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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1986)
Wednesday, August 27, 1986/The Battalion/Page 3B r ohn Birch Society plagued y $9 million budget deficit ■ BELMONT, Mass. (AP) — The ■hn Birch Society, for 28 years the Biding edge, of a conservative n Boveinent that has blossomed in the saiHeagan years, has come upon hard ' times. I The group that crusaded against heij. big government and a world com- dedBunist conspiracy is staggering with [a $9 million deficit and for the first | time is appealing widely for f inancial help. In addition, the question of how toil piuch to criticize President Reagan [as sparked an internal battle that turned the widow of society fcunder Robert F. Welch against the roup’s new leadership. “1 have nothing to do with the so- etyl The people who are running it idil.aic not standing on what it started lout to be at all,” said Marian P. f'elch, in her 80s and living in a re- Brement home in Weston, 10 miles Bum the Boston suburb of Belmont I that her husband made Birch head quarters. A member and former large con- Sjpibutor, Dr. Charles Proven, is con- ■idering starting a rival organization. ■ “The society has completely ■hanged direction,” said Proven, a Thysician in McKeesport, Pa. “It is lesearchers test contacts engineered for a state of collapse.” Welch, whose husband once ac cused President Dwight D. Eisen- hower of being a “a dedicated, con scious agent of the communist conspiracy,” says her complaints in clude the way the new Birch mag azine, The New American, regularly bashes Reagan. In an August issue, for example. The New American said Reagan has allowed the erosion of the U.S. mili tary’s ability to fight while “saying what he knows the average Ameri cans citizen wants to hear about de fense.” Welch said, “They are tearing him apart.” When her husband died last year, she was assistant managing edi tor of American Opinion, the monthly founded by her husband. The publication was dropped nine months after his death for the new weekly, costing her her editorial post. Charles R. Armour, a 23-year so ciety employee who became its new president in June, said the organiza tion is the same as when Welch founded it. The new magazine is ex amining the “Reagan record instead of his rhetoric,” he said. “We have the obligation to lay this on the line.” A tougher editorial stance, how ever, has not yielded higher circula tion. The number of readers has dropped from 50,000 to about 30,000, says Armour, and it now ap pears twice monthly instead of weekly. Armour concedes the need to tone down some of its rhetoric. The membership of the society it self is “several tens of thousands, not more than 50,000,” said society spokesman John J. McManus, de clining to be more specific. Former society chairman A. Clif ford Barker of Newport News, Va., who introduced the new magazine last fall, lost his job after a June showdown at an executive council meeting in Cincinnati. He was not replaced. Ten days before his removal, a let ter over his name to members ur gently appealed for money, saying staff members were unpaid and ex penses were exceeding income by 840,000 a week. “The situation is so critical,” said the letter, “the future of your orga nization is on the line.” The loss of major contributors through businesses reverses and death was blamed for the financial on rabbits Throwaway materials go into man’s models ;an,a!l J at J .eanw indus radm vstemsl HOUSTON (AP) — University of louston researchers are hoping lontact lenses being tested on rabbits pnd designed to protect humans jrom ultraviolet rays of the sun will pe available to the public by next Summer. “It’s a soft contact lens that has the ^bility to absorb ultraviolet radiation the first I know of anywhere in Jhe world,” Dr. Donald Craves Pitts, iuniversity scientist, says. Pitts, a professor of environ men ial optometry and visual science, Lsed similar research with rabbits in [he 1960s to find ways to protect as tronauts’ eyes from radiation in space and on the moon. Pitts’ UVX lens is intended for people who abuse their eyes at the beach or poolside, particularly in [sunny climates like Texas. About 40 rabbits have custom- Jfitted UVX contact lenses. Rabbits jare used because their tearing sys tems are superior to humans, who |must blink to keep eyes lubricated, (Pitts