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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1986)
t \ STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS THE BATTALION!! NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED 10% Discount-with I.D. 8 a m.-8 p.m. Everyday 696-0683 1712 S.W Parkway (across from Kroger Center) s 70 7 4$ COPY CENTER 693-COPY i • r • 707 * VIDEO RENTALS MON.-FM. 7:46-6:00 SAT. 0-5 ... MOVIES 1.99 for 2 days ... PLAYERS $5.99 per day ... CAMERAS $24.95 per day $16.95 for 2nd day Deposit Required on Cameras New Movies Arrive Weekly Lowest Fares Around From Houston to South America & Europe Rodo Quiros. head of our International Dept, will be happy to help to you with ail your international needs. We invite all her friends and clients to come by and visit her at our facilities. Don’t forget to book your Christmas reservations early. We have seats re served at the best possible rates to San Juan, Caracas, Maracaibo, Pan ama, Quito, Guayaquil, Lima, Bogota and Cali. 3219 South Texas Ave Bryan, Texas 77802 (409) 779-3333 Bareli Shoes Sale! Women’s Famous National Brands. The big names are at Barett in our special collection of dress and casual styles. ■ 9<bfbzr ■ Calico ■ BERNARDO ■ NATURAUZER Sold in mall and department stores for $35 to $70, now at Barett only... ne 88 has, except high prices. 1723 South Texas Avenue Colege Station 693-4423 Mot aN otytoo and brands In ovary otora. but wa do . Vlas or Chaica Op«n dotty. 10:00 sjn. tot p.m. n In r, 12 to • Page 12/The BattalionAVednesday, August 20, 1986 TANK M C NANAHA* by J«ff Millar A Bill Hinds Kelly’s big-pay contract paying off at box office FREDONIA. N Y. (AP)— Hr was exprtiinK people to ask him for loans, but what surprised quar terback |im Kells Tuesdas in his til si prat ike as a Buffalo Bill was who was doinK the asking. "(loach (Hank) BuHough tame up to me ami was asking me to kian him some mones," joked Kells, who be taine pro football’* richest player Momlas when he signed a (ive-vear contract worth a reported $k mil lion. Asked about it. Bullough said Kel ls'* version wasn’t quite right. "I asked him for an advance ment.*' Bullough said. "You don't have to pas ha< h. an adsameinent.** Kellv, the most saiuabie piaver in the L’nited States Football league in I9H4. alreads is paving hacli the Bills, who base won onlv lout games in their Iasi two seasons. At the team's box office at Rich Stadium, hundreds of people gath ered for the second das in a row. The crowd was so large that the team seised (offer to those waiting in line, according to assistant general manager Bill Munson, who added that “We had 15 (tk krt) sellers todav sshk h is about triple what we usuallv have (and) tomorrow we're bringing in five more sellers.'' Drnnv Lvnch. the Bills dire* tot of publk and communitv relations, said the learn v>ld 8.000 tickets Tuesdav tor the Sept. 7 season openei against the New ^ ork Jets, boosting sales for that game to about 45,000. Another 800 season tkkets were sold Tuesdas, bringing the total since word of Ketlv’s signing to 1.000. Lvnch said. “One guv bought bO season tickets and another bought 83 season tickets." he added Another 4(8) jieople — easily the largest crowd of training tamp — lined the field at Fredoma State (lol- lege to Hatch Kells s first prac tice. I be c rowd cheered and < lapped as Kells, who missed the morning pracike session, threw seseral long passes during sc i unmages. I he tormei University of Miami (juarterback. who spurned the Bills h»r an offer from the USFL after Buffalo drafted him in 1983. shared ptasing duties with present starter Bruce Malhison during a simulated v nmmage. Bob Leahv. the team's uuar- terback coach, said he spent anout an hour during the lunch break briefing Kellv chi the team's offense. Promoter says Hagler to get $10 million for Leonard fight NEW YORK (AP) — Marvelous Mars m Haglei has been guaranteed $I0 million to defend his middle weight title against Sugar Rav Leon ard. promoter Boh Arum said Tues day. And l^onard. the former wel terweight champ who has not fought since Mas 11, 1984. will have to lake "considei ah!