryer, built-in bookcase, covered deck overlooking woods. 273-E9W9/1 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset One and two bedroom Studios, quiet tree setting with frost-free refrigerators, pool, washateria and more. S250./350. 693-1723. 193t9/l T yping, Editing, and Library Research Assistance. Call for details. 779-8376. 167t9/3 T wo Bedroom, 1 ! /2 bath in Southwood Valley. All ap pliances. includes washer and drver. $325./350. 693- 1723. 193t9/l UJANT€D T wo bedroom 1 bath, wooded, secluded, w/d connec tion, carport. $325.693-1723. 193t9/l OBILE HOME FOR SALE OR RENT. 2 Bdrm. on acre. $1000. assume $185./mo. or rent Sept.- June $250. deposit, $250./mo. 4.6 • • lies from Wickes Lumber on Dowling Rd. White, Brown trim, 1 st circle on right, inside Hopes Creek Meadows. Call Mr. Ford (214) 750-8505 (days), (214) 681- 3189 (evenings). 195t8/27 APT. 2 Bdrm., 1 bath, unfur nished. W'D connection, dish washer, disposal, trees, near shuttle. No dogs. $265./mo. plus deposit. 693-7761 or 775-5270. 3 bdrm.. 2 hath. 1982 80' X 14’ fleet wood suncrest. L.ike new. skirted, has deck, ceiling fans, big yard in nice area. Gan have pels and has room to build corral 2-3 horses. $4<)0./mo.. $200./dep. Call 770-7272, 9- for 4:30 p.m. or 090-1 366 after 5 p. m. 196t9/4 Cotton Village Apts., Snook. Tx. Rent an apartment within 60 days and your horse can live free - Stables un der construction. 1 Bdrm. :$200. 2 Bdrm. :$248. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after. 5. 193t 10/13 COUNTRY LIN ING, com ienient to campus. 2 Bdrm., 1 hath, c/a, heat. Pets o.k. Stables nearby. 823-8903 (or 846-1051, for L.B.). 193t9/5 Recent sports injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? Volunteers will be paid for their time and cooperation. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 _ Luxury 14 x 70 Mobile home for rent or sale: fur nished, 2 BR - 2 B w/dishwasher, micro, extras. Great for students. 8 minutes from campus. $350./mo. or $15,000. Call Michellecollect (214)550-8062. 193t8/27 LOST AND FOUND Lxtia large 2 Bdnn.. 1 Bath. 5 blks. f rom campus. New appliances. Renovated inside and out. $275. mo. $100. deposit Limit 2 students. See at Spruce & Bovett. 846- 7.306. 190t9/l $350. 3 Bdrm./2 Ba. 4-plex. near T AML’. Appliances, garage. 693-5286, 764-7303. 846-6211. 1 79t8/27 Huge duplexes close to lliFton. Two and three bed rooms. with washer and dryer connections. Fire place, ceiling fans, and fenced yards. 846-2471. 846-8730. 093-1627. University Rentals. P.O. Drawer CT. College Station. 77840. 163tfn MisceitANeous 2 bdnn.. 1 bath, sunroom. fireplace. On 2 fenced lots, 105 N. Dillard. $44,500. owner/broker. 693-77886t9/12 Efficiency Apt. 416. 9 month lease. Across from mall. $250./mo., sublease. 693-1011. 192t8/27 H€IP IDANT€D DOMINO’S PIZZA Now hiring Delivery Personnel Must be 18 and have own car and insurance Earn $6-$8 per hour Wage, Mileage, and tips Apply between 2p.m. and 5 p.m. 1504 Holleman, 4407 Texas College Station Bryan 693-2335 260-9020 Now hiring drivers and in-store personnel. 693-0764. IPizzaworks/ Dave needs drivers. Flexible schedules. Ap ply at Northgate or Jer sey. Help Wanted forlunch time wait staff. Need to be available some time between hours of 10 & 3. Ap ply in person, Pelicans Wharf, 2500 Texas Ave. South. E.O.C. Bai tenders needed immediateh at Yesterday's. No ex perience neccessarv. Apply 1 L30 - 2 p.m. 4421 S. Texas Ave. 840-262.3. Must he 21 vis. ot older. 195t8/27 G<)\ F.RNMKN 1 JOBS. #16.040- $39.230/m. Now hiring. Call 805-087-6000 ext. R-9531 lot current fed eral list. 194110/15 OUTDOOR R F. (! R F A IT O \ SIT’FRVISO R W’ANTF.D: Need student with experience in outdoor recreation to assist with maintenance and checkout ol recreational equipment. Apply at the Intramural-Rec reational Sports Office. 159 Read Bldg. 195t9/l ()ITTU I AI.S WANT FT): Students interested in becom ing intramural Flag Football and 16” Softball officials should attend an orientation meeting Monday. Sep- tembei 1.0 P.M. in 164 Read. i95t9/l Grapevine Personality. Call 090-341 1. On campus commission commissic>n possible. Babysitter. Mon. - Fri. 3:15 - 5:30. For 7 8c 13 vr. old. $35./wk. 093-3418. after 5:30. 