says. STEPHENVILLE (AP) — Build ing scale models of historical build ings sounds like serious business. But there is something light-hearted in the materials Wayne Sherrod uses for his replicas — Frosted Flakes boxes. Breeze detergent boxes, re cord album covers and milk jugs. Sherrod had set his hobby aside for nearly eight years until some skeptical friends — building models of rockhouses using matchsticks and pebbles — didn’t seem to take his high school hobby seriously. To prove the replicas can be made of the throw-away materials, Sher rod pulled his dusty collection from the shelves and took it to the friends. One look at the detailed work and the skeptics were believing. Returning to the craft, Sherrod hopes to finish a project that had several obstacles when he began in 1976. Sherrod wants to complete a rep lica of the Baptist Church that used to be on Tarleton Avenue, but the fate of the church and a large house that was adjacent to the structure seems to be a mystery. One project that Sherrod didn’t have trouble with was a replica of the Old Presbyterian Church. Sherrod measured the dimen sions while the structure was being moved to the local museum grounds. He actually helped with the church’s belfry which gave him more insight, and he was able to con struct the interior of the chapel. The model, with lighting inside, has been on display at the relocated church, at an antique shop and other places, Sherrod said. Stephenville High School art stu dents for the past seven years recog nize Sherrod’s work by another model that he donated to art instruc tor June Visstzky. The replica is the only one Sher rod has created that isn’t of a local landmark, but the model is familar to people all the same. It’s a scale replica of The Munsters television show’s haunted house. The model is used by Ms. Vis- sotzky’s students as a study reference in architecture. How does one create a replica of something that’s only flashed across the TV screen occasionally? “I watched the Munsters a lot and sketched real fast,” Sherrod said, “You’ve got about a 30-second shot of the house every day.” Six Flags’ birthday marks 1125 years, 52 million visitors peat] as a ire son ailurH loss, ill t KOlllfl ! peiflSj ly al* :n wot thatsel viduali| at finaimt educat id waive' critics'] stan iods ■aduatf’l reasif] egesti er su f :hoolsi , | a ne P] jationj >aby Wj •s nearif hoolsi new (ft] Carne2>j aective s ieral ad ndtoaj mal id, in ; y rr , r effort 1 ] arryingt creatiij ard to* ARLINGTON (AP) — Twenty- [five years and 52 million people ago, ^there were more cows than kids roaming the banks of Johnson Creek and the rustic old Waggoner DDD iRanch north of town. And probably as many cows as jkids knew that the Texas mystique was forged from beneath the six flags of Spain, France, Mexico, the IRepublic of Texas, the Confederacy land the United States. That changed in August 1961 [with the opening of a squeaky clean, multimillion-dollar theme park mid- pay between Dallas and Fort Worth. Called Six Flags over Texas, the 105-acre family entertainment cen- ]ter opened with a staff of 600 and an [all-inclusive ticket price of $2.75 for jadults and $2.25 for children. Today, the park has doubled in jsize, employs 2,500 people, enter tains an average of 15,000 visitors [daily at $14.95 and $7.95 apiece and lexpects to draw more than 2.5 mil lion by the end of October. “Based on attendance alone, it is [the largest tourist attraction in the state,” says Six Flags publicist Bruce Neal, who has been with the park 17 years. “There is no place else in Texas where 2.6 million people went last year.” A toast then to Six Flags as it cele brates a $600,000 silver anniversary and reigns as the flagship of Six Flags Corp., a network of seven ma jor theme parks sprinkled across America. The Arlington entertainment cen ter was the first of the nation’s re gional theme parks, so-called be cause it drew most of its customers from the Southwest. Neal says there are more than 30 such parks scat tered around the country today and all bear earmarks of the Texas origi nal. California’s Disneyland opened six years earlier, lures visitors from around the world and remains in a class pretty much its own, challenged only by its sister park, Disney World in Florida. Half a dozen major hotel chains have moved into the Arlington area to accommodate visitors to Six Flags, the