\ less than that,“ accord ing to Arum, who reached agieement for the fight with Haglei in New Hanqishire Mondas. “After all. Marvin is the c hamp.” l-ess money, however, mav not he exac tly what i-eonard and his attor ney. Mike I tamer, have in mind. In fact, they may not even have Arum in mind. l>eonard said he had instructed Trainer to begin discussions with Flagler's co-manager. Pat Petronelli, over details of the bout and “the jteople who will he involved in bring ing ihe fight to the public.** I rainer said he had to sit down with Petronelli to negotiate a num- her of matters, including the pro file Her “(lontrarv to earlier reports, no date, site or promotional group has been been decided upon. I-eonard said “ Those details will he discussed and mutually agreed upon when 1 tamer and Petronelli meet. I have high hopes that all die details will he resolved and that a speedy agreement will take place. The sooner the better for ail of us.” After meeting with Hagler Mon day. Arum said the fight would be the richest in boxing history, top ping tfie best previous paydays for nenh boxers. leonard reportedly made $13 million against Thomas Hearns and $10 millkm for his first meeting with Roberto Duran. Hagler earned about $10 million against Hearns. When Haglei decided to go ahead with the fight. 1-eonard was enthu siast h. “I’m very excited that Marvin has dec kled to meet me in the ring,” he said. “He is a great champkin and I'm looking forward to fighting him." Pokes’ Walls wants to renegotiate pact THOUSAND OAKS. Calif (AP) — Dallas (low hoys cornerhack FI ver son Walls savs lie's earned the right to have his contract tenegotiated and may hold out if a new pact isn't signed by the start of the regular sea son. Walls has two ylrars left on a five- vear contract f-lowever. the Cow boys devised an agreement in 1983 that gave Walls pcHnts for earning Pro Bowl. All-Pro and All-Confer ence recognition. If Walls accumulated 2(8) points in ihe first three vears of his con tract. the Cowboys said tfiev would renegotiate. Walls' trip to the Pro Bowl last season — his fourth in five years — gave him 2(8) points. Joe Bailey, the Cowhovs vice pres ident of administration, said Mon day he hopes to have Walls signed before Dallas opens against the New York Giants on Sept 8. Bailey said he has received no in dication from Walls or his attorney, Steye Weinberg, that the cornerhac k would leave the team if he has not been signed. Walls told ihe Fort Worth Star- Telegram that contract talks are “not going well at all. It's really been mov ing slow. ... It took about 22 hours to do Herschel (Walker). It’s taken them about six months and 22 days to do mine " Walls added. "When they lake this long for a guv who's contributed to the team such as I have, and othei guvs in the same position, it has to make you wondei what vour impor tance is to the team." Walls said he would ncH settle for "any more exc uses." “I know what I want and I will stand mv ground. I'm still trvmg to negotiate. I'm not playing hardball I fust want to trv to get as much as I can." Major League Baseball AMCMCAM l£A6Uf Edit Ptytekin w l Act 06 Benton 70 49 568 — Nvw Vorfc 65 56 542 5V4 Toronto 64 56 533 6V* Dntrort 64 57 529 7 Boitimom 62 57 521 6 Clevntond 62 56 517 8V* Mtiwouhen 59 60 496 11 Wont Drvitior' CotAormo 66 53 556 Tma* 61 56 513 5 Kamos City 54 65 454 12 Chicago 52 65 444 13 Oakland 53 66 436 14 Seattle 53 66 436 14 Minnesota 52 66 433 14V* Tuv6doysCom«6 Kansas Crty 9 Te«as & H mntng* CaWomia 5 Detrorf 2 Ht gome Dvtrort & CaMormo 1 2nd game Seattle 7 New Vo* 3 Mitwouxee & Cleveland 3 Toronto & Cheogo 1 OaMand 4 Baltimore i Mmne*0*a & Benton 1 NATtONAi IfAGUt loft DIvIKon W l Act M New York 78 41 656 Montreal 59 56 513 17 Ptnodetphia 59 59 500 18V* St loun 59 60 496 19 Chicago 52 67 437 26 Pittsburgh 47 72 396 31 west OMsion Houston 69 51 575 SanFranasco 61 57 517 7 Cincinnati 56 61 487 W* las AngMes 56 61 487 10V* Ationto 56 62 475 12 Son Diego 55 64 462 13V* Tuetdoy » ftome* HosetoM Ptttstxxgn 0 Ationto 7. Chicago 2 GncmnattO St Louel Montreal at San Oega (n) New vo»X at lot Angeles (n) Ptwodetphia at San Franceco. (n) :Thc Back to School RUSH SALE For a limited time. The Bridal Boutique will have tea lenth and long dresses on sale starting at $49.95 to $99.95. Come in and select that special dress for your special occasion, but hurry this is only until Aug. 30. Don’t forget our supply of dyed to match shoes, hose and accessories. 2501 South Texas Ave. • College Station • (409)693.9358