196t9/5 BUSINCSS OPPURTUNITV THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers and/or sales solicitor posi tions. Carrier positions require working early morning hours deliv ering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allow ance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Ju lian at 693-2323 for an appoint ment. 181tfn Responsible person to own lSl- operate candy & confec tion vending route, B/CS area. Pleasant business. Nigh profit items. Can stait part-time. Age or experience not important. Requires cat & $1,695. - $20,()()(). cash in vestment. For details call now toll free (800)824-7888, operator 511. Komet Vending, 3252 Western Drive, Cameron Park, Ca. 95082. ' 196t9/2 Fxpcrt Typing. Word Processing. Resumes, Accurate, Fast. PERFECT PRIN F. 822-1430. 159t8/27 The Battalion 845-2611 LOST: Lon^-hitirecl white female cat. Vacinitv of Dunn and Holick. REWARD! Call 8415-7395 or (504)928-5388 or (504)769-7229 collect. 196t9/6 $10.-5360. WEF.Kl.Y/up mailing circulars! Xo quotas- djosses. Sincetelv interested rush self-addressed enve lope: Network-CDT. POLB 1072. Crvstal Lake. II. 60014. 196t9/l 1 WISE ' MOVE Prison escapeeswA; hostage at largeM search continuesre/- HOUS I ON (AP) —The wherea bouts of two Louisiana prison escap ees and a woman hostage are still un known, although authorities suspect the convicts may he trying to reach Mexico, police said Tuesday. “They haven’t been caught and there’s not much of any new' infor mation Houston police Sgt. M.K. Doyle said. The search for Danny Weeks, 33, and James Colvin, 32, began after the two and a third inmate were dis covered missing Saturday night at the Louisiana Penitentiary at An gola, Warden Frank Blackburn said. Weeks, who lias broken out of jail twice previously, and Colvin forced Linda Mayeax, 38, into her car at knifepoint as she sat in the parking lot of St. Frances Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria, La. at about 9:30 a.nt. Sunday, said Houston police Sgt. Bill Stephens. About eight hours later, she was freed unharmed in Houston. The two escapees then forced Karyn Lac- cheo, 29, an Army lieutenanil on leave, to drive the pair,win told police. The convicts and hostage were believed lobeii woman’s 1986 Toyota Celia. Police said they think thei left H ouslon and were aimim Mexico, where Weeks, whoso fluent Spanish, has lived inthep Police said Mayeax told then pair was armed with a .38-d gun. Authorities were not iti how the inmates escaped [ prison, but they apparently cm ihe Mississippi River hv floating log. Colvin, of the Shrevepon was serving an 80-year sentent armed robbery. Weeks, of Moi La., was serving life plus 99yen armed robbery. He also was victed of second-degree murdei The third inmate, Robert Ik 50, of Kansas City, was serving years. The warden said Downs not have made it Across the tit he may still be on pi istm ground 30UST jHmbers t mil e remai fatt of 83 weie fired offs and in< PWlnunir S week a! four solid refused su] to work. ■A. foui -1 tween the members e He conn workers re is opposed work. ‘We rea [announce, evening n (didn't invit ■The m. productive Hw close i ■Count ill Whitmire Search continues for Iq six Tennessee inmate MANCHESTER, Tenn. (AP) — Six men, including four Texans, who escaped while being extradited to face charges in six different cities remained at large Tuesday, accord ing to a spokesman for the firm transporting the inmates. The six w'ere being held by Extra dition Corporation of America at the old Coffee County jail, which the Firm operates as a holding facility for prisoners in transit, said spokesman Dick Baumbach. Coffee County Sheriff Bobby Mc Cullough said escape warrants were issued for the missing inmates, who escaped Sunday night. The inmates used a piece of metal reinforcing bar to pry a metal hasp and lock from a steel door at the old jail, said Manchester Police Cant. Bob Bellamy. Four