nearby water and wildlife parks, a wax museum and the born-again Texas Rangers baseball club. “These are all clean acts,” said Neal. “With Dallas to the east and Fort Worth to the west, there’s just a heck of a lot to do, and a large part of it is family oriented.” After pioneering the world’s first Log Flume and the first tubular rail roller coaster, the Runaway Mine Train, Six Flags introduced the first modern parachute ride, the Texas Chute Out, and the world’s first freefall ride, the Texas Cliffhanger, Neal said. To celebrate its anniversary, the park opened what it calls the Av alanche Bobsled and expanded the Music Mill Amphitheater to more than 10,000 seats. Despite the changes, general man ager Bob Bennett says Six Flags has retained the three principles upon which it was founded: a wholesome atmosphere, immaculate cleanliness and a staff of young students. Beer and booze are no-nos. ■ouple lives in a zoo — literally PRAIRIE CREEK, Ind. (AP) — I Pat Hoctor and his wife, Sharon, are J living in a lion’s den. When their house burned down last winter, the couple took tempo rary refuge in a building next door normally used for raising their new- [born exotic animals. But with young cougar cubs in the j makeshift living room, bobcat babies [on the way and new exotics arriving [almost daily, rebuilding their house [has taken second priority. “And with zoos opening and clos ing, this is a many-faceted business,” [Hoctor says. “Most of the time this [place sounds like a bookie joint.” Hoctor says he is one of about 200 [active dealers in the United States [who make a living from breeding [and trading wild animals. Hoctor and his wife also publish |The Animal Finders’ Guide, a na- Itionally distributed publication [where exotic breeders can sell their [animals to collectors and zoos. “Most zoos are living museums — they don’t want babies,” he said. “It’s not a good breeding environment because the animals have all these people staring at them all the time.” Hoctor’s yard has proven to be a successful breeding ground. The stars of his collection are three ligers — a hybrid breed of his lion and ti ger. Hoctor says there are few other ligers in the world. Wandering around Hoctor’s property, one takes in a scene more like the African bush than rural farmland in central Indiana. Brush-tailed porcupines bristle in suspicion at strangers. Toucans screech a questionable welcome. Squirrel monkeys scream and a tiger growls. The public at one time was wel come to visit, Hoctor says, but liabil ity insurance rates make that impos sible now. “We raise certain animals here, but I capture and haul every species” Buy your Back-to-School Bike at Aggieland Schwinn®, Inc. for the finest in Quality and Service. Special Values now Include: Raleigh Marathon reg. 239.”' Now 199.“ Raleigh Record reg. 199.' r ’ Now 179.“ Raleigh Capri Special low price 149. 9 Raleigh Technium 440 reg. 299.“ Now 269. 9 Layaways Welcome Complete Repair and Service on all makes of Bicycles. • Schwinn • Raleigh • Cannondale • Panasonic Extensive Accessory and Clothing Selection Proudly Serving Aggies For 5 Years! for private owners who have hun dreds of acres of animals such as elk, deer or buffalo that must be relo cated, he says. Indiana, surprisingly, is a fairly good area to raise such wild animals, Hoctor says. “There are places that would be a little better for some of them, but as vou get warmer, you get more dis ease and insects,” he says. “Winters create tremendous prob lems, though,” he adds. “We have to chip the ice out of water pails, or if a female is going to drop her baby, we have to get her inside. My bedroom is my lion den for a while each win ter.” The personal dangers involved in raising exotic animals are evident all over Hoctor’s skin: “If you can’t see the tendons in your hand or the holes in your leg or see your couch torn to shreds, you shouldn’t be in this business,” he says matter-of- factlv. bothers Bookstores ALL YOU NEED FOR FALL IN ONE EASY STOP Plenty of Used and New Books A Complete Line of Backpacks, Pens, & Supplies Study Guides, Lab Books, Working Papers Two Full Weeks For Book Refunds Open Late First of Classes All You Need For That First Big Game TWO convenient loca tions {f 340 Jersey st. 901 Harvey Rd. Across From Universtiy Police In The Woodstone Center K 764-3939 J Visa, Master Card, American Express Accepted