inmates who stayed behind told policeth; guard for the private com] asleep during the escape. Col hust One of the as nicked ti ■ HOUS six. Alberto Garai» orld Wa a bv Manchesterwa 0 ! und y ni ; the , but later reie; could not find onal Crime Idtr >mputer, Baum! oth Hi ?r escap hi Benjamin mown listed in the cation Cent said. The fiv identified < 36, a Is Winkle Mark A. Alderson, 25. Officials ol the Manchesterbis company said no more of their p: oners will be confined at thejailm a new facility is completed thii and certified by the state, Baum! said. who was ti ftd to sav Krvice de old letters H Houstr ■teen Jr. eight lette Sieve l)av:Dfi dt ' la yed d 27; James DuBos Baldwin, 26; and ] ami his wi act Daytime dishwasher. Hours: 11-2 Mon.-Fri. Apply in person. Genare. 404 E.University Dr. 1969/5 Babysitter, 45, is charged de* Dt s office needing student to work part-time A..VI. only. Typing required. Apply at 3020 F. 29th St. Suite 109. Hrvan. 196tin in death of 2-year-old girl HOU ber of w the cour Prestigious Private Glub hiring part-time service stall (IVont and bac k wait persons and bus persons). No ex perience neccessarv except lor f ront wait person. T his position requires a minimum of 2 vrs. experience. Ap ply in person 2-5 p.m. 3000 Briarcrest. Suite 600. Bi n an. Prim 1980 applicants will be considered. E.O.F. 19419/2 189tfn Part-time in intei ioi sc immediateh . Ilorti- (Tiltinal experience preferred. Apply at The (heenerv, 1512 Gavin. 194t9/2 work. 093-9984. High 1 75tln FORI WORTH (AP) — A baby sitter who said she would give her life to save a child was charged Tues day with murder in the apparent beating death of a 2-year-old girl lef t in her care, officials said. Sheila Arthur, 45, was freed after posting a $25,000 bond in the death of Anna Smith, who died Sunday in a Fort Worth hospital, Assistant Dis trict Attorney Boh Marshall said. Arthur denies harming the child and said the girl was hurt Friday af ternoon when her older sister, Ra chel, 3, pushed her off a couch while Arthur was in another room. She told the Fort Worth-Sun Telegram the child must have hit her head on the edge of a nearby television set or a metal toy. “I wish it was me that was dead in stead of that baby,” Arthur, who has no children of her own, said. “I wouldn’t hurt a child for anything — I’d give my life for one in a minute.” Tarrant County Medical Exam iner Nizam Peerwani called Arthur’s explanation ludicrous and said the child died from massive injuries to troth sides of her head. He said injuries indicate that the head' swung sideways and struckonati stationary object, such as a wall floor. He said he believes Annadiedt result of a treating, and hehasni the death a homicide Anna, the daughter of Davidi Karen Smith, was hospitalized ini pediatric intensive care ward t ook loii Wm i li Children's Mr oil tool rial H ospital for two days until died Sunday at about 6:15 pm, Arthur was arrested the samel and held until her husband, Cte Art hur, posted bond for her tel# Mernday. Arthur said that for nearlyef steadily years she has been licensed to off ate a baby-sitting service outofl) Fort Worth home and that shelf cared for the Smith sisters two years. “I’ve never beaten a child in life,” she said. “I love children much ... I did not hurt thek' This is being all built upthatl'ljj murderer the coi weeks ir officials The last wee officials this timi July, thi low of 6' Befot ber was 1943, ac it ustry s More been id oil price as low z 23, the In co live in L THE ROCK & ROL PEOPLE m YOUR CAMPUS RECORD ANt TAPE STORE, DESTROYS All TRADITIONS. THIS YEAR, Wt DARE YOU TO FIND: • LOWER PRICES • WIDER SELECTIONS • COME CHECK US OUT THE NEW/^JSjc^ 725B University ACROSS FROM 846-1741 BLOCKER BUILDING I was: lovernr fte proi |f East forp., \ fiew me etitive orthe: I ^ S P C Said th flitted t Llv con overm ials als goverm Jolved. ; I nd i Ipurces jhey nc fompai ficrger fnd res Ption I I One :i aid, vv< I Vo rid 1 )ort a I fork's San bet ines ir :f>et\vee Boston The tve te ir-Ea [he tirr ssurai •reser ■ween I East